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w. S.

303 N. Narberth A

Narberth, Pa., Friday, September 6, 1929
Volume 15, No. 47

Charming Bride Give Bus Schedule
Announce Winners in Suffers Burn From Live tpussyfoot' Johnson ITownship Schools
• Wire Playing Under Bridge to Speak in Boro to Open on Monday For L. M. Students
Playground Events
, Playing with some companions Sun-
The tNew Turkey' to Be Subject. Increased Enrollment Looked Seven Buses to Carry Narberth
Lantem Parade, Reaching Sever- day afternoon under the Narberth Ave-
nue bridge, Ellis \Vright, 12. son of of Talk by Famous 'For at Junior and Senior Pupils to Junior and Senior
al Blocks, Was Colorful :\Ir. and Mrs. Edward V. \Vright, of High Schools.
Prohibitionist. High Schools.
, Affair. .110 Chestnut Avenue, Narberth, was


severely burned by a live wire when
attempting to climb onto the bridge
from underneath. The feed wires run-
Bus service schedule for Narberth
Winners of the various events at the
ning close to the hank carry 44,000 \\lilliam E. Johnson. bette~ known I Lower ~ferion Junior and Senior
volts each. as "Pussyfoot," will be in Narberth High Schools will open Monday morn- pupils attending Lower Merion Senior
Field Day of the Narherth Play- He was taken to the Bryn ~r awr on \Vednesdav night and has been ing with an enrollment which is ex- and Junior H:gh Schools has been
grounds held bst \Vednesday are as Hospital and treated for burns on his persuaded by' one of his old cronies peeted to exceed last year's by well worked out by Principal George H.
• follows: left side as well as a cut on his head. who lives in the borough to give a talk over a hundred students. The usual \\lilson. and the :\lontgomery Bus Com- f'
Basehall throw-Senior hoys, Don- A report from the hospital \Vednesday on the "New Turkey" at the :Metho- bus service will be in operation to
pany. No bus tickets' \vitl" he required
. aId Munroe; senior girls, Joe Baker; night ga\'e his condition as improving dist Church. ~lr. Johnson has just transport pupils.
at present, it was announced. The
junior hoys. Clair Richardson; junior and as virtually out of danger. It will returned from an extended visit to The Senior High is expecting an
schedule, which wil1 be in effect with
girls, Anna Donahue. prohahly be several days hefore he is India and points in the Near East. enr'.-.l1ment of 800. while 725 are ex-
• Medicine hall throw-Senior boys, relt'ased from the hospital, however. There is prohably no living Ameri- pected at the Junior High.
the opening of school Monday, follows:
Senior High-Sc/lool.
Joseph O'Keefe; senior girls. Joe oan who knows and understands bet- Teachers ha\'e been busy organizing
ter than ).[ r. Johnson the great events courses this week in addition to at- Bus number one wilt ;I..eave. :\fap)e
Baker; junior boys. ~Iike Quinlan;
junior girls, Dorothy Richards.
New Store Added to that arc tr~nspiring !n Turkey. today. tending the institute at Norristown. A Mrs. John Folwell Scull, Jr., whose
and Chestnut Avenues, Narberth, .It
new shop for the teaching of auto I marriage took place last evening at 7:50 A. M. and will route through
• Sack race-Senior hoys, :\Iike Mc- Ardmore's North Side He has WIde acquamtance With the
leaders of that country and knows mel:hanics will be opened in the Sen-I the Church of Restoration, Philadel-
North Narherth Avenue, carrying all
Garry; senior girls. Lillian Dorsey;
girls from the south side of the bor-
junior hoys, Roy Parkes; junior girls, personally many of the leaders o.f the ior High this fall. in charge of Lyman phia. She Wb Miss Adele Wyeth,
American Stores Co. Open Their daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan C. ough and from al1 sec.tions north of
Anna Donahue. ~Ioslem world. On a recent tnp to SuI off former instructor in mechanics Flitcraft, of Merion.
Eg1oo'pt ~he ki.n~. accorded him an ex-I and eiectricity at the Junior High.
North Narberth A venue.
Three-legged race-Senior boys, Largest at Montgomery Bus number two will leave the same
• Brennan O'Keefe; senior girls, l'laltbe
and St. George's Road.
tended 111 terVle\\. The removal this Year of the N ar-
Masters Supreme in
Gregory; junior boys, Phillips New- Any Narberth citizens who want to berth Eighth Grade to Lower :\lerion point at 8:10, carrying all boys from
the south side and sections north of
doerffer; junior girls, Campbell, Rich-
get a clear inside view into the trou-
bles at Jerusakm and what is at the
Junior High will add appro:Ximately
sixty pupils to that school's enroll-
One-to-Ncthing Win j'orth Narherth Avenue.
Dash-Senior boys, Donald M un- bottom of thos(' troubles will do well ment. Bus number three will leave Wind-
• roe; senior girls, Joe Baker; junior Another step in the growth of Ard- to ta.l~e an e\'ening off and hear "Pussy- Seventeen new teacbers will be on Outhurls tLefty' Holstein, Allow- sor and Narberth Avenues at 7:55,
I~OYS" James Shea; junior girls, Lil-\ JIIore's North Sine shopping district is foot." duty at the high schools, wbile fifteen carrying al1 girls not assigned to bus
ing Newtown Square number one.
• han Campbell. being made this week with the open- Adult Bible classes, brotherhoods, new instructors have been appointed
Only Four Hits. Bus numher four will lean' the same
High jump-Senior boys, Sturgess ing by the American Stores Company etc., in the vark·us chnrches are inter- to positions in the Lower },[ erion
Poorman, 4 ft. 11 in.; senior girls, Joe of their largest store in the Main Line ested in this meeting because they will grade schools. point at 8:10 and route through Essex
Baker, 4 ft. 6 in.; junior boys, Charles section. It is located on Montgomery hear a striking story of the transfor- The complete list of leachers at the IS HIS SIXTH TRIUMPH Avenue, carryil~g al1 boys not assigned
Harndeen, 4 ft. 2 in.; junior girls, Lil- Avenue at the corner of St. George's mation of the Moslem world. high schools, including the new ap- to bus number two.
• liam Campbell, 3 ft. 4 in.
Running broad jump-Senior boys,
Road. Out of de£ere.1ce to his old crony
Mr. Johnson will make no charge for
pointees, fol1ow: By John Uberti.
Junior High School.
Bus number five will leave :\faple
The new store, which was opened his address. But at the conclusion a CONTINUED ON THE SIXTH PAGEl
\Valter Masters, University of Penn- and Chestnut Avenues at 8:50, route
• Donald Munroei senior girls, Lois for inspection yesterday, and opens for
sylvania basebal1 and football star, and through North Narherth Avenue,
Maltbe; junior girls, Peggy ).[cCaf- business today, was built by A. L. cash offering wil! be taken and turned
ferty. over to him to help meet his traveling To Spellk in Borough second ranking mound ace of the Nar- carrying al1 Junior High School girls
•• Fretz and SOilS from plans prepared from the south side and from the sec-
Novelty race-Senior boys, l\Iike hy Dreher and Churchman, architects. expenses. berth Ball Club, was at the peak of
McGarry; senior girls, Joe Baker; The owners and developers of the As a messengC'r of good wil1 this form last Saturday when he put to tions north of North Narberth Avenue.
Bus number six wil1 leave \Vindsor
• junior boys, Clair Richardson; junior tract. Suburhan Co., Inc., have main- great newspaper correspondent and task his blinding curves to limit New- and Narberth Avenues at 9 o'clock
girls, Ruth Richards. tained the sanl(' uniform architecture prohibitionist is widely known in
town Square to four scanty hits for and route through Essex Avenue,
Relays-Senior boys, ~lcGarry, nearly every nation under the sun. In
• in this new building as marks the re-
Newborg, Gilroy, Brennan; senior mainder of the development. English-speaking lands as well as a rare 1-0 victory, his sixth of the carrying al1 Junior High School girls
110t assigned to hus 11l1mber five.
girls, Alice Callahan. Gertrude Holland, among the Nerth American Indians year. Ber'" ·.·p's 'ictory over Brook-
• The rise of this new business dis- "Pussyfoot" is a household word. Bus number seven will leave ~laple
Lillian Dorsey, Myrtle Gregory, Lois line at Villanova postponed Narberth's
trict has been hastened by the loca- and Chestnut A venues at 9 o'clock and
. Maltbe; junior boys. Shea, \Vright, endeavor to clinch the pennat.
.• J ames, Lyman; junior girls, Frances
Metzgardt, Joan Lester. Dorothy
tion there of the Ardmore Post Office,
the Bell Telephone Company and the
Counties Title and Trust Company. A
Awarded Scholarship
The . Pennsylvania Railroad an- . ./' ..'.:"
Ma1lager Johnny Smith, pilot of the
route through North Narberth Ave-
nue, carrying at! Junior High School
Richards, Ruth Richards. Newtown Square Club. travelled far boys.
• growing group of shops are now occ.u- nounced on Friday the award" ~f fo~r
Edwin \Vestman representing the scholarships offered for sons of em- and wide in a sincer,: effort to procure
pied and others are under considera-
School Playground defeated Eddie
tion. The next to open will be a large ployees. a motlndsman who could pit his pitch- Dr. E. S. Deubler Speaks
Dinon, of the Community Playground,
• store for the A. & P. Tea Company. One went to Thomas l\[cCartan, 19, ing arm against the curve-ball expert of Work as Veterinary.
in the finals of the quoit tournament.
Score, 21-20.
The new American store, large and of' Narberth,' who .receives- a . Ftank I -. of the borough pitching staff, and
Thomson Memorial Scholarship worth -.
• In the lantern parade of the preced-
well-lighted. will offer in a most con-
$800 annually. McCartan will enroll,.
made a grave mistake when he refused An autobiography, olle of the series
venient and attracti"e form a full stock of personal sketches given by members,
ing week the prizes were awarded as at the School of Engineering of the to consider" Lefty" Grove, of Athletic
of meats, groceries, fruits and vege- formed the program Tuesday at the
follows: most colorful lantern, Dor- University of Pennsylvania. fame, in lieu of "Lefty" Holstein, vet-
tahles. Bala-Cynwyd-Narberth Rotary Cluh.
othy 1\1 oore; best constructed lantern, William E. "Pussyfoot" John- eran of the minor leagues. I t is be- Dr. Ezra S. Deubler, charter member
Billy and Howard Kane; most unique son, who will give a talk on Wed-
lantern, Dorothy Abbott; largest lan- Library Vacations Over, Main Line 'League nesday evening at the Narberth
lieved that Grove might have given and past president of the club, was
Final Standing of the Clubs Methodist Church, Essex and \Valter keener opposition. Holstein, the speaker.
.. tern, Miles and Charles Klipsham.
There were 143 lanterns in the
Staff Prepared For Fall
L. Ave.
2 .778\
Price Avenues, on the "New Tur-
key." The famous prohibitionist
however, is a lad who needs no in-
troduction to the Inseball fans wher-
His talk was an in~piration in the
hllilding of a C<lreer against han<Fcaps.
parade, which recruited from both \'acation seasons for the library are Berwyn 5 4 .556 has recently returned from the ever he may be scheduled to perform. Born on a 'arm ill Susqllehanna
• playgrounds, stretched from the Com- over and the fall opens with prospects Newtown Square 4 5 .440 Near East and speaks with au-
munity Playground to Forest Avenue. of greater activity and broader fields Brookline 2 7 .220 I thority on its problems. Greatly in demand by all ball clubs, County, he sp~nt his early years in
"Lefty," unlike most pitchers, is a box- school and farm work. Theil seven
It is hoped to make the Lantern Fete
of service than the in:ititution has yet
• an annual ev'ent on the playgrounds
man without a home, so to speak. One years were spellt as fireman and extra
and to make it larger and more color-
~I iss Adele Aungst, of the regular
Narberth Divides Labor Day Twin Bill day he will be seen garbed in Harrow-
gate dress, giving the strong \Ventz-
engineer on a small mountain railroad
at the smal1 wage prevailing in thuse
• ful with the advice and assistance of
the parents.
staff, was the first to take her vaca-
tion, spending a week at State Col-
Clinching Second Consecutive Pennant Olney team a one-hit defeat, while the
next he will be seen in \Ventz-Olney
Last Friday the children were trans- Despite promotions in the railroad
• ported to Shibe Park to witness the
lege, where in the future she will make uniform vanquishing Harrowgate. work, Dr. Deubler fitted in a course at
basebal1 game in cars donated by the
her home, and in the middle of August Down Brookline 11-4 For Flag in Morning Fray and Drop And so "Lefty" Holstein. the knight State College and won a scholarship
tendered her resignation as assistant in P. M. Contest to Berwyn on Errors; Mulligan
• following: Henry A. Smith, }'frs. Ab-
the library. Her place during the last
errant of baseball, wanders about giv- to the Veterinary School at Penn.
bott, Mr. Lacey, Mrs. Smith, R. C. ing his services to the highest bidding Then there followed work in a labora-
two weeks has been filled by Betty Shines at Bat. team. tory in cattle experimentation, man-
Hoffman, K. L. 1\1. Pray, \Villiam
Manion, Mrs. ~rengis. Mr. Lewis, Dr.
Needham, of ChLstnut Avenue.
1\liss Clara Follette, the Assistant By John Uberti I In the afternoon game, which, with If ~Ianager Smith had retained
agement of an experimental farm and
active veterinary practice, including the
LeRoy A. King' William Esrey, :\[ r. TI.le rampageous bat~le axes .of the the. title won, became an exhibition Schofield and bought a pair of sun
• Tyson.
Librarian, took her vacation in July,
Davlsmen swung consIstently III the affair, Narberth bowed to Berwyn for glasses for his right fielder. !'\arberth
managing of a Florida dairy.
returning in time to assume full charge Sillce 1912 Dr. Deubler has been
of the library while ~liss Mary B. inaugural event of the Labor Day the first time this season when blun- and Newtown Square might have con-
superintendent of the Penshurst Farms,
Organization Plan Adopted Church, the librarian, was enjoying her double-header and carved out a neat ders by Mickey Burns :lnd George tinued the exhausting hurling grind
near Narberth, owned by Percival Rob-
11-5 victory at the expense of the Babb accounted for the visitors' un- for nine more innings. Only four ri-
By Recreation Board two weeks at Cape May. Brookline Club, tailenders of the cir- earned triumph. Burns was with- val men faced Masters in the first in-
erts, Jr. The farm has won many
• Now that MISS Church is at home distinctions, among them being the
cuit, to clinch the second straight drawn in the first inning in favor of ning, as Holstein blanked Mulligan
At an enthus;astic meeting of the again and Miss Follette has finished
.. Narberth Recr('ation Board \Vednes- the special courses at tile University
day night attended by all its members of Pennsylvania. which took so much
Main Line League gonfalon and the Young, while Babl) lasted an extra, and Fleck ilt the hOllie-half, while
twelfth since the formation of the session. Humphreys went :n to guard Burns popped to Di Shula in between.
honor of having the first tuberculosis-
free herd in the State. Several world's
champion Ayr~hire cows have been de-
league. I third and played a sparkling gallle of The J?av!slllen won the ~ame in the

