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Career Goal Essay

Growing up I never really thought about goals but now that I am older and about to graduate from

high school I have set some goals for myself. I understand how important it is to have goals and that it

takes hard work and determination to reach them. I have separated my goals into two categories,

educational and personal.

The first goal I have set for myself is to graduate from high school this year. Then I would like to

attend Gwinnett Technical School so I can get a certificate in Video Game Designing. Although, it is not

required for the career choice I have made I think I will have more job options available if I have a

Certificate. I want to become a video game designer. Ever since I was a little boy I have loved playing

video games and to be able to design one would be so awesome. It is something I have always wanted

to do.

The personal goals I have set for myself are to get married one day but after I have finished school

and have a good job. I think it is very important to be financially stable before marriage. I plan to drive

a BMW one day and have a vacation home in Hawaii.

The goals I have set for myself I think are reachable as long as I stay committed and work very hard.

It may take me many years to get a vacation home in Hawaii but I will reach that goal eventually.

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