Excel C6 PS1 Detailed Instructions

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Grader - Instructions Excel 2016 Project

Project Description:
The sales team at the Painted Treasures Gift Shop would like to review its staff’s sales after some of the new staff members
have finished a sales training program. You have been given the data for May 2018 and more data will be added in the future.
The sales team wants you to review the data, perform some data analyses, and answer some specific questions. This will help
the sales team determine how well the staff is performing, and who needs further training.

Steps to Perform:

Step Instructions

1 Start Excel. Open the downloaded Excel file named e03ch06_grader_h1_ShopSales.xlsx. 0

Save the file with the name e03ch06_grader_h1_ShopSales_LastFirst, using your last and
first name.

2 Create a copy of the Sales worksheet, and then place it at the end of the workbook. Rename 6
the Sales (2) worksheet as SalesBackup
Right click on the “Sales” tab, click on “Move or Copy”, then check the “Create a copy” box.
A copy will be created. Move it to the end of the workbook and rename it to SalesBackup

3 On the Sales worksheet, insert a table with headers that uses the range $A$15:$I$212. 16
With the data table selected, create named ranges using the top row as the names.

Formulas -> Create from Selection (in “Defined Names” section), then check the box “Top

4 Copy range A15:I15, and then paste the range in cell A1. In cell G2, type Receptionist. In cell 4
I2, type Card

5 Create an advanced filter using the data in range A1:I2 as the Criteria range and A15:I212 as 8
the List range.
Filter the list in-place to display the filtered data on the Sales worksheet: Insert a new sheet,
and then rename the new sheet Filter. Copy the filtered data from the table on the Sales
worksheet, and then place it in cell A1 on the Filter worksheet. Resize the columns so all the
data is visible.

1. DATA tab -> Filter -> Advanced

2. In the “Advanced Filter” dialog window:

1) Choose filter the list in-place;
2) Select A15:I212 as the List range (also can just put $A$15:$I$212 in the List
range field);
3) Select A1:I2 as the criteria range (also can just type $A$1:$I$2 in the Criteria
range field);
4) Do NOT check “Unique records only”;
5) Click OK.

Grader - Instructions Excel 2016 Project

Step Instructions

3. Result in Sales worksheet:

4. Result in Filter worksheet:

6 On the Sales worksheet, in cell J15, type Subtotal. 10

In cell J16, enter a formula using structured references that multiplies Units and Retail_Price.

Format the Subtotal column as Accounting Number Format.

Create a named range for the Subtotal column that uses the column heading as the name.

Note, Mac users, copy the formula down through the column, if necessary.

Grader - Instructions Excel 2016 Project

Step Instructions

1. Formula: In cell J16, type “=Units*Retail_Price” in the Formula Bar.

Please note, when you type “U”, Excel will provide automatic hint and show “Units” in
a dropdown list, you can just double click “Units” or use arrow to go down and then
click Tab to select “Units”. Same to all other names.

2. Accounting Format: Select J16, Home -> Format (Cells subgroup) -> Format Cells:
For Excel 2016: right click the cell and select ‘Format Cells’

3. Copy J16 to J17 – J212 by dragging for copy + paste.

4. Create a named range for the Subtotal column:
Select range J16:J212, type “Subtotal” as the range name in the Name Box, and
Press Enter.

7 Use the SUBTOTAL function to complete the following: 8

In cell H7, insert a formula that counts the number of cells in the Category field that are not
In cell H7, type “=SUBTOTAL(3,D16:D212)”
or “ =SUBTOTAL(3, Category)”
In cell H8, insert a formula that sums the cells in the Units field.
In cell H8, type “=SUBTOTAL(9,B16:B212)”
or “=SUBTOTAL(9,Units)”
In cell H9, insert a formula that sums the cells in the Subtotal field.
In cell H9, type “=SUBTOTAL(9, J16:J212)”
or “=SUBTOTAL(9,Subtotal)”
In cell H10, insert a formula that averages the cells in the Retail_Price field.
In cell H10, type “=SUBTOTAL(1, E16:E212)”
Or “=SUBTOTAL(1,Retail_Price)”

Notes for Subtotal functions syntax:

Function_num     Required. The number 1-11 or 101-111 that specifies the function to use for the
subtotal. 1-11 includes manually-hidden rows, while 101-111 excludes them; filtered-out cells are
always excluded.
Ref1 Required. The first named range or reference for which you want the subtotal.
Ref2,... Optional. Named ranges or references 2 to 254 for which you want the subtotal.

