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., ,W. S. Ho rn e r , . ".
303 N. Narberth Ave.
..,• Narberth, Pa.

'" Narberth, Pa., fricay, August 23, 1929 PRICE, THREE CENTS
Volume 15, No. 48

~raham Quells Main Chinese Honor Dead at Two Hurt, Antiques \Fireside Reporter Finds Many Residents Home Autos Wanted For
•• Line All-Stars, 8-5 Old Merion Graveyard Lost in Bam Fires From Vacations-Visiting Continues Strong Trip to Shibe Park
A caravan of taxicahs bearing sev- Mid-August finds many of our resi- Miss Jane Alexander, of Brookhurst
Early Morning Blazes Break Out dents returning to their homes after Avenue, has just returned to her home Children to See Big League
Narberth Ace Bats 1.000, Ac- eral hundred Chinese from Philadelphia having spent enjoyable weeks motor- after a three weeks' stay at Amity-
counting For Four of wended its way on Sunday to the old on Brown and Lusson ing to northern points or having taken ville, Long Island, N. Y. Game Next Friday; lan-
advantage of the cool, dear skies and Miss Susan G. Baker, of Anthwyn
Eight Runs. Merion Cemetcry off State Road on thc Estates. the radiant beaches at the seashore I Road, is a guest at the Seaside Hotel tern Fete Tonight.
wooded hills back of Narbcrth and resorts. And the/ mountains, from in Atlantic City.
all accounts, have claimed their shar<: Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Elwood have
IS HIS TENTH VICTORY Cynwyd where row after row of Chin- SUSPECr- INCENDIARISM' of the vacationers also. And yet, been visiting for this past week Mrs. NEWS OF PLAYGROUNDS
esc graves dot the hillside. many are still going away or remain- Elwood's sister, ~f rs. Albert H.
'ing at the various resorts where one Nulty, of Meeting House Lanc, at W ANTgO - Twelve mothers or
By John Uberti. The occasion was the celebration of A collection of'valuable antique ve- can find the season still gaily in prog- Cape Afay. Tomorrow they will leave
fathers who eRrs and would
"Gene" Davis' enigmatic little box- Ching ~Iing-the semi-annual Decora- hicles, including tallyhos and stage· ,ress. for the Poconos, where they expect be willing' to drl ve about five or
~ Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Wood Easby to stay until after Labor Day. six hoys or girls to Shibe Park
man, Howard Graham, made an indi-I tion Day of China, which takes the coaches, was destroyed in one of two and their children are spending the Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Cabrey and fam- next Jo'rlda~', August :10.
. I H II f barn fires in this section early Satur-
• vidual debut into the mytluca a 0 form of memorial rites to the departed. summer at Strathmere, N. J. ily, of Narbrook Park, are passing a
day. Both are believcd to have been ; ~frs. Charles M. Evans, Jr., who delightful summer 'It Atlantic City. This request is made bccause Connie
Fame on Monday night, when he prac- Incense sticks were lighted and pray- )'fack and Mr. Shibe want to entertain
of incendiary origin. ppened hcr cottage at Avalon early ~Ir. and )'Irs. Richard R. Blessing
• tically earned his own victory, to reg- ers written on red paper in Chincse
The prize antiques were the collec- iember.
In June, will remain until late in Sep- are staying for a fortnight at Mar- the descrving boys and girls of thc
. h' h' f I I' c I1aracters wcre set a Rame. L I'lations t' gate City, N. ]. Narherth playgrounds when the Ath-
Ister IS tent Will 0 t 1C season, lcmg of wine, roast meat and rice were tion of James Croshy Brown, banker, " Mrs. A. G. Compton, of Hampden \Vales Trent, of the Avon, is stay- letics play the Boston Red Sox on
and were storcd in a large two-story Avenue, is visiting Mrs. Durbin at her ing in the Blue Ridgc Mountains, near that date.
'. responsible for four of the eight runs placed on some graves, but not all.
coigned and baffling thc All-Stars with
. I 'I . '(' Ardmore Road, Gladwync, a mile from
cottage in Avalon. Mrs. Compton's Culpepper, Va.
A few conservativcs wore the loose stone and framc harn on his estate on daughter, Anne, arrived home recently And we hear that ~I r. and 1frs. R. Drivers of the cars will stay to sce
Illne spacee -out 11t5. ,he scorc was Rowing garments of old China, but for . . after a month's visit with friends in S. Basler are at Mt. Tremper, N. Y., the game and then bring their groups
' ,-'5. tl1e mas t part tl ley were d resse d'111 t I1e Ius home on ~111I Creek Road, Arcl- Ohio. This week Anne has as her from where they wil Icave shortly to
8 house guest Miss Helen Brookhart, spend a week at \Vildwood, N. J. back after it is over. Automobiles will
,.• I nasmuch as a pitcher is ncver re- latcst
thing in summer suits and stra\v more.
B. F. Engl.eburt, of the
of Baltimore. Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Funk and leave the playground promptly at 2:30
puted to be an assassin with the mace, The E. H. Cockrills just arrived at family spent the week with Mr. Funk's P. ),1.
Howard sprang a rare snrprise to the F · I' I I' I I'
'Ires were Ig1tee III t 1e Itt e JrtC' I I . k estate, who hves. adJolnlllg the harn, thcir homc aftcr a two weeks' motor brother-in-law in Gcttysburg.
Mrs. C. T. Faries, of Aubrey Road, If you are willing to help out in this
'11 'd d I was burned palllfully on the hands trip. And, too, the John H. Stal-
small crowd of approximately thrce ovens on t h e I11 Sl e an t 1ere w e r e . . .
. whIle 1eadmg three pedIgreed horses lards, who have been traveling out \Vynnewood, has as her guest Mrs. undertaking, write to' Allan H. \Veath-
hundrcd by pecking at his rival, Finis- burncd offenngs of garments, food and f I 1 '1 r I' r I \Vest, visiting in Minneapolis, ~Ii1- Elwood Jones. of New Rochelle, N. Y. crall, playground supervisor, care Nar-
•. dore, for a double crash in the second prayers. Then the caravan started rom t 1~ JIll (~ng ane al( IIIg ot 1er em- waukee and Chicago, have just re- )'fr. and Afrs. Joseph A. Hongler, herth Public School, stating that you
inning, scoring off Mulligan's hit, by back to th~t .sectiOl.1 of Philadelphia ~~~~:~s 111 sav1l1g some of the valuable turned and are having as their guest of 1ferion Avcnue. will leave tom or- will bc on hand, and also telling how
for a few days Miss Marion Plitt, of row for an extended trip through Nova
propelling a buzzing aerial to deep where carved halcomes of restaurants, TI B fi f I Altoona. Scotia, Canada and the New England many children you will be able to take.
centre for a triple, accounting for two show windows fillcd with Chinese .lOmas. rown, a reman 0 t 1C , Miss Marguerite Campbell, daughter States.
. Lantern Fete Tonight.
runs, and by tallYlllg his third hit and l 1crI JS dan f00 d s ma'e k a Ilit
. 0 f Ch'lI1a Menon FIre Companv . of Ardmore, of Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Campbell, ~fr. and Afrs. J. \V. Darville are now
. tl I fl' was rescued hy comrades after he was has just returned home after spend- occupying their new home on \Varick Thcrc will bc a Lantcrn Fctc and
f ourt h run from a single to centre, III 1e 1cart 0 t 1e cIty. found unconscious from smoke whilc ing the past three weeks at Buck Hill Road, Minden Manor, \Vynncwood. parade tonight. Lcaving the Commu-
when he crossed thc plate in the last Mrs. :Mary c. Cheyney and hcr son, nity Playground at 8 :30 P. ),\. thc
, fighting the flamcs. He and Engle- Falls. Her sister, Miss Agnes Camp-
inning off Martin's bingle to centre- Rotanans
· Piay hurt were treated at Bryn Mawr Hos- bell, is spending a fortnight in New Henry C. Cheyney, of East Aurora, marchcrs will procccd up \Vindsor
field. His average never fluctuated and pita!. York, and her brothcr, Mr. Joseph N. Y., are now making thcir home at
Avcnue to Narberth :\.veJ11ll·, tlwn to
showed a unique 1.000 at the termina-
tion of activities in the sixth inning.
Bridge and Golf Lower Merion and Haverford Town- two weeks.
Campbell, is traveling in Canada for 201 Merion Avenue.
CONTINUED ON PAGE TWO Haverford Avcnue. and from there re-
ship police suspect arson, as the flames turn to the playground. The lantcrns
However, the diminutive grenadier were found to have started in the roof will be made by the children. After
y;ho now holds pitching laurels of the Bala-Cynwyd-Narberth Club Va.
N,' arbcrth staff with Masters close be- r·les P rogram a t V aIIey
of the building, and a motor car was Old Forge Walls Are Funeral of Miss Morgan returning to the playgrounds the lan-
seen by witnesses spceding away just terns will be judged and awards pre-
hind was forced to extend himself in Forge. before the fire was discovered. Uncovered at Valley Forge Is Held on Monday scntcd for:
the waning minutes of the conflict and,
Mr. Brown and his family are spend-
as' a rcsult, won much praise in the last ),\ ore evidcnce of thc two Revolu- The funeral of )'fiss A\ary Frances 1. Bcst cOl1structed lantern. 2.
ing the summer at Nantucket. The
inning whcn he cxtricated himself out WIVES ENJOYED AFFAIR cxact amol1nt of damage will not he tionary forges along Vallcy Creek in 'f l\ organ,
107, 0 f 409 \V ooe I'd -'
Sl e ....vcnuc,
)'fost colorful lantcrn. 3. Afost uni"ue "
AI d . lantern. 4. Largest lantern.
, o~ a threatening. attack to quell the I known until ~f r. Brown makes an in- Valley Forge have recently bcen dis- N ar 1Jert I1, too'k pace I l ' on ay morn1l1g

