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Worse From:

Ambra Griesea: music aggravates

Bacillinum: Worse, night and early morning; cold air.

Lac Canninum: Worse, morning of one day and in the evening of next

Medorrhinum: from daylight to sunset, heat, inland

Psorinum: a cold medicine; wants the head kept warm, wants warm clothing
even in summer. Extreme sensitiveness to cold

Secale: Worse, heat, warm covering

Syphillinum: Worse, at night, sundown to sunrise, seashore, in summer

Thyroidinum: Convulsions without fever, aggravation from cold water

(Opium- hot aggravates); aggravation during menses

Tuberculin: Worse, motion, music; before a storm; standing; dampness;

from draught; early morning, and after sleep

Better From:

Lac Canninum: Better, cold, cold drinks

Lac Defloratum: better by pressure and bandaging head tightly

Lyssin: Worse, sight or sound of running water or pouring water, or even

thinking of fluids; dazzling or reflected light

Malaria Officinalis: better moving, food smell does not aggravate

Medorrhinum: Better, at the seashore, lying on stomach, damp weather

Secale: Better, cold, uncovering, rubbing, stretching out limbs

Syphillinum: Better, inland and mountains, during day, moving about


Tuberculin: Better, open air


Adrenalin: aversion to mental work, cannot concentrate, great sleepiness

Ambra Griesea: Cannot sleep from worry; must get up

Bacterium Coli: Tiredness, Easy physical and mental exhaustion, Mistakes

in use of words, Loss of memory for most recent events, Fearfulness and
indecision, frequently linked with flatulent distension; especially indicated
after antibiotics and in damage caused by antibiotics

Bacterium Proteus: Nervous irritability. Violent outbursts of rage,

Peripheral circulatory disturbances, Gastric and duodenal ulcers,
Hematemesis, Angioneurotic oedemas

Cerebrum Frontals’ Suis: Disturbances of the intelligence and intellect,

Developmental disturbances of children.

Lac Canninum: Despondent, Attacks of rage, Visions of snakes.

Lyssin: Hypersensitiveness of all senses

Medorrhinum: Time passes too slowly (Cannab Ind; Arg n). Is in a great
hurry, Hopeless of recovery, difficult concentration, Fear in the dark and of
some one behind her; sleeps in knee-chest Position

Psorinum: Syphilis, inherited and tertiary, Hopeless; despairs of recovery;

Melancholy, deep and persistent; religious. Suicidal tendency

Secale: Profound and long. Insomnia with restlessness

Syphillinum: Apathetic; feels as if going insane or being paralyzed. Fears
the night, and the suffering from exhaustion on awakening


Lac Vaccinum: Constipation with headache; milk disagrees

Syphillinum: Craves alcohol

Thyroidinum: exercises a general regulating influence over the mechanism

of the organs of nutrition, growth and development. Thyroid weakness
causes decided craving for large amount of sweets


Ambra Griesea: Tearing pain in upper half of brain. Senile dizziness

Lac Defloratum: Despondent. Pain begins in forehead to occiput, in

morning on rising. Intense throbbing, with nausea, vomiting, blindness, and
obstinate constipation, profuse urine during pain

Lac Felinum: acute pain in the morning on left eye, left temple and left

Psorinum: Awakens at night with pain as from blow on head; Chronic

headaches; hungry during attacks; with vertigo. Hammering pain; brain feels
too large; worse, change of weather. Dull, pressure pain in occiput

Syphillinum: Falling of the hair, Pain in bones of head. Top of head feels as
if coming off. Stupefying cephalalgia

Variolinum: Deafness. Pain in occiput; inflamed eyelids

Pituitary: Cerebral hemorrhage. Will check hemorrhage and add absorption

of clot


Cerebrum Occipitals Suis: Vertigo. Disturbances of vision

Corpus Vitreum Suis: Opacities of the vitreous humor, Glaucoma, Cataract

Cortisone: inflammations of the mucosae of the eye and of the respiratory

organs; asthma; inflammation, ulceration, and bleeding of the mucosa of the
alimentary tract; bone decalcification; disorders of the skin, blood, and
vascular systems; behavioral disorders and emotional discord or upset

