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Assignment II

Group: ME Course: ENVE 101

Make logical assumptions for any missing data. Plagiarism is considered as a crime and submissions
of the offenders can be considered null and void. You can use either Microsoft’s word or
handwritten solutions (and later take a picture and convert into a single pdf file) can be also
accepted. Final date of submission is 10th October, 2020.

1. Write short notes on:

a. Natural Environment and Built Environment
b. Human influence on Ecosystem
c. Point and non-point sources of water pollution
d. Effects of air and noise pollution on people

2. The wastewater from Kathmandu University is being collected and treated in a

completely mixed aeration tank. The influent wastewater flow is 15 Lps and has an
organic matter (BOD) concentration of 300 mg/L. The effluent has the same flow and an
effluent BOD concentration of Ce. If the concentration of BOD is also Ce in the pond
which is a case in completely mixed systems and the volume of the pond is
30m*5m*15m. Find the value of Ce, if the BOD degradation follows the first-order
reaction. You can take k value as 0.5 day-1.

3. Describe briefly Biological Wastewater Treatment Process in short

4. A town has an existing horizontal flow sedimentation tank with an overflow rate of 17
m3/day.m2, and it uses to remove particles that have settling velocities of 0.1 mm/s, 0.2
mm/s and 1mm/s. What percentage of removal should be expected for each particle in an
ideal sedimentation tank?
Hint: η= (Particle settling velocity /overflow rate)*100

5. Determine the surface area of the sedimentation tank for a city having discharge 0.5 m3/s
design flow using the design overflow rate of 32.5 m3/day.m2. Compare the surface area
with that which results from assuming a typical overflow rate of 20 m3/day.m2. Find the
depth of the clarifier for the overflow rate and detention time of 94.5 min.
Use the following assumptions and rules of
a. L:W should be between 2:1 to 5:1
b. L<100 m
c. Minimum two tanks needed.

6. Using the Monod Equation, if Ks = 60 mg/L and m = 5 day-1, determine the

values of  when S is 5 mg/L, 60 mg/L and 5000 mg/L.

7. Determine the dimension of a continuous flow rectangular settling tank for a population
of 25000 person with daily per capita water demand of 100 lpcd. Assume detention
period to be 4hr.

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