and by Burgess Henry A. Frye the of her time last winter, the work of
plans for the Board's organization and I the library will be reorganized and I
TI~e second gam~, which had no ball. The veteran batted .333. se~ond IIlnlllg when. the nght,
veloped. The farm and the estate to
which it belongs have long been show
method of procedure prepared by a: Miss Follette will give more of her beanng' lIpon the title play-off, was \Valter Masters, conqueror of blmded by a glanng sun, allowed
places of this section.
• special committee were unanimously time to it, working with Miss Church lost to the Berwyn Club in the post-I "Lefty" Holstein in Saturday's game, Dabb's aerial to drop unmolested. GiI-
approved. The plans will be submitted during the many hours when the circu- meridian contest, when the local bats- struck o~t nine players, while K. O. fillan grounded out to Bowman, who
men failed to atone for two conspicu- \Vagner blanked four and allowed five made an accurate rday to, and l.\1eet With Mrs. Reger
• to the School Board and the Borough lation requires two persons at the
Council for their approval. desks, and relieving her for the din- ous transgressions. The score was' passes, but the five hits which the ~Iasters struck out. Babb raIsed an The \Vomen's Foreign Missionary
Society of the ~r. E. Church will meet
A Budget Committee, consisting of ncr hour and when clerical work de-
Mrs. F. \V. Stites, William H. Fretz mands her atte'ltion.
'1") I tt . f I
Ie )a enng ram 0 t 1e l o m e ·
. I I d h't II
I I I champions gathered could not atone outfield fly between first and second,
for the three costl" el rors in the open- from which Demaura made a game at-
tl 'ing frame
J •
tempt to glove, but was forced to yIeld
with 1lrs. Charles Reger, 842 Mont-
gomery Avenue. on Mondav afternoon
and Kenneth L. M. Prey, was ap- This is an arrangement that the c Ilam\llons sp as Ie
" t I'
I s a over 1 e '
. 't bl
Berwyn scored their first two runs to the sun s potency, allowlllg the ball September 9, at 2:30 o'c1~ck. '
• pointed to work out the Board's bud- library trustees :lave been anticipating fi e Id ,anu even wo a len ClrClll ows . . .
at the start without garnering a safety to fall untouched. Martlll tapped a • , I~

get and present it at the next meeting for some time, hut the remarkable in-
of the Board, which wil1 be on Oc- crease in circulation since February
cou Id no t b u d ge tl1e 1ea d 0 f tlIe pres-
. L' t'
. . I'
ent king of the ball clubs along the Baker popped to Gilfillan and Kel1ey e to ngl~t for the first Narberth
struck out Spear a'ubled and Shank Illt and Curwm slanted another to left
I Drowns in Delaware
tober 4. has necessitaterl beginning the new M am 1IIe sec Ion. . . . ~Ierian Caroline Croasdale, 11 -year-
A resolution endorsing the work on program immediately. The plan will . t went to first when Babb in a daze field, Babb scor1llg frum the kevstone. old daughter of ~[r. and Mrs. R. Mil-
Th e Ilome c Iu b was ou t for VIC ory " " -
• the I:\laygrounds this summer of AlIan enable the library to solve some of the in this fracas and was aided by a fe~ juggled his easy bounder. Trost came 1 homas was the fot~rth local. man to ton Croasdale,. 131 Upland Terrace,
questionable decisions. John Mulli- to bat and let a strike go by, Spear surrender to Holstc1II's dazzling fast
. B. Weatherall" director of Physical problems of the congested hours at
Education and Recreation, and of his the delivery desk, anG to revise the
assistants, Misses Church, Thompson schedule for the very popular Story
gan got off to a fine start with the and Shank moving up when Burns ball.
mace and succeeded in retaining a .threw high over second in an at-·
Bala, was drowned in the Delaware
River Tuesday near Yardley when she
stepped from a rock into seven feet
and Kulp, was' unanimously adopted Hour for children. brilliant average of .750. Five team- tempted run-down; Spear counted off Give Suicide Verdict of water while swimming. She had
• by the Board. ------- mates also finished with .500 for serv- the blunder and Shank quickly fol- Death caused by gas poisoning with been spending her vacation at. the
To Hold Peach Festival ices at the pentagon. lowed when Burns, dlso somewhat out suicidal intent was the verdict handed summer camp of her parents.
Attend Institute The annual peach festival by the Mulligan carried his bat to the plate of form, missed Masters' pitch to down by the jury at the inquest held Betty :McGeorge, 10, of Cynwyd,
Ladies' Aid Society cf the Lutheran five times, during which time he Trost. However, Trost walked, but at Norristown last Wednesday by her companion, summoned other
Miss Frances B. Fricke, music
Church will be held Tuesday, Septem- clicked a trio of singles, lofted to third Eachus fell on strikes. Coroner George Huff on the case of bathers, but the body was not recov-
• teacher of the Narberth School, led
ber 10, from fj until 9 P. M. All the in the first inning and went to first The third run was made in the fin- Mary Frances Morgan, of Woodside ered until four hou~s later. Mrs. Caro-
the community singing at the opening
members and the friends of the church by means of a pass in the sixth. In ale, also assisted by a pair of errors. avenue, Narberth. The Coroner's line Supplee, the child's grandmother
exercises of the Montgomery County
.4 are cordially invited to attend. Tickets addition to this, Johnny scored a run Wagner was retired "ia the strike-out inquest was the last step in investiga-' was on the bank when she wa~
Teachers' Institute at Norristown on
Tuesday afternoon. Principal George at 35 cents will purchase ice cream, in the third, fifth and sixth frames. route and Baker a,nd l5-el1ey reached tion begun by Lower Merion police and drowned.
Burns Fleck Harris B bb d G _ first on Humphrey s mIscues. Spear completed by the County District Funeral services will be held Friday
• B. Wilson also attended the sessions, peaches and cake for an evening ' h b' d f • 5 a an ra smgled to deep centre, Baker cross-
Attorney's office. at Morrisville.
which were held throughout the week. desert. h am eac ;ltte or. 00. • in~.

