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B.A.LL.B Degree Examinations - July, 2019

II Semester
Paper- I: General English-II
(Regulation 2018-19)
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
Answer any SEVEN Questions, choosing at least three from each Part. All questions carry equal marks.

1. Make one Word Substitution for the Following.

a) Animals Feeding On Flesh
b) One Who Sues In a Law Suit
c) List of Topics to be discussed at a Meeting
d) A Person Who Loves or Collects Books
e) Money Paid to a Share Holder from a Company’s Profit.

2. Vocabulary:

Write Synonyms of the following.

(a) Brevity
(b) Delight
(c) Enormous
(d) Foible
(e) Homogeneous

Write Antonyms of the following.

(a) Arrogant
(b) Frank
(c) Morbid
(d) Vulgar
(e) Manifest

3. Use the Given pairs of words in sentences of your own bringing out the difference in
a) Council - counsel
b) Accept - Except
c) Decease - Disease
d) Jealous - Zealous
e) Cheque - Cheeck

4. Write any Five of the Following:

Explain Legal Terms and Idiomatic Expression.
a) Alimony
b) Exhibit
c) Minutes
d) Summons
e) Jurisdiction
f) Affidavit
g) Writ
h) Dividend
i) Inquest
j) Inventory
Contd ..2
:: 2 ::

5. Cheque the following into direct or reported Speech.

a) He said, “Last night I met my friend”.
b) He said to me” can you help me”
c) I asked to him “please wait here until i return”.
d) He said to me “Why you did not attended classes yesterday.
e) He asked me to give him my pen.

Part – B

6. Express your views on the saying ‘life is not a bed of roses”.

7. Make a précis of the following.

One of the consequences of technology and population growth is the increase of pollution
through the world. Everyone knows the future of all life on earth will be endangered if
man does not control the contamination of the environment. We read about accidents
that cause pollution of cities or the poisoning of millions of fish in big rivers, but few of us
realize the full Extent of the dangers that confront mankind. It is true that progress in
knowledge has led to The development of science and technology which has, in turn,
profoundly altered man’s Environment. For example, Fertilizers and insecticides have
increased agricultural output. However, both give rise to pollution.

8. Write five sentences of your own with the following structure.

Subject + Verb + Preposition + Prepositional object.

9. Change the Voice

a) I knew him.
b) His Behaviour vexed her.
c) The project is not completed in time by me.
d) Water is Contained in the jug.
e) Post the Letter.

10. Translate the following passage into Telugu/Hindi:

To achieve world peace two things are required. First thing is that the spirit of
cooperation Among nations to work together as friends. The second thing is that they
have to follow the rule of law. If all nations follow these two things, there will be no

B.A.LL.B Degree Examinations - July, 2019
II Semester
Paper- II: Political Science-II
(Regulation 2018-19)
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70

Part A (6 X 5 = 30 Marks)
Answer any Six Questions
Each Question Carries 5 Marks

1. The concept of Non-Violence (Ahimsa)

2. Max Weber.
3. Rational –Legal Authority ( Bureaucratic Authority)
4. Grama Rajya
5. Man is Born free and is everywhere in chains ( Rousseau on state of Nature)
6. Utilitarianism (Both rule and act utilitarianism)
7. Authority.
8. Neo- Gandhian thought.
9. Unjust Laws
10. Civil disobedience.
PART- B-(4 X 10=40)
Answer any FOUR Questions
Each question carries 10 Marks
11. Write about the contemporary crisis of legitimacy?

12. Define the power and explain its role in national and international relations?
13. Explain the theory of practice of Satyagraha how does it differ from passive resistance?
14. Discuss the problem of obedience to unjust laws?
15. Give an account of political philosophy of Emile Durkheim?
16. Briefly explain why one should honor promises and about contract actual liability?
17. What is meant by punishment in political thought and explain about different theories of punishment?

18. Write a brief note about Jermy Bentham and J.S Mill contributions to utilitarianism?
B.A.LL.B Degree Examinations - July, 2019
II Semester
Paper- III: Sociology-II
(Regulation 2018-19)
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70

PART A- (6 X 5=30 Marks)

Answer any SIX Questions
Each question carries 5 marks

1. Social Change
2. Culture and Civilization
3. Religion
4. Social Conflict
5. Bonded Labour
6. Social Action
7. Law and Society
8. Legal Literature.
9. Marriage
10. Jajmani System
PART B – (4 x10 =40 Marks)
Answer any Four Questions
Each question carries 10 marks

11. Write a brief note on various steps taken by Governments in promoting welfare of the tribal
12. Write a note on trends of change in Indian Society.
13. India as plural society varieties of
(a) Customs and Ways of life
(b) Linguistic, Religious and Other Communities
14. Critically examine different community development programme (CDP) in backward villages
and Municipalities.
15. Describe the importance of Grama Nyayalaya and Lok Adalats.
16. Write about disintegration of joint family system in India.
17. Write a brief note about “Unity and Diversity in India.”
18. Explain about the importance of law for social change.
B.A.LL.B Degree Examinations - July, 2019
II Semester
Paper- IV: History
(Regulation 2018-19)
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70

PART A- (6 X 5=30 Marks)

Answer any SIX Questions
Each question carries 5 marks

1. Moghul Revenue Policy

2. Home Rule Movement
3. Ancient Indian Heritage Culture.
4. Court System in India
5. Decentralization in India and its experiments.
6. Study of Social Reforms in India
7. Ancient Indian Pre-Islamic Period.
8. Medieval Period in the area of Revenue Administration
9. District Administration in Guptas.
10. Land Reforms of Shershah.

