Halaman 11: 2.2 Some of The Most Important Nutrients 1. Nitrogen (N)

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other micro systems are not met. Even though it is needed in smaller amounts, this micro element
is no less important than macro nutrients as a structural component of cells that are directly
involved in cell metabolism and enzyme activity. The availability of essential elements in plants is
largely determined by pH, N at pH 5.5 - 8.5, P at pH 5.5 - 7.5, while K at pH 5.5-10, whereas
micro elements are relatively available at low pH. This is because at that pH all essential nutrients
both macro and micro are different in conditions that are ready to be absorbed by plant roots so as
to guarantee plant growth and production.

2.2 Some of the Most Important Nutrients

1. Nitrogen (N)
Nitrogen is an important nutrient for plant growth. The main source of nitrogen in the soil is soil
organic matter. Apart from soil organic matter Nitrogen is also obtained from N2 gas in the
atmosphere through Nitrogen fixation or fixation. Natural tethering is caused by microorganisms
(mainly bacteria in soil and algae in water) and certain atmospheric symptoms, including
lightning. The forms of Nitrogen that can be used by plants are nitrate ions (NO,) and ammonium
ions (NH,). These ions then form complex materials such as amino acids and nucleic acids which
can be directly absorbed and used by higher plants. At low soil pH nitrate ions are more quickly
absorbed by plants than ammonium ions. At high soil pH Ammonium ions are absorbed by plants
faster than nitrate ions and at neutral pH it is likely that the absorption of the two is balanced. The
function of Nitrogen for plant growth is to improve vegetative growth of plants. Plants that grow
on sufficient soil N, have greener colors. In addition Nitrogen functions in the formation of
proteins. If the plant lacks the N elements: the color of the leaves is slightly yellowish green and
then turns yellow, the leaves become dry and brownish red, in mature plants this stunted growth
will affect fertilization so the fruit is not perfect, generally small and quickly ripens. Conversely, if
the nitrogen content is sufficient, the plants will be fertile, the size of the leaves will be bigger, the
stems will become hard, the flowering will develop well, the fruit will be healthier and better.

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