.. bId for a rally hke a veteran of the Blessed hy perfect weather, the Bala- ventory of his collcction. from an Ardmorc undertaking estab- Reach Volley Ball Finals.
majors. Seven men faced Howard in Cynwyd-Narberth Rotary Club chose Less than two hours later a large covcrcd by diggers. The mcn, who lishment with interment in \Vestmin- Tcams to reach the finals in the
thc first two innings. during which time the Valley Forge Golf Club as thc barn on the estate of Louis Olry Lus- have been excavating for nearly thrce ster Cemetery. vollcy ball tournament on Tuesday
he allowed only one hit, while Nar- scene of their meeting Tuesday. ~fany son, at Ardmore Avenue and Cooper- wecks, have found morc walls at the The death of :Miss Morgan, who was wcre the Community Playground and
berth took the lead)n the homc half of the wives of the members were town Road, Haverford, was partly de- upper location, just above the Wash- found strapped to a chair in the kitchen School Playground. Members of these
•'i when Heckle cros~ed off Martin's present. stroyed by fire which police say was ington Spring, on the Chestcr County 0 f h er mot h er ' s Ilome on F n'd ay a fter- teams are:
single to left. D . ' f . ,li~,¢£, the c r e e k . . . _ ,no~n WI'tl1 tl~e roo.m fill.e". . h 1'1\1 111l1l-.
-' ~\·'t . ComllJunity Playground-Alice Cal-
. ; J unng the a ternoon golf and bndge ,f.ellle~1 by 3. vagr:jnt: ' ' •
Narbcrth's Jead:;"augmcntcd in the were·the aftradiOlls. A large -p'art "il " natmg gas, IS beheved by the Lower
Here were found also parts of a Merion police to have been suicide. Thysen, Myrtle Gregory, Eileen Leahy,
'Ulhan, captain;, Lois 'Maltby;' Ingebore

second canto wl1cn the Davismcn the male contingent chased the little
bunched two hits for a lonc markcr, white pill around the links with vary-
To Attend Legion Convention hearth, .but the accounts of the old An examination of the girl's stomach Margarct Leahy. .
but both teams started a flare-up in ing degrees of success, ,;hile at the John A. ~fowrer, Jr., will attend forge gIve four hearths as the num- by the Montgomery County chemist School Playground-Vincent Parke"
the subsequent session. The All-Stars club house several tables of bridge the State Convention of the American ber used. showed no traces of poison and unless captain; Joseph Gillespie, Charles Sen-'
' knotted the count by coining two runs were in progrcss. Legion to be held at Scranton Thurs- Two posts, burned right down to I evidence of poisoning is found in th,e ton, Gerald Lyman, Frederick Neu-
a: they bothered M~~~onoglc for three In the evening a sumptuous repast, day, Friday and Saturday, August 29, the stone foundation, were uncovered, I blood that· theory will ,be' discarded doerffer, Rita Park.
,. hIts. One down, F1I11sdore s1l1gled to without speeches, completed the day. 30 and 31, of next week as the official with 'several remains of heavy oak completely by the police. The theory
delegate of the Harold D. Speakman planks that had been badly burned. that her death was caused by a re-
The School Playground team was
victorious, taking two out of three.
left, but Mcl\fonogle forced him off President W. Russell Green presided,
second. \Vhcn Faulk singlcd, l\fc- introducing the guests and welcoming Post, of Narberth. He will beac- Members of the Vallcy Forge Com- jected suitor has reccived no confirma- The scores: 15-4, 5-15, 15-10.
Monogle went to the hot-box, hut the Rotary wives. Dr. \Villiam L. companied by Allen E. Shubert, Robert mission are keeping in daily touch tory evidence. Quoit Tourney Tuesday.
Brothcr McMonogle strolled to jam Martin, chairman of the Program Com- C. Collins and Roland K. Hewitt, who with the progress of the excavations,
.. the bases. Doyle, of the Berwyn Club, Imittee, made a brief address of wel- attend in an unofficial capacity. The because on the results of this work prescnted by the Lower Alerion police next Tuesday on both playgrounds at
di:patched a single far enough to per-I come.
The facts of the casc have been
auxiliary wil1 be rcpresented by Mrs. will depend largely the dedsion as to to the District Attorney of Montgom- 2 P. A\. The juvcnile class will in-
A quoit tournament will be stagcd

mIt both Mc1\Ionoglc and Faulk to

canter homc.
I Prizes were awardcd by Ralph S. R. K. Hewitt as its official delegate where they will place the Hay Creek ery County, who may continuc inves- clude children 13 years old and
Dunne, who was in charge of the and by l\frs. E. H. Wip£. forgc purchased some time ago. tigations. • ,_..... younger, while the junior division wil1
Nevertheless, the deadlock was day's entertainment. . Bridge awards 1 Isaac \V. Pennypacker, president of take in the ages 14 to 16 years, \\"n-
short-lived, as Narberth splashed four went to Mrs. Edward Sullivan, Mrs. Settles For Farm House the Commission, has returned to his Two Withdrawals Leave ners at each playground will toss off
hits about the green to tally as many Fred \V. Smith and Mrs. E. S. Deub- Raymond S. J oncs has made settle- Ardmore home from northwestern in the finals to rcceive the awards.
runs and take a lead which was never ler. Horace T. Smedley captured the ment for a Colonial style farm house Pennsylvania, and is keenly inter. 3 Treasurer Candidates Field Day Wednesday.
at 407 \Vynmere
thereafter surpassed, although danger- golf prize. The award in the latter recently purchased from W. Gordon ested in the daily reports he is re- Road, Wynnewood,
Field Day will be held on the Com-
ously threatened. Thomas ,,'alked for case ,\'as, determincd by letting each Smith and held at $40,000. ..
celvmg from S upermten
. d cnt Sh ea. Thrcc hats are still in the rmg for munity Playground ncxt \Vednesday at
thesecol1d time and Curwin singlcd 'to player choose' his own handicap, with the Republican nomination as treasurer 1:30 P. ~1. All childrcn of the School
the infield as did Nick Lyons to pack the winner declared the one who camc of Lower ),Ierion Township. The rc- Playground are also invited to take
the corners. Young singled over short- nearest in score to a number ·drawn Narberth Thwarts Seven-Run Rally in maining candidates are Peter C. Hcss,
part in the various cvents.
stop, Thomas and Cur win con~ing from a hat. That gave experts and Bala; Dr, Charles Seidel, Bryn Mawr,
Media Rally to Win Sixth Routs· Berwyn and Harry H. Francis, Ardmore. Two
There will be folk dances, singing,

second time, having doubled and I

home. Graham came to bat for the dubs an even chance at' the prize.
The following Rotarians, gucsts and
scored one run in the previous inning, wives were seated at the table:
othcr candidates,
Graham Relieves Lyons on the Masters Helps Win His Own withdrew their petitions Monday at jump, standing and running broad
both from Ardmore,
games and pyramids.
Athletic events will include high

and stretched a propellent swat over Dr. and Mrs. R. C. Hoffman, Dr. Norristown. They are \Villiam G.
Mound and Avoids Threat- 'Game With Six Assists and jumps, dash, three-legged race, ob-

. ~
the centre-fielder's reach for three and Mrs. Fred VV. Smith, Mr. and Mrs.
bases, accounting for runs by Lyons E. R. Van Vliet, Mr. and Mrs. J. B.
and Young. The bases were crammed Mackenzie, Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Dunne,
ening Rally. Two of the Eight Runs.
--- I
Frankenfield and Monroe Anders.

Frankenfield would have run second

stacie race, sack race, basketball throw,
According to political leaders Mr. relay race, baseball throw.
There will be two classes in both
for the second time this inning when Mr. and Mrs. \V. R. Green, Dr. and By John Ulterti. : By John Uberti. only to Mr. Hess had all five rcmained the boys' and girls' divisions: 10-12
• Heckle and Mulligan occupied the Mrs. W. L. Martin, Mr. and Mrs. H. Nick Lyons, of Lower Merion base- ,Riding atop the crest of the cham- in the field and might have givcn him ycars and 13.15 years. Prizes will be