PART B – (4 x10 =40 Marks)

Answer any Four Questions
Each question carries 10 marks
11. Bakthi Movement.
12. Impact of British Rule in India
13. Indian Government Act, 1935
14. Impact of European Liberal Thought on Indian National Movement.
15. Cultural Conditions of Guptas
16. Judicial Reforms of British Period
17. Social and Religious conditions during the period of Chandra Gupta Mourya
18. Minto Morley Reforms in India.
LL.B/B.A.LL.B Degree Examinations - July, 2019
II/VI Semester
Paper- I: Family Law-I
(Regulation 2018-19)
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70

PART - A (6 X 3 = 18)
Answer any SIX questions
Each Question Carries 3 Marks

1. Kinship
2. Who is a Hindu
3. Joint Hindu Family
4. Holy Quran
5. Uniform Civil code
6. De jure Guardian
7. Family Courts Act,1984
8. Option of Puberty
9. Adultery
10. Dr of Pious Obligation

PART- B-(2 X 12=24)

Answer any TWO Questions
Each question carries 12 Marks

11. Explain the concept of Joint Hindu Family. What are the powers and functions of Karta, Is female
can be a Karta of JHF?

12. Discuss the Law relating to Maintenance of Divorced wife under Muslim law.

13. Define the term Guardian and explain the kinds of Guardian under Hindu and Muslim Law.

14. Explain Adoption and the procedure for Valid Adoption under Hindu Personal law.

PART- C-(2 X 14=28)

Answer any TWO Questions
Each question carries 14 Marks

15. “A” divorced Muslim wife sought Maintenance from her Husband beyond Iddat period- decide her

16. “A”, a Hindu aged 16 years married “B” a Hindu girl aged about 15 yrs. Is the marriage Valid? Give

17. “A” filed Restitution of Conjugal Rights petition against “B” his wife a Movie Artist. “B” Objected
that it violates her right to life and personal liberty. She also filed a Divorce petition - Decide.

18. “X” a Muslim Acknowledges “Y” as his legitimate Son. Subsequently “X” revokes it. Is the
revocation Valid?
LL.B/B.A.LL.B Degree Examinations - July, 2019
II/VI Semester
Paper- II: Family Law-II
(Regulation 2018-19)
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70

PART - A (6 X 3 = 18)
Answer any SIX questions
Each Question Carries 3 Marks

1. Agnates
2. Stridhana property
3. Unprivileged Will
4. Distant Kindred
5. Sharers
6. Partition
7. Dr of Pre emption
8. Antecedent Debt
9. Letters of Administration
10. Intestate Succession
PART- B-(2 X 12=24)
Answer any TWO Questions
Each question carries 12 Marks

11. “Inheritance is never an abeyance” – Discuss.

12. Explain the prominent features of Mithakshara Coparcenary System?

13. State the provisions for devolution of property in case of female Hindu Dying Intestate.

14. What are the changes brought down by the Hindu Succession (Amendment)Act, 2005 to the
Hindu Succession Act,1956?
PART- C-(2 X 14=28)
Answer any TWO Questions
Each question carries 14 Marks

15. A Sunni Muslim died leaving behind his Wife, father, Mother, Full Brother, Son And
Daughter, How would you distribute the property among them?

16. Ramu, a Hindu male died leaving behind his wife, 3 sons and 2 daughters, father and mother.
He lost his acquired property. Who will succeed to his property?

17. A husband and wife are employees and during their matrimonial life they have purchased a
house worth of 4 Lakhs by taking loan from their Employers. Subsequently, they have taken
divorce. Is the divorced wife entitled to any share in the house property?

18. Distribute the inheritance according to Hanafi law and Shia Law: Father, Mother, Daughter
and Brother
LL.B/B.A.LL.B Degree Examinations - July, 2019
II/VI Semester
Paper- III: Law of Crimes
(Regulation 2018-19)
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70

PART - A (6 X 3 = 18)
Answer any SIX questions
Each Question Carries 3 Marks
1. Good faith.
2. Wrongful restraint.
3. Dowry death.
4. Public Servant.
5. Mens rea.
6. Hurt and Grievous Hurt.
7. Forgery.
8. White collar crimes.
9. Assault.
10. Criminal Conspiracy.

PART – B (2 X 12 = 24 Marks)
Answer any Two Questions
Each Question Carries 12 Marks

11. Explain the various offences against women mentioned in criminal law.
12. Explain the defense of Intoxication under criminal law.
13. All murders are culpable Homicides but culpable homicides are not murders. Discuss.
14. Distinguish among Theft, Dacoity and Robbery.

