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Annex C

Drainage Assessment and

Mitigation Measures

Sha Lo Tung Development

Drainage Assessment and
Mitigation Measures

Date: 19th February 2012
Report Ref: R439/01 Rev. C
GCG (Asia) Ltd Sha Lo Tung Development
Drainage Assessment and Mitigation Measures

Sha Lo Tung Development

Drainage Assessment and Mitigation Measures


Section Title Page

1. INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................... 1

2. PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT............................................................................... 1
2.1 Design Concepts for Land Use in the Development Site ................................. 1
2.2 Components of Development Site................................................................... 3


IMPACT ................................................................................................................. 3

4. DIVISION OF RUN-OFF SURFACE AREAS ......................................................... 4

4.1 Area A1........................................................................................................... 4
4.2 Area A2........................................................................................................... 5
4.3 Area B1........................................................................................................... 5
4.4 Area B2........................................................................................................... 5
4.5 Area B3........................................................................................................... 6
4.6 Area B4........................................................................................................... 6
4.7 Area C ............................................................................................................ 6
4.8 Area D ............................................................................................................ 6


MITIGATION MEASURES..................................................................................... 7
5.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................... 7
5.2 Areas A1, B1, C and D.................................................................................... 7
5.3 Areas B3 and B4............................................................................................. 7
5.4 Area A2........................................................................................................... 8
5.5 Area B2......................................................................................................... 10

6. CONCLUDING REMARKS.................................................................................. 13


2.1 Location of Proposed Development

2.2 Outline of Landscape Master Plan for the Development
3.1 Total Catchment Area for Water Gathering Grounds between Sha Lo Tung and Hok
Tau Reservoir
4.1 Individual Surface Run-off Areas Impacted by the Development
5.1 Flow Chart Outlining Drainage Impact Mitigation Measures
5.2 Example of Grit Separator


I Calculation for Surface Run-off from Vehicular Development Areas

II Calculation of First Flush for Vehicular Development Zone
III Calculation of Run-off for Non-Vehicular Development Area (Area B2)


  i Report No. R439/01 Rev. C

GCG (Asia) Ltd Sha Lo Tung Development
Drainage Assessment and Mitigation Measures

Sha Lo Tung Development

Drainage Assessment and Mitigation Measures


This report presents the results of the assessment of the changes the proposed
development will have on the existing drainage features and summarizes the
mitigation measures that will accommodate the various requirements from
Government departments such as DSD and WSD in order to demonstrate that the
proposed development is acceptable in terms of drainage characteristics. This report
will contain the following elements:

• a brief description of the project;

• a commentary on the drainage impact of the development within the

context of the water gathering grounds in the area;

• a hydrological assessment of the existing run-off surface areas; and

• an assessment of drainage impact resulting from the proposed

development and recommendations for mitigation measures.

In accordance with EPD requirements a full Drainage Impact Assessment

(DIA) Report will be prepared and submitted during the detailed design phase.


2.1 Design Concepts for Land Use in the Development Site

The Development Site comprises a total area of approximately 4.1ha and the location
is illustrated in Figure 2.1. It is located in the present “Greenbelt” zone just south of
the Ecological Reserve. In all previous ecological studies undertaken by the SLTDC,
this area was recorded as being of low ecological value, although its northern
boundary edge is contiguous with the Conservation Area. The Development Site is
also located outside of the Country Park and Conservation Area.

The Landscape Master Plan for the development is shown in Figure 2.2. Due to the
sensitivity of the Sha Lo Tung Valley and the need to minimize potential construction
impact on the stream and existing trees, the master plan for the Development Site
has adopted the following design considerations which have been taken into account
when carrying out the drainage impact assessment.


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GCG (Asia) Ltd Sha Lo Tung Development
Drainage Assessment and Mitigation Measures

• Provision of a minimum 20m wide Non-Building Buffer Zone

To avoid any impact on the Sha Lo Tung SSSI and natural stream system,
the proposed Master Plan for the development will have a minimum 20m
wide additional buffer zone from the existing SSSI zone to further
safeguard the Sha Lo Tung stream which is already protected by the
existing 10m to 30m wide buffer areas (designated under the SSSI zone).
Hence building works will be at least 30m to 50m from any existing stream

• Development Configured to Suit the Natural Topography

Rather than one continuous form of development, the master plan
proposes a number of separate structures to maximise the retention of the
existing natural topography and landscape. This results in a building
footprint, access and earthworks which are contoured largely around the
existing terrain profile. By so doing, the changes in run-off rate due to the
development are minimised. There are also ecological advantages in that
the extent of site formation and excavated material is reduced and the
vegetation removal on the SSSI zone is minimised.

• The Location of the Development in relation to the Sha Lo Tung SSSI

and Existing Stream System
In addition to the proposed 20m buffer zone which will separate the
development from the “SSSI” zone, the building works along the southern
edge of this interface will be limited to that for the proposed parking area
and the northern lower building of the Multi-Cultural Education Retreat.
Reducing the extent of development along the southern edge of the 20m
wide buffer zone minimises the potential for accidental spillage of
construction run-off and enables any such spillage to be directed to the
southeast side, where the drainage system is provided and prevents run-
off towards the SSSI and the existing stream system.

• Use of Flat Green Roofing

Whilst the sensitive location of the proposed development structures and
connecting access routes helps to minimise the change in hydrological
characteristics as well as the construction impact, the extensive provision
of flat green roofing for all structures within the site offers potential benefits
such as reducing the run-off co-efficients and helps maintain the existing
water balance.

• Preservation of Existing Woodland and Trees

By minimising the construction footprint, the Master Plan avoids
disturbance to the existing woodland and trees as much as possible. This

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GCG (Asia) Ltd Sha Lo Tung Development
Drainage Assessment and Mitigation Measures

helps maintain existing natural flow paths in the hinterland around the
development, thus minimising the overall drainage impact caused by the
specific changes due to the development.

2.2 Components of Development Site

The main buildings in the Development Site are shown in Figure 2.2. These are the
Nature Interpretation Centre, the Multi-Cultural Education Retreat (MCER) and the
Columbarium structures which together occupy approximately 1.27 ha. This area
includes the car park and major paths connecting all buildings, but does not include
the landscaped areas (ie pavilion and gathering area which may comprise up to
approximately 0.36 ha)

The Site comprises two groups of uses, namely the Nature Interpretation Centre and
public parking areas which are integral parts of the Conservation Area and the Multi-
Cultural Educational Retreat cum Columbarium which comprise the development
concession that generate the funds for the Conservation Area.

As shown in Figure 2.2, the proposed development comprises the following:

• The Nature Interpretation Centre with barrier-free pedestrian access

linkage to Ecological Reserve;

• Public parking and private parking area at the end of Sha Lo Tung Road;

• Multi-Cultural Education Retreat including Confucius Halls, Multi-purpose

Hall and Ancillary Quarters, with extensive open landscaping areas; and

• Columbarium accommodating a maximum of 60,000 niches with extensive

open gardens, pathways, surface water features and landscaping.



Figure 3.1 presents the location of the Sha Lo Tung development site within the
context of the water gathering grounds that form the drainage environment for the
entire area that’s services the Hok Tau Irrigation Reservoir. This includes the Sha Lo
Tung stream system that is potentially impacted by the proposed development. The
total land area draining into the Sha Lo Tung stream system upstream of the Hok
Tau Reservoir is in the region of 555ha.


