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QUARTER 3 - LESSON 15A Student’s name: .............................................. Class: 6C........

Choose one word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others.
1. A. mouse B. could C. would D. put
2. A. undo B. unique C. university D. united

Pick out the word that has the stress differently from that of the other words.
3. A. better B. forget C. signal D. viewer
4. A. connection B. expression C. certainly D. attachment
5. A. society B. predictable C. communicate D. information

I. Complete the table.
Adjectives Comparative Superlative
Small ..................smaller.................. ..............the smallest..............
................................................ better ................................................
loud ................................................ ................................................
................................................ higher ................................................
intelligent ................................................ ................................................
big ................................................ ................................................

................................................ more helpful ................................................

................................................ ................................................ the fastest

II. Use the prompts below to make sentences, as in the example.

1. an ostrich / an owl (big) ..................An ostrich is bigger than an owl.......................
2. gold / silver (expensive) ................................................................................................
3. Canada / Brazil (cold) ................................................................................................
4. leathers / stones (light) ................................................................................................
5. a car / a bicycle (fast) ................................................................................................

III. Underline the correct word or phrase.

1. That hotel has the dirtier / dirtiest rooms I have ever seen.
2. It’s the most interesting / more interesting museum in Miami.
3. This is the more expensive / most expensive souvenir I’ve ever bought.
4. That restaurant serves the better / best pasta we’ve ever eaten.
5. The summer is the busier / busiest time of year.

IV. Write the comparative and superlative forms of the following adverbs.
1. responsibly more responsibly most responsibly
2. hard ........................................... ...........................................
3. fast ........................................... ...........................................
4. noisily ........................................... ...........................................

Trung tâm Anh Ngữ Nhung Phạm

27N7A KĐT Trung Hòa Nhân Chính – 0946 530 486 – 0964 177 322 1
5. early ........................................... ...........................................
6. satisfactorily ........................................... ...........................................

V. Fill in the gaps with the comparative or superlative form of the adverbs in brackets, adding
any necessary words.
1. Al swims ................faster than............... you do. (fast)
2. My sister drives ....... the most carelessly of....... us all. (carelessly)
3. I left the party did. (late)
4. Catherine dances ................................................all. (beautifully)
5. The leading actress speaks ................................................all. (clearly)
6. My uncle gives the poor father does.
7. Jill Thomas works ................................................ all. (hard)
8. My best friend plays chess ................................................I do. (well)

VI. Fill in the gaps with very or much.

1. A: This book isn't ..........very........... interesting.
B: Try reading this one.
2. A: That's a beautiful car. isn't it?
B: Yes, but it's .............................. more expensive than anything I can afford.
3. A: This jewellery is nice.
B: Yes. but the necklace is ..............................long isn’t it?
4. A: I hate geometry. How about you?
B: Actually, I find geometry .............................more interesting than algebra.
5. A: Peter thinks Laura is a ..............................polite girl.
B: I know. Barry does. too.
6. A: I want to lose weight, so I've taken up jogging.
B: That's good, but did you know that aerobics is a ............................. more energetic form of
exercise than jogging?

VII. Complete the sentences with farther and / or further. Use both if possible.
1. Ron and his friend went jogging. Ron ran two miles, but his friend got tired after one mile. Ron ran
............farther / further........... than his friend did.
2. If you have any .................further.............. questions, don’t hesitate to ask.
3. Paris is ......................................... north than Tokyo.
4. I gave my old computer to my younger sister because I had no ...................................... use for it.
5. I like my new apartment, but it is ...........................................away from school than my old
apartment was.
6. Thank you for your help, but I’ll be fine now. I don’t want to cause you any
............................................ trouble.
7. The planet Earth is ................................................ from the sun than the planet Mercury is.
8. I have no ................................................. need of this equipment. I’m going to sell it.