. sacks, but Gilfillan grounded out to T. Smedley, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Shand, ball fame and strikeout king of the pions hip wave upon which they took I a c1~se call had there bcen but the two awarded to the winners of each group
Finisdore for the third out. Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Guy Croyle, Rev. Narberth Club, gave the Davismen sole sway of the Main Line League candIdates. Howevcr, 1fr. Frankcn- in all the events except the relays.
Graham checked the advancemcnt Frank M. Gray and Mrs. Gray, Mr. their twelfth win in twenty games supremacy a week ago by trouncing field dcclared he was "not a ca~ldidate" Remarkable Attendance.
of the All-Star Club in the fourth and and Mrs. E, M. Sullivan, Mr. and Mrs. when he came one run shy of his own Newtown Square, Narberth increased scveral ,~'eek~ ago and. dechncd to From July 7 up to Tuesday of this
fifth, allowing but two hits, while the H. C. Kcim, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Car- strike-out record of eleven by crush- it~ formidable lead to two games over ch~ngc hIS n1lnd.. Pr,evlOusl y he was weck 6202 children have attended the
champions went scoreless in the fourth roll, Mr. and Mrs. \V. H. Decker, Dr. ing ten Media batsmen to cnsnare one the other thrce participants of the bchev~d to be actIve m behalf of Mr. two pl"ygrollnds at different times,
and marked up. two runs from three and Mrs. E. S. Deubler, J. A. Miller, of the hardest-fought games of the league, jolting Berwyn for the fifth FranCIS. average daily attendance of 194 chil-
nicks in the home half of thc last in- B. ]. Wooley, C. J. Albrecht, A. E. season by the billiard score of 11-10. cO;lseclltive time this season. Mr: Anders: who loomed as a com- dren.
ning; Shull, W. H. Fowler, J. W. Murray, This was the second time the locals Narberth won the game by virtue of pro~lse candIdate a week ago, als.o
G~aham dribbled a comber past the J. W. Longstreth, \V. S. Howard, have defeated the Media Club this year. a ~even-run splurge in the lucky sixth, dechned to enter the contcst. ~t. IS
keystone out to centre-field, but Heckle F. P. Kromer, P. A. Livingston, A. C. But even an enigmatic pitcher will bunching a triple at the prowess of thought that Mr. Anders, recogmzlllg School Opens Soon
popped to the "backstop." Mulligan Miller, R. T. Watrous. have his unsteady moments. In this \V;alter Masters, a double by Fleck, that the .three "p's," prestige, power The schools of the borough will re-
singled and when Martin clicked his instance Nicky had his when he per- three singles and a timely pass to an? practice of an. attorney are cUl~1U­ open for the fall term on Monday,
second hit of the game for one base mitted six men to walk and hit a few o\'crwhelm the Doyle Nursery boys latlve, ?ad no deSIre to re.move h1l1l- Septembcr 9, at 8 :40 A. M., according
to centre-field, Graham carried his
Rescue Efforts Fail by un tethering wild heaves, giving the eilfht runs to two. Berwyn went into self actively from legal affaIrs for four to a statement made this week by
fourth run over the disc, Mulligan to Save 2 in Cave-In vanquished the gross sum of ten hits. a .triple tic with the other two clubs ye.ars ,regardless ~f ho~v much strength Principal George H. Wilson. The
quickly following on the catcher's Glaring errors on the part of both through the defeat. nllght .gather .beh~nd h1l1l for the treas- school officc will be open on Tuesday,
blunder. Gilfillan let four wild ones With picks and shovels, Lower Me- clubs made the contest an evenly- Walt Masters and Vernie Fleck lIrerslllp n01l1lnatlon. Scptember 3, from 8:30 until II for
go by and walked leisurely to the in- rion police and Bryn Mawr firemen matched game when Narberth amassed w~re mainly instrumental in subduing . While I~eithcr of the othcr t~'o Cal~­ the registration of new pupils for any
itial hassock and Curwin was chucked worked furiously ~n relays for a half- eight, the same number that cost them the \Vestern nine who outhit the locals dldates WIll concede Mr. He~s non1l- of the grades. Pupils intending to
out, G. McMonogle to George Graham. hour last Thursday in a vain attempt a game against Newtown Square dur- eight to seven, but who failed to exit nation, the I~rospects ?f his re-election enter Lower Merion from Narberth
to dig out two workmen caught in a ing the activities of the second half, tri~lI11phant when the vigilant sentinels as. a candIdate wcre never must register at the same time if they
Main Line League trench collapse. The men, John Mead while Media gathered five, of-the infield executed sixteen masterly brighter. !t .IS too,. however, to have not previously attended the Nar-
• Saturday's Results. and Sylvester Burr, both were dead Media was up first in the opener and assists to leave nine runners stranded make predIctions un~I.1 It IS .seen what berth schools.
Stan~ of the Clubs• from suffocation when rescuers coined a run off Gilfillan's conspicuous on" the bases. met.hods .the oppOSItIOn WIll employ
.Narberth, 8; Berwyn, 2. • reached them.
arookllne, 3; N:ewtown Square, 2. transgression, but the champions took Masters, who scored his sixth vic- agamst hllll, Indian Missionary to Speak
_ W. L. P.e. The workmen, both Negroes, of the lead with four runs in the Narberth tory of the year and has only one loss ------- The community services which are
Na.rberth '. . . . . . .. 4 1 .800 Sharon Hill, had been digging a sewer half. An error put Heckle on and to' his name, aided materially in the
• Brookline 2 3 .400 trench on the estate of Henry Ellison, Dolman Property Sold held every Sunday evening at 7 o'clock
Berwyn ;.: ..-. ; 2 3 .400 Mulligan sacrificed him to the key- fa~rication of the seven-run rally in McMullin & McMullin have sold on the lawn of the Lutheran Church
Newlown Square 2 3 .400 Jr., at Montgomery Avenue and Brou- stone. Fleck singled to centre, scor- the sixth, scoring two of them by for the' estate of Walter S. Dolman have 'been well attended. The services
• Schedule.
ton Lane, Villanova, together with ing Heckle, and Gilfillan singled ,to emptying the lanes with his ferocious the property 'Iocated on Morris Ave- next Sunday evening, the 25th, will be
Satl!rday, August 24-Brookllne, at Willie Jones, negro, also of Sharon right. When Martin uncorked a noisy triple smash and carrying one over the nue, Bryn Mawr, lO Miss Elizabeth in charge of Rev. A. F. A. Neudoer'ffer,
Narberth. Hill.' . double to left-field, Fleck and Martin di&c himself.
• '. 'Newtown Square vs. Berwyn, at Vil-
lanova. ' Jones went to a truck for another cantered over the plate.. Humphreys
Wallace, who will occupy it for a resi- who has served as a Lutheran mis-
Vernie played a conspicuous role dence. The improvements consist of sionary in India for seventeen years,
'Monday, August 26-Bloomer GIrls, shovel. When he returned he found blanked, Thomas walked and Young bo'th with the bludgeon and out on the a tile and plastered residence and gar-
at .Narberth. and intends to return in the near
the trench, twelve . feet ,deep and tw.o scqred 'Martin on an infield safety.

~.Wednesday, August
at Narberth.
feet wide,had Caved in onhiil' mates. Lyons (ell, on strikes.
greensward in centre-field. Out of age and about one-half acre of· ground, future.. His topic will be "My Ex-
l;uNTINUBlD ON TBJD FOURTH PAOli more or less. ' periences in India." .
PAGE TWO OUR TOWN Frida'l, August 21, 1929

Jerry Underwood's Autocar Giants ..... ... - .... cs .


fell before the prowess of the Dun-
kirk Club, of the Main Line League, ,GARAGE PLANS
Sunday, the leaguers taking them over
A Co-operative Community News \ And ha,:e " you heard. that by a score of 10 to 3~ Heat arid cold both interfere with the satisfactory perform-
paper founded. in 1914 by the Nar. Thomas. RltJ!er, of Rockville Centre, ance of your car. NOW is a good time to build a permanent
berth Civic Association and. publi8hed ~. Y., IS beJllg congratulated on the home for it. Whether you decide on frame or masonry, you
ve....' Friday at Narberth, Pa. lll~th of. a da!!ghter, Evelyn Stewa,rt. ST.RAYER'S
• '11 1\I ISS RItner IS remembered as MIss will need our products-Garage Doors, Windows, Framing and
published bY the Dorothy Durbin, formerly of Nar- Miscellaneous Secretaries. Steno&,rapher.., Bookkeeper8, Insulating Board.
LIVINGSTON PUBLI8111NG COMPANY berth. J...ADIES· Imported felt hats; all col- Typl8t8, thoroughly trained lor 8uccessful
bu8In....8 careers. Good permanent posl-
ors, $1.00 each. 306 Dudley Ave.. tlon8
President and General Manager
On Saturday, August 17, Miss Helen
Belcher, daughtcr of Mr. and Mrs.
~arberth. Phone Narbe,rth 2562-R. &,uarante..d.
ROBERT MOORE CAMERON Freeman Belcher, iormerly. of Nar- DRESSMAKINI1-Young woman de- REGISTER NOW The Link Between Forest lind Home
Editor berth and Ardmore, became the bride 8ireH dreK8making at home. Phone Day School Sept. S. NI&,ht School Sept...
Oftlce, 258 Haverford Avenue of Mr. Leon Raisley, of Ocean City, Narberth 4189-W. (8-30) Strayer's Business College 29 Bala Ave., Bala-Cynwyd Phone. Cynwyd 662
phone, Narberth 2545 IN. J., at the Narberth Presbyterian OI.'FICE SPACE-HaIr ot large, light
given away in marriage by her
Chu~~3dclock T~bri~wu Pre~ent
occupant willing to co-operate I(
One Dollar and Plfty Cents Per Year
brother, Mr. Thomas T. Belcher, and In handling phone calls and personal
In Advance.
was attended by her sister, Mrs. Jack visits; rea80nable rental. Phone Nar-
_______-:'~_=_-_-_ Eccleston, of New York. berth 2430. (tf)
" .'<:It..
'. I
After the ceremony a reception for RI':J"IABLg WO:\UlN for general hou8e-
work, part time, ~mall famil)·. Call
immediate family was held at the
home of Mr. and :Mrs. Thomas T. ~N.::a....
r_he.:.:r....t.::h_2_4_42_. _