· "i,~

OUR l.~OWN Friday, September 6, 1929

OUR 1l0fWN ~
I thur Goldsmith. of J\l ontgomery Ave-I ~!!!!!!~~~~i!i!~~~~!!i!!~!!!!~~~!!!~!!!!!iii!!!!!!~~~~!!!~~~!!!~
nuc and l\[ ill Road, dunl1': the past i •
week has returned to Iwr hOl1l~. I
________________ l\h~s Rena ~urth .,nd Ali"s tlrown-
School Oprms Soon!
A Cu-operative Community News ell, 115 I?~dl~y Avenue, ha\'e returned: Why You Should Own ah We C:zrry a Full LillI' of All the Necesrary School Sllpplies
paper founded in 1914 by the Nar- fron~ a VISIt 111 1\Iassachusetts. PENCIL EOXES-Z3c TO $1.50
berth Civic Association and published . ?1J,ss Anne 1\1 od~, formed v of :Mer- EVEREADY RADIO RECEIVER SCHOOL BAGS-50c TO $Z,OO •
et't'l'y FridflY at Nm·hertlt. Pa. IOn, IS at Ocean CIty for se\'eral ~ays. BRIEF CASE5-COMPOSITION BOOKS-CRAYONS
Published by the
Mr. and l\lrs. Albert \V. Fredencks,
432 Haverford Avcnue, wcre guests
LIVINGSTON PUBLISHING COMPANY at Skytop Lodge in the Poconos dur-jl
y you have the right to expect, in purchasing a radio
let, quality of tone and appearance, sensitivity and
Pre'ident and Oeneral Manager
ing the past wcek.
1\1 rs. Frances Eg 'norc, of Dudlcy , selectwhy-all at a reasonable price. Each of these desir-
ROBERT MOORE CAMERON Avcnue, is visiting in Occ:ln City, 1\ld'I '
able characteristics can be obtained in several makes of The OIJerl Store ;n Narberth
Editor Her daughtcr. Ruth, has rcturncd from
Camp Owaiss in the POCOl.OS. Her
radio, but the Eveready Radio Receiver possesses all of ".
Oftlce. 258 lIaverford Avenue
PhoDe, Narberth 2545
If DO answer, call Ardmore 3100.
son, Hcrbert John Egmore. Jr.• will
return to Staunton M ilita 'v Academy these II
important requisites in the highest degree. '
224 Haverford Avenue Phone Narberth 4035

in Virginia on Tuesday. Your ear and eye can prove to your own satisfaction •
1\[ r. and l\f rs. Ralph Hoover. of I
One Dollar and Fifty Cents Per Year Ohio, arc receiving congratulations on II when a particular model sounds and looks well, but only
In Advance,
the birth of a r12ughter. Barbara II
the passage of time c,an conclusively demonstrate that any
Louise. Mrs. Hoover before her mar-I
riage was Miss LaRue Poglle, daugh-, given set will wear welL Therefore, a radio set's ability to II KNOW BEFORE YOU BUY
ter of :\Ir. and Mrs, Howard Pogue, of i •
II function satisfactorily over a period of time is the one thing I THE time is not far distant when the prospective coal
Grayling Avenue,
Mr. Dcsmond J. McTighe. of 416 , for which you must take another's word.
customer will have several questions to ask his dealer ,
______-=.-=. '1
Essex A \'enue. spent the Labor Day ,
I week-t'IHI at Eagles nere., . 1,~
~ol. al~d :\Jrs. 1. A, l\ldler and 111ss I
Listen to an Eveready Radio Receiver-its fidelity of I
Ii before he signs up for a supply of fuel.
reproduction will convince your ear. Examine the cabi- •
li:ntered as "pcond-clnss matter, October 13. Anita l\llIler, of :\,Ienon ~venue, have I
nets of the different models and choose the design which I To wit: "How does your coal run in carbon content?

i914 at the Post Oftlce at Narberth, Pa.. returned from theIr vacatIOn spent at,
IlDder the Act of March 3, 1879. ' Crcstmont Inn, Eaglesmen', . I:
best suits your individual taste. And then remember that I ' I want to be assured of plenty of heat units. What is its
Among, others who have enjoyed II I percentage of ash? I can't have my back and disposition
this delightful summer resort over the , National Carbon Company, the maker of Eveready Sets, i
Friday, September 6, IY29
wcek-end are 1Ir. <,nd ~lrs. Edward' has been an outstanding leader in its field for more than I ruined shoveling out ashes."

S. Ha \\'S, of Dudlcy A \'cnuc, and ~I r.
thirty years, Permanence is built into every part of an , iI
and Mrs. Thornton C;rugan We, as dealers in Jeddo-Highland Coal exclusively,
~_ 11 Jt and :\1 rs, Robcrt L. Beatty Eveready. This name is your guarantee that the highest are pre'Jare:l to answer these questions right now. Chemi-
-.I. ~ spcnt thc week-end visiting l\Ir. and
:\1 rs. Ralph L. Beatty at their home standards of precis:on manufacture have been applied cal analysis has proved to us that our coal has much hidden
By E. E. E. in Genesco, K. Y, to the receiver you place in your home. •
Mr\. Arthur Goldsmith, of 110nt· "'Ir. and :\Irs. ArtllUr S. Digby and value. Know before you buy.
gomcr)' A\'enue, \Vynncwood, left last :\£iss :\Iary Digby, of the Berkley
wcek for ~ova Scotia, He will be Apartments, 'have returne'! fwm a
gone until carly Oc'ober. visit to l'ass;iic, X. J. Wunder Battery & Electric Service
:\1 r. and ",1 rs. R. C. Collins and :\1 r. 11 r. and :\1 rs. ] all\(;S Jewell. of Sa-
and ~'l rs. C. D, C;race and their chil- bine A \'enuc, spent the week-end \'is-
dren are expected hon~e tl,is we~kl'l\(l iting :\Ir. Jewell's parents at Ches-
"Wunder Starts Them All" COAL COMPANY •
after a \'ery pleasant hve weeks stay tertnwn, :\1 d.
108 Forest Avenue Phone Narberth 2866 I Narberth 2430

at the shore. i 1\1 r. Robert F, \\'ood returned to his
l\lrs. E. H: Kempton and ~I iss Bctty; desk at thc Autocar Company on l\Ion-
Kempton, at ,'\\'on Road, were guests, day fOl' the first time in fi\'e weeks
from t,his ,~ity at the Seaside Hotel in: ha'ving bcen incapacitated by an in: •
AtlantiC City, '.. ' I fected cye.
11 T' a~~d }'II'S, J, :\1. Slm~)nS, M I~S • ~Ir. and ",Irs. Philip A. Pitcher re-
Dons S.III~ons and :\1 r. \\' alter 51' I port a very profitable two weeks spent
IIlLlnS, Dt :.11 DI~dlcy Avcnue, had a i at a fishing camp on Bean'l' Lake in .,;.
IO\'l'ly motor tnp through western! the Adirondacks.
l'enns\'l\'ania, :\C\\' York and Canada'
via :\lagara Falls. ,-----------------,
:\1 iss J can Staples has rcturned
from Peaks Island, :\[ e., where she
spell t her \'aca tion. X ex', week shc
lea\'es for Oberlin, Ohio, where she
will cnt,er Oberlin College
M iss Elizabeth Cain, of \\' ashillg-
ton, D. C, is the guest fur the week
of ~I iss J aile Chamlless, of 2-t A \'011 For Sale ••
...\ 1~~
1;1'" 1 ,tl
~ 17.l!)~
'1" \' of C;ra\'lin"!
t.:rr... . - ...... ,
LADII':~' ill1lll,rl .. <1
('()lot·~. $1 ('a('h.
r.. ~t hal', nl'\\' r"J]
;~l'h Pt](lll)~' AYt'lltlf',
1 -
A\"ellue. has a~ her guest ~l.l·I-. COUSII1., Xarilflol'th. Phil 11 l' Xarhpl'th ~rlfJ2-r~.

l\liss Paulille Gibsull, uf \\ Ilklllsburg, ("I>If)
1)Ct. : i·~(·IIt~<·\ 1~1·:=.::.T·l)-i~[g:hT-p~~~r;:friL:·t.I'a-

}'lr. and ~[r,;, :\. H, :\ul!\' and [all\- t"r, <l:l~' 1>,"1. "all :'>ar1>"rth ~4::,I-,1.
ily ha \'c retll rncd from Capt:: :\1 a~', j;;,-; IT- S,\ (; I;:~I-:; '-:;:'~'" i~~:,~ 1;, ;-)l":';;-I-' c':lilY

where they spent th~ sumlller, to their n"\\', 1:"a,,,n:lhlo·, :'>arl ..·rLh 4H~-.1.
hOllle on ,:\leeting HOllse Lane. :\[ iss; ~A LI.:.---I:I~~:atil(:r_--;;;;ucT,:_-:lJm'(;;:.1 •
Loui~e Paul. of lona .A\'ellt1l". ,,"as, IIt'W. Itl·a:->IlJlahh·, Tt""'lpphollP :",:at"w
their guest during the past week, 1> ..,rlh :::'''::-1:,
l\li:-;~ Carolyn Gold3111ith returned t.o ' f·(.)f~I)- ;(i-I-:111' -ti·t1I'I~ . .\.:I~".l-~I-';_;ll(frt~~II; ~ ..,
her :\lontgDlllcry .\\'enue hOllle t!lIS, !'l''''''Il:l1>I,', .\p"I~' "~I Ardlll"I'p A\',' ..
week from her SUllllnt'r spent at Pille, "ft .. r ;':::0 I', ~1. ('"II ,\r<lI.""I:,:_1~4'.?1.
Trce Cam!" I'ocono Pines ! - ----, -;----- •
11iss Elizabcth G')ldsl11ith, who has' Schools-Instruction
been acting as assistant cOl'nsellor at' II \\'11' >':1'\' \1'1' t I j" d
-' I'd " 1
County, WIll return nOll\e tomorrow.
) 1
C..alllP . . .II! ell, ... ,,"...):t 1 Jrou(. C'l t r
lCS C:
' ",'" "a,' '''I'" p,all" an
on;HIl.· J'hOIIl" fot· allJHdlltllll'lIt. :'\ar-
1>"rth ::S(i4-\Y, <:'-~1).2:1)

