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Effects of COVID-19 in logistics industry –

The strongest impact of COVID-19 was seen

on the 2nd or 3rd day of the lockdown,
when movement of trucks fell by 90% –
95%. The little movement witnessed was of
essential goods which had not come under
the purview of restrictions imposed due to
the lockdown.
There has, however, been a slow and steady
recovery of goods movement through the
months of April and May. This was largely
due to relaxations of the lockdown in the
non-hotspot regions of the country.

As of April 30, 40% of the trucks seem to be back

on the roads. Primary drivers are Agriculture and
FMCG, with some recovery in industries like
metals, chemicals, and infrastructure.

With the loosening of lockdown across the

country, the sector bounced back. And growth of
this sector depends upon the demand.

Effects of COVID-19 on transportation

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