, .
IBelcher of Grandview Road, Ard-
more. The bridal couple then left for
the Pocono Mountains, and upon their
return will reside in Ocean City.
I.OCAI. and long-dl"lance hauling done
by W AF}O~R. Narberth 3651-R.
19-6-29) Read This One
Mrs. Frank Prescott and daughter, HOIlSehold Goods for Sale ,It.
Bntered as second-class matter, October 13, Ruth, are taking a motor trip through l~OR SALE-Upright I,iano, In excellent
1116. at the Post Offtce at Narberth, Pa.. New England. . condition; will itccept ll:Lrtlal pay-
lUlder the Act of March 3, 18111. ment. 'J'elephone Narberth 3629-J. YESTERDAY I phoned the JEDDO·HIGHLAND COAL COMPANY about.
Mrs. C. A. Harrison. of Brooklyn, is (8-23) •
visiting Mrs. Edward S. Haws, of
Friday, August 21, 1929 Dudley Avenue.
:Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Jones, of Gray-
Real' Estate fOT Rent II certain coal shipments and after getting the desired information I said:
lin g Avenue, togethcr with Dr. and DBVON HOUSES for rent. $·10-$45 ['

__ I
The Tragedy in Our Midst Mrs. Harry Hartley, of Haverford month;clo>;e
I A~'enllc, motored to the Pocono Moun- De\"llll. I'll..
7 rnu~., eloc., all conven-
to Ktation. .J. \V. \Vray.
(8-30) I
I business with you this summer?" Their reply amazed me; thi> is what they said:
There is probably no resident in the' tams for the week-end.. . I
. f the tra ic Mrs. Grace Carter, together WIth MODEHATE rental to de81rable tenant
borough w h 0 IS not aware 0 -Semi - detached newly - renovated
g some friends from Phoenixville and houHe, Houthern eXllo~ure: 5 be(lroonu.; ttJust fine; in fact, we've been so busy we have
occurrence which took place at 409 Philadelphia, intend to motor to At- (8 room" and buth); large yard; north I
Woodside Avenue last week, thanks lantic City to spend Sunday. "ide Narherth. Apply Durbin & How- •
to the publicity which the Philadelphia Mr. and M,rs. Clarence Speakm,an ard. :11 N. Narherth Ave. Phone Nar- not lost a working day smce July 20, 1928, and
berth 3843. (9-tl-29)
and New York papers have seen fit to and son, Edwm, and daughter. Mary, Narberth. Phone Narherth 2562-R. (to
. . of Hampden Avenue, were among .•.
gIve It. .
That such a thlOg shou
Id h ' those seen on the hoardwalk at Ocean
appen I Citv on Sundav. A partment for Rent we've put very little coal in storage." This, to COAL PRICES
to a young woman of exceptional
Ii Charles He;lry, of Meeting House LOUEI.LA APTS. - Lanea"ter Pike.'
promise is sad enough, but that such Lanc. and Edwin Speakman, of four and f!\'e rooms, buth, porch; alii
()ut~lde cheerful rOOIll8; $70 to $100.
reams of tripe should be printed in the Hampden ,\venuc, called on some Superintendent on Jlremi"e~ or. C. P.
my mind, is a remarkable showing, and is a good
a ers is disgusting. country COUSIIIS at Clleney, Pa., \Ved- B""s. 1211 Chestnut St. Ritlenhou~e I
newsp p .
That thIS case has been reported so I
: nesday.
Mr. and 11 rs. John S. Kriebel, of
(8-23) reply to the rumors you sometimes hear about ADVANCE
fully reflects of course on the public lona Avcnue, together with the ARDMORE-Athen" Ave., 3 rms., bath,
taste. But it also reflects little credit Misses Louise and EI.izaheth Kriebel. $60: 4 rillS., hath, $65. Brj'n Mawr
the present tendency of the daily m?torcd .to O~ean CIty. where thcy 'J'rust Co., Bryn ;\[awr 1700. the declining market for Anthracite Coal and how ,
on will relllam untIl after Labor Day. <
press. . Mrs. Robert F. Toole and her daugh-
The sympathy of the commumty ter Shirley, of 'Voodside Avenue. arc many coal mines are not operating more than a,..
goes out to the family of the dead girl vi;;iting" .1\Irs. James Scott at Oce<\n
and, together with all decent people, CIty unltl Labor Day.
it regrets that they have been made few days a month.
the centre of so much publicity. 1st
JEDDO.HIGHLAND issweeping the field. •
A Fine Record
As a library's usefulness is in!licated the public today spends more thought in choosing
.. ·
by the extent of its circulation so may
the service of a playground be meas-,
ured to some degree at least by the \.
Property along west branch Sw~mp Creek. the products they use, and that is why they are buying coal for the high amount
number of children attending.
Application of this test to Nar-I One hour away from you~~~mile .off Boyer-
be,rth's _1I1aygroun~s is very gratifYin~'~1 of carbon it contains and the low quantity of ash.
According to statistics given out thIS ,.; t9wn Pike. House"on high. ground, witll bea~-
week 6202 children have attended tiful view. Forty.two acres,' about· half wood· Riliph S. Dunne.
• ... r ~ "

either the School Playground or the

Community Playground this summer land. Electricity. Six thousand. Call Durbin
from July 7 to August 20. The aver-i & Howard, Narberth 3843.
age daily attendance at' both p l a y - ; ' Remember the Name •
grounds has been 194 chilqren.,
The success of the plaYgrounds t h i s l ~ ~ ~
summer may be attributed to two. fac- All Sorts of Jobbing. an.d Alter.ation Work .,
tors. There is working behind' the I
borough's playground work a newly-I
,• "
QUlckl,. and Reasonably Doile
organized Recreation Board, and to Dr.,
King and his fellow-workers goes much i
. Walte~ P. • Miesen
credit for their energetic and persistent]
attack on a difficult problem.·· Carpenter &'Buiicier NARBERTH COAL COMPANY
Even the best plans though may go 100 N. Narberth Avenue' P~oncs: D.:iy-N.arberth J97J-M.
to naught for' lack of adequate carrying Evenmg-Narberth 3828-R. , PHONE: NARBERTH 2430·
out. The School Board, in. whose , , "..
hands it lay, are to be congratulated
on selecting a man' of the calibre of ; . .....
. ,' ..
Allan B. Weatherall to direct 'the rec-
reation work. Mr. Weatherall's job
is an all-year-round one, at the school
Fire"Proof ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~T~~W~~~~~~~~~~~W~~~~~~~~~~
ft,~,2,t:;:"~,t~t.~t.:;:t.~,.2,~~.t ,.2"~"
t ••••" • ..t ,;••t,•••,.5:t ~••••, ·.t •..,.•.•.
,:;:••~,:;:,,2t.~,.~·,~t~ ,.~

,.;U.: . fa·.
and playgrounds, and the start he has ~u~ ... , , ' ' ~tP~·
All that modem construction '.science q ,", .. :.'U~ ~I~at
made on it this summer augers well for
the future.
The interest manifested by the
has developed to ins\,1r,~,: p'r.6t~ctio~',·
from fire, has been adopt~Cl:for th~'
enEnr,,.:;~',(. " ",,"Sch
,. e'001·'e 0 f Mont gomery Bus C0., In·c. ~JC~
"" ..-:~."in~ ~n~
youngsters of the borough, both boys
and girls, is moreover in striking con-
greater protectipn of tb.o~,~ we :s.e[ve.,,;~,,~', ~u~, ',,"-;';:' ", . . ' ; ~JC~
trast to last season ,when, a meager OLIVER H. BAIR COMPA.NY':·"· "" ,,::..,:- En~ Mont~~m~i'Y""A:venueLines:' Then every 20 minutes untilll.45! Wynnewood Road Route "~Jf
handful of children could be ,seen won- " .. ~n~ . -b.'"P. M. ,. . ~n~
dering what to do. Much, credit is also M. A. BAIR:; P,eJidenr ··.&a~too~d',' A I 1 3 1 0 . d LeaVe Montgomery and Morris.;;'·

-' "'"

: ~

Leaving Ande.rson and Mont-

Then 12.05 •. 1\ .,2. 0, .0 an
2.00 A. 1\'1. A,.~·eue>;, l~ryn Mawr, for Ardmore, ;; :i,
"n~ ;\0.
due to the young women teachers at
t ~U; g~n1t"l'y A,-enues' , )·nnewood,. Merion aqd Sixty-Sec- 'ion~··
the school who have rendered such able
.~ITtenhouse 1581 1820 Chestnut St~t lti -'1110:' : :: Leaving 51,th and. City Line i; niin- ond and' J"ancaster Ave. S =
..;,; .:.. ,;,,;, :..;.. .. .. ..'~';;~~~~-~''~";~~~.~'~'~'~~~ ~C~, ~U:a'
assistance on both playgrounds.
.. .. .. ".. i'~U~ ,wEEK' DAYS
Starting 'at f).40' A. 1\1.
utes l.ater than the above-men-
Honed times. I.e:n-ing' Stxl)-·"econd and 'L'nncaster ~n!,
Houte follow,,: East-bound-
~.--~ Birthday Party ; I;u:
.::,z .
Then every 20 minutes until 12.00 Leaving Pennsylva.:nia R. R. Sta- '\~'~nues tor Bryn l\Iaw~ via ~n~
P. M. midnight. ' tion 'in Na,l'bel'th 19 minlltes \\') nnewood and Montgomer)' Ave-. ;.:
Mr. Edwin S~jc~kmali;. of Hampdcn I
Avcllue. was ~ur'p'i'ised as he' entered I ,""': ~
.n~ In ' . ,
~hen 12.30 and 1.30A. M •. ,
latel' tl'al1 t"e· a.hove-mfmtioned nues to Bryn lIIawr.
• ,. . " ~l:
. ion..
his twcntieth ycar last "'ednesday
evcning whcn several of his friends Fine" Cabi~ets' . ';U..
.'~'"' ,. '~U' "... SUNDAYS
' . tbnes.
WBl~liI)AYS , eU~"

