General Petroleum Company Exam PDF

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The General Petroleum Company

1- Draw a map for Egypt, Highlighting the main

provinces and cities.

‎2- Calculate in steps the scale of your map?

Maps are considered

Large scale maps or small scale maps:

A large scale map shows greater detail because the scale is a
larger fraction than a small scale map.
Large scale maps have a scale of 1:50,000 or greater (1:24,000,
1:10,000, ...).Maps with scales from 1:50,000 to 1:250,000 are
considered intermediate.Small scale maps are those with scales
smaller than 1:250,000. A map of the world that fits on two
pages of letter sized paper would be very small scale with a
scale of around 1:100,00,000.
Here are 3 views of the same location on maps with different


3- Draw the following in a simplified form:
- Gulf of Suez Stratigraphic Column.
- Western Desert Stratigraphic Column.
- Nile Delta Stratigraphic Column.

4- Give a brief note about:

- Lag Time

.It is the time between a chip being cut by the bit and the time
it reaches to the surface where it is then examined by the
wellsite geologist or mudlogger.
• The time taken for cuttings sample to reach the surface. The
term is also used in place of cycle time.
- Mud Circulation

- Mud Logging Unit

The system integrates powerful computer network technique,
highly accurate and reliable sensor technique, analysis and
evaluation technique of rock samples such as geochemical,
nuclear magnetic resonance and quantitative fluorescence, and

it is the center of quick and comprehensive interpretation and
evaluation of oil and gas on well-site. The system can discover
and evaluate oil and gas reservoirs quickly, monitor drilling
engineering parameters and toxic gases such as H2S and CO2,
thus to ensure drilling safety, enhance drilling efficiency and
reduce operation cost. The mud logging unit has served in
domestic oilfields.

5- Correct the following statements:

- Urn Bogma formation is related to Cretaceous Age. ( To
Carboniferous Age)
- Jurrasic sediments are well exposed in G. Maghara.( right)
- The plant remains are called Trace Fossils.(Called Fossil)
- Zeit formation is related to the Pliocene Age.(To the Late
Miocene Age)
- The Genus may contain many orders.(Contain many Species)
- Belayim formation is younger than Abu Roash formation.((√)
- Kareem formation is well developed in Abu Gharadig field.(x)
In Ras Budran
- Abu Madi formation is well developed in Gulf of Suez (GOS)(x)
In Nile Delta
- Sudr formation is very thick body of fine Sandstone in Gulf of
Suez (GOS).(x) Chalk

6- Choose the correct answer:

1- Urn Baraka Field is in
a) Nile Delta.
b) Western Desert.
c) Gulf of Suez.
d) Sinai.
2- Known oil seeps exist in
a) AbuMadi.
b) Alamein.
c) Gemsa.
d) Abu Rudeis.

3- What is the daily oil production of Egypt?
a) About 100,000 bbls/day
b) About 250,000 bbls/day
c) About 550,000 bbls/day
d) About 1000,000 bbls/day
4- What is the current approximate price of one barrel oil?
a) US $70.
b) US $90.
c) About US $110.
d) US $50.
5- Shoaab Ali oil Field present: in
a) Western Desert.
b) Nile Delta.
c) Gulf of Suez.
6- Most of the gold mines in Egypt exist in
a) Western Desert.
b) Eastern Desert.
c) Sinai.
7-Which Oasis has iron ore?
a) El Kharga Oasis.
b) El Bahariya Oasis.
c) Siwa Oasis.
d) Farafra Oasis.
8- Where is the known phosphate mining in Egypt?
a) Edfo.
b) Ras El Dip.
c) Abu Tartoor.
d) Badracheen.
9- Where is the oil shale Present in Egypt?
a) Ras Shukeir.
b) Gebel El Zeit.
c) Abu Tartoor Plateau.
d) Alexandria.
10- Nearly the whole land surface of earth was covered by huge
sheet of ice during

a) Cambrian.
b) Precambrian.
c) Cretaceous.
d) Pleistocene.
e) Jurassic.
11- The Dead Sea is located in
a) Rift valley.
b) Canyon.
c) Between chains of mountains.
d) Intermountain plain.
12- The age of economic coal bearing rocks in Egypt is
a) Cretaceous.
b) Carboniferous.
c) Triassic.
d) Jurassic.
13- First vertebrates (Fishes) appeared in
a) Paleocene.
b) Devonian.
c) Ordovician.
d) Cambrian.
14- Outcrop of strata shown in geological map as parallel
contours indicates
a) Horizontal Strata.
b) Vertical Strata.
c) Inclined Strata.
d) Strata inclined 45°.
15- On a map, which of the following scales is considered the
a) 1:100,000.
b) 1:50,000.
c) 1:10,000.
d) 1:200,000.
16- The Tethys sea evaporated completely during
a) Eocene.
b) Middle Miocene.