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GCG (Asia) Ltd Sha Lo Tung Development
Drainage Assessment and Mitigation Measures

The area of water catchment land draining into the Sha Lo Tung valley stream
system upstream of, and including, the development site area is approximately
39.9ha. Figure 3.1 also shows the location and extent of the development area
associated with the Sha Lo Tung PPP. Section 3.4.3 of the EIA identifies the principal
components of the development. This states that the main buildings in the
Development Site are the Nature Interpretation Centre, Multi-Cultural Education
Retreat and Columbarium structures which together occupy approximately 1.27 ha
(including the car park and major paths connecting all buildings). In addition to this
land take, the cut slopes, formed platforms, pavilion and gathering area amount to an
additional 0.36 ha. This means that when one examines the land classification for the
proposed development, less than 1.625ha of surface area represents flow through
areas of proposed development, paved surfaces and/or buildings with rooftop
gardens (ie land area that is not naturally vegetated, abandoned agricultural land
and/or landscaped slopes). This represents only 4.07% of the area contributing flow
into the Sha Lo Tung stream at the location of the development and only 0.29% of
the land area upstream of the Hok Tau Reservoir.

It should also be noted that the upgraded access road into the development site
represents an area of around 0.33ha. As explained later in this document the surface
run-off flow from this area (together with the car park) will be collected and pumped
off site with no discharge into the Sha Lo Tung stream.


The existing natural catchment areas within and affected by the development site are
shown on Figure 4.1 and have been designated as Areas A to D. They have been
further divided into sub-catchment areas to reflect the change in land use and outfall
point which may be changed and/or mitigated as a result of the development
proposals. A description of the drainage characteristics of these catchment areas and
the changes resulting from the proposed development are summarised in Sections
4.1 to 4.8 below. Note that because of the natural topography of the land within and
surrounding the development site the boundaries of the sub-catchment areas do not
always coincide with the development boundaries.

4.1 Area A1

This sub-catchment, which is naturally vegetated or abandoned agricultural land, has

a surface area of 2.78 ha and is located to the west of the proposed development site
and also west of the existing access road. It currently receives the run-off from the


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Drainage Assessment and Mitigation Measures

existing access road. The proposed development will not impact on this sub-
catchment area and the run-off will flow naturally into the Sha Lo Tung Stream.

4.2 Area A2

This sub-catchment has a surface area of 1.69ha and at present comprises 1.58ha of
naturally vegetated land and 0.11ha of single carriageway access road which has no
engineered drainage for surface run-off. It is intended that after the development is
complete Area A2 will comprise three separate and distinct drainage regimes. These
are as follows:

• 1.19ha of surface area retained as naturally vegetated land with no

development and no vehicular access;

• 0.33ha of upgraded access road and car park with engineered

drainage; and

• 0.17ha of non-vehicular trafficked development consisting of an

Interpretation Centre.

4.3 Area B1

This sub-catchment is naturally vegetated with a surface area of approximately 0.5ha

and is located downstream of the proposed development site. It currently receives
the run-off from the existing access road. The proposed development will not impact
on this sub-catchment area and the run-off will flow naturally into the Sha Lo Tung

4.4 Area B2

Sub-catchment Area B2 has a surface area of approximately 4.0ha and currently

comprises a shallow valley running north-south between two relatively parallel
ridgelines some 100m apart. This will be the location of the significant majority of the
proposed development. It is proposed to construct four columbarium blocks along the
southern half of the valley and situate discrete viewing platforms along the ridgeline
to the west. The northern half of Area B2 will include the location of staff quarters and
administration building and the Multi-Cultural Education Retreat (MCER).

The structures will be cut into the western ridgeline and extend as cantilever
structures over the true valley which will be retained. Paved access between the
columbarium blocks will be provided along the valley floor, which is also proposed to
feature a cascade waterfall. The run-off area for B2 will be increased by the run-off


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Drainage Assessment and Mitigation Measures

from the Interpretation Centre and associated car park from Area A2 (see above).
The total area of the development within the 4.0ha of Area B2 is 1.3ha. 

4.5 Area B3

This sub-catchment has a surface area of 2.96ha and at present comprises naturally
vegetated land that is located outside of the proposed development area and is
unaffected by the development but naturally drains towards it. During construction it
is proposed that the run-off flows from this area are intercepted and conveyed to the
Sha Lo Tung Stream this avoiding any interaction with either the development site or
any area subject to vehicular traffic.

4.6 Area B4

This sub-catchment has a surface area of approximately 0.8ha and at present

comprises naturally vegetated land that is located outside of the proposed
development area and is unaffected by the development but naturally drains towards
it. During construction it is proposed that the run-off flows from this area are
intercepted and conveyed to the Sha Lo Tung Stream this avoiding any interaction
with either the development site or any area subject to vehicular traffic.

4.7 Area C

This sub-catchment has a surface area of approximately 0.5ha which currently

discharges directly into the Sha Lo Tung stream as broad overland flow, It is located
downstream of the site and the natural topography of the land between the
development and this sub-catchment area prevents surface run-off flow from the
development into this area. Area C therefore will be unaffected by the development
or any area subject to vehicular traffic.

4.8 Area D

This sub-catchment area is to the east of the development, drains away from the
development and discharges into the Sha Lo Tung stream downstream of the
development. The proposed development will not impact on this sub-catchment area
and the run-off will continue to flow naturally into the Sha Lo Tung Stream.


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GCG (Asia) Ltd Sha Lo Tung Development
Drainage Assessment and Mitigation Measures



5.1 Introduction

Having identified the sub-divisions in the natural topography based on their drainage
characteristics it is possible to develop mitigation measures to minimise the impact of
the development on the existing drainage system and in particular the discharge into
Sha Lo Tung Stream. The approach to drainage impact mitigation measures has as
an overriding objective to retain and maintain the existing quality and quantity of
water flow into the natural stream systems downstream of the Sha Lo Tung
development area. In doing so it is intended to draw clear distinctions between the
following run-off and drainage circumstances:

• Development areas subject to vehicular traffic (“development

vehicular zones”);

• Developments areas with no vehicular traffic (“development non-

vehicular zones”); and

• Areas within the development site that are either naturally

vegetated, landscaped and/or abandoned agricultural area (“non-
development zones”).

The approach and measures proposed to mitigate the impact on the existing
hydrology regime are illustrated in Figure 5.1 and summarised in Section 5 below.

5.2 Areas A1, B1, C and D

As described above Areas A1, B1, C and D are all naturally vegetated land (non-
development zones) and the drainage characteristics of all of these areas will be
unaffected by the proposed development. The surface run-off will be maintained as
general hinterland flow draining naturally into the Sha Lo Tung stream system. As an
added precaution a 20m buffer zone will be maintained at the border of these areas
where they interface with areas of construction.

5.3 Areas B3 and B4

Both of the Areas B3 and B4 are naturally vegetated land (non-development zones)
and will not be changed to either development vehicular zones or development non-
vehicular zones. This means the drainage characteristics will be unaffected by the
development. However, surface run-off from this area drains towards and at present


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Drainage Assessment and Mitigation Measures

passes through the area designated for development and eventually discharges into
the Sha Lo Tung stream. It is intended therefore to intercept the run-off from Areas
B3 and B4 before it enters the development site and either by-pass the development
site in order to retain and maintain existing water quality or incorporate it within the
development water management plan. These two options which provide the same
product (i.e. minimal change to the existing run-off characteristics) will be evaluated
during detailed design and are described below.

Alternative 1: Stormwater run-off is intercepted at the boundary with the

development site and conveyed in covered/buried conduits (to avoid
contact with the development site) and eventually discharged into the
Sha Lo Tung stream north of the site. Whilst this is a feasible
engineering solution the steepness of the terrain would require a deep
inlet structure and a number of backdrop manholes at approximately
30m intervals together with a catch pit and rubble apron at the Sha Lo
Tung Stream outlet to minimize changes to current discharge (ie
overland) flow rates.