"poppcd up" to wish him a happy

birthday. They all spcnt a thoroughly I
r~; ~tarttng at .5.30 ~. l\1~
, ,~n~, Then every half-hour
'until 9.00
Narberth Short Line
E b d
Leaving l\[orriH and l\[ontgOtllery"~ ~. "
A \'enue~, Br)'n ~[awr.·· , ~na,;"
enjoyablc cvcning playing bridge. Re- ! ~U.. A. M. ".' . , ast oun Stinting- 6.(10 A. 1\r... 6.30, 7.00, 7.30. ~n..,
fresluncnts and favors were charmingly .' now house. the new':ATWATp~," in5.
Then 9.20 ~I\. M. and every ?O !Uin- Lea,-ing, PeJ:lnsylvania .U. U. Sta- 8.00, 8.:10, 9.00, 10.00, 11.00, 12.00 ~n~' '
served. Edwin's mother, Mrs. Clar- ,,; ~ utes ul1tll 12.00 p;. ,1\1. mtdmght. tio", Narberth P. 1\[.; 1.00, 2.00, 3.00. 4.00, 4.30, 5.00, ~.~.
encc Spcakman, arranged the party. KqNT SFreen Grid ,R~dio; Still keepingth'c" ';', ..~.~ T\ten 12.•~O and 1.3Q A •. M. 5.30, 6.00, 6.30, 7.00; 7.30, 8.00, 8.30, ,.:n~ , I
The gucsts werc the Misses Louise ~ "'EEK DAYS !1;OO,' 10.00. ,11.00, 12.0'0 A.. 1\[. 'co
Smedley, Gladys Graver, Ethel Law- .
.cost low but at no,·sacrific~ in quality~ Atw~ter .. :Uo! Leaving Pennsylvania R. R. S t a - . ~U~'
tOil. Elsie Lawton. Marjorie Talley,
. . . " .
~~ tion in Nal'berth 7 'minutes later Starting at 5.50 A. 1\1. WESTBOUND ~n~
Mary Speakman and Dorothy Speck. Kent Radios are now available in beautiful : Ii than, the above-mentioned times. "WBEIU)AYS ' ,;; ~
and the l\Iessrs. John Hanlick. Richard ~U; Leaving 54th Street and City Line Then 6.30, 7,10;; :~;~9" :~.30;' '9.10;" ":"Leo\'lng SlxtY-8eeond 'and Lan- ~U~.
c;ab~ets made by the foremost cabinet makers. ~no! .21 1/It.·nutes ldtel' than the above- ~U~
and John Lewis, l\lartin Talley, Harry
Doullltcl, Charlcs Henrv and Edwin
Speakman. - , in the cou~try.
.. •
men t'tOne d t',HItes.
9.50, 10.30,·1l.10'all.d 11;50.A. M. easter Avenue.
T'h' .~, l''2"'30'P M -1 '1'·0" ;'1·0 230
3.10, 3.50,
. ; , .5.10,
, . "5.50,
; J ,6.30, Starting, 6.30 A. M., 7.00, 7.30, 8.00, ..
. , 8.30, 9.00, 9.30, 10.:10,
. 12.30
7.10, 7.50, 8.30, 9.10, 9.50, 10.30, P. 1\1.; 1.30. 2.30, 3.30, 4.30,5.00, 5.:i0~ ~u3'
. ~Cz.
r.:. .
:= 11.10 and 11.50 P. M. 6.00, 6.:10, 7.00, 7.30, 8.00, 8.30, 9.00" r: a
I tU~ Leaving 62d and Lancaster' Avenue !I.30, 10.30, 11.30 P.M., '12.30 A; M.' tn~
Whooping Cough Decreases
New cases of whooping" cough werc
A Liberal Allowance on Your
Westbound EASTBOUND·' < EU ;
l1luch fewcr than the report for past
weeks. when this week hut four new
Old Set. With Time Payments
to Suit Y ourCon~~;enc~~:
:;"~ Starting at 6.00 A. M.
,,~'" .
:6":0& Then 6.25 A. 1\1. and every 20 mm-
. . 54 h
t an
d C'
• Leaving M~!!tgomery and Morris ~
AVlmue8, Bryn i\[uwr.
. , '~n
,.,"; '.',: ''''1'.,;-',. Iio ..
patients were listed in Lower :Merion clt2
.~ :I
utes . until 11 45
.,. P M Starting at 6.10 A. M. Starting at 1l.3o, '1,30, 8.30,9.30,
1~.30, 1.1.30 ~. M.; -H!.30 ,P~'~l\I'I' 1.30, lO
Township. Four more tuberculosis
cases were reported, with one case of
'Jt~ Then 12.05 A. M., 12.30 A. M.,1.00 Then 6.50, 7.30, 8.10, 8.50, 9.30, 92,330, 31'0303; 4'130'305.30, 6;3~j.,7.av"",5.30, ~U
~~ and 2.00 A. M. ", . 0, 1. P. M. . ... ,~
~"4 10.10, 10.50 and 11.30. A. M. r.
erysipelas .ilt the Bala~Cynwy'd district,
a low total of nine contagion cases in
the to~nship. .
W unde,.,r",, Battery &, E1ectric service Lt~
!J~ Starling at 6.00 A. M.
Then 12.10 P.,M., 12.50.. .1.30, 2.10, LeavlnK 'X~J~~~dD~nd Lan-·~U~
2.~0, 3.30, 4·l0" 4.50, 5.30, 6.10, callter Avenue. ~n!
"'Wunder Starts Them All" ~..~ Then .6•25 A. M., 6.55, 7.25, 7.55, ~o~o 7.3~, ~5~1 fillo
9.30, 10.10, Starting at 7.00 A. M., 8.00, 9.00, '~l~

I "
~~_ 8.25 A. M., 8.55, 9.25, then 9.45 • an • •• 10.00, 11.00, 12.00 P. M.; 1.00, 2.00, ~..~
'. . ' rth·· 1\ . 3.00•.4.00,,5.1)0,. 6.00, 7.00, 8.00, 9.00, i'f
~08 Forest A venue Phone~arbe i:~ .

2866 ..1\. M. , And 12.30 A. M. 10.00, 11.00, 12.00 A. 1\1. iUi

Ask For a Demonstration in Your Home--No ObligatiOn'

. ' . , ... ":""10" :'~ 'i,,, " . :.: ,F,OR .INFORMATIO~ ON OTHER SCHEDULES, PHONE BRYN MA~ lZ80~12811~ :
·~lliI •
"'(I'" .. ' . ~ ~-.o........_~~...~~
~ ..':' ',.. ,,. :... ~....-.,.;:...~tL.:.:..~ .......~ ~«-~~.
" .

';','," .,

. u·.. n~,"T:.OMrN,'

Friday, August 23, 1929 0'. .

