LESSON 5 (1.3 Contd.) : - GOOGLE MEET: Instructions

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LESSON 5 (1.3 Contd.


View the following clip by Cassidy Cash (up to Minute 3 if you’re short for time). Cash gives a
quick and clear definition of the difference between a SOLILOQUY, MONOLOGUE, and ASIDE
and explains why Shakespeare was so good at “rocking” the soliloquy. I’ve uploaded a transcript
(excerpt) if you run into tech difficulty.


Then read Analysis of 1.3

Next assess the following versions of Macbeth’s soliloquy performed by various actors
(professional and amateur). Which attempt do you think is the strongest at conveying an
understanding of the soliloquy? Which is the weakest? Be sure to ground your assessment in
specifics. This can be in note form.

Live Performance (Director & Date unknown):


My Notes:
-nice set, I think it is a bit unrealistic, and the props and set are used to make up for the lack
of Macbeth seen in the person’s acting

Philip Casson (1979):


My Notes:
-he talks slowly, pauses to let message sink in
-he really connects with Macbeth’s role through facial expressions
-it looks as if he is actually thinking about his ‘fate’ and what the witches have predicted

Actor: Arthur Lozalde (2015):


My Notes:
-easily the best performance, conveys the soliloquy the best
-his facial expression, intonation, really suited the role
-went slow for understanding, emphasized questions, and specific words
-hand gestures elevated performance
-he really looked as if he was contemplating what the witches thought through his soliloquy,
as Macbeth is shown to be doing in this scene

(OPTIONAL) Finally, attempt to perform the soliloquy yourself. 😊

Finally, here’s a heavily edited clip of Scene 3 from Polanski:


-I really didn’t understand what was going on in the scene

-the acting, and speaking didn’t help convey Macbeth’s soliloquy very well…it was as if they were just
performing it blankly…

-the set was quite good, but only really made up for the lack luster performance.

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