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T.L.E LEARNING MODULE Lesson 1 Use Farm Tools and Equipment Learning Outcomes LO 1: elect and use farm tools: Farm Tools in Horticultural Operation Farm tools, implements, and equipment play very important role in horticultural operations. Their availablity makes the work much easier and faster. However, even if one may have the most sophisticated tools and implements, but does nat know how to use them, they are useless. In order to do horticultural operations successfully, one must have a good working knowledge ofthe tools, implements ‘and equipment before using them. Hand Tools Hand tools are usually light and are used without the help of animals or machines, They are being used in performing farm activities which involve small area ike schoo! garden and home garden. Bolo is used for cutting tll grasses and weeds and chopping branches of tree \ Crowbar isused for digging big holes and for dgging out bg stones and stumps Pick-mattock is used for aigging canals breaking hard topsoil and for digging up stones and tree stumps GGrab-hoeis used for breaking hard topsoi an pulverizing oi Spade is used for removing trash o sol digng canals or ditches, and mixing soil media (kT \ T.L.E LEARNING MODULE HOME — course! ABOUT MOD 4A Rake is used for cleaning ground andleveling topsoil A ‘Spading Fork s used for loosening the sl, digging outcrops and turning over the materials na compost heap Light hoe is used for losening and leveling soil and digging out furows for planting Hand Trowel suse for loosening the soll around the growing plonts and putting small ‘amountof manure fertilizer inthe sll Hand cultivator isused fo cultivating the garden pt by loosening the soi and removing weeds around the plant Hand fork s used for intr row cultivation Pruning shears isfor cutting branches of planting materials and unnecessary branches of plants Axes for cutting bigger size post T.L.E LEARNING MODULE HOME couRSES = ABOUT. - Knifes for cutting planting materials and for performing other operations in horticulture Springklers are used fr watering seedings and young plants Bw ‘Water pails are used for hauling water, manure and etizers Sprayersis o hand-held agricultural tool with a variously curve blade typically used for cutting weeds , SF Wheel barrow is used for hauling trash, manures, fertilizers, planting materials and other equipment Sickle isa hand-held egrculeural tool with variously curved blade typealy| Farm Implements ‘These are accessories which ar beng pulled by working animals or mounted to machineries (hand tractor, tractor) which are usually used in ‘reparation of land. These are usually made of special kind of metal T.L.E LEARNING MODULE sed to til areas with a shallower depth than that of the dsc plows which are pulled by tractors “av Bs NATIVE PLOW Disc Plow Harrow. therative wooden horrw is made of wood with a metal teeth and pulled bya carabao while the disc harrow s made of metal mounted toa tractor. Harrows are used for tiling and pulverizing te sil Native wooden harrow Disc Harrow Rotavator. the rotavatoris an impelement attached toa tractor and used for tiling and pulverizing the soil Learning Outcome 2 Select and Operate Farm Equipment 0 2:Select and operate farm equipment; and Common Farm Equipment ‘These are machineries used in horticultural operations especialy in vegetable production They are used in land preparation and in transporting farm Inputs and products. This equipment needs a highly skilled operator tose Hand tractor is used to pull a plow and harrow in preparing large area of and, T.L.E LEARNING MODULE , Four wheel tractor is used to pull disc piow and disc harrow in preparing much bigger area of land Water pumps ace used to drow irigaion water froma source. Learning Outcome 3 Perform preventive maintenance LO3 perform preventive maintenance. PRE-OPERATIVE CHECK UP OF FARM TOOLS, IMPLEMENTS AND EQUIPMENTS Imagine that the long, hot summer vacation has finally come to an end and its the beginning of the school year and you are ready to start working your vegetable gardens. But before that let us check frst our tools, implements and equipment you are going to use. ‘Armed with your working clothes and personal protective equipment (PPE), Proceed to the shop to retrieve your tools so that you can start clearing away the last remnants of summer and begin breaking the sol fora new year. Imagine your frustration as you star pulling out all of your tools to see that they are covered with rust and dirt that has hardened and crusty globs of ol that have collected dust last vacation It ‘seems that you are going to spend more time cleaning and repairing tools on this nice day than you will actually use them. How to Clean Your Garden Tools: Let's start with the basics. Your shovel, spade, hoe, or eve the blades on a hedge trimmer willbe alot easier tose if you take afew minutes to nock some ofthe rust off the blade. Not ony will this extend the life ofthe tool, but aso it will cut through the sl better and thus require less effort touse, fit b :po large whetstone in your shop. A whetstone is an ideal tool to use to keep al of the eutting edges of your garden T.L.E LEARNING MODULE HOME — course! ABOUT — MODULE: into place at en angle, so you can work on it. Clamping the garden tool nto place witha vise frees both of your hands to use the whetstone ani gives you more contro over what you are doing. ‘Apply litte lubricating ol tothe end of the tool and carefully begin to work the stan over the blade, Maintain a 30-degree angle between the stone and the blade to form the ideal cuting edge for your tool. Not only wil the edge become sharper, but you wl also be removing any pitting and rust that has formed at the edge of your too’ biode. Ininstonces where the moving parts of your garden tools (such as with of any new pruners, shears, and loppers) have frozen in place ke springs and pivot joint, you should disassemble them frst carefully break fre any rust or dit that may keep the too from functioning properly. Clean accumulated rust and dit ofall metal surfaces with a wire brush, Remove stubborn rust fom small tools with ine steel wool Using an od toothbrush with some lightweight lubricating ois a great way to work fresh ollinto the joints of mast garden tools. Not only wil this fresh ol helps your tool to work ast was intended, but it will also prevent the formation of ust. Use mediurgrit sandpaper to remove rust on larger tools suchas shovel, spades and hoes. Once your tools are cleaned, they e ready tobe sharpened. When sharpening, try to maintain the orignal factory bevel or angle. For pruners, use a whetstone because it produces a very sharp cutting edge. Depending onthe type of whetstone, apply afew drops fol or water tothe stone. With the beveled ‘side of the bade against the stone, rub the sharp edge ofthe blade toward te stone in a curved motion asf you were trying to shave off a thin slice from the stone When working with ale stabilize the blades in vise or against solid surface such as @ workbench to ovoid injury and ensure an even stroke. Always push the fle across the blade ina motion away from your body. Move the ile diagonally, so that its cutting teeth are biting into the metal onthe too When sharpening with file, do not use ol metal lings will accumulate and clog te file's serrations. Farm implements like ordinary plow and weoden harrow shouldbe checked thoroughly before use. Loosened bolts and nuts should be tightened firmly. Dis plow and herrow should also be lubricated on their moving pars like bearings. Tractors should betuned-up very well by and sled operator Checking on their ol lubricant, fuel and cooing sytem. Tools that are worn out shouldbe separated and be fixed immediately to avoid accident References 1o1 Agricultural Arts for Secondary Agricultural Arts (THE, SEDP, NSEC series) by Ramon G. Asuncion etl Farm Mechanics Textbook by Phipps, McColly, Scranton, & Cook Growing Vegetables by Tony Biggs Growing Rich, Tasty Veggies in Harmony with Nature, vol. 1 by Jef Van Haunte-Lyds Quileste Van Haunte http / hitpu/wewwede gov/nioshipdfs/01-111b http:/wwvebe.comau Lo2 hetpy/ 103 hetp:/lbrarythinkquest org/TQ0312980/machine.htm hetpy/éhtn

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