Medorrhinum: Eyeballs ache. Feels as if sticks in eyes. Lids irritated

Psorinum: Agglutinated, Blepharitis, Chronic ophthalmia, that constantly

recurs, Edges of lids red. Secretion acrid

Secale: Incipient cataract, senile especially in women. Eyes sunken and

surrounded by a blue margin

Syphillinum: photophobia intense, lachrymation profuse; Lids swollen; pain

intense at night; ptosis; Tubercular iritis; Diplopia; one image seen below
the other. Feeling of cold air blowing on eye (Fluor ac)

Thiosinaminum: opacities of cornea, cataract, ankylosis


Ambra Griesea: Hearing impaired. Epistaxis, especially in the morning,

Profuse bleeding from teeth, Hair falls out

Diptherinum: Diphtheria, laryngeal diphtheria, post diphtheritic Paralysis

Lac Canninum: sore throat and diphtheria, and rheumatism; tonsillitis and
diphtheria symptoms change repeatedly from side to side, Stiffness of neck
and tongue.

Lac Felinum: tough mucous in throat can’t hawk, must swallow, when it
does come out, its thick yellow

Lac Vaccinum: feeling of plug in throat

Medorrhinum: Chronic catarrhal conditions in children. Nose dirty, tonsils

enlarged, thick yellow mucus from nostrils; lips thickened from mouth
Psorinum: Dry, coryza, with stoppage of nose; Offensive discharge from
eczema around ears, Intolerable itching, chronic otorrhoea. Most fetid pus
from ears, brownish, offensive ; Tonsils greatly swollen; painful
swallowing, with pain in ears; Profuse, offensive saliva; tough mucus in
throat; Recurring quinsy. Eradicates tendency to quinsy

Syphillinum: Caries of ossicles in ear of syphilitic origin; Caries of nasal

bones, hard palate and septum, with perforation

Tuberculin: Persistent, offensive otorrhoea. Perforation in membrane

tympani, with ragged edges

Thiosinaminum: Noises in ear

Thyroidinum: allergies, rhinitis (Carduus mar 3X with gastric problems),

dyspnea, Urticaria with oedema, insanity, diabetes (Acid Phos)


Adrenalin: acute congestion of lungs, Asthma, hay fever

Ambra Griesea: Nervous, spasmodic cough, with hoarseness and eructation,

on waking in morning

Asthma Nosode: Bronchial asthma, Emphysema, Chronic bronchitis.

Pulmonary congestion, Silicosis, Cyanosis, Has been found helpful in
empirical use for dribbling of urine and in attacks of whooping cough,
spastic constipation, and chronic eczemas

Bacillinum: TB, lungs of old people, with chronic catarrhal condition and
enfeebled pulmonary circulation, attacks of suffocation at night with
difficult cough, Suffocative catarrh. Tubercular meningitis, Favors falling
off of tartar of teeth, Constant disposition to take cold, humid asthma,
relieves congestion of the lungs, Glands of neck enlarged and tender

Bronchus Suis: Emphysema, Bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis,

Congestions of capillary circulation.
Carcinoma Larynges: Protracted hoarseness without obvious organic cause.
Laryngitis of speakers and singers

Electricitas: dreads thunder storm, never use when suffering from cold or
chest affections

Histamine: Allergic illnesses, Bronchial asthma, Vasomotor rhinitis,

Eczemas and other skin diseases, Neurodermitis, Pemphigus, Pyoderma,
Boils and carbuncles, Angina pectoris, Gastric and duodenal ulcers,
Burns, after contusions, fractures, tissue destruction and emotional traumas

Klebsiella Pneumoniae: Bronchial asthma, acute influenza, pleurisy and

pneumonia, especially in obese patients

Lac Felinum: oppressed for breath, dullness, sleepy

Medorrhinum: Incessant, dry, night coughs, Asthma, Incipient

consumption, Larynx feels sore; Dyspnoea; cannot exhale (Samb). Cough;
better lying on stomach

Psorinum: Asthma, with dyspnoea; worse, sitting up; better, lying down and
keeping arms spread wide apart. Dry, hard cough, with great weakness in
chest; Cough returns every winter, from suppressed eruption; Hay-fever
returning irregularly every year