Alternative 2: An alternative proposal would be to divert the run-off from Areas B3

and B4 through the surface water features found through the
development site as part of the overall water management plan for the
non-vehicular development zones. The soft landscaped features will
serve to naturally attenuate the run-off flow and enhance the water
quality through silt removal and oxygen uptake. The open water
features will make visual observation of water quality a simple task.
Under this option the hinterland flows will be treated with the non-
vehicular development zone runoff and discharged through grit
separators and ultimately into the Sha Lo Tung streams via the
undeveloped buffer zone to the north of the development site (see
Area B2 below).

5.4 Area A2

As discussed above the sub-catchment area A2 will have three distinct areas of
drainage characteristics after the development has been constructed. The proposed
mitigation measures for each of these areas are discussed below:

• Area A2 - retained as naturally vegetated land – non-development

In terms of water quantity there will be less stormwater run-off through
this area after development is complete compared to the existing state.
The naturally vegetated land will be landscaped with soft natural drainage


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Drainage Assessment and Mitigation Measures

features including self sustaining plants and herring bone filter drains as
required to encourage groundwater recharge. There will be no chemicals
used for the landscaping in this area. Surface run-off will be routed to
non-developed naturally vegetated “buffer” zone before discharge to Sha
Lo Tung stream.

• Area A2 - upgraded access road – development vehicular zone

The existing access road has no kerbs or structured drainage, with rainfall
discharging as broad overland flow. The upgraded access road will be
kerbed and will have back of kerb filter drains, trapped road gullys and a
piped stormwater system. This will discharge run-off to a pumping station
located beneath the car park area with all flows being discharged back
over the crest of the access road and into the structured highway
drainage to be provided as part of the road improvements. The final
location of the connection between the storm water run-off from the
development vehicular zone and the upgraded road drainage system will
be determined as part of the detailed design stage and as such will be
influenced by the revised drainage characteristics and temporary
earthworks associated with the upgraded road system.

The pumping station pumps and wet well will be sized to control the rate
of discharge from the development vehicular zone such that the highway
drainage system will not be overloaded. Preliminary calculations to
estimate the additional run-off volume generated by the upgraded access
road and proposed car park are presented in Appendix I. These
calculations indicate that for a 200 Year return storm event the additional
volume of run-off would be in the region of 70m3.

With the connection to government stormwater drains located a further

kilometre away in Ting Kok Road the discharge will be further attenuated
thereby minimizing the impact on the existing system. The preliminary
calculations for the access road have demonstrated that government
drains will have sufficient capacity to accept the upgraded access road
runoff. Removing the upgraded access road runoff from the development
site will offset the potential for increased runoff from the proposed
development site and therefore maintain the hydrological balance of the
Sha Lo Tung streamcourse. The detailed design stage will include
capacity checks for the fully integrated stormwater drainage system that
will comprise the development, the upgraded access road and the
connection with the existing system at Ting Kok Road. At this stage the
calculations carried out indicate there is no overloading of the existing

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GCG (Asia) Ltd Sha Lo Tung Development
Drainage Assessment and Mitigation Measures

It is noted that the quality of surface run-off from highways can contain
some degree of contaminants. Key pollutants have been identified as
PHAs derived from partially combusted hydrocarbon fuel, leakage from
internal combustion engines and degradation of rubber tyres. These are
typically fine particles that accumulate like dust on highways. They
coalesce into larger masses or stick to grit and other highway debris.
These pollutants can be reduced significantly by removing the solids
transported in highway surface runoff. In most highways this can be
achieved through trapped gullys and catchpits that have a depressed
sump that collects heavier material such as grits. Research has also
shown that the first rainfall after a dry period has a significantly higher
proportion of pollutants as it washes down the accumulated “highway
dust”, leading to the concept of “first flush”. The volume of flow associated
with the “first flush” arising form the development vehicular zone is
calculated in Appendix II.

• Area A2 – Interpretation Centre – development non-vehicular zone

The runoff from the Interpretation Centre and the various
pavilions/viewpoints located with sub-catchment area A2 will be diverted
eastwards and combined with the stormwater management of Sub-
catchment area B2 which comprises the remainder of the non-vehicular
development proposals.

5.5 Area B2

Sub-catchment Area B2 hosts the majority of the proposed development and

includes the 1.3ha of development non-vehicular zone. In order to mitigate the impact
of increased runoff from the paved surfaces in this area and the contribution from the
small area of development located in Area A2, rooftop gardens are proposed for the
four columbarium structures, the Interpretation Centre and the lower part of the
MCER, thereby reducing the runoff coefficient. The upper part of the MCER and the
staff and administration building will be more traditional flat roof top construction with
95% runoff through vertical down pipes. In addition there will be no vehicular access
into Area B2 and porous or semi permeable paved surfaces will be used in
association with grassed swales and soakaways to attenuate run-off. Terraced
construction will control the rate of surface runoff with catchpits providing
oxygenation and solids removal at the steps formed. The run-off from the
development non-vehicular zone will be routed to pass through grit separators
beneath the proposed car park to remove sediments associated with “first flush” flow.
An example of a typical vortex grit separator that will be used us presented in Figure


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GCG (Asia) Ltd Sha Lo Tung Development
Drainage Assessment and Mitigation Measures

The vortex grit separation system typically consists of a hollow, cylindrical vessel with
a sloping base and a flat cover. The geometry of the interior and the shape and
placing of the entry nozzle are such that the flow must follow a prescribed path
through the vessel.

The stormwater runoff is introduced tangentially into the side of the cylindrical vessel
causing the contents to rotate slowly about the vertical axis. The flow spirals
gradually down the perimeter allowing any grit and sand particles to settle out by
gravity. This process is aided by the drag forces at the boundary layer on the wall
and base of the vessel.

An inverted cone, attached to the centre shaft, is often mounted at the bottom of the
vessel so that its edge is clear of the sloping base. A grit pot for the separated grit is
located under the cone.

The internal components direct the main water flow away from the perimeter and
back up the middle of the vessel as a broad spiralling column, rotating at a slower
velocity than the outer downward flow. In addition, a dip plate is suspended from the
underside of a component support frame. This dip plate locates the shear zone, the
interface between the outer downward circulation and the inner upward circulation
where a marked difference in velocity encourages further grit separation. By the time
the flow reaches the top of the vessel, it is free of grit and can be discharged to the
outlet channel.

The accumulated solid particles removed from the storm water flow are collected
within the grit pot of the separator and transferred either by pumping or by gravity
through an Archimedean screw to a grit skip for disposal. If a range of solid particles
is expected an intermediate filter system can be incorporated to serrate and classify
material by their particle size.

The grit separators are not sized based on flow volume but on flow rates. The
supplier uses a design flow rate to physically size the vortex chambers to suit the
flow rates in combination with the physical constraints on site.

As stated above “first flush” is a term used to define the initial stormwater discharge
from a rainfall event. First flush has been shown to exhibit peak pollutant
concentrations particularly from highway pavements with the pollutants attached to
grit and sediments concentrated in the initial runoff. Similarly, in regions that exhibit
dry/wet seasonal variations such as the sub-tropical patterns experienced in Hong
Kong, treating the first few storms has been shown to be more effective than treating
a constant volume throughout the wet season. The calculation for first flush volumes
is only really appropriate for uniform highway surfaces and cannot be calculated with

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Drainage Assessment and Mitigation Measures

any degree of accuracy for the non-homogeneous non-vehicular development zone.