. Mis~ ~I., B. Church, ~15 Price A\,e, l'I'1'tihfXi~--ct~.sirl',f 1>y'-;xlle;:i~'I('ed
nue" hbran,an of the :\ arberth COIII-, Ipa('h"r, ('oa"hing' f",' ,'X" Ill', Lat in, •
IIlllnlty LIbrary. returned :-Ionday, ,,1g-,'1>ra "nd .. 1.. "lt·"lar~' 1>1:lIl1'h,·"
from a \'acation at Capc :\Iay. Il'h"ne 'Shel'\\'oocl SII',2. (ohll)
Mrs, Edwin Anderson al1d her - - eo

daught~r! . SOI~ia, ,of DlIdl<;y A\'enue, Real Estate for Rent

were Y1Sltlllg 111 ~ ewark thiS week.
Jimmy Cook "I;d Barn' 1': ('nl1e\' will, :'IU\l,I~HATI': I'pntat t" dp,il'ahl .. L,'lIalll
,', - . H ' 1' -SemI - d'.'ladlt'cl nl'wl\' - 1"'IIO\'al,'<1
return soon fronl. ~c'v atlll'~ un:, II hou:-:t.~. :-:outhl'rll t'Xpl)l"UI'e:";, 11t·~(lrl)c"'ln:-:
where they sp~nt the summer. (~ r"om" ""d halh): I,"';.:e rard; 1I0nh OPEN FOil INSPECTION __ • SEI..... d
Dunstan SmIth, J;., has returned to s"lt- :-1al'1>,,:'tl1. Apply lIur1>ill & Ho\\'-
Skvtop Lodge. Cresco, 1'a" following al'll, ;:1 :,>, :'>al'I, .. "1 h .\ "t', PhOIl{' :'>al'-

a ,'isit with his parcnts in the Avon, h",,'th ::S4:; (;1·(;-2:1)
Apartments, Carl Metzger and Her· I
bert Burrell are sta,,'ing at :':kytDJl fur! Rooms for Rent
a fc~v days. , i FI'!-::'>ISHED r:OO~t ,- Gelltlelllall or
1Ilss. Betty Ste\'~nson, of \\ Yl1l1e'l I,usi,"'s" \\'OIlHlIl. 'I'.. lpphone :'>arberth •
wood, tS CDll\'alesclIIg' at tbe Osteo- 416J. (tfl
pathic Hospital from a recent sel'iDus 1'\\'0 ('''IllIlIUII i<'ating' 1'0"11I' for !'t'llt.
operation. FUl'lIishpd. :'>"1'1>"1'1 h 41 :1;;-:'1. •
!\Iiss Lois Smith, of South Karberth
A:'cnlle, spcnt last week-en:! visiting in
PIttsburgh: ' "
Garages For Rent
I (:,\ RAGE for rpnt, 216 FOl'pst Avenu,'.
extends its heartiest welcome to •
Leroy C DOllglases, of Um ler-, $!l 1110nth. :'>arhPJ'th :;,11.
race, have return cd from camp at I
Academia, Pa, During thl' summer I R I E I
f S
the new, modern, super-store of the •
the\' had as guests for a short time i ea state or a e
Peggy Morris, of B,yn ~!a\\'r; Elea_isl·:.!.\II':H"HO~ll':.-:- I'I'''P~'I'IY, al"ng


nor !\Iichaelson and Ellen Pre\', ofl \\ p,,( hlan~'h ;;\\amp (r.... "" Oll~
, I ' I hour awaY tron1 YoU--Olle lillie olt
NTar 1>ert 1. • ... ,Boyertown" Pih~t:'. . HnU:->t' (1) high
!\[r. and l\Irs. George I'leck: of, gr"und \\'ith h,'autiful \'i,'\\'. 42 a"I"".
Grayling Avel1ue, left this week tor a a"out half \\',,,,,l1and, 1';I"l'tl'iciL~', •
1II0tor trip through Kew Englalld.5 1;1I1,II, ('all DUl'h11l & HO\\'al'd, )','al'-
V"hile in Maine they spent a few Iwurs, ~I:!~~ ::S4;:, (to
with ",{iss Elizabeth :\Iaguire, also of, which has cbosen the Montgomery Avenue section for its greatest endeavor
Grayling Avenue, wl,o is \'acationing I Miscellaneous
at Cape PorJloise~ M c . . I OI"I~ICE SPACE-Half of large, light I on the Main Line. It is opening a Store with new standards of completeness •
:Mr. and 1\1 rs. KCI.neth \Vllsun and: and airy ofllee In Xarberth for rent.
two children, of 205 Dudley Avel1uc,: I'l'esenl occupant wllling to co-operate and beauty, with conveniences offered to Main Line housewives surpassing
'He dowu at Eastern Shore, 11d., this I ill handling phone calls and personal
'week. I visits; reasonable rental. Phone Nar- •
1\1 r. and Mrs. Gc(,rge N arman Gill, berth 2430. (to anything that has been done in the past, and its coming will be welcomed by
of Dudley Avenue, left yesterday for LOCAl, and long-di'tanee haUling done: •
a motor trip through !\ cw England, by W AFEH. !\'arberth ::6r'l-R all who demand the famous Asco qualities and economies.
1\1 iss Marie Leisure, of Boston,
Mass.• has been visiting \! iss Claire CHOIH BOYS \\'antpd for All SaInts'
Dode and Miss Dorothy Doyle for Chur('h, \Yrnne\\,ood,

R,'lwarsals Its location gives the new store a cODlmanding importance. In the Mont-
the' past 1,)'eek at their ho'me, 22-t Val- 'I'uesdll~' and 'I'hur"day afternoons at
lev Road, Merion. Miss Leisure will ,I o'do,'I"
Slght-r"lldlng and \'olee-
I'laeelJlcllt with solo opportunity for gomery Avenue section it has the ~ouble advantage of convenience and of •
spend some timc in Atlantic City be- thoSt- who l(ualIf~'. Ag-es ~l p'al's to 12

fore rcturning North, years. Appl~' at Churc'h, Hehellrsal parking space. Patrons will find, in addition to other shops, the Ardmore Post
:l\lr. and Mrs. James Douglass dlQ'S starting September 17 or phone
Moore, of Meeting House Lane, enter- ""arberth aS64-\Y, (ll-20-2!l)
tained Mr. Jonathan Gucst Williams, ~~J;::l);;;~:j;;:;O=U=l1;;;;~'l;=U~~
Office, the Bell Telephone offices and the Counties Title and Trust Company.
of Brussels, Belgium, last week. Mr'l
Moore and Mr. \VllIiams were class- WILLIAM T. MULDREW With attractive, uniform architecture and a diverse group of stores, this sec- .-::
mates at \Vesttown Friends' School.
1m'itations have been issued b\' Miss
Catherine Smith for a bridge' party
Registered Professional Engineer
and Land Sun'eyor tion offers the facilities of a complete and independent shopping district. •
to be given at her Iwme on Old Gulph JIo~NI\:IN'l'OWl\', PA,
Road, Monday afterncon.
Mrs, J. H. \-Vilson is spcnding her
»,-11 ·I·elel.h...." Og.... tz 15111I
!, •
vacation in Maine. ~Mt"1l=(es==MM!:"lH"Mt=1t..:U
M iss Eleanor Rowle\', of Chestnut ;;:jI=n=l!::n=".n:"'1\=s;JQQS:::l!::n;::lJ=n=U4~
Avenuc. is at hockey camp in the 1'0-

conos for a fortnight,
Mrs, Oakie Cook, of Dudle~' Aye-
nue~ has returned from a two weeks'
For Director
of the Poor
visit in Pittsburgh.
Miss Eleanor Burgess, of Hampden
Avenue, and Miss Marie Masson, of
A. D. Hunsicker Ardmore 1200 "
Merion Avenue, spent the week-end
in Painter, Va,' Miss Kathryn Bur- i
of lJpper Providence •
gess, who had been visitin~ in Painter I Subject to Repflblican Rules DRE_ED & £DUR£HMAN A. L FRETZ & SONS
for a fortnight. returned with them,
PRIMARY ELECTION Arehlteetll Ball"er.
M iss Cynthia Metzger entertained I
the members of her bridge club at her i
home on Gilpin Road, Tu~sday eve-I
SEPTEMBER 17, 1929 '"
Your Support will Be
ning. Appreciated •
Mrs. Leonard Bronner. of New f'

York, who has been visiting Mrs, Ar- "'MMM!=Sf=I!"1Mt='t'1M==t"1!"'*1==


,e PAGE FOUR Friday, September 6, 1929

Today and It's not too late to win
Tomorrow a prize in the Grand Open-
• on ing of seven New Stores on


OAD At Nllmber 7037

THOUSANDS of shoppers are flocking to

Thursday, Friday and Saturda)
This Week marks the grand . G~rrett Road and taking part in the two
simultaneous opening of seven great contests which celebrate the three-day
fine new stores for the service
of the public - the greatest opening of seven beautiful new stores. You, too, can SAl\:PLE DRESSES
event of ih kind ever staged in
Metropolitan Philadelphia. An-
participate and endeavor to win one of the many
cash prizes. Do all your shopping on Garrett Road
100 smart mouels for daytime and
evening wear are in this group ot
sample dresses. One-of·a-kind modela
other great forward ~tep in the -in velvets, chiffons, and lcvely em-
.. ' broiderer. ~ffl"("ts, R"m~rkabie values. Values
progress of this g,reat shop- today and tomorrow, where wonderful special values $29.75 to $39.50
I? centre of Philadelphia,
are being offered by these seven new stores during UKh~~.h~
$12.75 Values
:ti7 .95
. _.--.. Philadelphia
.- .. - ..
~~ -. and west
-, .......• -
,. ,..

slJb,urbs-o,ne !)qlJare west of the opening. Learn about these contests. The Many charming model> from which FIVE HUNDRED
to choose in 111 colors.
the 69th Street Terminal. rules are very simple and everyone is eligible. But $5 Hats
UKhSShS $11. 95
hurry along, for the contests close at midnight S).().75 Va.lue!lJ
...· Transparent velvets, satins, silks, $2.95
Saturd~y . 2-pc. printed frocks.