c) Pliocene.
d) Oligocene.
17- In which period the Red Sea was opened?
a) Eocene.
b) Tertiary.
c) Mesozoic.
d) Proterozoic.
18- Time rock units are defined as
a) Lithologic characteristics.
b) Lithologic characteristics and time boundaries.
c) Lithologic characteristics and fossil content.
d) Lithologic characteristics and index fossils.
19- Syrian arc structures in Egypt date back to
a) Paleozoic time.
b) Miocene time.
c) Cretaceous.
d) Jurassic time.
20- Strike slip movement shows
a) Right Lateral.
b) Left Lateral.
c) Clock wise.
d) Anti clock wise.
21- Cross beds are produced when
a) The Flow direction of current changes gradually.
b) The Flow direction of current changes suddenly.
c) Velocity of current decrease suddenly.
d) Ripples migrate from one place to another.
22- Arrange the following environmental zones sea-ward
a) Bathyal.
b) Neritic.
c) Abyssal.
d) Littoral.

23- What type of log do we use for porosity calculation?
a) Density / Neutron.
b) Resistivity.
c) Gamma Ray.
24- What type of log do we use for Lithology identification?
a) Microspherical.
b) Density.
c) Caliper.
25- How can we differentiate between heavy and light oil
response on resistivity curves?
a) Deep & Shallow readings are the same.
b) Separation between Deep & Shallow readings in good
permeable reservoirs.
c) We can't differentiate.
26- Caliper log helps to determine
a) Oil zones.
b) Hole size.
c) Hole inclination.

27- Dipmeter tool measures
a) Oil bearing reservoirs.
b) Bed dips.
c) TWT.
28- We measure shaliness (VSH) from
a) VSP.
b) Sonic.
c) GR.
29- Resistivity is inversely proportional to
a) Tightness.
b) Oil presence.
c) Formation water salinity.
30- Petrophysical Computation is performed on
a) Any data.
b) Raw data.
c) Data after Environmental Correction

7- How do we measure the Mud cake thickness?

-By use Caliper log
A mudcake cake is formed on the wall of boreholes due to the
deposition of mud particles and formation of a network of
structures of colloidal and non-colloidal particles enclosing
fluid-filled voids or inter-spaces of varying sizes during the
period of circulation and non-circulation. The thickness of the
mudcake and the quantity of fluid lost to the formation may
exercise considerable influence on the drilling and production
of a well and thus highlight their drilling and production
engineering significance. The physical properties of mudcake
such as porosity, permeability and thickness are some of the
parameters used to assess the cake building properties of a
mud system. For this reason, the routine measurement of
mudcake thickness is an essential part of a mud-check for a
qualitative assessment of a mud system.

The thickness of mudcake is also a critical factor in many drilling
and reservoir engineering problems. Muds producing soft and
thick cakes increase the potential of differential sticking and
thus are not desirable for geological formations highly prone to
differential sticking (Amanullah and Tan1). Mud related
borehole problems such as tight hole, differential sticking,
torque and drag usually have their root to the static phase of
drilling and hence static mudcake thickness is a valuable piece
of information in selecting a mud system. In addition, fluid loss
and cake building properties of a mud system play an important
role in making a logging programme successful. The decrease in
effective hole size with increasing mudcake thickness makes
the openhole logging more and more difficult. According to
Dewan and Chenevert2, predictions of logging simulators have
been hampered by a lack of knowledge of mud cake flow
resistance, thickness, permeability and their variation with

8- Write Archie's Equation for saturation?

A particular relation proposed by G.E. Archie between the
formation factor (F) and porosity (phi), in which F = 1 / phim,
where the porosity exponent, m, is a constant for a particular
formation or type of rock. In the original work, Archie
proposed that m lay between 1.8 and 2.0 for consolidated
sandstones and close to 1.3 for loosely consolidated
sandstones. m was named the cementation exponent shortly
afterwards. This relation is also known as the Archie II
• Sw = [ (a / Fm)*(Rw / Rt) ](1/n)
• Sw: water saturation
• F: porosity
• Rw: formation water resistivity

• Rt: observed bulk resistivity
• a: a constant (often taken to be 1)
• m: cementation factor (varies around 2)
• n: saturation exponent (generally 2)

10- How many geophysical methods are there? (Name)

Method Measured “Operative”‎
parameter physical property
Gravity Spatial variations in density
the strength of the
gravitational field
of the Earth
Magnetic Spatial variations in Magnetic
the strength of the susceptibility
geomagnetic field and remanence
Electromagnetic Response to Electric
(Seabed Logging) electromagnetic conductivity/resistivity
radiation and inductance
Seismic Travel times of Seismic velocity (and
reflected/refracted density)
seismic waves


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