Syphillinum: Aphonia; chronic asthma in summer, wheezing and rattling

(Tart emet). Cough dry, hard; worse at night

Tuberculin: Enlarged tonsils; Skin affections, acute articular rheumatism

Vaccinum: Neuralgias, inveterate skin eruptions, chilliness, indigestion with

great flatulent distension (Clark), Whooping-cough

Variolinum: Oppressed breathing. Throat feels closed. Cough with thick

viscid, bloody mucus; Feeling of a lump in right side of throat; Anti Sycotic,
inflammations, infectious diseases, diarrhea, pain in throat, back and body.


Adrenalin: angina pectoris, hemophilia chlorosis, Sensation of thoracic
constriction with anguish

Adonidin: is a cardiac tonic and diuretic

Ambra Griesea: Palpitation, with pressure in chest as from a lump lodged

there, or as if chest was obstructed.

Arteria Suis: Disturbances of circulation, Periarteritis, Intermittent

claudication, Diabetes mellitus, Gangrene, Buerger’s disease, Cramps in the

Bothrops: aphasia, such as is always found in cerebral apoplexy,

hemorrhages of every kind especially those from orifices of the body; face is
swollen and puffy

Histamine: hypotension; cardiac complaints

Pituitarinum: Angina pectoris, family history of asthma


Lac Canninum: Cracking of jaw while eating (Nit ac; Rhus)

Lac Felinum: sensation of tongue scalded

Lyssin: Constant spitting; saliva tough, viscid. Sore throat; constant desire to

Malaria Officinalis: mouth dry, bitter taste; little thirst every hour

Medorrhinum: Tongue coated brown and thick, blistered; canker sores.

Blisters on inner surface of lips and cheeks

Pyrogen: Tongue red and dry, clean, cracked, smooth, as though varnished

Syphillinum: Teeth decay at gum; edges serrated, dwarfed; Tongue coated,

teeth-indented; deep longitudinal cracks; Ulcers smart and burn. Excessive
flow of saliva; it runs out of mouth when sleeping

Lac Defloratum: Constipation. Stools hard, large, with great straining;

painful, lacerating anus

Lac Vaccinum: Constipation with headache; milk disagrees

Psorinum: Constipation of infants, in pale, sickly scrofulous children


Streptococcinum: Acute biliary dysentery with excessive haemorrhage and

temperature (Mercurius tenesmus) in summers.

Staphylococcinum: Dysentery with blood and pus in rainy season

Tuberculin: Diarrhea in children running for weeks, extreme wasting, bluish

pallor, exhaustion. Mentally deficient children

Variolinum: Anti Sycotic, inflammations, infectious diseases, diarrhea, pain

in throat, back and body.


Psorinum: Mucous, bloody, excessively fetid, dark fluid. Hard, difficult

stool, with blood from rectum and burning piles

Secale: Olive green, thin, putrid, bloody, with icy coldness and intolerance
of being covered, with great exhaustion. Involuntary stools; no sensation of
passing feces, anus wide open


Adrenalin: vertigo, nausea and vomiting have been produced by the drug.
Abdominal pain

Ambra Griesea: Distention of stomach and abdomen after Midnight,


Appendicitis: Chronic swellings of the lymph glands, appendicitis

Apo morphine: Vomiting

Bacterium Lactis Aerogenes: pancreatitis, Nutritional disorders in infants,

duodenal ulcer, acidity, and Diabetes mellitus. Lymphatic problems; after
damage to the intestinal flora by antibiotics

Carcinoma Coli: cancer of the large intestine

Carcinoma Hepatic: Liver damage and pre-cancerous conditions of the liver

Cardia Ventriculi Suis: Cardio spasm, Heartburn, Hiccough, Chronic

gastritis, Ulcerative diathesis

Cholesterinum: cancer of the liver, obstinate hepatic engorgements.

Burning pain in side, specific for gallstone colic

Cirrhosis Hepatic nosode: for use where cirrhosis of the liver is already
established, but also in the preliminary stages; rheumatic polyarthritis, septic
conditions, to support the detoxification of the liver in a wide variety of
chronic conditions

Colon Suis: Intestinal atony, Umbilical colic, Intestinal tenesmus, Mucous

and ulcerative colitis. Insomnia

Duodenitis Nosode: duodenal ulcer and chronic inflammation of the

duodenum; also as an intermediate remedy in pancreatitis.