As a result, the grit separators will be designed to capture all flow from regular
rainstorm events and will implicitly capture the first flush from extreme events. All the
non-vehicular development site run-off from paved areas will pass through the grit
separators with a vortex action causing the sediments to be separated and retained
within the vessel with clear water passing down stream, at a controlled rate. To
prevent the grit interceptors being overloaded causing washout of the separated grit,
a high level overflow will bypass the grit interceptors during peak flows and discharge
into a 30m3 storage holding tank before passing into a non-developed buffer zone.
With the pollutant laden sediments being held in the lower strata they will not
discharge through the high level overflow. The storage/holding tank has been sized
to accommodate the run-off flow from the non-paved/building areas in the non-
vehicular development zone in order that all contributions from the proposed
development are regulated to avoid any overloading of the existing natural

Calculations to determine the change in run-off volumes in existing catchment area

as result of the proposed non-vehicular development in Area B2 are presented in
Appendix III. The results of these calculations have been used to size the holding
tank. This has examined a spectrum of rainfall events ranging from 1 in 2 years to 1
in 200 years. Note that these calculations include the conservative assumption that
the catchment area of the development site extends to the watershed that separates
catchment areas B2 and B4, thereby providing additional capacity within the holding
tank to cater for unexpected rainfall events beyond that required by the DSD
Stormwater Drainage Manual.

The grit separators are sized on rates of flow and not flow volumes. The physical size
of the grit separators is normally determined by the manufacturer based on the flow
rates calculated in Appendix III together with a consideration of the physical
constraints appropriate to the particular site location.

During the dry season the outlet from the storage/holding tank will provide an
opportunity for run-off to be re-used in the development site for toilet flushing, or
other suitable uses as identified in the development water management plan. This
will only be done after the contents of the holding tank have been tested and checked
for compliance with water in the Table 3 of Water Pollution Control Ordinance
(WPCO) Technical Memorandum and the views from Department of Health will be
sought to address any hygienic concerns. This reflects a sustainable and socially
responsible approach to stormwater management. If compliance cannot be
demonstrated by the proposed mitigation measures the grit interceptors can be
linked to the pumping station to isolate the discharge from water gathering grounds
and the runoff volume can be pumped in its entirety to a public stormwater system in

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Drainage Assessment and Mitigation Measures

a controlled and regulated manner to minimize impact (ie not concurrent with a storm
event) via a rising main or, in the case of unacceptable contamination, into a tanker
for off-site removal.


The principal impacts on the existing drainage that require mitigation are as follows:

• Increase in the total volume of run-off

• Increase in peak intensity of run-off flow
• Increase in risk of pollution

The increase in water quantity has been addressed by minimising the creation of
impermeable surfaces, encouraging natural ground water recharge through
soakaways/filter drains and transferring all highway runoff into the adjacent urban
catchment. The increase in peak intensity has been addressed by controlled run-off
attenuation using swales, naturally lined channels, catchpits, and grit separators with
outlet control and undeveloped buffer zones. The risk of pollution has been
addressed by transferring runoff from high risk area to the adjacent urban catchment,
and the use of catchpits, filter drains and grit separators in the traffic free, low risk
development site. The ability to discharge all stormwater flow off site without
interaction with the Sha Lo Tung stream has also been reviewed for emergency


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Drainage Assessment and Mitigation Measures


2.1 Location of Proposed Development

2.2 Outline of Landscape Master Plan for the Development

3.1 Total Catchment Area for Water Gathering Grounds between Sha Lo
Tung and Hok Tau Reservoir

4.1 Individual Surface Run-off Areas Impacted by the Development

5.1 Flow Chart Outlining Drainage Impact Mitigation Measures

5.2 Example of Grit Separator


  Report No. R439/01 Rev. C


GCG (Asia) Ltd Sha Lo Tung Development
Drainage Assessment and Mitigation Measures

Calculation for Surface Run-off from
Vehicular Development Areas 


  Report No. R439/01 Rev. C

Appendix I

Calculation for Surface Run-off from

Vehicular Development Areas

Vehicular Area

1. Existing Condition – Access Road only

Surface Area = 0.11 ha

Hong Kong HyD Road Note 6 states mean 200 Year Storm Intensity = 280 mm/hour

Stormwater Drainage Manual (Section 7.5.2) recommends Rational Method for calculation of
run-off ie.

Peak Run-off (Qp) = 0.278.c.i.A

where : c = dimensionless co-efficient
i = rainfall intensity (mm/hour)
A = catchment area (km2)

⇒ Qp = 0.278 x 0.95 x 280 x 1,100 x 10-6

= 0.081 m3/s

= 81 litres/second

Table 2 of DSD Stormwater Drainage Manual :

Assuming 200 Year Return Period and 280 mm/hour intensity

⇒ Storm Duration = 7.3 mins (by interpolation)

⇒ Volume of Existing Run-off for 200 Year Storm Return Period

= 7.3 x 60 x 0.081 (m3)

= 35.5 m3
2. Proposed Vehicular Development :

Upgraded Access Road and Car Park Area – Total Surface Area = 0.33 ha

= 3,300m2

Q = 0.278.c.i.A

= 0.278 x 0.95 x 280 x 3,300 x 10-6 (m3/s) where : c = 0.95

i = 280 mm/hour
= 0.244 m3/s A = 0.33 ha (3,300 m2)

Table 2 of Stormwater Design Manual : 200 Year Return Storm has duration of 7.3 mins.

⇒ Volume of Proposed Run-off for 200 Year Storm

= 7.3 x 60 x 0.244 (m3)

= 107 m3

Additional Run-off due to proposed Vehicular Development for 200 Year Storm Event

= (107 – 36) m3

= 71 m3
GCG (Asia) Ltd Sha Lo Tung Development
Drainage Assessment and Mitigation Measures


Calculation of First Flush for Vehicular
Development Zone 


  Report No. R439/01 Rev. C

Appendix II

Calculation of First Flush for

Vehicular Development Zone

1. Introduction

A significant proportion of the potential pollutants from the vehicular development zone will
conveyed in the “first flush” with up to 85% of pollutants found as, or adsorbed on/by
sedimentary particles (Ref. CIRIA Report # 142 : Control of Pollution from Hignway Drainage
Discharges (1997)). The level of potential concentration will be dependent upon the antecedent
conditions ie. when the road was last washed down by rainfall. The most extreme conditions
are likely to occur following the first rainfall of the wet season after a prolonged dry season
duration, typically of around 4 months.

2. Calculation of First Flush Volume

There are two alternative methods for calculation of first flush volumes. The first is based on
extensive studies carried out in the USA (Oberts, 1994) which demonstrated that up to 90% of
pollutants were carried by the initial 12 mm of rainfall. Using this approach and applying an
adjustment factor of 1.5 for the Hong Kong climatic conditions this would mean the first flush
volume for the upgraded access road and car park would be in the order of 60m3.

The second approach would be to intercept the run-off volume associated with the first 5
minutes of the rising limb of hydrograph modelling a 1 in 2 year rainstorm event stormwater.
The DSD Stormwater Drainage Manual (Table 2) indicates the rainfall intensity to be
145 mm/hour.

⇒ Peak Flow Qp = 0.278.c.i.A (m3/s)

= 0.126 m3/s : At 5 mins. duration Q = 0.086 m3/s

First Flush Volume = 5 x 60 x 0.086 (m3)

= 26 m3

ie. less than Method 1 which was 60 m3

3. Conclusion

Based on two alternative methods for calculating the first flush run-off volume the drainage
impact mitigation measures shall be based on the most onerous method which is a volume of
GCG (Asia) Ltd Sha Lo Tung Development
Drainage Assessment and Mitigation Measures

Calculation of Run-off for
Non-Vehicular Development Area (Area B2)


  Report No. R439/01 Rev. C

Appendix III

Calculation of Run-off for

Non-Vehicular Development Area (Area B2)

1. Introduction

Sub-catchment Area B2 hosts the significant majority of the proposed development which will
comprise four columbarium blocks, the administration centre and the Multi-Cultural Education
Retreat (MCER) with paved access between them. No vehicular traffic will be permitted in this
area. In order to mitigate the increased run-off from the paved surfaces, rooftop gardens are
proposed for the columbarium structures and the lower part of the MCER, thereby reducing the
run-off co-efficient. Grit separators will be installed beneath the development car park and
designed to capture all flow from regular rainstorm events generating run-off through the non-
vehicular development area. To prevent the grit-separators from being overloaded a high level
overflow will bypass the grit intercepts during peak flows and discharge into a storage tank.
The following sections present the calculations to determine the change in run-off volumes as a
result of the non-vehicular development and it is the product of these calculations that determine
the size of the storage tank.

