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EENERGE Electric Energe (Pvt) Ltd

Plaza No. 140, DD Commercial DHA, Phase 4


Vision Accelerate Pakistan’s transition towards zero carbon emissions

Build the most transformative and technologically advanced electric mobility products
and infrastructure for Pakistan’s market

Need An estimated 50% of accidents in Pakistan involve motorbikes

Environmental cost of fossil fuels vehicles is estimated to be 26.5% of Pakistan GDP of
$315 Billion.
Oil imports is costing US $ 13 Billion annually and business as usual trajectory would
cost US $ 30 Billion by 2025
Double digit growth in the transportation sector due to massive youth bulge: 64% of the
total population below the age of 30

Green Entrepreneurship
Business Model
ENERGE’s business model is green entrepreneurship to meet the immediate needs of
transportation in close partnerships with International Organizations and National
Government and local stakeholders to replace fossil fuel products to green energy

Core Activities
More than 70% of the total vehicles in Pakistan are motor bikes and a vast majority of
the people use motor bikes for their daily mobility needs. It has a major share in the
urban and rural mobility. EENERGE, as a first step, shall target this market segment by
replacing motor bikes with Electrical Bikes (EBs).

Alignment with Global Policies

Global EV Outlook Green Climate Fund Pakistan EV Policy

30% market share for EVs Catalyzing innovation and Mitigate climate change and to
by 2030 improvement for climate encourage industrial growth towards EV
Cut demand for fossil fuels Low carbon growth Forging links with global EV value chain
by 127 Mtoe (2.5mb/d) by for export potential
Offsetting GHG emissions Promoting green Reduce oil import bill and to replace
about 220Mt CO2-eq by economies with a special more than 500,000 2 and 3 wheelers EVs
2030 focus on vulnerable states in the next 5 years

Business Strategy TECHNOLOGY: At its core, EENERGE is a technology company using the latest in
technological advancements for driver safety, efficient energy utilization and

EENERGE DESIGN MODEL: Electric Motorbike (EMB) design model will be similar to
current 70CC engine motor bike. EENERGE plans to adopt this design model because
the body parts of this model are totally manufactured in Pakistan. It will help small and
medium sized local spare parts manufacturers.

EENERGE REPLACEMENT POLICY: In addition, EENERGE plans to initiate replacement

policy of old motor bike against EMB. This policy will help in factual transfer from usage
of carbon emission vehicles to EVs.

DISMANTLING AND RECYCLING POLICY: EENERGE plans to dismantle and recycle

old motor bikes through in-house or outsourced shredded units which will further be
utilized as raw materials to the EMB spare parts. EENERGE will ensure and strictly
comply that reconditioned motor bikes acquired through replacement policy should not
be used in any other secondary market. EENERGE has a true and fair policy for all
because we don’t wish to contribute to environmental health in one market and become
part of environmental damage in any other fragile secondary market.


replacement policy by EENERGE can only be achieved if it is subsidized by the
International Investment Partners through investments/ grants and supportive
Government Policy.


grant will be invested in saving schemes and all its profits will also be utilized in
replacement of carbon emission vehicles. EENERGE will continue this replacement
policy through allocation of certain percentage of business profits to this replacement
reserves fund once it achieves breakeven revenues.

QUALITY CONTROL REVIEWS AND AUDIT: EENERGE shall undertake regular quality
control reviews and financial audits from independent auditors to ensure compliances to
its principal objectives and policies, to review effective and efficient utilization of
replacement reserve fund, and to make an assurance that EENERGE financial
information is true and fair from misrepresentation.

Financial Snapshot Project Cost USD 5.066 Million

Mode of Financing Equity and Finance
▪ Owners’ equity – USD 1.033 Million
▪ Debt Financing – USD 1.033 Million
Initial Subsidy and Grants
▪ Initial subsidy – USD 1.5 Million
▪ Replacement fund – USD 1.5 Million
Subsidy fund will be required on an annual basis up to 4 years.
Cumulative amount of USD 3.994 Million will require in 4 years on
account of subsidy fund.
KEY Financial ⮚ NPV – USD 19.197 Million
Indicators (KFIs) ⮚ Internal rate of return (IRR) – 16.55%
⮚ Payback period (Years) – 6.54 Years
Savings in Carbon ⮚ Reductions in 1.223 Million M-ton-CO2 emissions with
Emissions by 500,000 E-Bikes in 10 Years
EENERGE ⮚ Socio economic costs of carbon emission savings will be
USD 61 Million in 10 Years

Natural Resource ⮚ Y1 – USD 9.7 Million

Savings by EENERGE ⮚ Upto Y5 – USD 245 Million
⮚ Upto Y10 – USD 1.29 Billion
⮚ Multiplier effect of Natural Resource Savings over
Investment in 10 years will be 233 times
Competitive Analysis Current market leaders in traditional (gasoline powered) motorbikes space are Honda
and Suzuki. There are few indigenous very small-scale importers and assemblers who
are rolling out electric bikes. There is no large-scale effort underway that could impact
market and change the behavior of the consumer. Given that nearly 2 million bikes are
sold every year in Pakistan, the market size is huge. In the absence of any large-scale
effort, market seems ready to welcome an innovative and major player providing locally
produced Electric Bikes.

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