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Competency 3 Post Test

Miranda Acevedo

ORGL 3322-V01


Jun 17th, 2020

Competency 3 Post Test 2

Competency: Post-Test 3

An organization, whether big or small, will likely experience not one but several

problems in its making. That being said, there are a number of problems that are mostly common

found within organizations, such as: absence of clear direction, difficulty blending multiple

personalities into a cohesive and unified team, failure to develop key competencies and

behaviors, poor communication and feedback, and a lack of awareness. One problem, or better

said two that become one, in particular, that being, the difficulty blending multiple personalities

into a cohesive and unified team alongside the lack of direction, can be fatal to an organization's

growth and development if not resolved properly by both team members and those standing

above that team as authority figures. That being said, in order to resolve such a problem, it must

be analyzed and resolved at not one angle, but multiple so as to cover each aspect of the

organization being affected. 

Cohesive and unified are strong words. They’re used to describe a measure of

cooperative communication amongst members of an organization to better effectively carry out

tasks that contribute to said organization’s functional success. These tasks are carried out by

those members in forms of teams. Teams are built from groups of different people. While it

might seem overly self-explanatory, when thought about in a deeper sense, relates that not every

person in a team will share the same practical, technical and or communicative skill. People have

different personalities and individual soft skills that affect their work ethic, and their ability to

work with others. Keeping these personalities on cooperative terms provides balance for a team

and enforces harmony in function. 

Competency 3 Post Test 3

Finding these cooperative terms and balance as mentioned earlier, is what can be hard to

maintain for any team. Diversity within an organization can include cultural stance, language

barriers, age differences, gender identity, sexual orientation, etc. These differences are a threat

posed to the organization if not taken care of properly by its leaders. Resolution is often found in

the matter of blending personalities by tools and assessments specifically designed to bring these

personalities together and assist them in working in unison with o=those around them regardless

if their position within the organization is the same or not. Assessment also goes a long way for

those standing as management and development team leaders. This makes it essentially

imperative for team leaders to enforce their teams with clarity of purpose, while encouraging all

members to work together, so as to not only collaborate with each other effectively but also carry

the functions of the organization effectively as well. When done correctly, a team is not only

unified but validated in their work and their cooperation as a team. 

However, the matter of blending personalities into a cohesive and unified team alongside

the lack of direction is not a matter of simplicity seen in black or white. In fact, this problem

within an organization can be seen and analyzed from a variety of angles. Mostly commonly

viewed when looking for resolution for such a problem is the angle of leadership failure and

communication failure. Leadership failure can be spotted within an organization when its

function, collaborative work and team members appear weak and scrambled. This causes a direct

loss of structure and guidance, causing team members to feel alone and crowded in the work

space. In the same way, communication failure can cause a direct loss for the members of an

organization and the organization as a whole. Leadership means a directive guide, strategy so as

to best help a team in most needed areas. Without a proper sense of communication, there is no
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strategy. There is only implementation at its weakest measure and confusion over the end result

in what success could mean for that organization had there been effective communication. 

The beauty in any problem is that there will always be some sort of solution waiting at

the end, especially when the problem is found early on, and looked upon with urgency to resolve

it. In the case of blending personalities and suffering a lack of direction, an organization must

press itself, its leaders, its members, and each of its functions to fixate and work on its core

strengths and weaknesses. Separating the two in full awareness of the area that needs work can

help build and develop an organization at its competitive advantages and disadvantages, “to

uncover the strategies that aspiring leaders need in order to avoid the most damning leadership

mistakes: unbalanced orchestration, drama management, and reckless vanity” (Weinzimmer,

2013). Strategy also plays a role in the resolution of these issues. Each strategy and its

implementation within an organization should match its mission and vision when working to

complement the organization's core strengths and find a silver lining to its weak spots. And of

course, the inclusion of open and honest communication of changes made in the organization to

better its overall performance should be shared in an effective communicative manner to all team

members, managers, leaders, and stockholders. 

In conclusion, while there are a number of problems that can be found within an

organization, the blending of personalities in unison and lack of direction can prove fatal to the

growth and development of an organization if not resolved properly by both team members and

those standing above that team as authority figures. This type of problem can be seen in two

angles within an organization, leadership failure and communication failure. Each angle of these

issues, when analyzed carefully and competently, can be resolved through cooperation,
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collaboration, awareness of weakness, and strength in structure and guidance to better lead any

and every team member that plays a part in the overall success of an organization.


Weinzimmer, L. G., & McConoughey, J. (2013). The Wisdom of Failure : How to Learn the

Tough Leadership Lessons Without Paying the Price: Vol. 1st ed. Jossey-Bass.

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