Duodenum Suis: Duodenal ulcer, Ulcerous diathesis, Inflammation of the

duodenum, Pancreatitis, Peptic esophagitis

Histamine: Allergic illnesses, Bronchial asthma, Vasomotor rhinitis,

Eczemas and other skin diseases, Neurodermitis, Pemphigus, Pyoderma,
Boils and carbuncles, Angina pectoris, Gastric and duodenal ulcers,
Burns, after contusions, fractures, tissue destruction and emotional traumas

Insulin: Liver troubles without pain, loose motions

Lac Felinum: no appetite; must loosen clothes after meals; desire to eat
paper; soreness on left side of stomach
Malaria Officinalis: General malaise, dizziness, nausea and vomiting bile,
ache all over the body

Medorrhinum: Ravenous hunger soon after eating; Very thirsty, cravings for
liquor, salt, sweets, etc., warm drinks, violent pain in liver and spleen. Rests
more comfortably lying on abdomen; intense itching of anus

Psorinum: Very hungry always; must have something to eat in the middle of
the night

Pituitarinum: Intestinal colic, flatulence, strangulated hernia, constipation,

rectal spasms.

Secale: Unnatural ravenous appetite; craves acids. Thirst unquenchable

Thymolum: Specific for hookworm disease

Vaccinum: Neuralgias, inveterate skin eruptions, chilliness, indigestion with

great flatulent distension (Clark), Whooping-cough


Adrenalin: acute urticaria

Anatherum: Diseased and deformed nails; Offensive foot-sweat; Abscesses

boils, ulcers, Erysipelas, Pruritus, herpes

Anthracinum: septic inflammation, carbuncles and malignant ulcers, boils

and boil-like eruptions, acne. Terrible burning, Induration of cellular tissue,
abscess, bubo

Bacillinum: ring worms

Histamine: Allergic illnesses, Bronchial asthma, Vasomotor rhinitis,

Eczemas and other skin diseases, Neurodermitis, Pemphigus, Pyoderma,
Boils and carbuncles, Angina pectoris, Gastric and duodenal ulcers,
Burns, after contusions, fractures, tissue destruction and emotional traumas
Insulin: Liver troubles without pain, loose motions, boils and carbuncles,
otorrhoea, eczema with liver troubles, suppuration of scrofulous glands of
the neck

Malandrinum: Scab on upper lip, with stinging pain when torn off. Aching
in forehead, Dry, scaly; itching; Rhagae of hands and feet in cold weather
from washing

Medorrhinum: Small boils break out during menses; Intense and incessant
itching; worse night

Psorinum: Intolerable itching, herpetic eruptions, especially on scalp and

bends of joints with itching; worse, from warmth of bed. Enlarged glands;
Sebaceous glands secrete excessively; oily skin. Indolent ulcers slow to heal.
Eczema behind ears; Crusty eruptions all over; Urticaria after every
exertion; Pustules near finger-nails

Secale: Cramps commence in face and spread over whole body. Livid spots
on face; Spasmodic distortion; Shriveled, numb; mottled dusky-blue ting;
Dry gangrene, developing slowly; varicose ulcers. Burning sensation; better
cold; wants parts uncovered, though cold to touch

Thyroidinum: psoriasis; and tachycardia (Naja); Anxiety about chest, as if

constricted; Palpitation from least Skin dry, impoverished; Cold hands and
feet, Eczema, Uterine fibroids; Brown swelling; Swelling of glands of stony
hardness. Sluggish cases

Tuberculin: Chronic eczema; itching intense; worse at night; Acne in

tuberculous children; Measles; psoriasis (Thyroid).