.. . !
.•• t. '
"f' .
UNCLE CY'S COLUMN "A marvelous face."
I Then I'd 'tell my sister thllt she had
News of a malicious' face, arid on ~d go with
The Questionnaire malevolent, muddy, ma~dlin, messy,
The staff of the papers seems to be misanthropic, monkey, mediocre, mad,
the Churches interested in last -week's questionnaire.
One of the young editors attempted
masculine, maidenly ,and all sorts of
other faces till eventually our vocabu-
Where to Go !.
Se"rvl-ce Where' to .Dt-'n'e'
to answer them verbally and got 25 ~ries would rtin out and w~d ~op
Methodist Episcopal Church
correct, not a very good ay~rage for
a well-informed young man, but one
Rev. Samuel MacAdams, Minister. Of the young women h a d on Iv· 17 1/3 .
or go to another letter.
I' YOU' kn ow your Wl'fe
I'.. . .
Sunday, August 25: right. Perhaps
"rhat did you think?
they are {bo
stiff. To Issue New Series . . - -
y...tnte .r (;e"r~e B. Pnrkln..on, .
L h
can COOK, SO W Y m e er
ak h The Hamilton
9:45 A. M.-Sunc1ay 3.:hool. n T.he Forty-eighth Series of the Nar- :i D I M ' " "'d H '1 S h
• 11 :00 A. 1oL-1forning worship. Ser- informed
mon by the Rev. E. W. Car-
It is surpnSlU", how muc~ wel!-
people who read th pubhc berth Building and Loan Association
. for et :and will. be opened at the Se!)lember meet- :above
Letters of A~::~I:'t~ation on the
Estate havhlg been gra~ted to
aln an ami ton ts.
prove it on summer T urs-
day nights. Run straig t
penter. . . prints and advertIsements the undersigned, all persons Indepted
7 :00 P. l\L-C01llll1Ul1lty servIce on how little of the vast fund of ~uman ing:of the AssoCiation on Sel>temoer 5. to·sald EJiltate are requested to make l. over Sproul Road to Swarth-
the lawn of the Lutheran knowledge is retained by any 1 ne of This marks the: twenty-second year of .~~~:.:~~tt~~dsa~~s~vil:~~~~gd~::~'~s ~o CI. A cool, quiet place to dine. more. Tea room dinners 85c
Church. us.Incidental1y, there was. ,. a gnevous ~.. .. existence fo. r Narberth's older Building FROVID.ENT TRU.ST COMPANY OF R'd . l ' . and ~l •00• M' am Om'i" ....g
Wednesday, August 28, 8 P. M.- . h'" . and Loan Association. PHILADEI,PHIA,. eSl entia sectlon on mam
-Prayer meeting in the Presbyterian typographical error m t~.. ,quQt~tIQn . 17th and Chestnut Streets. Room <t1.50.
·Church. from Shakespeare 111 QuestIon N'Q.. 48. PARKIm S. WILLIAMS, highway Philadelphia to ' 'P
The linoty~~ ?perator gav~::tis,;;t,jlO~th". ESTATE NOTICE .' President. . .. 0
for "youth 111 the rel1')l1~~';:!'!,'~"'" ..... E"tlltl\ of M •. Allee Frank, de!,eased, Administrator. (9-13-29) .Reading•. Serving "the best SWARTHMORE 68
Holy Trinity Lutheran Church "For never in ~y you~h!:d~d.:;I;~Wly illite of ~he Borough?f Na.rberth, Mont-. . dollar dinner in town." F. M. SHEIBLEY
Rev. Cletus A. Senft, Pastor. Hot and· rebellIous .h~uOJ:s.,~io:;!mY gomel'y Count~·, Pn. • .'
9 ·45 A. 1I.-Bible School.' ") blood." <~;;.i~h"';~'~'\~:"· I.eltel'''' te"tamentar~' 011 ·.the 'abo\'e rf Historic LOJf/er Merion MANAGEMENT
11 :.0.0 A. M.-The Service. Theme: It occurs to me that'~f:tp.~b.·ip-.l~"t,3:leha\:hlg'·.g.ra.. ted to th.e. uno.

t ·f to have a series ns der,,!gned,

, "Great Is Thy Faith," by R ev. eres 1l1 g .. '~ _ l' ... i.'ee 'li"ow .l~state are requ~~ted to mal<e Imme-.
.all perl<ons. Ind.ebted to said NORRISTOWN 134
A. F. A.. N eudorfferJ' . . on a d verb,slllg ~ oga.ns,: ,<il. , s_ . ' . diate paymenl,.· and thoHe having legal and Blockley" F. M. SHEIBLEY .Strath Haven
7:00 P. M.-Unlon Twilig~,t" Service n.l~nY. .. 'Peop. llf., read..'. th....~
'. ~,; . . ,.,Jll.r:-.,~s.·hafes? cla~m... to. present· the .SIl1l1.e .wlthout By ~he Inn With 'Perso1Jillitr
. on the lawn. Theme: Does It Here are ten... ·.Can·.Y9u:tdelJtif~:t • m. delay to . '.. MANAGEMENT
Pay to Do Mission'WQrk in .. 1. ",F9ur.,oJ.lLoFe;\I,ery·.fh~~ ..have' .' . LOUIS H. FRANK~ )·;xecutor. DORA HARVEY DEVELIN, A. M.
India?" by Rev. A. F. Neudorf- 2: ,Ask tb,e:·. 'man, wllo owns one 120 1<;llllWOQd· An.,
f 3.:Mi1'tL..·biJFt~eY' sa'tisfY .•... .• Nal'!?erth, Pa., For Sale at Strawbr~dge and
er. "-.4. Eyet?~l1ji" 'whyuot ~nOF.?.-:J 0'1' to hi.. attorney',
Wednesday 8 P. M.'::-Collll11unity 5. What a whale of a dlfferen.ce lust DI~Sl\IOND'J. M"TIUH~, "ESQ.; . Clothier's, Wanamaker's, or
Prayer Serv'l.'ce in the Presb,,_ter.ian
Church, when Rev.. Neu?;orffer' 'w~ll" "6. Good to the last drop. . "
a few c.ellts lila 'e.' ," " ). 205, H a \"er fdA
or "e.,
Nal'llerth, Pa.
any book store. I You Like the Best f
;speak on the theme of .. Does God 7..... ··Let your pup be"'YOl~r furnace (9-27-2~)
Answer Prayer?"
Friday. S P. M.-Choir Rehearsal.
Baptist Church. of the.
_ n:aQ..
8. Time to retire. l:

~..,tlngel lZ: ~~~~. ~h~~i~~h~~t'g[r1"~~::~ie;·~n. tl H~~~~fC~h!~~·~!I· .. '" I,

.-... ~---.-.. Price $5
l~iEi§§§i§i~3E3EiEiEi§§§§i~ i
in tailormade clothes, come in now and look over our selection of
fall and winter woolens. We stand back of the fit and wearing
quality of our clothes.

Robert E. Kelghton, MlIllster.

You see, there is really no limIt to
this sort of thing, aird it's more or \Iess l .'. REAL' ES'TAT'E
11 :00 A. ~r.-~[orning wor~hip. Ser- like the old game of "You have a face" Fire Insurance-Best Compa~iea l
mon by the Rev. \Villialll H. that we' used at home inm y .,l Phone 4049-W 215;Baverf"rcJ Aye. A
yourself by eating only .the T AILORS-CLEANERS-CJ)YERS
D D boyhood. The" group about a dip.ner .......... ~.................~ ........~ ......~~..... ~ ..
7 :00 ~a~lr:_{Tni~n twilight service table select an .initial, such as "M," and "?::;;::;;;;;::;;::;;;;;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;;;;;~ best ice cream and sweets 102 Forest Avenue Phone: Narberth 2602
on the lawn of the Lutheran start.. My ·.mother would turn to' m~ ~ ..
Church. and say, "My son;'-You have·'a· face. such as are found at White',
\Vednesday, 8 P. M._U!,ion prayer "What, kiild' of face, Mother?" ~~~Q~~d~~
-Ice Cream in 14 /lavon.
School Opens Soon!
First Church of Christ~ WHITE'S We Carry a Full Line of All the Necessary School Supplies
Scitdntist PENCIL BOXES-25c TO $1.50
Athens and Linwood Avenues, SWEET SHOP SCHOOL BAGS-50c TO $2.00
. Services at 11 A. M.
Pastry, Candy, Nuts
Sunday"School at 1~ A. M. . ..
Wednesday evenmg testnllOll\al
mleeting at 8 :00 P. M. .'
219 liaverford }\ve~ Narb. CJJAVIS'
Reading room, 19 \Vest Lancaster'
A venue, open week days from 10.:30 Phone, NARBERTH 4005 The Oldest Store in Narberth
'to 4:30 o'clock; Wednesday evemng
-from 9 :00 to 9 :45 o'clock. . 224 Haverford Avenue Phone Narberth 4035
The subject for the' Bible lesson
'sermon for Sunday is "Mind." ~QQ~~~~~~QQ~~Qddd~~~~~QQ~

A II Saints Church , ,"

The Royal
. \Vynnewood, Pa.· .In 'Flltered 'Yater, to a Uniform Tempera.ture ~eated
Rector Rev. Gibson Bell. .. ..., of Sea..on Tickets .
Six Le>lltoitlt Fre~. to H ••llier..
Sunday, August 25:
8:00 A. M.~Holy· Cq·liltnui,i/?n.
11 :00 A. M.-),,[orning Prayer and ~er-
Men... $5.00" .:. .- Wome~~\.;4.00 Boy''l, $3040
. S(ngl,~.:'Admisslon 30 Cents
Oll'ls', $2,80
Road to
·• l11Qn.· ." .
Metion Fr;ends~ Me~,ing
'10:00 A. M.-SU!lday SchooL· ... ~ .:.' j'. ; i, :; ' .
", ::.
.',.' :;:i'.],.'i8~
:.:'~ ."::,'"
·w: i;nn."",,'1e~- "'nnue,. Ardin'ore
.;.' ~dm~l'e 833·..
.HEALTH .,.A•. W,itte . '1 .:" ." . Play Timnis at',y....
· . 11 :00 A. 1I.-:-Meeting for wqt.shig,

The Presbyterian Church

. ..
·,· . .'t"·- .-.'
Lower M~rion High .school Courts
, ... . ,..:
M. O. A. Supervision)

1, ' t = S t = S t = S t = S t = S M E ,

:Rev. John Van Ness, M. A.;··Minister.

Meetings for August 25:
Decora mg. ',,~:.:.. ":" I I .. I

:.....N:7~~f~ :i I The Atlas Company

9:45 A. l\I.-Bible School.
11 :00 A. NI.-),,[oniing \vorship. Drinking plenty of pure milk, with its
The sermon will be ..delivered oy abundance of rich vitamins, is an easy
Rev. James B. Call1~rOli, i}a~or of the pleasant way to regain or retain health.
Presbyteriali Church of New Egypt, Gold Medal Milk comes .from prize,
N. J. .:-. '.
7:00 P. :\L-Unioll twilight meeting, WinE'·d(}'W· Sgeens ;'1 INC.' winning cows, It is perfectly pasteurized
with preach~: .furnished by:the ncIosures .J ' . '
and protected from farm to doorstep.
Lutheran Cfiurch.· .: .
Next Wednesday, at 8 P. M'.,· union . .
A lteration'S!.~.& '}obbing/
'~"~"'" ,.> "\'
• •. •• • . ·D.e..··.C~o r a. tor s •
prayer meetilik' in the Presbyterian
'Church with a Luthera1lAeader. . <:!~j..~.#
":~~.. ,.,_ .i.~/'
II ------.-----...!--,--------
109 North Narberth' A~eltue '" .., i .'. ~ Phone: Narberth ·3~~5..
C90.~~:& . ~p
1,r..;.3•..• '. ,,,.?~
~ ~ .~. .