2. Time of Concentration (tc) for Non-Vehicular Development Area

It is necessary to calculate the time of concentration (tc) for the non-vehicular development zone
catchment area. As stated in the DSD Stormwater Manual (Section 4.4.3), this is the time taken
for rainfall to travel from the most remote point in the catchment area to the point under
consideration, which in this case is the point of discharge into the Sha Lo Tung Stream system
downstream of the proposed development. When this element of rainfall is contributing to the
discharge then the entire area of the catchment is contributing and is therefore the critical (or
design) storm duration.

In accordance with the DSD Stormwater Drainage Manual (SDM) Section 7.5.2 the time of
concentration can be calculated using the Brandsby Williams formula as follows:

t =
where :
t = time of concentration (minutes)
L = distance (m) measured on the line of natural flow
H = average fall (m per 100m) from the summit of the
catchment to the point under consideration
A = Catchment Area (m2)

In addition to the above, it is good practice to check the calculation for the time of concentration
for a number of different flow lines as the time of concentration depends on the average slope
gradient as well as the length of the lines of flow. The drainage design for the development site
will calculate the time of concentration for each element/flow length within the stormwater
system and size it accordingly to cater for a storm of duration equal to the time of concentration.
In order to assess the impact of the non-vehicular development on the Sha Lo Tung stream, the
time of concentration is that time for all areas of the natural catchment extending up to Kau
Lung Hang Shan to reach the outfall point from the development. The plan of the hinterland
catchment that influences the surface run-off at the development site and the longitudinal
topographical profile from Kau Lung Hang Shan to the development site are shown in Figures
III.1 and III.2.

Figure III.1 : The Hinterland Catchment




Figure III.2: Longitudinal Profile of the Hinterland Catchment
The information presented in Figure III.2 shows clearly that the hinterland catchment comprises at
least two distinct zones; the upper catchment with predominantly overland flow in poorly defined
channels that are frequently dry in the winter months, and the lower regions designated by the Sha
Lo Tung Valley characterized at present by abandoned agricultural land and irrigation channels We
believe that applying the Brandsby–Williams approach to the total upland catchment between the
peak elevation of the catchment and the development outfall is clearly not representative. This is
demonstrated in Table III.1 below. The Brandsby–Williams method has been used for the entire
streamlength extending from the peak point at the top of Kau Lung Hang Shan to the outfall at Point
4 (see Figures III.1 and III.2). This results in a Time of Concentration (tc) of 37 minutes. An
alternative (and in our view more representative) approach is to use the Brandsby-Williams method
to calculate the Time of Concentration only for the upland portion; the initial approximately one
kilometre between the peak point at the top of Kau Lung Hang Shan and Point 2 (see Figures III.1
and III.2). Thereafter a time of flow approach has been adopted. This assumes that as the run-off
crosses the valley floor between Points 2 and 4 the stream water is moving at 1m/s and so will cover
60m in 1 minute, or between Points 2 and 3 it will cover 415m in 6.92 minutes, and the 155m
between Points 3 and 4 in 2.52 minutes. Adding these together we get a Time of Concentration (tc)
equal to 32.86 or 33 minutes. This represents a reduction in tc of over 10% when compared to the
Brandsby Williams method.

Stream length Length H1 H2 Slope Area Time (tc)-mins

1-4 1600 439.6 200 423,417 36.9

1-2 1030 439.6 200 0.233 200,567 23.42

2-3 415 200 178 0.053 101,482 6.92
3-4 155 178 172 0.039 121,368 2.52

Table III.1: Calculation of Time of Concentration (tc) for Run-off at Area B2

3. Run-off Calculation for the Non-Vehicular Development Zone

3.1 Introduction

The calculation for run-off will be based on the Soil Conservation Service (SCS) method. This
method assumes a time varying rainfall - run-off relationship that is non-linear and comprises an
initial phase of losses due to infiltration followed by a time-dependent infiltration curve.

Due to the particular (and complex) characteristics of the Sha Lo Tung development site and the
surrounding hinterland it is considered that the SCS method is the most appropriate method to
calculate the existing and post development run-off volumes to estimate (and to mitigate against)
the effects of the developments site.

The volume and rate of run-off depends on both meteorological and catchment characteristics
and the estimation of run-off requires an index to represent these two factors. The precipitation
volume is probably the single most important meteorological characteristic in estimating the
volume of run-off. The soil type, land use and the hydrological condition of the soil are the
catchment characteristics that will have the most significant impact in estimating the volume of
run-off. The antecedent soil moisture will also be an important determinant of run-off volume.

The SCS method involves an index, which is called the run-off curve number (CN), to represent
the combined hydrological effect of soil, land use, agricultural land treatment class,
hydrological condition and antecedent soil moisture, all of which can be assessed. The values
used in the Sha Lo Tung drainage impact assessment are presented in Table III.2 below and
have been derived from a comprehensive schedule of published data.

This approach results in the following expressions for nett rainfall (mm) is expressed as:

(P – 0.2)2
R = for R > 0.2S
P + 0.8S

R = 0 for P ≤ 0.2S
where :
R = nett rainfall after infiltration losses
P = total gross rainfall (mm)
S = potential maximum retention of catchment

Land Use CN
Upland Slopes & Natural Vegetation 70
Lowland Abandoned Agricultural Land 60
Rooftop Garden 77
Structure / Paved Road 98
Stream Course 100

Table III.2: SCS Method Curve Numbers for Different Land Use
(Ref. USDA TR-55 Urban Hychology for Small Watershed)

The value of S can then be calculated by :

S ={ -10} x 25.4 (mm)

It should be noted that whilst the CN number may look similar to the more simplistic run-off
coefficients used in the Rational Method, they are not the same.

3.2 CN Number Weighted to Reflect Land Use (Existing & Post-Development)

Because the catchment area servicing the non-vehicular development zone has different land
uses and is therefore non-homogeneous in terms of infiltration it is necessary to calculate a
“weighted” SCS Curve Number. This has been done for the conditions which are representative
of both pre and post-development and this work is summarised in Tables III.3 and III.4.
Land Use CN Area % Age of Weighted
(m2) Total Area CN
Upland Slopes & 70 36,280 85% 59.5
Natural Vegetation
Lowland Abandoned 60 6,360 14.9% 8.9
Agricultural Land
Stream Course 100 64 0.1% 0.15
Weighted CN Value 68.6

Table III.3: Non-Vehicular Development Zone Calculation of

Weighted CN for Existing Condition

Land Use CN Area % Age of Weighted

(m2) Total Area CN
Upland Slopes & 70 31,820 71.5% 50.1
Natural Vegetation
Lowland Abandoned 60 1,280 2.9% 1.7
Agricultural Land
Rooftop Garden 77 3,995 9.0% 6.9
Structure / Paved Surfaces 98 6,624 14.9% 14.6
Stream Course /
100 763 1.7% 1.7
Water Feature
Weighted CN Value 75.0