Ustilago: Alopecia; Tendency to small boils; Skin dry; eczema; copper

colored spots; Pruritus; sunburn; Psoriasis (Internally and externally); crusta
lactea (Viola)

Vaccinum: Neuralgias, inveterate skin eruptions, chilliness, indigestion with

great flatulent distension (Clark), Whooping-cough

Variolinum: Hot, dry; Eruption of pustules. Shingles

Thiosinaminum: for dissolving scar tissue, tumors, enlarged glands; lupus,
strictures, adhesions

Thyroidinum: allergies, rhinitis (Carduus mar 3X with gastric problems),

dyspnea, Urticaria with edema, insanity, diabetes (Acid Phos)


Ambra Griesea: thin, excitable, nervous children, numbness of whole body

in the morning and weakness; thin, scrawny women, weakened by age

Lac Canninum: a low-vitiated, non-feverish type of sickness; Great

weakness and prostration. Sinking spells every morning. Mastitis

Lac Defloratum: A remedy for diseases with faulty nutrition; sick

headaches, with profuse flow of urine during pain. Car sickness; Diabetes
with constipation, neuritis due to diabetes (Curare, Graphites), chilly patients

Malaria Officinalis: weakness with no desire to lie down; wants to walk


Medorrhinum: Children dwarfed and stunted. State of collapse and

trembling all over

Pituitarinum: Angina pectoris, ovarian neuralgia left sided, dysmenorrhea.

Intestinal colic, flatulence, strangulated hernia, constipation, family history
of asthma, sterility after Thyroidinum, rectal spasms.

Psorinum: Debility, independent of any organic disease, especially the

weakness remaining after acute disease; Lack of reaction, when well-chosen
remedies fail to act

Secale: anemic condition, coldness, numbness, mortification, gangrene. A

useful remedy for old people with shriveled skin-thin, scrawny old women.
All the Secale conditions are better from cold, there is a sense of great heat;
Debility, anxiety, emaciation, though appetite and thirst may be excessive

Thyroidinum: anemia, emaciation, muscular weakness, sweating, headache,

nervous tremor of face and limbs, tingling sensations, paralysis. Heart rate
increased exophthalmos and dilation of pupils. In myxedema and cretinism
its effects are striking; Rheumatoid arthritis; infantile wasting; Rickets;
tendency to obesity, coldness and cramps of extremities; growing problems
of children, diarrhoea, rickets, marasmus

Tuberculin: incipient tuberculosis; especially adapted to the light-

complexioned, narrow-chested subjects; Lax fiber, low recuperative powers,
and very susceptible to changes in the weather. Patient always tired; motion
causes intense fatigue; aversion to work; wants constant changes. When
symptoms are constantly changing and well-selected remedies fail to
improve, and cold is taken from the slightest exposure; Rapid emaciation;
epilepsy, neurasthenia and in nervous children; General exhaustion; Nervous
weakness; Trembling; Epilepsy; Arthritis

Vaccinum: Neuralgias, inveterate skin eruptions, chilliness, indigestion with

great flatulent distension (Clark), Whooping-cough


Psorinum: Scrofulous patients. Secretions have a filthy smell. Profuse



Lac Canninum: erratic pains, rapidly changing sides

Vaccinum: Neuralgias, inveterate skin eruptions, chilliness, indigestion with

great flatulent distension (Clark), Whooping-cough


Adrenalin: burning during and before urination

Lac D: Diabetes with constipation, neuritis due to diabetes (Curare,

Graphites), chilly patients

Lac Vaccinum: profuse thirst with polyuria; diabetes

Medorrhinum: Painful tenesmus when urinating; Nocturnal enuresis, renal

colic (Berb; Ocim; Pareir). Urine flows very slowly
Secale: Enuresis in old people

Thyroidinum: allergies, rhinitis (Carduus mar 3X with gastric problems),

dyspnea, Urticaria with edema, insanity, diabetes (Acid Phos), Nocturnal


Adrenalin: weakness and pain in legs and ankles, tingling and numbness

Ambra Griesea: cramps in hands

Cartilage Suis: musculoskeletal system is strongly affected by this remedy

with stiffness of the muscles, joints, and bones

Cerebellum Suis: Diseases of the motor system, Meniere’s syndrome,

Vertigo, Sea and travel sickness, Sleeplessness

Cerebrum Suis: States of mental exhaustion and disturbances in

development, Functional weakness and circulatory disturbances of the brain.
Progressive paralysis (retrospective treatment), Paraplegia, Arteriosclerotic
dementia, Encephalomalacia