", . MILK
F-.~;:;p:~._=:;;;;::;;;iO=Oii;;:;;p:~._=:;p:;;IIII,.. DECOilATI!:'i(i AND FUR~~S!'l~NG 0UR 9:F,.. :Y Pioneers in Etlery PrOt'enSafeguard
.'\ HOME' .~ ".
:{~;'!:::«r.'i.ES~ ARE 'OF THE COM·
jcl UNA~A~E:.
.\ ~ T~7r~ELOW: . ' " j' r.
7~, -House 'Pajnting .:. Paperh4ngi,tg .:: JV,indow Shades
1"\ LINEII~~
. . Upholstering .:. F,mJituie1l.cpairing
.,f ');i' [)!.QPe..~ies .:. Slip CO'Yers .::: LintJleums

r: ;, ::~ .. ,". '. ::. .': P~ititlng and RefillishinK, CJ/' Furniture
... ; .I.::':: li'.~,' .
R.esil"ered .:, Mattresses Rebuilt

,. ·.WE,~:ALS6 cARaf! A' LARGE

. ,~~:,~i~\JFt1RN-ITURE
Valuable Papers
j'l ;L:I", .,'
} .
-1;;,I:~ .. ,j ," ••

Deserve Adequate Protection-·

. \\:..

~: :,f"·'.' . " ,,~.".' '.,.'.: "t "" ...'
~ ,,~~, '1 ,I··";'l
I' r
: .,:' ~
:!' '
~,", .
. " "", :",,~ :'~" t"LIt:·"
~ "

L.i£~ Insurance papers, bonds and' stock certifi.

", .~·,'W~.e· folks

.back' home.. cates, deeds, mortgage papers, wills, and -all impo.rtaltt;-~:!;'r
papers which you value deserve ade~ti~t~protec;t~oit• . :
. t':.!~·~j"'1;.1·'1,.''''
:., '. ,,' .. : ~; ," ':: ..' Too many chances are open~fol'. : Gre, l~r
"'~'.~ ".;" '~~:U:I;d~like to see'.yPllb~s't theft, .for. losS:':-~o neglect putting them ~here the~
will be absolutely safe fro.m danger'b'r: trom prying'
·",,?fa.ll:;~ext best: tbe'y"d like " eyes.
,; ! .... , .

.t~:b~llr your voi(~e ••• '. T, Our convenient Safe Depol!it, ·Vaults....otTer ;.
1'1 0' .
. I ample protection for these'valuable
.' rental is low•

,',! "
$2.00 per Yi~ar and Up

.. (, - i ..
~ .~ OF ". ARDMORE.
'r..~o'. wltoP Loo/c ill '1a~ Telep'4olle Diree,or:r . PI:NN'SY"l£VANIA
;t>;;)l.IAR5ER.TH .. :' ~eALA- CVNVV'YD
'. ·It... ·.. · •••.• ," po'·

I:',t>,:~.., '.........; ;"1':'::;" '; :,_\~<: J;,.:J ..• I .• : " ; .:...... -_.". ' .. ,; ':'I~ ,
..' .·r •, ~ .' •


PAGE FOUR Frida'Y, August 2J, 1929
AUDITORS' REPORT FaDiouslor Filty Years r.

Library Circulation Shows

Of the School District of the Borough of Narberth,
Montgomery County, Pa.·
For School Year Ending July 1, 1929
Assessed Valuation of Taxable Property .....••••.....•.•.• $4,268,848.00
\ . , .,.1".

Sign of But M ~ats

WHITE BOCK i. in pealer demand tocltly thtln eVer in it.
The origintl' HORNUNG formula, " .
in uae lor ooer tI hall century, BREWS

\ .:

Gratifying Increase Number Assessed with Per Capita Tax .•.....••..•........• 3,251 Kitchen Soliloquies No doctoring or chemical treatment
Number of Mills Levied : . 18 Number 4 01 the finulaed procluct i. nece..ary .to
The Librarian's rCI)ort for the mont I1 Rate of Per Cap'ta T a x '
of Jl!ly shows an increase in the cir-I
culatlon of books C'f 1113 ovcr that
~~I~~~~' ~~. ~~~~~~ .~~~ .......•
$5.00 I

"It has been my experience,"
quoth the dictionary, "that folks
mtlie it conlorm to pre.ent day legal
requirement•• '.
of July in 1928; the total for the month I . .' . Per Capita Property Total don't care what they eat in the WHITt BOCK retain. all the
then being 2470, while for this year it Am~u.nt LevIed (F:ace of Duphcate) .• $15,165.00 $75,066.66 $90,231.66 1 morning. Give them anything for
is .3583. This seems to all those in- Addltl?ns to Duplicate ..•..•....•. '. . 1,120.00 1,772.60 2,892.60 inl1'-relre.laing-health~giol"'gquali-
terested in the prcigress of the Library Penalties ...•.....•.•..........•.•• 173.00 689.97 862.971 breakfast. tie. lor wlaich it laa olway. been
to' be a most gratifying indication of Total A~ount of Tax. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 16,458.00 77,529.23 93,987.23 "You're full of words, but they noted. It i. the ideal. hot weather
the increased service which the Li- ExoneratIons....................... 2,795.00 1,588.50 4,383.50 signify nothing," retorted the
brary has been able to render the pub- Entered as Liens................... ......•.. . 682.20 682.20 thir" quencher.
85,136.03 cook book. "Let sizzling bacon
lie of Narberth under the new arrange- Net Amount of 1928 Tax Collected.. 13,213.00 71,923.03
1U~nt of a profession~1 librariail an.d Uncollected Taxes, July 1, 1929.. , .; . 450.00 3,335.50 3,785.50 arouse you, with coffee's incense CO'l'TER'S. Jlellt" and Groeerl,,"
GEO. 111. OANOO. Grocerle" &: In,portl'fl Good...
longer hours of opel11ng. That this fast following. Let your gaze FREEMAN BROS., Jleat" And Grocerl"..
itfrease should occur in thc summer, rest on delicious liver and onions, HAMER BltOS•• Dell,."tell""n
~ren circulation frequently falls off, RECEIPTS broiled lamb chops, a fine slice of
iSlonly another indication that the Li- Balance on Hand July, 1928 . $753.26 our sugar-cured ham or some of
brlary has not yet reached its limit, Temporary Loan* ....••....•...•.•...••..••••.•• 3,600.00
l1~t ~ 11cadc'd for still mOre distant Interest ...••................... " .............•
seals. ' '. Taxes ....•....• ,..................... $85,136.03
321.38 the other toothsome dishes which
BRADLEY'S recommend-and the
·i !The Library statistician was h~ard Delinquen~ .•...... ,.................. 2,442.80 87,578.83 day will be started right."
to\ revcal these figures to a .recogl11zed
accountant who allowed hll1lself one State Appropriation ..........••...............• 13,459.10
minute of enthusiastic response befo~e Tuition Non-Resident Pupils ..•......•........... 228.00 BRADLEY
asking just how the increase of. th!s All Other Sources .....•..•.....•...............• 1,064.32
year comparcd with that of last. fillS Total .•............•....•............••....- - - - - $107,004.89 MARKET CO. Words ,.'
requiring too great a knowledge of
mathematics, as well as of other sub-
"'Does not include money borrowed and paid back the same year. 2106 Market Street cant describe if .
jects, the statistician ign?rcd th~ com- CURRENT EXPENSES (no oth~r .~dJress)
parison cntirely by hastily reelll1g off General Control (A): RITTENHOUSE 7070 JACOB HORNUNG BREWING' CO., PHILA., PA.'
tables of circulation figures for each Secretary ..........••....•.....................
month of 1929, showing thc circulation Treasurer
for the ycar from January through Attorney
July to bc 23,365, which was almost 'I Tax Collectors
the. totalJor the cntire yc~r in 19~7., Auditors

, ..................•.....
, .•..........................
1------------' '