• Save Your Cash

Purchase Slips .4t Number 7049
At Number 104.1

With the opening of these

seven neW stores begins oO,e of
the most unique contests in Doverite
• ret~H history. ,Nine cash ELECTRIC IRON $55.00
prizes totaling $1 09,O:-:-with a
first prize of $300 - will be
CJwar~e<;l to indivi<;luals whose
$2 Beautifully hand pierced ladies'
ring with 2 perfect blue-white
·• purchases . in these opening
Regular $4.50 Iron
This f~\Uous electric iron carries with
'-"" diamonds and 1 Montana sap-
phire. Regular price $85.00.
• stores for the I?eri~,d i,.,.ch~~i?·g it a lifetime guarantee. if at any
time it~' heating unit should burn out,
Thursday night, Friday and it will' be replaced free of charge by
.{egular $11.5U
• Sat_urd,~y tQtC?1 tl:1,e g,r~at~st
amounts. In case of tie,' each
Mort f. Farr.
Free Aerial InstallatIOn
Seth Tho mas
Clock attractively
decorated in blue
winner will receive -the prize on any'radio set purchased during our and white. A 26 pieces of fine Wal1ace silver,
opening days, Thursday, Friday and
. in full. Saturdfl.y.
Victor, Sparton and Majestic Radios
limited numbel
of these only.
guaranteed for 20 years, in handsome
presentation ~hest.

The Best Slogan At Number 7015 At Number 7047

• Wins $500
gan o.f 10 words or less, that
best portrays the advantages Solid Mahogany Top
of Garratt Road for advertis-
ing purposes. Thirteen other GATELEG MULES
cash prizes for next best slo-
gans. Write your slogan on
this CO,upon and bring it with
you to Garrett Road and de- $13
Regu/ar 15.00 Va/utf
posit it in the "Slogan Box" Sally Sweet
R Price 1,22 Charming bedroom mules of
which you will find in each of Beautiful table of large size with
Shoes for
black patent leather, fashioned
the opening stores. No cou- graceful1y turned legs and solid ma- Women . .• in slipper style with soft soles
• pons sent by mail will be ac- hogany top. An unusual value.
$5 qnd ~6 and smart colored linings.
cepted. In case of tie, each

.. winner will receive the prize

in full •

At Number 7041 At Number 7039



Write Yom' Slogan Here GIRLS' PATENT PUMPS All Silk CHIFFON
from Top
00 & 95 $2. to Toe! HOSE

Sizes 5 to 11 Sizes 11 ~ to 7
Values from $3'~ $5
pqrfect $1.50 Grade
Your Name and Address Here Boys' Oxfords, $2.95
From Boys' Sizes 6 to Gent's Si~ .,
Full-fashioned all silk hose in
chiffon' and service weight, also
Values from $4 to $5
• the newall-over silk chiffons
, Men's Shoes ~ & $5
with double pointed heels. In all
the new fall shades. Every pair
perfect. .
Values from $,S to $7
• & ,4, • & & IQ
13~fJtq 11.'6 'fA!' To" InqfJldi", COr$6(t~$ fit 11.9.5

Friday, September 6, 1929 OUR TOWN PAGE THREE

to so many others? Have you a wife are undoubtedly a gentleman, and I ESTATE NOTICE
UNCLE CY'S COLUMN lying in a hospital waiting for you, or am sorry that there are so few like
is your dear old mother dying? Be- you.
Drivers fore you reach your destination you
• ••
many agree with me that it is
~",tate of 1\1. Alice Frank, deceased,
late of the Borough of Narberth, Mont-
gomery Count)', Pa,
After driving down from the Adir- will leave some one else's wife in a
ondacks from a visit to Aunt Cy, I am hospital or kill some other dear old much pleasanter to take a holiday by Estate Letters te"'tumentar~' on t.he above and
filled with an uncompromising dis- mother. \Vhat would you do if another boat . or train, where the engineers, dersigned, having been granted to thp un-
ali persons Indebted to said
:tpproval of most motorists. Perhaps car appeared commg around one of captall1s and others may take the re- Estate al'e requested tu make home-
I had better explain that I detest driv- these blind turns which you ignore and sponsibility dlate payment. and t.hose having legal
j ng before I address my remarks to race around so casually. It would give ,claims to Ilres""t tht' "arne without
_,ome of the drivers I met on the way. me great pleasure to lay the corner- ESTATE NOTICE delaY to Sand, Gra"el a"d Lime Products
dere is my hymn of hate: stone of your mausoleum. LOUIS H. FRANK, Executor,
120 EHmwood Ave.. Sewer Pipe
To the Slow Driver To Blinding LIghts .~.. tnte or GeorJ{e B. ParkluNon. Narberth. Pa.,
You are a so-and-so, a this-and-that, \Vhy in the devil don't you turn IJe.,enHed. Or to hi~ attortlt~~·t
:lIId then some. On a crowded na- down your lights, dim them or have Letters of Administration on the
donal highway you dawdle along with them adjusted? Can't you be a gen- above Estate having been g'rllnted to
your arm around your flapper friend, tleman and see that I turned mine the underslgnpd, all persons indpbted
DES;\IOND .r. l\[~'j'IGH~, l~SQ.,
205 Haverford Ave.,
Narberth. Pa. J. ]. SKELTON & SON
." our "sweetie" or whatever you call ?own for you? Don't y.ou realize that I to "aid Estatp are rprluPRted to make (!I-27-2!1) At Pennsylvania Station
' au k e ell l
II er ,y
O tote'
S a d'lI y t 0 tlle If anyone
d h d weref Iw"lklllg
I ld't along I'the payment
' and those havlIlg . claims to .-...-..-.. ~.-...-..-•.-.._._.---.-...-..
lniddle of the road; a line of cars used roa a ea 0 me
~ busI'lless-ll'ke trallsportatl'oll follo\v at all for a full
s lOU n see 11m
. after you had pre"ent the same
PROVIDJ';':\'I' without
'I'RUST delar. OF
fOU, eager to make their destinations p~sse~. I mIght run him down, even PHILADELPHIA, Justice of the Peace
lt scheduled timcs. You force them k.lll..hlm, and yet the actual respon- 17th and Chestnut Streets. REAL ESTATE Local Phone: Operating Two Yards City Phone:
LO pul1 to the extreme left-halid side slblhty would be yours.
,)f the road to P:ljS you, which en- y~>u are able to see the road you d~n t
As long <l;s PARKI';R H. WIJ~LIAi\[S,

'Fire Insurance-Best Companies
_ _ _ :::w:
dangers traffic in both directions. give a hang about the man comlllg Administrator. (9-1".·)~) , Phone 40~9-W 215 Haverford Ave. r ........ ~ -
\Vorse than that, you have your rear in the other direct.ion, and you will .... I .•- ..-...-...-...-..---.-.------ •.-..~
•:urtain pulled down so that lights are probably not improve much until some ~es='e2=1nest=!ppt=!~~p~!::"lpt'='!::"lt'='e
reflected in our eyes and so that we Mack truck driver selects a spot di-
have 110 warning of cars approaching rectly between your two aazzling The Atlas Company Names Become Famous ....
towards us. You roll serenely ,along headlights and heads for it. 1 hope
oblivious of the menace which vou that I shall be ·there to assist in the
:<nd your car represents: If you \vere sweeping up of the remains. You
because of what their owners achieved
Illy son I should take yoU across my will pursue me all night and destroy
knee and remind you that there are the peacefulness of my sleep. • Decorators • and continue to achieve. In Philadelphia
• • ••
"ther people in the world. As it is I
,hould like to see you fined for reck-
To the Sane Driver
God bless you! You keep on your
less driving, obstructing the hIghways own sidc of the road, dri\'c at the fast- ---_._------
H. No HALL. President. the name "Oliver Bair" carries a signifi' ..
;, nd as man v other misdemeanors as est legal pace, slow down and sound
109 North Narberth Avenue Phone: Narberth 3625 cance that can be read in no other.
lhe statute hooks allow. Take your a modest toot at important cross-
girl home to a sofa or a hammock if roads; you observe the traffic signs.
)OU want her head on your shoulder \\'hen you pass some one you do it
fr find a quiet country road where the in an easy manner without holding House Painting .:. Paperhanging ... Window Shades OLIVER H. BAIR COMPANY
Upholstering .:. Fumiture Repairing M. A. BAIR••President
I,orses and buggies may hll in line the centre of the h;t,\'hway for all in-
hehind you and conform to your speed. definite period. \Vhen some one ap- Draperies .:. Slip Co'Vers .:. Linoleums FUNERAL DIRECTORS
To the Cut-In Artist proaches from behind you pull over Painting and Refinishing of Furniture RITtenhouse 1581 1820 Chestnut Street Race 1110
\Vow! You just missed my front and slack for a moment out of cour- Mirrors Resil'Vered .:. Mattresses Rebuilt
i'~ft fender and vou didn't miss it by tesy; you turn down your light to
l1lUCh either. 'the speed limit along aid an approaching car; you kecp both \.
l'lis road is forty miles per hour, and hands on the wheel and both eyes onl WE ALSO CARRY A LARGE VARIETY OF UNPAINTED
all of us are doing just about that. the road.
Why is it necessalY for you to do You are the salt of the earth and FURNITURE AND OF LUCAS PAINTS
.m:ty at the risk of life and property I the salvation of the highway. You ~ ~

Faithful Service
Through all kinds of weather the milkman
makes his way to bring your bottle of Gold
Medal Milk each morning. Lives frequently
depend on his loyalty. Gold Medal service
is as faithful as the purity of the milk itself.


Pioneers in EtleTy PrOt/en Safeguard
LANe .
Now J:
we H;ill ~
on /lie pu,c!JO$e p,ice ofon
...The following firms have • r ~ INSlJiATID
been responsible for the'planning and buildingof TAPPANRfN-'G\
this most beautiful of su burban business districts
Structural Steel Bricklaying Architects Builders
Bridgeport, Pa. 5116 Market Street Otis Building Heed Building

Philadelphia Philadelphia
• •
Excallating and Road Building
Ardmore, Par
Cement Conrractors

Oxford, Pa.

6 Englewood Road
Upper Darby, Par
831 Soulh 49th Street • ..
Ardmore, Pa. '"

Royersford, Pa.
Bala-Cynw"d, Pa. JOHN J. BOLGER CO. •
H. KERST CO. Price ••. $130
Electric Installation
4208 Lancaster Avenue •
Cut Stone
Norristown, Pa. Roofing and Metal,cork
1817 North 20th Street
Slightly more on

Cement Contractors
• Philadelphia Deferred Payments
761 North 26th Street
Architectural Terra Cotta

Painting and Gla:sing
3922 Markel Slreet •
221 North 18th Street
72nd St. and Eastwick Ave.
Balance in 18 Months

Philadelphia Plumbing and Heating Philadelphia NE of the greatest money.saving offers we

B. T. KYLE & CO.
Electric Installation
Ardmore, Pa.

O have ever made! i\iow, trade the troubles and
worries of your old stove for the kitchen comfort
ALBERT SIl\IONE 1637 Wood Street Lumber
16th and Master Streets Stone Masonry Devon, Pa. and baking ease of this new Tappan Insulated

660 North 65th Street
Philadelphia • • W•.
R. I.
range I Has automatic oven beat control and a
wonderful new chromium-lined Speed Oven that
Cia.. and Copper Front
422 North 3rd Street '"
Plumbing and Heating
210 New Street
Damp-Proof Painting
443 Bourse Building
makes baking a delight! You must see it to ap-
predate it! Don't miss tbis opportunity. Como

Philadelphia Philadelphia _ coday! Ask for FREE Ove~ Canning Chart.