Discus Intervertebral Suis: Cervical spondylitis, Rheumatism and

neuralgias of spinal origin

Adrenal Cortex: after toxic treatment such as chemotherapy and antibiotics;

chronic polyarthritis

Electricitas: Paralysis of feet and entire body

Histamine: Allergic illnesses, Bronchial asthma, Vasomotor rhinitis,

Eczemas and other skin diseases, Neurodermitis, Pemphigus, Pyoderma,
Boils and carbuncles, Angina pectoris, Gastric and duodenal ulcers,
Burns, after contusions, fractures, tissue destruction and emotional traumas

Lac Canninum: rheumatism, erratic pains, rapidly changing sides; Sciatica,

right side. Legs feel numb and stiff, cramps in feet. Rheumatic pains in
extremities and back, from one side to the other, Pain in arms to fingers.
Burning in palms and soles
Lac Vaccinum: pains in sacrum, pain under left scapula

Lyssin: pain in bones

Malaria Officinalis: pains in legs, better walking, feet go to sleep while


Medorrhinum: Chronic rheumatism; Intensity of all sensations. Edema of

limbs; dropsy of serous sacs, disseminated sclerosis

Medorrhinum: Pain in back, with burning heat. Legs heavy; ache all night;
cannot keep them still (Zinc). Ankles easily turn when walking; burning of
hands feet; Finger-joints enlarged, puffy; Gouty concretions. Heels and balls
of feet tender (Thuja). Soreness of soles

Secale: Trembling, staggering gait; Formication, pain and spasmodic

movements, Numbness; Fingers and feet bluish, shriveled, spread apart or
bent backwards, numb; Violent cramps; Icy coldness of extremities. Violent
pain in fingertips, tingling in toes; Spinal irritation, tingling of lower
extremities; can bear only slightest covering; Locomotor ataxia; Formication
and numbness; Myelitis.

Syphillinum: Sciatica; worse at night; better about day-break. Rheumatism

of shoulder-joint, at insertion of deltoid; Redness and rawness between toes
(Sil), indolent ulcers

Tuberculin: Enlarged tonsils; Skin affections, acute articular rheumatism

Ustilago: Muscular debility, sensation of boiling water along the back.

Tetanic movements; Muscular contractions, especially of lower limbs

Variolinum: Anti Sycotic, inflammations, pain in throat, back and body.


Adenoma Prostate: prostatitis, hypertrophy of the prostate gland, carcinoma
of the prostate gland

Medorrhinum: Impotence, Gleet; whole urethra feels sore. Urethritis,

Enlarged and painful prostate with frequent urging and painful urination

Thyroidinum: effective in undescended testicle in boys.

Ustilago: Uncontrollable masturbation; Spermatorrhoea, with erotic fancies

and amorous dreams. Emissions, with irresistible tendency to masturbation


Adenoma Mammae: Breast-tumors of various genesis and type; drawing

pains in the breast area, during or after menstruation, and also especially
during ovulation

Carcinocin: Carcinoma of the mammary glands with great pain and

induration of glands; of uterus, the offensive discharge, hemorrhage and pain
are greatly relieved.

Carcinoma Mammae: early cases of mammary carcinoma, and in breast-


Carcinoma Uteri: uterine carcinoma

Lac Canninum: Great weakness and prostration. Sinking spells every

morning. Mastitis

Lyssin: Vagina sensitive, rendering coition painful (Berberis).

Uterine displacements

Medorrhinum: women with chronic pelvic disorders

Tuberculin: Benign mammary tumors.

Ustilago: Flabby condition of uterus; Hemorrhage, Congestion to various

parts, especially at climacteric

Medorrhinum: Leucorrhoea thin, acrid, excoriating, fishy odor.
Sycotic warts on genitals

Psorinum: Leucorrhoea fetid, lumpy, with much backache and debility

Secale: Brownish, offensive leucorrhoea.