Grader - Instructions Excel 2016 Project

Step Instructions

The SUBTOTAL function is designed for columns of data, or vertical ranges. It is not designed for
rows of data, or horizontal ranges. For example, when you subtotal a horizontal range using a
function_num of 101 or greater, such as SUBTOTAL(109,B2:G2), hiding a column does not affect the
subtotal. But, hiding a row in a subtotal of a vertical range does affect the subtotal.


8 On the Sales worksheet, using the range A15:J212, insert a PivotTable in cell A12 on the 8
SalesAnalysis worksheet.

Click on Cell A12, and click Insert -> PivotTable:

In the PivotTable dialog window: input the text below, or go to the Sales tab and select the
range from A15 to J212.

Grader - Instructions Excel 2016 Project

Step Instructions

Click OK, and will see the Pivot table below on SalesAnalysis tab

9 Configure the PivotTable using the following. 4

Add Units, Staff, and Staff Category to the PivotTable.
Move “Staff Category” to the COLUMNS area.

As shown:

Grader - Instructions Excel 2016 Project

Step Instructions

Click on the dropdown list of “Staff_Category”, choose “Move to Column Labels” to move Staff
Category to the COLUMNS area

Using the Column Labels arrow, uncheck Manager.

As shown: click on the dropdown arrow next to “Column Labels”, then uncheck “Manager” to

Right-click cell E14, point to Sort, and then sort the data in ascending order.

Grader - Instructions Excel 2016 Project

Step Instructions

The result is:

10 View the data in the PivotTable to determine the employee with the highest number of units 4
In cell A2, click the drop-down arrow, and then select the name of the employee with the
highest number of units sold.
A2: Kendra

In cell A3, click the drop-down arrow, and then select the name of the employee with the
second highest number of units sold.
A3: Christy

11 View the PivotTable data to determine the employee with the lowest number of units sold. 4
Click cell A5, click the drop-down arrow, and then select the name of the employee with the
lowest number of units sold.
A5: Susan

Click cell A6, click the drop-down arrow, and then select the name of the employee who sold
30 units to answer question 2.
A6: Pat

12 Modify the PivotTable as follows: 8

Add the Category field to the PivotTable.
Move Category to the FILTERS area.
Add the Hotel_Guest field to the PivotTable in the ROWS area under Staff.
On the Pivot Table Fields As shown
Note: if this ‘Table Fields’ disappears on your excel, just right click on the Pivot table, and
select ‘Show Field list’

Grader - Instructions Excel 2016 Project

Step Instructions

In cell A15, replace No with Non-hotel Guest

Resize column A so Non-hotel Guest is visible.
In cell A16, replace Yes with Hotel Guest

Just type “Non-hotel Guest’ in A16, and type ‘Hotel Guest’ in A16 As shown:

13 On the Design tab, modify the grand totals so they display for just the columns. 6
Click on the Pivot table on any cell, click ‘Design’ tab on the excel tab, select ‘Grand Totals’ As

Grader - Instructions Excel 2016 Project

Step Instructions

Modify the subtotals so they display at the bottom of the group.

Click ‘Design’ tab, and select ‘Subtotals’ As shown:

View the PivotTable data to determine the percentage of revenue for the massage therapists
(% of Grand Total). Click cell A8, click the drop-down arrow, and then select the percentage of
revenue of massage therapists.

To calculate and show the percentage: on the SalesAnalysis worksheet, right click cell B42 ->
select “Show Values As” -> select “% of Grand Total”.

Grader - Instructions Excel 2016 Project

Step Instructions

The you will get the result: 67.37%

14 On the SalesAnalysis worksheet, insert a slicer for the Trans_Type field. 8

Make sure you click on the PivotTable, then “PivotTable Tools” tab show on the very top of
excel window in the green part. Click on the tab, then select the PivotTable -> ANALYZE ->
Insert Slicer (Filter sub-section)

then select Trans_Type, click OK:

Grader - Instructions Excel 2016 Project

Step Instructions

Select both cash and check in the Trans_Type slicer. Drag the Trans_Type slicer so the upper
left corner is in the top left corner of G12. Drag the bottom edge of the slicer to adjust the
height so the extra white space is no longer visible.