Table III.4: Non-Vehicular Development Zone Calculation of

Weighted CN for Post-Development Condition

3.3 Estimate of Nett Rainfall (Existing & Post-Development Conditions)

Taking the 1 in 50 year storm of 33 minutes duration from Table 5 of the DSD Stormwater
Drainage Manual we can determine the nett rainfall hyetograph. Table III.5 summarizes the
solution for nett rainfall after infiltration losses for the existing land use condition.
Time Rainfall Rainfall Cumulative Solving for R Nett rainfall SCS nett rain
(min) Intensity increment Rain CN=68.6 SCS Loss expressed as a
(mm/hr) (mm) (mm) S =116 model percentage *
Ia = 23.2 hyetograph
0 0 0 0
1 91 1.60 1.60
2 93 1.63 3.23
3 96 1.68 4.83
4 98 1.75 6.47
5 101 1.82 8.15
6 105 1.88 9.90
7 109 1.97 11.72
8 113 2.05 13.60
9 118 2.17 15.57
10 123 2.30 17.62
11 130 2.45 19.78
12 138 2.65 22.08
13 147 2.90 24.53 0.02 0.02 0.7
14 159 3.25 27.18 0.13 0.12 3.7
15 174 3.78 30.08 0.39 0.25 6.6
16 195 4.63 33.33 0.81 0.43 9.3
17 227 5.73 37.12 1.49 0.68 11.9
18 278 4.63 41.75 2.56 1.07 23.1
19 344 3.78 47.48 4.20 1.65 43.7
20 278 3.25 52.11 5.77 1.57 48.3
21 227 2.90 55.89 7.19 1.42 49.0
22 195 2.65 59.14 8.50 1.31 49.4
23 174 2.45 62.04 9.74 1.24 50.6
24 159 2.30 64.69 10.93 1.19 51.7
25 147 2.17 67.14 12.07 1.14 52.5
26 138 2.05 69.44 13.18 1.11 54.1
27 130 1.97 71.61 14.26 1.08 54.8
28 123 1.88 73.66 15.30 1.04 55.3
29 118 1.82 75.63 16.32 1.02 56.0
30 113 1.75 77.51 17.32 1.00 57.1
31 109 1.68 79.33 18.31 0.98 58.3
32 105 1.63 81.08 19.27 0.96 58.8
33 101 1.60 82.76 20.21 0.94 58.9

 Note *: Rational Method recommends Run‐off Coefficient of 0.13 – 0.35 for grassland (SDM 7.5.2 refers)  

Table III.5: Calculation of 50 year Nett Rainfall for Run-off at Area B2 – Existing Condition

It is noted that the total nett rainfall (R) is 20.21mm for the 33 minute storm.

The Parameters, CN, S, P and R change for the post-development scenario and hence the SCS
nett rainfall hyetograph changes too. This is summarized in Table III.6 below and the total nett
rainfall for the post-development condition with a 33 minute storm increases to 28.7 mm
(50 year event).
Time Rainfall Rainfall Cumulative Solving for R DEVELOPMENT EXISTING
(min) Intensity increment Rain CN=75 Nett rainfall SCS Nett rainfall
(mm/hr) (mm) (mm) S =85 Loss model SCS Loss
Ia = 17.0 hyetograph model
0 0 0 0
1 91 1.60 1.60
2 93 1.63 3.23
3 96 1.68 4.83
4 98 1.75 6.47
5 101 1.82 8.15
6 105 1.88 9.90
7 109 1.97 11.72
8 113 2.05 13.60
9 118 2.17 15.57
10 123 2.30 17.62 0 0
11 130 2.45 19.78 0.09 0.08
12 138 2.65 22.08 0.29 0.20
13 147 2.90 24.53 0.61 0.33 0.02
14 159 3.25 27.18 1.09 0.48 0.12
15 174 3.78 30.08 1.75 0.66 0.25
16 195 4.63 33.33 2.63 0.89 0.43
17 227 5.73 37.12 3.85 1.22 0.68
18 278 4.63 41.75 5.58 1.73 1.07
19 344 3.78 47.48 8.05 2.47 1.65
20 278 3.25 52.11 10.26 2.22 1.57
21 227 2.90 55.89 12.21 1.94 1.42
22 195 2.65 59.14 13.97 1.76 1.31
23 174 2.45 62.04 15.60 1.63 1.24
24 159 2.30 64.69 17.14 1.54 1.19
25 147 2.17 67.14 18.61 1.46 1.14
26 138 2.05 69.44 20.01 1.41 1.11
27 130 1.97 71.61 21.36 1.35 1.08
28 123 1.88 73.66 22.66 1.30 1.04
29 118 1.82 75.63 23.94 1.27 1.02
30 113 1.75 77.51 25.17 1.23 1.00
31 109 1.68 79.33 26.37 1.21 0.98
32 105 1.63 81.08 27.55 1.17 0.96
33 101 1.60 82.76 28.69 1.14 0.94
Table III.6: Calculation of 50 year Nett Rainfall for Run-off at Area B2 – Proposed Development

3.4 Calculation of Run-off Volumes

3.4.1 Introduction

In order to calculate the change in run-off volume due to the development and consequently the
size of the storage tank, we need to construct a run-off hydrograph for both the existing and
post-development conditions in Area B2. Hydrographs describe the whole time history of the
changing rate of flow from a catchment due to a rainfall event rather than just the peak flow
derived when using the Rational Method. Again, we would emphasize that the particular
conditions that exist at Sha Lo Tung make it necessary to adopt this approach to get the most
accurate and representative estimate of the impact due to the change in land use.

A major step forward in hydrological analysis is the concept of a unit hydrograph, defined as the
hydrograph resulting from effective rainfall falling in a unit of time produced uniformly in
space and time over the total catchment area. Each catchment will have its own unique shaped
site specific hydrograph. An important element in constructing the site specific hydrograph is
understanding the concept of the Lag Time. Lag Time is the period of time from the centroid of
the effective rainfall distribution to the time of peak flow for a catchment area for a particular
storm event. This is illustrated in Figure III.3.

Figure III.3: Illustration of Lag time

The Lag Time for the unit hydrograph can be defined by a range of empirical expressions. In
this assessment the WSD lag time equation has been used ie:

Lag Time (hours) = 0.0245. (A 0.54)

where A = catchment area (acres)

The existing catchment for Area B2 covers 42,700m2 equivalent to 10.55 acres. The developed
site will cover an area of 44,480 m2 equivalent to 10.99 acres. The lag time for catchment B2 is
therefore 0.09 hours or 5.25 minutes.
For the Sha Lo Tung Drainage Impact Assessment the SCS unit hydrograph has been used. The
unit hydrograph is triangular with a base length in time of 2.67 times the time to peak (tp) as
shown in Figure III.4.

Figure III.4: Developing a Run-off Hydrograph from a Unit Hydrograph

The principles of unit hydrographs which make them such a versatile tool are:

1. There is a direct proportional relationship between the effective rainfall

and the surface run-off. Thus two units of effective rainfall falling in a
time T will produce a surface run-off hydrograph with ordinates twice
that of the Unit hydrogrpah ordinates, and similarly for any proportional
2. The Principle of Superposition applies ie if two successive amounts of
effective rainfall R1 and R2 each fall in time T then the surface run-off
hydrograph produced is the sum of the component hydrographs due to
R1 and R2 separately (the later being lagged by T on the former). This
applies to any number of effective rainfall blocks in succession

3. The Principle of Invariance applies ie the effective rainfall-surface run-

off relationship does not change with time, ie the same unit hydrograph
always occurs whenever the unit of effective rainfall in T is applied.

These principles may be applied in developing a run-off for a time variable effective rainstorm as
shown above in Figure III.4.