PART – C (2 X 14 = 28 Marks)
Answer any TWO Questions
Each Question Carries 14 Marks

15. “A “makes an attempt to pick the pocket of “Z” by thrusting his hand into Z’s pocket. “A”
fails in the attempt in consequence of Z’s having nothing in his pocket. Is “A” guilty of any

16. “D “offers Rs 10,000 to “Q” an engineer in P.W.D showing official favor for his works. “ Q”
refuses to accept the money and complains. Has “D” committed any offence comment?

17. “Z” instigates “N” to give false evidence before the District Judge in Murder case. “N” refuses
to do so. Has “Z” committed any offence?

18. “A” finds a ring worth of RS.5000/- on a road. “A” takes and wears to his fingers. “B” sees it
and says that it is his ring. Is “B” entitled?
LL.B/B.A.LL.B Degree Examinations - July, 2019
II/VI Semester
Paper- IV: Environmental Law
(Regulation 2018-19)
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70

PART A- (6 X 3=18 Marks)

Answer any SIX Questions
Each question carries 3 marks

1. Environmental Pollution
2. UNEP (United Nations Environmental Programme)
3. Global Warming
4. Noise Pollution
5. Concurrent List
6. Absolute Liability
7. Sanctuaries
8. Biodiversity
9. Environment Courts
10. CRZ Notification
PART B – (2 x12 =24 Marks)
Answer any TWO Questions
Each question carries 12 marks

11. Explain various Constitutional provisions concerning environmental protection in India.

12. Explain the concept of Sustainable Development
13. Discuss the contribution of Judicial Activism for Environmental Protection.
14. “Stockholm Declaration is the Magna Karta of Environmental Protection.” Describe this
PART C- (2 X 14 =28)
Answer any TWO Questions
Each Question carries 14 marks
15. State government is proposed to start is proposed to start ‘Mega Aqua Food Park’ in Tundurru
of West Godavari District. Local public are opposing not to construct the project as it effect
environment critically. Analyze the case.

16. As a part of tourism development the Ministry of Tourism and Ministry of Environment &
Forests has made a proposal to construct a five star hotel in the forest area and granted
permission to a private company. In order to facilitate the construction of the hotel, they
erected bunds to change the course of a river and also extended their construction into a part of
the reserve forest. This was criticized by environmentalists and PIL was filed against the
proposal. Decide.

17. A chemical factory in a housing locality polluting the local environment by smoke emission
and effluents. It has affected the health of the people residing in its vicinity. The people intend
to stop this nuisance. Examine the judicial remedies available to them.

18. In order to reduce air pollution, noise pollution and traffic congestion, the Government and
Association of Private Schools issued a circular prohibiting the parents and students from
using their own transport and making it mandatory for all students to use busses that are
operated by those schools. Discuss the legality of the circular.
LL.B/B.A.LL.B Degree Examinations - July, 2019
II/VI Semester
Paper- V: Human Rights & Practice
(Regulation 2018-19)
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
PART A- (6 X 3=18 Marks)
Answer any SIX Questions. Each question carries 3 marks
2. Stateless persons
3. National Commission for minorities.
4. Rights of the Child
5. European Convention on human rights.
6. Human Rights Courts in districts
7. War crimes
8. The Economic, and Social Council (ECOSOC)
9. Genocide
10. Amnesty International

PART B – (2 x12 =24 Marks)

Answer any TWO Questions. Each question carries 12 marks

11. Explain the expression “Human Rights”. Trace the origin and development of Human Rights.
12. Write a note on Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948.
13. Discuss the constitution and functions of NHRC and its role in protection of human rights in
14. What are the constitutional provisions for protection human rights and its enforcement in India.
PART C- (2 X 14 =28)
Answer any TWO Questions. Each Question carries 14 marks

15. Mr. Shyam a coolie working in Visakhapatnam fell down from a running train and suffered
serious head injuries. He was taken to various government hospitals but he was denied
medical aid due to non availability of beds. Later he was admitted to a private hospital, where
he had to spend Rs. 1 Lakh for his treatment. He claims that amount from the government.
Decide the liability of the Government.

16. Ramu was convicted for six murders and sentenced to death and kept in jail. He wrote his
autobiography in jail and handed over the book to his wife with the knowledge and approval
of the Jail authorities. The autobiography depicted a close nexus between the prisoner and
several IAS & IPS and other officers and some officers were partners in several crimes. The
Jail authorities and government refused the permission to publish the book. The publisher and
her wife approached the Supreme Court. Is the stand of the government justifiable? Give

17. A Bangladesh National Hussainbee was gang raped by railway employees in a room Howrah
Railway Station. A NGO filed a writ petition on behalf of raped victim for claiming
compensation for hospital expenses. But the railway authorities refused to pay compensation
to the victim as she was a foreigner. Decide.

18. In Delhi, construction work of stadiums was going, which were proposed for international
games. Some of the government contractors engaged children below 14 years in construction
work. An NGO filed a writ petition before the SC for protection of children rights- Decide.

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