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21st Century Teaching and Learning

Robin Raatz Fischer


October 12, 2020

Dr. Clark
Mission Statement

Through the many years, Teaching remains on the top of this writers bucket list. As early as
grade school through adulthood it is a constant drive that is characterized by hard work and
determination. Long hours of no sleep, studies, and stress bring the last leg of the race.

With studies, collaborations, and experience this educator promises to give the greatest effort
to present material without judgement, opinion, and critical thinking. I promise to practice kindness and
High expectations for students, coworkers, and myself. All participants are welcome to come achieve
while feeling in a safe, nonjudgement work zone.

Methods of teaching will involve group work, lessons, stories, and movement. Students will be
polled for ideas within the room, and writer will pay special attention to feed the identity of each learner
by knowing likes, dislikes, names, and favorite things. Each student will have a special day each month,
and be celebrated by all. This will ensure they feel part of the class.

Students will be given freedom to visit when their work is done, and work will be assign and
returned promptly. This way they will have feedback and I can assess and evaluate lessons for
effectiveness. Student will use computers every day. It will track writing, math, literature, and
homework. They will keep connected with peers form abroad and within the region where they live.

The internet will be the guild to projects in groups where data can be collected, information
researched, and presented through smartboards and zoom meetings. This will prepare them for real
world applications. Likewise, they will help each other and do emails, blogs, and live google meets
through computer, this will help them with learning customs, cultures, and language, leading into critical
thinking and increased knowledge.

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