For the analysis illustrated in Figure III.4 a one minute time step (ie D=1) (unit hydrograph) has
been adopted a time to peak flow (minutes) tp = Lag + D/2 which equates to 5.75 minutes or, more
simply for the purposes of calculation, tp = 6 minutes. The time element for the falling leg of the
hydrograph is 1.67 tp or 10 minutes. The area under the triangular hydrograph is (Qp*6/2) +
(Qp*10/2) = 8Qp and is equivalent to effective rainfall (i) x Area. This results in Qp defined as A.i/8.
For the existing condition in Catchment B2 this is 42,700 x i/8 or Qp = 5.34 i (m3/min) or
0.089i m3/s.

The ordinates of the SCS unit hydrograph can therefore be defined as follows:

Time (min) Q

0 0
1 0.167Qp
2 0.33Qp
3 0.5Qp
4 0.66Qp
5 0.833Qp
6 0.089
7 0.9Qp
8 0.8Qp
9 0.7Qp
10 0.6Qp
11 0.5Qp
12 0.4Qp
13 0.3Qp
14 0.2Qp
15 0.1Qp
16 0
3.4.2 Calculation of Run-off Volume (50 Year Storm Event)

Using the method of construction described above in Section 3.4.1, the run-off hydrographs for both
existing and proposed development conditions at B2 for a 50 year storm event may thus be
determined using the data generated from Table III.7 (Existing Condition) and Table III.8 (proposed
Development Condition) and result in the graphical form presented in Figure III.5. The peak run-off
is highlighted in both Table III.7 and III.8 – this is the value used to calculate the Extra Over
Volume of Run-off caused by the development in Area B2, as highlighted in Figure III.5. It is this
Extra Over Volume of Run-off that is used to determine the size of the Storage Tank.

Extra-Over Volume
Proposed Development

Existing Condition

Figure III.5: Catchment B2 Run-off Hydrographs for 50 Year Storm Event

Table III.7: Calculation of Run-off Hydrograph for existing B2 Catchment
Table III.8: Calculation of Run-off Hydrograph for B2 Catchment with development (50 year return period)
The above calculations have illustrated that a 50 year storm event of 33 minutes duration produces a
peak run-off from the existing area B2 of 0.85 m3/s. With the outfall from the site “benchmarked” or
controlled at this level the “Extra Over Volume can be simply calculated as shown below in Table
III.9 by superimposing the post development run-off hydrograph data on the peak run-off rate that
represents the existing condition.

Time Proposed Volume Cumulative Controlled Drawdown

3 3 3
(mins) runoff (m /s) Stored (m ) Volume rate of runoff Volume (m )
3 3
Stored (m ) (m /s)
24 0.77 0 0.77
25 0.93 0 0.85
26 1.06 8.7 8.7  0.85 
27 1.16 15.7 24.4  0.85 
28 1.23 20.8 45.2  0.85 
29 1.25 23.4 68.6  0.85 
30 1.25 23.9 92.5  0.85 
31 1.23 23.3 115.8  0.85 
32 1.20 21.7 137.5  0.85 
33 1.15 19.4 156.9  0.85 
34 1.10 16.6 173.5  0.85 
35 1.04 13.3 186.8  0.85 
36 0.97 9.5 196.3  0.85 
37 0.89 4.9 201.2  0.85 
38 0.80 198.2  0.85  3.0
38 0.71 189.8  0.85  8.4
40 0.61 175.4  0.85  14.4
41 0.49 153.8  0.85  21.6
42 0.39 126.2  0.85  27.6
43 0.30 93.2  0.85  33.0
44 0.22 55.4  0.85  37.8
45 0.16 14.0  0.85  41.4
46 0.10 0  0.36  14.0
47 0.06   0.06 
48 0.03   0.03 
49 0.01   0.01 
50 0.00   0.0 
TOTAL VOLUME Stored 201 m3

Table III.9: Calculation of Extra Over Volume at Area B2 for 50 Year Storm Event

The run-off volume that exceeds the existing run-off at a value of 0.85 m3/s, referred to as “Extra
Over Volume”, is termed stored volume and may be calculated as the mean rate of flow x time step.
For example:

At time = 25 minutes Volume Stored = ((0.77+0.93)/2 - 0.85) x 60 = 0 m3

At time = 26 minutes Volume Stored = ((0.93+1.06)/2 - 0.85) x 60 = 8.7 m3
From time t = 38 minutes onwards because the run-off flow rate associated with the post
development hydrograph is less than that associated with the peak associated with the existing
condition hydrograph (0.85 m3/s) this will gradually reduce the volume stored (Extra Over Volume)
by an amount equal to the difference between Qout and Qin which is identified as drawdown in Table
III.9 as follows.

(0.85 - 0.80) x 60 = 3 m3
(0.85 – 0.71) x 60 = 8.4 m3

At t= 46 minutes the mean inflow is (0.16+0.10)/2 = 0.13m3/s representing an inflow volume of 0.13
x 60 = 7.8 m3 that combines with the 14.0m3 remaining in storage to give a volume of 21.8 m3 that
discharges at a rate of 21.8/60 = 0.36m3/s. Thereafter the inflow balances the outflow as illustrated
below in Figure III.6.

The overall summary of the information provided in Table III.9 is that for a 50 year storm event of
33 minute duration the additional volume created by the post development run off is 201m3.

Proposed Development
Extra-Over Volume

Existing Condition

Figure III.6: Catchment B2 50 year run-off Hydrographs showing

outlet control with “Extra Over” Volume (201m3) Stored

3.4.3 Calculation of Run-off Volume (200 Year Storm Event)

The process and calculations described above for the 50 year event can then be repeated for the same
33 minute duration 200 year event.
This is summarised in Tables III.10, III.11 and III.12 below which generate peak run-off for both the
existing and post-development condition and the data required for the unit hydrographs to calculate
the Extra Over Volume for the 200 year event.

Time Rainfall Rainfall Cumulative Solving EXISTING Solving DEVELOPMENT

(min)  Intensity increment Rain for R Nett rainfall for R Nett rainfall SCS
(mm/hr)  (mm)  (mm)  CN=68.6 SCS Loss CN=75 Loss model
S =116 model S =85 hyetograph 
P=99 hyetograph P=99
Ia=23.2   Ia= 17.0
0  0 0 0        
1  118 1.97 1.97        
2  121 2.02 3.98        
3  125 2.08 5.95        
4  128 2.13 7.97        
5  133 2.22 10.05        
6  138 2.30 12.18        
7  143 2.38 14.40        
8  150 2.50 16.70        
9  157 2.62 19.08     0.05 0.05
10  166 2.77 21.58     0.23 0.18
11  177 2.95 24.20     0.56 0.33
12  191 3.18 26.97 0.12 0.12 1.05 0.48
13  208 3.47 29.92 0.37 0.25 1.70 0.66
14  232 3.87 33.10 0.78 0.41 2.56 0.86
15  267 4.45 36.57 1.38 0.60 3.66 1.10
16  325 5.42 40.43 2.23 0.85 5.06 1.40
17  399 6.65 44.88 3.41 1.19 6.89 1.82
18  325 5.42 50.30 5.13 1.72 9.37 2.49
19  267 4.45 56.95 7.61 2.47 12.77 3.40
20  232 3.87 62.37 9.89 2.28 15.79 3.01
21  208 3.47 66.82 11.92 2.03 18.41 2.62
22  191 3.18 70.68 13.79 1.87 20.78 2.37
23  177 2.95 74.15 15.55 1.76 22.98 2.20
24  166 2.77 77.33 17.22 1.68 25.05 2.07
25  157 2.62 80.28 18.83 1.60 27.01 1.96
26  150 2.50 83.05 20.37 1.54 28.88 1.87
27  143 2.38 85.67 21.86 1.49 30.68 1.80
28  138 2.30 88.17 23.32 1.46 32.43 1.75
29  133 2.22 90.55 24.74 1.42 34.12 1.69
30  128 2.13 92.85 26.13 1.39 35.77 1.65
31  125 2.08 95.07 27.49 1.36 37.37 1.61
32  121 2.02 97.20 28.82 1.33 38.93 1.56
33  118 1.97 99.28 30.14 1.32 40.47 1.54

Table III.10: Calculation of 200 year Nett Rainfall for Run-off at Area B2 (existing and proposed)
Table III.11: Calculation of Run-off Hydrograph for existing B2 Catchment (200 year return period)
Table III.12: Calculation of Run-off Hydrograph for B2 Catchment with development (200 yr return period)
As is highlighted in Table III.11the 200 year storm event of 33 minutes duration produces a peak
run-off from the existing condition of the B2 site of 1.24 m3/s. With the outfall from the site
controlled at this level the “Extra-Over Volume generated by the post-development condition can be
simply calculated as shown below in Table III.13 and illustrated graphically in Figure III.7.