Bala-Cynwyd, Pa.
• •
J. S. THORN &: CO.

Electric Installation JOHN J. DOYLE Stone Masonry Steel Sash and MptahlJorlc S. tIIh ra"B' al a"1 "/0'"",,. .,. lUI OIN
5034 North 7th Street Pla.teriAIr Ardmore Park, Pa. 20th St. and Allegheny Ave. -t ••r ~JWllmlaliflll for 1-" ;"lfJfWIatio" •
Philadelphia Bryn Mawr, Pa.


• Philadelphia Suburban-Counties
Floor Planinlr , Metal Ceiling. Plastering Til... and Mosaic- Gas and Eleetrie Company
5831 Upluid Wa,. 16th St, IUId Wauhln.toD Ave. 5102 Pentridge Street
Overhrook, Philadelphia Philadelphia Phlladelphia
3429 Filbert Street
Philadelphia Ardmno'lI $.';00 EIilltop 118 Wallttll 8 •
3rl/n Mawr 8!7 Upper Darb1/-Blvd. 1800

• •

," Friday, September 6, 1929 OUP~ TOWN PAGE FIVE

-----...""""""""""'!'!!!!!!!!~~~I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-I' .¢ sc .¢ as .¢ w as
News of FINE POSITIONS. I The Children's Clothes
One pa,lJ:Ja & .004 salar7. We oller must be put in shape for school wear. Save time and money
the Churches ::rIl~Jr.l or'~g~tU:i~:::cle8s~~~tl1~: THIS YEAR BY HAVING YOUR HEATING SYSTEM by having us clean them. You will be surprised how mueh a
II ~.ed;e:J.e." IIIltlltU' tralll1DIr aM 7011
" eaned b y V acuum" I thorough cleaning will improve their appearance and save
FREE LITERATURE .. buying new ones.
. '
The Presb"'terian Church I uoo
W.IDat' Street, Plolladelp"'. TI,e M ost Effi'
clent MId
et '0 FAll
or H eating
. Systems I
Rev. John Van Ness, 1\1. A., Minister. cADELIZZI 'BROS.
Meetings for September 8: I ~~~~=~=~~~~= THE SERVICE COMPANY
9:45 A. M.-Bible School. All de-I
FRANK X. SEELY, JR., Mallager
11 :00 A. M.-1Iorning worship. Ser-, 5 Bala Avenue CYNWYD 877' 102 For~t Avenue Phone: Narberth 2602
Y~~s~ellle:"The ED1~tion~1 EnroUNowftr~~e ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ill~==~"~==~'~.===~"~==~X~==:'~'~==~'~'==='~'~==~'~'==~
7.45 P. :<'1. Evening Worship. Sermon
theme: "The Book of Nature."
A lesson frol1l the Hills.
Practical CIJt/.rses
at the..J ....... ----«I
Next Wednesday evcning. Union Chas. Morris Price School HOME AGAIN
Prayer :\leeting ill the ~Iethodist POOR RICHARD CLUB
Church with address hy Pussy· Ideal Milk
foot J OhilSlll1. JOURNALISM

Holy Trinity Lutheran Church

For men 3 nd women, 30 Tuesdays,
7 to 9 p. m. News rcptHting and in..
ter\'iewin",. Real nCWSI';lpo:r aemos..
Rev. Cletus A. Senft, Pastor. ph ere. Dlrc.:ted by P'hil.\Jdphia
Sunday. Sept. 8:
editor . . . . . • • • • $}O
your children
9:45 A. ~l.-Bihle School.

AfternC'C'n cour~e. 30 \"'l'cks, once a
•.. 11 :00 A. ).[ .-1' Ie Service with sermon week. 4.J0 to 6.30. Sdl.ClI,,"1 teat.:hers.
businl"ss m,':n and wclncn enroll.
Abbotts "A" Milk comes
hy the pastor. $25. E\.'enlu~ course, 30 wc:cks, once .:\ from fine, healthy tuber-
7 :45 P. ~l.-The \' esper Service with a week. 7 to I). Anl1lysis. plans. 1:1Y"
>,., culin-tested cows ami its
out. copy.wriring, t'lU~ht by pra~tk31
sermon. advertising Olt:n . . . . . . $20
Tuesdav. 6:00-9:00 1'. ~[ .. the Annual purity is protected by a
. Peach Festival in the base-
ment of the church.
Friday. 8 :00 1'. ~I.-Choir rehearsal.
Learn by doin~! 11 Toosdays, 7 to
9 p. m., for men o.nJ '...· omen. Every..
one speaks e\'ery class night. Voc:ab..
How good it feels to be back after the strenuous va(.ation days.
~~;;~ rigid system of cleanly
care under unerring laboratory control.
ul:try bllildin~, logical thinking on But you notice a number of things that need attention. Perhaps
one's feet _. praetic31 work; no the roof has leaked during the summer showers, the steps may Physicians and health authorities are agreed that only
Methodist Episcopal Church frills. • • • . . • • . . $25
need some new boards or the garage door may be broken. Any-
Rev. Samuel l\lacAdams. :l\Iinister. BUSINESS such milk is ideal for children.
LETTER WRITING thing could have happened during your absence, but whatever
Sunday. Septemher 8:
9:45 A. ~1.-S,ll1dav School. For men and womt·n. 30 Fridays, 7 the problem, we can help you. You want this Milk for YOllr child!
II :00 A. ~I.-\I orniilg worship. Sac- to 9 fl. m. Aauallcttct"~~tudieJ and
rewritt"n. Cle:H, corTcct thinking
rament fJi the Lord's Supper. For service 'phone Evergreen 4461·62
G.45 I'. :\l.-Dc'\'otional meeting' of
nnd sah.·:-.m:lnship appli.ed to busint.'ss
I<ttcrs • • • • • _ . • • $}O SHULL LUMBER COMPANY ABBOTTS DAIRIES, Inc.
the Epworth League. ESSAY COURSE
1 7 :45 P. \I.-E\ ening worship. Ser- The Link Between Forest and Home

Ad"'anced of En~lish f'-1r men
mon theme: "Forsaking the and wumen. V,Kabul::HY, sentence, 29 Bala Ave., Ba1a.Cynwyd Phone, Cynwyd 662
.... .. ..............
. . . . ·"X' MILK~'
Fountain, , p;'Ha~raph; un~[,·, c..:",hcrcncc, C'nlph"..
Mon<1ay cvcning. Septemhcr 9, meet-
ing' of the ofticial hoard.
sis. ReaJinR of ~fcat essays from 16th
to 20th centuries. A, cultural course
filr men 'anJ';w",mc,n, 3D a{ternooru.:
........................ .. :up •

The Ladics' Aid Societ\' will mec.t aU , or 30 e\'cnmgs . • • . • • $j~

the church on Tuesday ·evcning. Sep-
temuer 10. at II o·c1ock.
Shot·, CO/mie ill '. ; . • ,I. ,

The praycr Inceting will he held in CORRECT ENGLISH , .


Practical [C'aching. as i ntcrf"stin~ as a

the church on \\'ednesday e\Tning'. ~ame. Common errors, faulty pro.. "
Septemher 11. at 8 o·c1ock. nunciation corn~cted. The WHY of Twice a day Bradley Market Company's truck Safeguarded by Science and Tuberclllin-Test~.d."
Baptist Church of the E"angel
correct forms m:lJe clear. 15 Wed..
nesJays for men and \,,"omen, 6.30 to
Bp.m. . . • . . . . . . $1; makes deliveries of Philadelphia's "best meats" in your II
e..AjtertlOOll CIJ/lI'se i"
Rouert E. Keighton, 1Iinister.
Sunda\'. Septemher 8: ENGLISH GRAMMAR neighborhood. Open a charge account or, to place

9:45 A. :\I.-Fall opc'ning' of the
Church School. Special scssion
Thorough co\"t~rin~ of ~rammar and
its logic. For men and \\'omen who your trial order, just call Rittenhouse 7070.
~ ., .,"~ ~
oi all thc' departnlents. Let us "'aluesoundness of ins[ ruction. Help..
ful for mt."mbers of \\"llm~n's club!'. ~ ~
havc n'el V,lIl" hack on this first
Sunday "i- the uew school veal'.
30WedncsJays. 2.30 to 1,30 p.m., $}O.
Cut out alld k..p ,Ns 1l0tic<.J I~
11.00 A. \I.~:\[ornin~~ \\'orship - and :M ~
COlllmunion Ser1110n uy the For catalogue, address II~
:M ~
pastor: "The Call to the \1 in-
T. J. MULVEY :~ ~
!l~ ~
'I'his \\,ill he the first of four 1319 Locust Street
sermons on the Christian :\1 inis- PEN,'pkr 59'4
tn'. I~ ~.
'The p"stor will he h<!ck from 'i~ ~'
his vacation to takc 0\'\'1' the
work from the hands of our ahle ::~".~ ..
summer pastor. Dr. \\'illiam H.
ij~ !!I:
7:45 ('. :\I.-Evcning worship. Ser- ;!~ ~.
mon hy the pa;tor: "Lost and JI~ ~.
I~ ~
. The ,;el'lnons on the Sunda\'
We Have
e\Tnings of Septemher will pre'-
scnt stucFcs in the parahle of the I
I~ ~
('rodigal :;on.
\\' edncsday. Scptem her II:
8 :00 1', :\I.-I'raycr s('n,ice. Topic: ,
~ ,·,,'Il ~I:
"Thc ~I ost Interesting Experi- i ,~ ~ ~'~\l\\r... .
ence of \iy Vacation," I ,~ ~.
iI I
\\'hat ',\'as yours: Comc and I
tell us hu\\' you spent the sum-'
mer and what particularly ap- * * Are YOU On The Train?
pealed to you.
.. !*
I'~ ~ HPROSPERITY AHEAD!" is the cry as the
All Saints Church
\Vynnewood, Pa.
Rector, Rev. Gibson Bell.
Distilled Rockland Battery
Water; and Naptha for
lri~\~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~II I American Business Limited goes roaring I
I~.:~ i.'
Sunday. Septemhcr 8:
8:00 A. :\l.-Holv Comlllunion.
I cleaning purposes, made by I Do You Make These Mistakes in English? down the rails. The locomotive power is
11 :00 A. :\1.-:\1 ZlI'Iling l'rayer
Banking, strong and progressive. Your
the Standard Oil Company "I seell it myself." "He ciOIl't know the ciifftrellce." "The riyer has Oyer·
flowlI its ballk," "Betwem you anci I," "Its awfully ,lice," "Brillg business is like a coach at a siding. Hitch on
First Church of Christ,
of Pennsylvania, both at whomeyer lI'ill sillg good,"
How do you pronounce COUPOII, Address, Exquisite, Lammtable, Acel,.
to the train-you can. PrQ,sperity ahead! *.
Athens and Linwood Avenues,
Services at II A. 11.
SUI:day School at 11 A. :<'1.
30 cents per quart, with 5
cents rebated for return of
bottle, or 90 cents per gal.
m.. <J~,,' ,,,,',,', ~:~~:~:'::;:_J?
of , The Narberth National Bank lIl!l'