Trung tâm Anh Ngữ Nhung Phạm

27N7A KĐT Trung Hòa Nhân Chính – 0946 530 486 – 0964 177 322 2
I. Complete using a word formed from the letters given.
signal image website accent media link
announcement viewer file Internet contact report

1. You can tell Martin is from Denmark by his ……………………………

2. Did the ………………………… say that our plane was delayed or cancelled?
3. We've got relatives in Canada, but we don’t have much …………………………… with them.
4. You need to save what you’ve written as a ………………..……… and then send it to me by e-mail.
5. The first …………………………… that was sent by radio from New York to London was a picture
of the American president.
6. The …………………………… started in the 1980s and now it connects millions of computers
around the world.
7. You need to …………………………… the computers together and then you can send things directly
from one to the other.
8. You shouldn't believe everything you read or hear in the ……………………………
9. According to the …………………… on the TV news, the Prime Minister is coming to our town soon.
10. You can’t listen to the radio when you're on the underground because the ……………………………
isn’t strong enough.
11. If you're a regular ……………………………of our programme, then you’ll know that we often
interview ordinary people.
12. I got the information from a …………………………… . Hang on and I’ll give you the address.

II. Use the word given at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line.
From one language to another
Finding an accurate (1) …………………………. from one language to another is TRANSLATE
not always easy and the job of an interpreter can be (2) …………………………. PREDICT
Many (3) …………………………. in one language don’t work in another language EXPRESS
and trying to give a good idea of what a (4) …………………………. wants to say SPEAK
can be difficult. The most important thing is that no (5) …………………………. INFORM
should be lost. The interpreter has to have complete (6) …………………………. CERTAIN
that they understand the message and their (7) …………………………. language SPEAK
has to be very good. Interpreters can provide a real (8) …………………………. for CONNECT
people who speak different languages. They are (9) …………………………. an CERTAIN
important part of international (10) …………………………. COMMUNICATE

III. Write one word in each gap.

1. When does Stephen King’s new book come ……………………?
2. We didn’t pay the bill, so they cut our phone ……………………
3. Could you ask Mr Jones to call me …………………… later today?
4. The woman on the phone started shouting at me, so I hung ……………………
5. I’d like to print this e-mail …………………… Is that possible?
6. I logged …………………… my favourite website and started reading the latest news.
7. You have to fill ……………………a form to enter the competition.
8. I finished reading the web page, logged …………………… and then went to watch TV.

Trung tâm Anh Ngữ Nhung Phạm

27N7A KĐT Trung Hòa Nhân Chính – 0946 530 486 – 0964 177 322 3
Read the article and answer the questions.
Kill your TV!

Could you live without television for a week? That's what millions of people
do every April as part of TV Turnoff Week, which is organised by anti-
television groups like and White Dot.

'Sure, TV can sometimes be fun and exciting, especially when you're tired at
the end of the day,' says Rudy Matthews from, "but most of the
time it's just boring. We want people to turn off the TV for a week and do
something more interesting instead."

You may be surprised how much television we watch. The average American family watches TV for 7
hours and 40 minutes every day and British men watch 27 hours a week (British women watch 'only'
24 hours). This means we spend over ten years of our life watching TV - what a frightening thought!

Many people are worried about how much TV children watch. Every American
child sees 16,000 murders on TV before he or she is 18, and 20,000 adverts
every year. Teacher Susan Walsh thinks this is a problem. "Children in the USA
spend more time watching TV than in school and that's very worrying."

TV Turnoff Week started in the USA in 1995 and now happens every year in
the UK, France, Holland and Australia. More than 25 million people have turned
off their TV, so why don't you do the same?

1. How much TV does an American family watch every day?

2. Who watches more TV in the UK, men or women?
3. How many murders do American children see on TV before they are 18?
4. How many adverts do they see every year?
5. What is TV Turnoff Week, do you think?
It’s a week when people..................................................................................TV.

Trung tâm Anh Ngữ Nhung Phạm

27N7A KĐT Trung Hòa Nhân Chính – 0946 530 486 – 0964 177 322 4

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