1 hc Library at such ~ !Imc ah\ ays Compulsory EducatIOn and Census . 75.00
cmphasizes the fact that It !S not ~\'or~-l Other Expenses . 305.73
ing with a large total of ~lrcu.1atlon 111 Total. , •......•.... - - - - - $2,974.36 •
mind, b1;Jt wl~cn by .exte!ldl11g It~ hours Instruction (B):
of opcmng, II1creaslllg Its .servl~e al~d Elementary Secondary Total . :
pladllg 'a professional hbranan 111 Salal'ies of Principals ; .' $4,287.20 $4,287.20
chargc, it makcs it possible for th.e Salaries of Teachers , 44,092.80 44,092.80 ;
citizens of Narberth to use the LI- Text Books 702.84 702.84 I
brary to greatcr advantage that at Supplies Used in Instruction... . . . . . . 1,568.00 ),568.00 Ii
such a time figurcs become a symbol Attending Teachers' Institute....... 39000 39000 I
of significant importance. Tuition , ......•..•........ $33,220.00 33,220.00 :
Total ................•....... , $51,040.84 $33,220.00 $84,260.84 .
Seven-Run Rally lD Auxiliary Agencies (C): r.
Sixth Routs Berwyn Libraries , . $228.21
Promotion of Health . 75.00
CONTINUED FROM THE FIRST PAOI Transportation of Pupils ................•...........•.....• 4,570.00
Other Expenses ............•...... , .............•.....•. ,. 790.1~
Hcnry, who scorcd both of the alicn
Iwo runs, was first man up in the fifth Total ~ ...•................•.••..........• $5,663.34 ;
and splashcd a tidy single to port for Operation (D):
the fourth hit of thc game. Eachus Elementary Total
succll1nhcd on strikcs, but Hampshirc. Wages of Janitors . $3,300.00 $3,300.00
once of the local cast, promoted him Fuel , .. 1,355.60 1,355.60
W. agncr '.s ,:
'l'llgle I
to sccond from his sacrifice bunt anel: Water, Light and Power
.shi\)l)ed in the star J anI·t·?rs , .S upp I'les ,
second-bascman. Other Expenses ..•..............· . 147.33 147.33
The Davismen responded to "Gene" -----
Davis' orders of battle in the subse- Total. .. • .• .. .. ..... . .. .. • .. .... .. . .. .... .... $6,368.12 $6,368.12
qucnt innin" by sending the Iinc-up Maintenance (E): ;
into its sccond round. to earn thclr Repair of Buildings .............•..............•........• $42.50
third straight leaguc victory. Burns Repairs and Replacements of Equipment:
singled to right and reached the ke y -, Of Heat, Light and p'lumbing ..................•.....•• 247.13
stonc as Wagner threw Fleck." 0r ut on . Of Other Equipment ;. ,_...••...•...........•..•...... 26.30
first. Gilfillan walked and .\ asters
thmiJped a rollicking triple, whi~lh Total. ...•.....................•.•........•...•..... $315.93
fillan crossmg. Babb,. sll1gle~,
counting and :Martin walked. Iu I~an Rents
soared high. of sccond, Bl,lrns and GI' Fixed Charges (F): .
alt State Retirement Board-Elementary ......•......•..•.....•
had an easy time gaining k pos.sess)o;) Insurance-Fire and Other ...........•..••.....•••......... 215.42
of the initial base when Ba 'cr Jugg c Taxes . 182.40
his grounder and Gcorge dasl}ed. acrosffs Other Expenses , ....................•.............. 35.00
with the fourth run of the ml1lng 0
Curwin's hid for a single, ~rartin fol- Total ...••...' '. ..........•.............•......•...•..... $2,655.1~
lowing right behind when Hcnry de-
layed Heckle's grounder to the plate DEBT SERVICE AND CAPITAL OUTLAY
a trifle too late to hcad him off. Burns Debt Service (G):
came to bat for the second time this in- Redemption of Short Term Loans* ..•..•...•......•.........
ning, but was permitted to get on as Payments of Interest on Bonds .......•......•..............
"Bing" scooped up his bounder and Payment of Interest on Short Term Loans ...................•
thrcw to Danny Hampshire, who
21.87 ..
nailed ~Iulligan at the pentagon on Total •....••...•...•.••.....•.......................... $4,441.87
fiel<Ier's choice. Fleck doubled to

rightfield, Curwin and Heckle scoring. "'Does not include money borrowed and paid back the same year.
Henry gave the visitors another run Capital Outlay (H):
in the seventh by counting off a passcd Equipment for New Buildings:
ball while the locals fell victims to a
double killing to end the activities in
rally was cleverly thwarted in thc
eighth and subsequent frames when
Heat, Light and Plumbing.....•.•....................•
Other .•.•........•.....•............•..•........•.•.
the home half. Berwyn's bid for a Added Equipment for Old Buildings ..••.............. , ...•.
TotaL ...•.......•.. , ...........•....•......•.........
A ulomalle ~~
three runners werc left on the coigns. SUMMARY

Gas Ileating
NARBERTH Total Receipts .•• " .•...•.•..........••.•••.•.... $107,004.89
rho a ~ Total Payments (Items A-F) ..•.•.•.••....•. $102,237.74
Heckle. rf " ,. 1 0 1 0 0 (Items G-H) , 4,647.86
Burns, c . 1 1 5 0 0
}o'leck, cf. . o 1 0 0 0 TotaL •.•...•.••..•............•....•....•.- - - - - 106,885.60
Gilfillan, SR , 1 0 2 4 1 Balance on Hand (School Year 1928-1929) .•..••... $119.29
Masters, p. ,:.: . 2 1 2 6 0
Babb, 3b. , .. 1 2 0 1 0 SINKING FUND REPORT
Martin. Ib,
Mulligan, 2b. .
Curwln, If
, . 1 0 15 0 0 Balance on Hand July 1, 1928
. o 1 2 5 1 Received froln Interest..................•......•....•.•....
, 1 1 0 0 0
'1'otal Receipts

makes a Real HOllle
Totals 8 7 27 16 2 Balance in Fund July 1, 1929 ....•.....••.......•....•.•..•. $10,397.71
BERWYN OME should he a haven from petty cares. Heating nuisances,.
r h 0 a e ASSETS
Doyle, If.· .; ;.... 0 1 0 0 0 School Sites, Buildings and Equipment •...•..... , .. " • '" •. , $135,220.62 furnace bothers; should not he allowed to intrude.
Baker, S8 ·•• ; ::' " 0 8 4 2 0 Accounts Receivable ...............•.•..................... 3,785.50
Trost, 3b. , , 0 1 1 1 0 Sinking Fund .•.•..•..••........•..•.....•...........•.... You have provided a good home for ·your family. Now provide:
Shank, df.••..•.•••... , .. 0 0 1 0 0 Balance in Treasury ....•...........•....................•. 10,397.71
Burke, lb. . : ..; ... :....... 0 1 11 0 0 119.29 them with the wonderful comfort and convenience of Automatic
Henry, 'Jlb~ '•. " . . . . . .. 2 2 0 2 0
I~achus, rf, , ,. 0 0 1 0 0
HampshlT1l, .~. . .. ,...... 0 2 6 2 0
TotaL .....................••.••....•....•...•..•..•. $149,523.12 Gas Heating.
·Wagner, p. . , 0 1 0 3 1 LIABILITIES
- - - - - Bonded Indebtedness....•......•.••.•••.••..•..•..••..•.... $48,000.00 Nothing is so worth while as a good, automatic gas heating system.
Total.. 2 8 24 10 1 Short Term Loans ......•....•.•....••.....•...•.•......... 3,600.00
·Shellenberger batted for 'Vagncr In Nothing .can add so much to the comfort of the whole family;
the ninth. Total '.' . . . . . . • • • . . • . . . . . • . . . . . • . • • . . . . . . . . . . . $51,600.00 nothing can so greatly increase everyone's enjoyment of the home.
Narberth 0 1 0 0 0 7 0 0 x-8 We hereby certify that we have examined the above accounts and find
Berwyn 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 9-2
them correct and that the securities of the officers of the board are in accord-
ance with law. NeU) .Lol" Ratell ~al~e 6011 RO"II'! ~ Heatin.
Costs Most lJ(oderate
~; Jobbing· ANDREW GREENE, The idea of heating a home with gas ,,,nl ... E us TODAY
Auditl;lrs. Ilounds 80 delightful that many people get How much would Autom.tic
Carpenter ••• ,..*,.+ an entirely erroneous impression of the GaM Henline e08t to in8t.1I in

Phone: NARBERTH 4129

cost. ' my bome l' How much
would I UBe .nd how mueh
103 I)udley Avenue COAL But the cost is really very moderate. Au-
thoritative cost figures, .a8 applied to the
would il e08t? .

tHt-1~MMt=!!==1!=ft"'1Mt"'M' and heating of your own home, can rea'dily be Addree8.....__. _
Replate Brassy, W orn-off provided.
Auto' Pa.rtll. SIIOO.. II. Fork... 811-
BUILDING MATERIAL Get these definite cost facts. The coupon Type of He.tin.
,·"r"·,,ft'.· '. Bath Faueet.. wlt10 will bring them-without obligation, of Hoi W.ter 0 . W.rm Air 0

pare .Uyer. U.e S'lnd, Grlltlel lind Lime Products courlle. St~m... 0 V.por 0
V-KAN-PLATE Sewer Pipe
Slh'er Platell to look like
,newl U.e •• a Poll....
Approved by "Good House- J. J. SKELTON & SON Philo.delphia SDbitrbau·~OOD.~·.':
.Gas and ~~Ieetric tco~p~ny
keeping" as a Sliver Poll8h,
Nickel Polish, Sliver Plater. It At Pennsylvania Station
prolongs the life of all plated
~-oz. bot, 50c: 8-0B. bot., $1.00.'
BALA-CYNWYD Arcbnore 3500 . Wayne 3 . BiUWD233
For Sale by Local Phone: Operating Two YarJs" City Phone: Bryn. Mawr ,327 BoulevanlliOO .'

.... _-- ...

Cotter's Market, Hansell Bros.

_G~~~~ :~ L~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHi'iiiiii·i.i'
;"'.1.i_i'.i,.,.;··i~i!aig'.i.=· :j~·!it
Narberth Hdwr.. Rlcklln H~,¥r. CYNWYD 700
- q - « t r I ~ 1\ i 5\ rn-' • • • U14¥


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