• \Vednesday evening testimonial Correct English Is the Password of Culture! ~ Member of Federal Reser"e System •
meeting at 8:00 P. M.
Reading room. 19 \:Vest Lancaster
Avenue, open week days from 10:30
to 4:30 o'clock; Wednesday evening
Ion in jars, with 15 cents
rebated for return of jar. , Let us face the truth! Did you really
learn the Why and the Wherefore
realizing every day that they have
need of getting "the low down" all
• •~I6I~~
from 9 :00 to 9 :45 o'clock. of English Grammar - of correctly the mistakes in English that they - ¥
The suhject ior the Bible lesson Also Atlantic Safety Kleen, written and correctly spoken Eng- make, of learning how to speak as
sel'l11<'n for Sunday. Septem her 8. is lish-at school? Few-very few- more and more cultured people
"1\1an," made by the Atlantic Re·
did. Thousands and thousands are speak today. AS NOTHING IS TAUN OUT OF
fining Company, at ~1.25
STRA YER'S This is the Opportunity for You WHITE BOCK NOTHING NEEDS
per gallon. and personality.
Secretaries. stenogrSI)herl'i, Hookk'O'OlterH,
TYI,••t., thoroughb' trllined tor .uece.sful
bUKlnPHK CllreerN. Good pernUlnent ItoKl-
Here is a practical, intensi"e course of 15
lessons for Men and Women of the Every writer of advertising can at TO BE REPLACED
tlon. gUllrllntee,l, N. B.-We stand back of benefit from it. Every salesman and
business, professional or social world, pro·
REGISTER NOW saleswoman needs it. Almost everyone
gressive teachers, up·to·date parents, etc., WHITE BOCK, contrary to the method in use by most
el'ery gallo>! of gas, every can "brush up" or "catch up" by spend·
in simplified, applied Grammar, Rhetoric, brewers, does not undergo any mechanical transformation.
... Day S"hool Sept. 3.
Strayer's Business College
Night Sehool Sel,t...
quart of oil, every pound of
Vocabulary, Punctuation, Common Er· ing 15 pleasant evenings in this Course.
For the classes ARE pleasant. They are
rors, Correct Pronunciation, of 525 mise It is brewed in the same routine as beer but does not form
'.o",bard 08·:14 used English words, of Famous Operas, taught by T. J. Mu~vey, Ph. D., who more than the legal percentage of alco-
80'1' Chestuut street grease you buy here. FrIll has the knack of making things clear,
Musicians, Artists, Places, etc., also of
measure, dependable quality! of making it easy to remember practical
French, Italian, German and Latin Phrases holic content during manufacture.
in common use, Goocl Focm in Letter correct forms, not by hammering on rules,
No time lost when we change \Vriting, and many minor items that but by explaining in your own language
TALK what to say and how to say it correctly.
contribute to cultured conversation, poise The HORNUNG method thus preserves
oil for yOIl! all the tasty, beneficial qualities which
with authority and ease 15 LESSONS, $15
among well-read people. ha\'e made its products famous for over
On 15 Wednesdays, beginning September 11, 1929, thirty years. ,I
Take This from 6:30 P. M. to 8 P. M.
* * *
Course on the Just a pleasant and profitable hOllr a'id a half! CO·1"1'EI1'~. IUt"lltM Rill) G1.·ocerlell

ENGLISH ESSAY Text book, Miller System of Correct English, ;H.50. GEO. 1\1. UANIJO, (;ro"erle"..e Iml.orted Gooda

.. Broaden your point of view;

Narberth No matter how handsome you are or how much money you possess, you cannot even 1-IlEEI\(AN DnOS.,l\leutlJ und Grocerle.
hope to command genuine respect unless you are able to express yourself in correct, HA.liEll unos.. Dellt'llteo'N"'"
learn to form judgments of your clear, effective English. What you say and how )'ou sa)' it. proclaim to all who meet .. '
own. Read and discuss Great Bridge Garage you just what kind of background you have had. COOPF.U'S I-nUl')' lUAIlKET

• English Essays-many of them

Enroll now for this COllrse in Corr~ct English-it will help you to possess
on the nature of poetry. It's a
poise and bllild personality. YOll will not be afraid yOIl don't know!
cultural course for men and Narberth Avenue
women. Afternoon or evening.
Address T. J. Mulvey, Ph. D. at the P. R. R. Address-T. J. MULV~Y, Ph. D., D~au,
of Aciyertising allci Jou'llaimn of Advertising and Journalism
C. P. COOK, General MiJr. POOR RICHARD CLUB Words !
PENuoJtR 5914 13.19 Locust Street, Philad~lphia.
• t," "",
Pennypa~ker 5914
,, c:aDt c1escribe•

}lAG& SIX OUR,ToWN Friaay, Septnnbn 6, 1929

· S h i s ' !I
T ownsh Ip Fireside N. J., over the past week-end, and!
c 00 . among her guests was Miss Betty I
to Open on Monday Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd B. Edgerton, Hartley.
of 107 Chestnut Avenue, have re- '''1 d '1 R d T
f I' Pl
H. B. Wi\LL
b' S.P. Frqnkenfield Sons
--- ! turned from a several months' trip to G"' r ·. an A"' rs. aynhlo~l "donesh' 0 um mg .:. HPfItI1lU
CONTINUED FROIll PAGE 1 I,. I ray lIIlg venue, t elr
Europe. Their son, Byron, returned Betty, and Mildred Odiorne. motored'
aug ter, Ga FiU,
100 Fo~rual Av"eYnu. fUNERAL DIRECTORS
Senior High School I If' k Camp to Beltsville Md.. for Labor Day I ~~
c, B, Pennypacker, Pr I nc Ipa; I A. C, recent y rom nllle wee s at
Adam, Herman and CORch; Henry S, Anaconda.
Africa, History and Dean of Bo~'s; I :Mrs. G. E. Carter, of Grayling Ave-
Phone·. NarL-rth
'"' 365.-M

Mr. and Mrs. Harold C. \Vren and "'!!!ii!!!~~!!i!ii!!!i!ii!!!i!ii!!!!!!~~~~!!!!!!!i!ii!!!!ii~ .ATH~NS AVENUE AND SIMPSON ROAD
William H. AnderHon, PhYHlcal Traln- [
ing and Coach; Eula R Baer, !'~ngIlHh; nue, spent t le a or
I L b D k d son, of 426 Essex Avenue, have re- '!!"!
ay wee -en turned from a fortnight's visit to EI-
George. -,=
I~thel ~1. Baker, French; ~[arlon H'I with Miss Alice Cook, of Phoenix- mira, N. Y. I
Ba)), HIHtor~' and MathematlcH; Bruce ville.
C Beach, In"trumental ~[u"lc; Theo-
d~ra P. Bush, Art; Russell Byerly"
Biology and Botany; Thomas C. C r a n - '
Miss Florence Sausser of 426 Es-
Dr. and Mrs. Harry Hartley, with f sex. . venue, IS e~,:mg . today or
Manual Training; 'Varren H. Cocklin, their sons of Haverford Avenue, were I Chrflstlan~'1 Pa ·, tOB\I'IS lt fnenfds· .
I }. h
rs. '"' art a
. I .'

oom, 0 S

Paperhanging and

All Sorts 0/ Jobbing and Alteration Work
mer, Sale"mallllhip and Bookkeeping; week-end guests of the R. S. Jones Road, has returned flom a trip to Eu- Narberth 4135W L Quickly and Reasanably Done
Hara Cumming", History and Civic,,; at the latter's new cottage in the Po- rope.
James B. Davl", Ph~'slcs and Botany; canos. Mrs. A. Perry Redifer, also of Shir-
('Iare C. I,atln;
f.'iller, Dittmar, Librarian;
Virginia M.
C. Fretl!:, "' ISS R
'f' ut 1 IWil
b ur, 0 f IClaver
J for, d Ier R oa,
DomeRtlc Science; Mary E. Crelner, had a house pariy at the summer trIp to Europe with Mrs. R. A. Bo-
d re t urnc: d recent Iy f rom a Walter P. Miesen
ffHistoric Lower Merion I~
Commercial, Typewriting; Alma. M. home of her parent!: at Lavalette, hch, formerly of Narberth.
Hellwege, Spani"n; Harold 'V, HelveH-
Carpenter & Builder
ton, lIIathematlcR and Soccer Coach; ~)OOOb:J)OOOb:JQ",,",UQ~ and Blockley" 100 N. Narberth Avenue Phones: D.ay-Narberth 3973-M.
Dorothy Holland, Engll"h; Helen B. Evemng-Narberth 3828-R.
Hubbard, Eng'llsh and Dean of GlrlH;
Paul Keever, Chemistry; E, EIIl!:abeth
Kurtl!:, I\lathemaUcs; ~llldred P. Lewis, SWIM By
~OOO~OO~O~O~ •
Commercial, Stenography; Mary I~. Mc-
Dermott, English and Hi"tor~'; ·J,aura
T. lIIcDonough, ~Ia thematlcs; ~Iargaret
In Filtered Water, Heated to a Uniform Temperature
Six I.e...."n.. "'ree to Holder.. of Sen..on Ticket..
For Sale at Strawbridge and TO THE TAXPAYERS
Clothier's, Wanamaker's, or
Major, I,aUn and Hi"tory; 'Villlam P.
Nash. lIIathematlcH; Jo'lorence Nlchol-
Men, $5.00 V/omen, $4.00
Single Admission 30 Cents
Boys, $3.40 Girls, $2.80
I any book store. of the Borough of Narberth
t'ion, Spani:;h: ·Vincent Pearce, Eng-
lish; ·Katherlne Rambo, Phy"ical Edu- Election will be held this Fall to fill the office of Tax Collector.
('ation; Catherine O. Rhoads, History;
Jo'rank V. Hlnehart, ~Ianual Training;
110 w. l .... nc"IIMt ... r A,,"enue, .-\.rdJllore
Price $5 As it is my intention to be a candidate for election to this office, I
Ellzaheth 1II, Rush, EngllHh; Beulah
HcboJl. French; ·Pearl Seitl!:, Vocal Mu- Ardmore 833 II!=..=-========:::I respectfully solicit your support and votes.
sie; I\lyrlla 1\1. Hheely, Engli"h; Lyman Play T~llllis at Low~r Merioll High Slhool Courts
Huloff, Auto Mechanic,,; !'~Ieanor Vin-
yard, Sewing and Dre""mak IlIg; ·1IIar-
g-aret 'Valier, Eng'lI"h, _
(Under Y. 1\1. C. A, Supervision)