Syphillinum: Ulcers on labia. Leucorrhoea profuse, thin, watery, acrid, with

sharp, knife-pain in ovaries


Lac Canninum: Menses too early, profuse, flow in gushes. Breasts swollen;
painful before (Calc c; Con; Puls) and better on appearance of menses

Pituitarinum: ovarian neuralgia left sided, dysmenorrhea, strangulated

hernia, sterility after Thyroidinum, rectal spasms.

Medorrhinum: Small boils break out during menses; intense pruritus.

Menses offensive, profuse, dark, clotted; stains difficult to wash out, urinates
frequently at that time; Metrorrhagia, Intense menstrual colic. Breasts cold,
sore, and sensitive

Secale: Menstrual colic, with coldness and intolerance of heat; Passive

hemorrhages in feeble, cachectic women; Burning pains in uterus.

Thyroidinum: Irregular, scanty or excessive menses; Amenorrhoea 3X


Tuberculin: Menses too early, too profuse, long-lasting. Dysmenorrhoea,

Pains increase with the establishment of the flow

Ustilago: Vicarious menstruation; Ovaries burn, pain, swell; Profuse menses

after miscarriage; discharge of blood from slightest provocation; bright red;
partly clotted. Menorrhagia at climaxes (Calc c; Lach)

Variolinum: Anti Sycotic, inflammations, uterine haemorrhages due to

fibroid tumors

Bacillus Coli: Puerperal fever, low lingering (Pyrogen has high fever
coming down with perspiration), typhoid, loose stools, tympanic, pain in
stomach. Methylene blue 6 if this fails.

Brucella Abortus Bang: Frequent miscarriage, Dysmenorrhoea, Psychoses

linked with pregnancy

Corpus Luteum Suis: Disturbances of the female hormonal balance,

Premature ageing, Menopause, Disturbances in the progress of pregnancy

Lac Canninum: Helps to dry up milk.

Lac D: Acidity constipation and headaches during pregnancy (Carduus mar

3X), vomiting in pregnancy, increased and frequent urination. Chilly

Medorrhinum: Coppery taste and eructation of sulphureted hydrogen,

Pernicious vomiting of pregnancy, very thirsty, Ovarian pain, worse left
side, or from ovary to ovary. Sterility

Pituitary: Uterine inertia in second stage of labor where os is fully dilated,

sterility, after Thyroidinum

Pyrogen: intense restlessness, septic fevers, especially puerperal; All

discharges are horribly offensive-menstrual, lochia, diarrhea, vomit, sweat,

Secale: Threatened abortion about the third month (Sab). During labor no
expulsive action, though everything is relaxed; After-pains; Suppression of
milk; breasts do not fill properly

Thyroidinum: Vomiting of pregnancy; Fibroid tumors of the breast, 2x

Dilates arterioles (Adrenaline contacts them), complications of pregnancy,
premature labor, tendency to abortion in the third month. Helps in
conception in cases of obscure glandular disorder; feeble labor; mental
disturbances during pregnancy

Cobalt: progressive emaciation, weakness, loss of appetite and apathy,

leading in the end to severe anemia

Malandrinum: A very effectual protection against smallpox. Ill effects of

vaccination (Thuja; Silica), Efficacious in clearing of the remnants of
cancerous deposits

Medorrhinum: Wants to be fanned all the time; Chills up and down back;
coldness of legs, hands, and forearms; Flashes of heat in face and neck.
Night-sweat and hectic

Para-benzoquinone: degenerative diseases of the eyes (retina) and ears, and

also in diabetes mellitus, conditions such as multiple sclerosis and tumors in
the spinal area with pains and paresis, as well as brain tumors, leukemia,
asthma, organic diseases of the nerves, pre-cancerous states, neoplasm
phases, hepatitis; similar to Sulphur, when a well-selected remedy does not
act sufficiently; has wide-ranging action on the endocrine glands, beard-
growth in girls or growth of breasts in boys; cancer, rectal paralysis

Pyrogen: compare, Streptoccin (anti-febrile action; septic symptoms in

infectious diseases). Rapid in its action, especially in its effect on
temperature; Staphyloccin in diseases where the staphylococcus is the chief
bacterial factor, as acne, abscess, furuncle; empyema, endocarditis

Pituitary: High blood pressure, chronic nephritis, prostatitis

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