Think and Grow Rich Summary Index

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1. About the author

2. Thoughts are things
3. Desire
4. Faith
5. The sixth sense
6. Autosuggestion
7. Specialised Knowledge
8. The Brain
9. Imagination
10. Decision
11. Organised planning
11. Persistence
12. Power of master mind
14. Mystery of sex transmutation
15. The subconcious mind
16. The brain
17.The sixth sense
18. The six ghosts of fear
1. About the author
Napoleon Hill was an american author notably known for his book
“THINK AND GROW RICH”. He wrote this book while on an
assignment to interview industrialist ANDREW CARNEGIE.
Andrew was the one who encouraged Napoleon to write this book
which eventually became turning point of his life.
Napoleon Hill went for a remarkable journey of twenty years to
learn the secret of the riches and summarise it into this very book.

2. Thoughts are things

This chapter mostly relies on the fact that you are the result of
what you think.

3. Desire
This is the basis of success and the most important point of the 13.
It states that one should know EXACTLY what he wants and how
much he is EXACTLY going to sacrifice for his/her desire.

For developing desire author suggests to follow six steps-

1. Fix in your mind the exact amount of money you desire to

2. Determine what exactly you intend to give in return.
3. Fix an exact date for acquiring that sum.
4. Create a definite plan and begin wether you are ready or not
5. Write the amount, time limit, amd sacrifices on a paper and;
6. Read it twice daily, before bedtime and in the morning.

4. Faith
Napoleon describes faith as the head chemist of the mind,
according to him love, sex and faith are the most powerful positive
emotions. To develop faith he suggests -
“Repetition of affirmation of orders to your subconcious mind is
the only known method of voluntary devlopment of the emotion of

He also intoduces a powerful technique known as

AUTOSUGGESTION for tuning your subconcious mind.

Also he says-

“There is no limitation of the mind except those we acknowledge”

5. Auto-Suggestion
No thought wether it is positive or negative can enter the
subconcious mind without the aid of the auto suggestion.

To practice autosuggestion author tells to write the goal on a paper

and read it aloud at least twice a day prefferably before bedtime
and in the morning and see yourself in posession of your goal.

Author says concious mind is analytical while subconcious is

emotional thus for ordering it one must try emotionally wraped up
order rather than logical approach.

6. Specialized Knowledge
Author says there are two kinds of knowledge one is general and
other is specialized and no matter how much general knowledge
you have it does not help you get rich it is the specialized
knowledge that makes money.
Also specialized knowledge should be organised and directed
through practical plans of action to make money out of it
otherwise it is as waste as general knowledge.
Here Andrew Carnegie also has introuced MASTERMIND group
and its power.
7. Imagination
Author states imagination as the workshop where plans and ideas
are created.There are two types of imagination synthetic and
Synthetic imagination is the combination and rearrangement of old
concepts and creating something new whereas
Creative imagination creates something entirely new of its own.

8. Organised Planning
Here author tells us about steps for a practical plan building.Also
author here tells about major attributes of leadership and 10 causes
of faliure of leadership.
Author also describes here about marketing of your services and
also a great deal of points for being successful in a job interview,
there is QQS rating, thirty major points of failure and also 28
questions for self analysis

9. Decision
Author states here about some research on 25000 men and women
and their major cause of faliure ie - lack of decision.
Author here says that procarstination is the enemy and one should
learn to master it and calls it opposite of decision.Author also
states here that quick accurate and valuable decisions are cause of
success, value of decision is based on courage required to render

10. Persistence
Here author states about the importance of will power and its role
in success, will power and desire are the two weapons through
which one can acquire anything. Persistence is something that is
also required for being successful and can be acquired by
following six steps of chapter 3 (Desire) and also effort and
surrounding yourself with mastermind group will also help your
persistence. As persistence is a state of mind author has suggested
8 steps for acquiring it. Author also has given points to check if
you have lack of persistence.

11.Power of mastermind
First one should understand the difference between mastermind
and team to properly utilise it and use infinite intelligence which is
given in the chapter where Andrew Carnegie has first stated the
word mastermind. Author here describes power is a way to turn
your plans into actions and power can be gained by mastermind he

12. Mastery of sex transmutation

In this chapter author tries to explain how sexual desires can be
changed to desires of some other kinds and states ten mind stimuli.
Author states that sixth sense is nothing but creative
imagination,and also states the sources of “hunch” or flashing of
ideas, also author states here that after 40 years of age there are
lesser men who succeed.

13. The subconcious mind

Here author tries to explain the emotional nature of subconcious
mind throug statement of Ella Wheeler Wilcox and the evergoing
fight between positive and negative emotions.

14. The brain

Here author states that brain vibrates at different frequencies with
the influence of different emotions and considers the subconcious
mind as the sending station, author also states that the greatest of
forces cannot be felt with the five senses.

15. The sixth sense

Author states the sixth sense as a way to communicate to the
infinite intelligence, author also explains here the role of character
in sixth sense.

16. Six ghosts of fear

Author states there are six main fears in the subconcious mind
which are barrier to success poverty, criticism, ill health, loss of
love, old age and death, author shows the path of protecting
yourself against these fears, author also states here 57 famous



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