I have owned my home in the Borough and lived here for the
21 years, during which time I have filled the offices of Borough
• ;o.;ew Teachers.
Jobbing Councilman, Borough Treasurer, and for the past two years as Tax

.. --
Phone: NARBERTH 4129
103 Dudley Avenue
Collections have been brought up to date through efficient
handling of this position. Hoping I may count on your support,
Musical Academy Respectfully,
110 Year.. of C ..........ed Su.·.·e.... In
'l'rulnlnJt JltlMh'htnH
TAX COLLECTOR Window Screens Edwin P. Dold.
,;raded ('our"e" In all depart-
lllentR of mu"lcal in"truction un- Enclosures
d"'r the "arne dl"tlngui"hed fac-
,. requent recital" and oppor-
tunille" for public appearance and solicits the support of the voters at the Alterations & Jobbing 1'\ THE ' MAIN LINEI~ h .
while "tudylng.
"'on YF..~n BOOK. WRITE Primary Election, Tuesday, September 17. _.,,*~- r - I eANKING INSTITUTION.-~
tl111 !'ipru.·p St. PPJln)'pneker :;053
Louise Voss Cockrill. COOK & KOUP
1059 Montgomery Avenue
To ,.ot~ is your pri,.i1~8~­
WANTED: Do not pass it by. Phone: NARBERTH 2841.W

Y2.load return from

Whose Guiding Hand?
Atlantic City, Monday For Permanent 'to

l Satisfaction While you are with them, your family can
look to you to provide-but after, whose guiding

Hauling hand will see that they are cared for financially
Narberth 3657-R
"W.en it's raining hard Smedley -and will steer their course straight, without

outside and there is shop- Built Home misfortune?

WHITE'S ping that must be done ••• Wm. D. & H. T. Smedley Let your hand guide your Life Inslu ...nce

SWEET SHOP money-by placing it in trust with us. Your

instructions and our judgment will help your
Pastry, Candy, Nuts


Allto PnrtN, SltOOnH, Fc~rkN, SII-
"ern'lIre, Rlith
pure ..liver. U.e
Fnu."etH, ,,·lth
dependents through financial difficulties.
explain the details.
Let us •
flour orders! U-KAN·PLATE
If SII.'er Pilltp.. to look like
ICE CREAM lie,,·: l;He ON n l·oIIN".

(14 {lo'l'ors)
Approved by "Good House-
I<eeplng" as a Sih'er Polish,
Nlc)<el PollRh, Silver Plater. It
219 Haverford Ave., Narb.
prolong'" the life of a)) plated
3-ol!:, bot, SOc; 8-nz. bo!., $1.00.
Phone, NARBERTH 4005 Who'. Who? Look in the Telephone Director)' I~or Sale by OF • ARDMORE ..
Cotter's ::IIarket, Hansell Bros.
Narberth Hdwr., RicJ<lln Hdwr. PE NNSY LVANIA
l ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
, ,•.•." .•.•,.•.•,.•." .•.,•.•.••~.,.•.,t•••• t •••" ••a " ••••••••,.·••••• , ~ ~.t•••• t , •••,I' , ••••,' ,••••,•••" •••, •••• ~C.·
pJC~ ~
.• ¥::
~p ~~
i~:~ Schedule of Montgomery Bus Co., Inc. ~~~~
Off to School ..

... 'If


• • • in the safety and comfort of ~n~

...: Montgomery Avenue Lines IThen every 20 minutes until 11.45
P. M.
Wynnewood Road Route •En~..
O• Eastbound
I Then 12.05 A. M., 12.30, 1.00 and I,eave l\[ontgoll1er~' find Morris ~U~

Shoor-Treds ~U~

Lea\'ing Anderson and Mont-

gomery A venues
200 A M ' AveueH, BI'~'n ::Ifawr, for Ardmore,
I . .. Wynnewood, Merion and Sixt"-Sec-
Leaving 54th and City Line 5 min- ond and Lanca"ter Ave.
utes later than the above-men- Route foJlowR:
• ..

~n~ Starting at 5.40 A. M. tioned times. Leaving SixtY-Reeond and I,anca"ter ~U~
CI Happy are those tiny feet which know the safety and II
~,f Then every 20 minutes until 12.00 Leaving Pennsylvania R. R. Sta- Avenue" for Bryn Mawr via ~n5.
comfort of Shoor.Treds. They know no cramped toes, no
aching arches, or the mental dullness thllt results from
tired liml1s. "Feet foremost" is the Shoor·Tred motto-
-.. :. .:

P. M. midnight.
~l~ Then 12.30 and 1.30 A. M.
tion ,in Nal·bel·th 19 minutes Wynnewood and Montgoll1er~' Ave-
later than the above-mentioned nu"" to Bryn Mawr.
foremost in, foremost in comfort, and fore·
~..~ Starting at 5.30 A. M. Narberth Short Line
WI<; ..; KDA YS
I~eavlng Morris Ilnd Montgomery
most in good looks. :u~ Then every half-hour until 9.00 Eastbound Avenue", Br~'n ~[Ilwr. ~"OI

CI Even aside the essential feature of

~n~ A. M.
~n~ utes until 12.00 P. M. midnight. tion, Narberth
:Hartlng 6.00 A. 1\L, 6,30, 7.00, 7.30,
· = Then 9.20 A. M. and every 20 min- Leaving Pennsylvania R. R. Sta- 8,00, 8.::0, 9.00, 10.00, 11.00, 12.00
P. l\f.; 1.00, 2.00, 3.00, 4.00, 4.30, 5.00,
in children's'shoes, there is a hard·headed reason why ~n~ Then 12.30 and 1.30 A. M. 5,::0. 6,00, 6.30, 7.00, 7.30, 8.00, 8.30, En3
Geuting'& outfit more boys and girls than any other shoe ~U' Leaving Pennsylvania R. R. Sta- WEEK DAYS 9,00, i 0,00, 11.00, 12.00 A. 1\1. ~n~
store in the cOQptry. That hard.headed reason il the one ~. tion in Narberth 7 minutes late1' Starting at 5.50 A. 1\1. WESTBOUND ~n~
that appea16 to parent,-money·,aving. Not first cost :1 than the above-mentioned times. WEEKD.\ 'l'S ~ :l
saving, but the sllving that comes with the "double wear"
featur~ of Sboor.Tred shoes.
~2. Leaving 54th Street and City Line Then 6.30, 7.10, 7.50, 8.30, 9.10,
21 minutes later than the above-
mentioned times.
Leaving Slxt~'-second and
9.50, 10.30, 11.10 and 11.50 A. M. caster Avenue.
Then 12.30 P. M., 1.10, 1.50, 2.30,
Lan- ~n~
Starting 6.30 A. 1\L, 7,00, 7,30, 8.00. ~u •
•2,i, 3.10, 3.50, 4.30, 5.10, 5.50, 6.30, 8.::0, 9.00, 9.30, 10.30, 11.30. 12.30 ~..~
cr: So before school opens, outfit your child with :~"== •'. Westbound 710 750 830 910 950 1030 .,.,.,., .. ,., P. 1IL; 1.::0, 2.~O, 3.30, 4,30, 5.00, 5.30, ~uo; .
. Geuting's shoes~ Make your selection from the largest .u 1110 d 1150 P M 6.00, 6.30, 7.00, 7,30, 8.00, 8,30, 9.00••~.~
~U~ Leavmg
l'i . 62d an d L
venue · an • •• 9.:10, 10.::0, 11.30 P. M" 12.30 A. 111. ~,
~. •
assortment, anywhere. Shoes for every occasion: school,
drees, play, riding, danclllg, and rainy day wear. If you !In!~ WEEK DAYS Westbound EASTBOUND
will bring your children to us, we promise to develop in ;n, I':
Starting at 6.00 A. M. Leaving 54th a;;j City Line I,eavlng l\lontgomer~' and Morris l
them the st,ong, heal,thy feet which normality demands,
and which it is your children's right to have. Le.tUl
prove we can do it with good.looking, sensible .~oee.
I 'US Then 6.25 A. M. and every 20 min-
utes untl·1 11....
'5 P • M•
Startl'ng at 6.10 A. M.
Then 12.0.5 A. M., 12.30 A. 1\1., 1.00 Then 650 730 810 850 930
Avenues, Bryn Mawr,
10.30, 11.30 at 6.30, 12,30
A. I\I.; 7.30, P.8.30,
2.30, 3.30, 4.:10, 5.30, 6.30, 7.30, ~:~g:
9.30, t,'
..' '.
S iii and 2.00 A. M. 101 • l' • , • , • , • , 9.:10, 10.30, 11.30 P. M. ~:.

~ 0, 0.50 and 11.30 A. M. ~

li . SUNDAYS Then 12.10 P. M., 12.50, 1.30, 2.10, Leaving "t1~~J.~?c~~P and Lan- E1l~
!:lI~. Startmg at 6.00 A. M. 2.50, 3.30, 4.10, 4.50, 5.30, 6.10, caster Avenue. ~2l'
",.ri. Then 6.25 A. M., 6.55, 7.25, 7.55, ~:500' 7.30'181·1300' 9 30
8p.5«t'.I • , 10.10, Starting at 7.00 A, M., 8.00, 9.00, ~,~
• an d 200 ".l"
8 •25 A.M
A. 1\1.
855 925 then 9 '5
.,.,., ...
And 12.30 A. M.
• • "' • 10,00, 11.00. 12.00 P. M.; 1.00,
3.00. 4.00, 5,00, 6.00, 7.00, 8.00,
10.00, 11.00, 12.00 A. M.
9:00: l:!


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