After clicking OK of the “Insert Slicers” dialog window, you will see the Trans_Type slicer.
Holding the Shift key, Select both cash and check.
Drag it to the instructed position and adjust it to the preferred size:

Replace the Trans_Type caption with Payment Type

Select the Trans_Type slicer, right click -> select “Slicer Settings” -> in the “Slicer Settings”
dialog window, change the Caption field to “Payment Type”:

Grader - Instructions Excel 2016 Project

Step Instructions

15 Using the PivotTable, create a Clustered Column PivotChart. 6

Move the PivotChart to a new sheet named SalesChart
Add chart title above the chart with the text Percent Revenue Contribution

1. Select the PivotTable -> ANALYZE -> PivotChart, in the “Insert Chart” dialog window,
select Column, then select Clustered Column icon, and click OK;

2. Select the PivotChart just created, right click -> Move Chart, choose “New sheet”,
and then put SalesChart in the New sheet field, click OK;

Grader - Instructions Excel 2016 Project

Step Instructions

3. Select the PivotChart in the SalesChart worksheet, click the “+” on upper right corner
of the chart, check “Chart Title”;

4. Change the chart title to be “Percent Revenue Contribution”.

Note, Mac users, select the range A13:D40, then insert a Clustered Column chart. Move the
chart and complete the steps as specified.

Grader - Instructions Excel 2016 Project

Step Instructions

16 Save the workbook, exit Excel, and then submit your files as directed by your instructor. 0

Total Points 100

Pivot Table


When you have a lot of data with many categories, it can sometimes be difficult to analyze all
of the information in your worksheet. PivotTables can help make your worksheets more
manageable by summarizing your data and allowing you to manipulate it in different ways.
For examples, sales person, sales, month, region, account numbers, order amount… You
want to sum based on different categories and combinations.

We could use Subtotal function to help find total, but it is still not ideal. PivotTable can
instantly rearrange (pivot), calculate, and summarize the data in a way that will make it much
easier to read.

To create a PivotTable
 Select the table or cells (including column headers) you want to include in your
 From the Insert tab, click the PivotTable command.
 The Create PivotTable dialog box will appear. Choose your settings such as “Select a
table or range”, then click OK.
 A blank PivotTable and Field List will appear on a new worksheet.
 Once you create a PivotTable, you'll need to decide which fields to add. Each field is
simply a column header from the source data. In the PivotTable Field List, check the
box for each field you want to add.
 The selected fields will be added to one of the four areas below: Filters, Columns,
Rows, Values. The PivotTable will calculate and summarize the selected fields.
 If you change any of the data in your source worksheet, the PivotTable will not update
automatically. To manually update it, select the PivotTable and then go to

Pivoting Data
 One of the best things about PivotTables is that they can quickly pivot—or reorganize—
your data, allowing you to examine your worksheet in several ways. Pivoting data can
help you answer different questions and even experiment with your data to discover
new trends and patterns.
 In order to show multiple columns, you'll need to add a field to the Columns area.

Grader - Instructions Excel 2016 Project

 Changing a row or column can give you a completely different perspective on your data.
All you have to do is remove the field in question, then replace it with another.

Sometimes you may want focus on a certain section of your data. Filters can be used to
narrow down the data in your PivotTable, so you can view only the information you need.
Drag a field from the Field List to the Filters area.
The filter will appear above the PivotTable. Click the drop-down arrow, then check the box next
to Select Multiple Items.
Uncheck the box next to any item you don't want to include in the PivotTable, then click OK.
The PivotTable will adjust to reflect the changes of the selected items but excluding the
unchecked items.

Slicers make filtering data in PivotTables even easier. Slicers are basically just filters but are
easier and faster to use, allowing you to instantly pivot your data. If you frequently filter your
PivotTables, you may want to consider using slicers instead of filters.
Select any cell in the PivotTable. From the Analyze tab, click the Insert Slicer command.
A dialog box will appear. Check the box next to the desired field. In our example, we'll select
Salesperson, then click OK.


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