Time Proposed Volume Cumulative Controlled Drawdown

3 3 3
(mins) runoff (m /s) Stored (m ) Volume rate of Volume (m )
Stored (m ) runoff
(m /s)
24 1.11 0 1.11
25 1.29 0 1.24
26 1.44 7.4 7.4 1.24 
27 1.54 14.8 22.2 1.24 
28 1.59 19.4 41.6 1.24 
29 1.61 21.8 63.4 1.24 
30 1.61 22.4 85.8 1.24 
31 1.59 21.6 107.4 1.24 
32 1.55 19.7 127.1 1.24 
33 1.49 16.8 143.9 1.24 
34 1.43 13.3 157.2 1.24 
35 1.36 9.5 166.6 1.24 
36 1.28 4.9 171.5 1.24 
37 1.18 168.1 1.24  3.4
38 1.08 158.3 1.24  9.9
38 0.95 141.1 1.24  17.2
40 0.81 115.6 1.24  25.5
41 0.66 80.7 1.24  34.9
42 0.52 37.6 1.24  43.1
43 0.40 0 1.18 
44 0.30   0.30 
45 0.21   0.21
46 0.14   0.14
47 0.08   0.08
48 0.04   0.04
49 0.01   0.01
50 0.00   0.00
TOTAL VOLUME Stored 172 m3

Table III.13: Calculation of Extra Over Volume at Area B2 for 200 Year Storm Event

The overall summary of the information provided in Table III.13 is that for a 200 year storm event
of 33 minute duration the additional volume created by the post-development run-off is 172 m3.

It is noted that the stored volume is less for the 200 year event is less than for the 50 year storm
event of the same duration. This is because the threshold level based on the existing run-off for the
200 year event is higher than the threshold for the 50 year event.

It should be noted that this is a hypothetical situation as it will be impossible to determine the
statistical return period of any storm event in real time and therefore set the outlet control
accordingly. What is required is for the governing bodies to accept the general principles described
above and to determine an acceptable outflow rate which shall not be exceeded to allow on-site
storage facilities to be designed accordingly as part of the detailed design.

Figure III.7: Catchment B2 200 year run-off Hydrographs showing

outlet control with “Extra Over” Volume (172m3) Stored

3.4.4 Adjustment of Run-off Volumes to take into account Grit Separators

It is proposed as part of the drainage impact mitigation measures that all run-off from paved and
rooftop areas will discharge directly into grit separators with a storage facility to accommodate
overload. As this run-off will dominate the Extra Over Volume created by the non-vehicular
development zone the remaining contribution from the development zone will be extremely small,
the Extra Over Volume will reduce and the size of the storage tank will also reduce.

The run-off from the remainder of the non-vehicular development site is comparable to the pre-
existing run-off hydrograph for the full undeveloped B2 catchment. The B2 developed area of
44,482 m2 can be split into 6,624m2 of structure and paved surfaces and the remainder comprising
more conservative development (green roofs and landscaping) of 37,858 m2.

The calculation for weighted CN value as provided in Table III.4 can be reworked for this land use
as illustrated in Table III.14 below.
Land Use CN Area (m2) %age of Total Area Weighted CN
37,858 m2 portion of catchment B2
Upland Slopes &
70 31,820 84.0 58.8
natural vegetation
Lowland abandoned
60 1280 3.4 2.0
agricultural land
Rooftop garden 77 3,995 10.6 8.1
Stream course water feature 100 763 2.0 2.0
6,624 m2 portion of catchment B2
Structure/Paved surfaces 98 6,624 100% 98

Table III.14: Weighted CN for development excluding structures

The nett rainfall hyetograph will change due to the reduction in the weighted CN from 75 down to
71. This is demonstrated in Table III.15 below.

Time Rainfall Rainfall Cumulative Solving for R DEVELOPMENT

(min)  Intensity increment Rain CN=71 Nett rainfall SCS Loss model
(mm/hr)  (mm)  (mm)  S =103.7 hyetograph 
Ia = 20.7 
0  0  0  0     
1  91  1.60  1.60     
2  93  1.63  3.23     
3  96  1.68  4.83     
4  98  1.75  6.47     
5  101  1.82  8.15     
6  105  1.88  9.90     
7  109  1.97  11.72     
8  113  2.05  13.60     
9  118  2.17  15.57     
10  123  2.30  17.62     
11  130  2.45  19.78     
12  138  2.65  22.08  0.02 0.02
13  147  2.90  24.53  0.13 0.12
14  159  3.25  27.18  0.38 0.24
15  174  3.78  30.08  0.77 0.40
16  195  4.63  33.33  1.36 0.59
17  227  5.73  37.12  2.23 0.87
18  278  4.63  41.75  3.54 1.31
19  344  3.78  47.48  5.48 1.94
20  278  3.25  52.11  7.29 1.80
21  227  2.90  55.89  8.90 1.61
22  195  2.65  59.14  10.38 1.48
23  174  2.45  62.04  11.77 1.39
24  159  2.30  64.69  13.08 1.32
25  147  2.17  67.14  14.35 1.26
26  138  2.05  69.44  15.56 1.22
27  130  1.97  71.61  16.74 1.18
28  123  1.88  73.66  17.88 1.14
29  118  1.82  75.63  19.00 1.12
30  113  1.75  77.51  20.09 1.09
31  109  1.68  79.33  21.15 1.07
32  105  1.63  81.08  22.20 1.04
33  101  1.60  82.76  23.21 1.02

Table III.15: Calculation of 50 Year Nett Rainfall for Run-off at Area B2 (37,858 m2 without paved surfaces)
The run-off hydrograph for the 37,858 m2 portion of catchment B2 can then be calculated using the
same principles as outlined previously, with Qp= A.i/8 equivalent to 0.0789i m3/s. This is shown in
Table III.16 below. The peak 50 year run-off shown in Table III.16 is now reduced to 0.86 m3/s
from the 1.25 m3/s in Table III.8 for the run-off model for the complete post-development scenario.
This reduced peak run-off is comparable to the run-off calculated for the existing condition for the
entire B2 catchment (0.85 m3/s) calculated above in Table III.7. This means that there is no
significant Extra Over Volume to be accommodated for the 50 year storm event.

The run-off from the paved areas will pass through the grit separators and may be either combined
with the highway run-off for discharge to Tai Po or discharged into Sha Lo Tung streamcourse.

The calculations presented in Tables III.15 and III.16 can be repeated for the 200 year storm of 33
mins duration on an area of 37.858 m2 with a weighted CN value of 71.This is summarized in
Tables III.17 and III.18 below.
Table III.16: Calculation of Run-off Hydrograph for B2 Catchment with development and
roof top run-off to grit separators (50 year return period)
Time Rainfall Rainfall Cumulative Solving for R DEVELOPMENT
(min)  Intensity increment Rain CN=71 Nett rainfall SCS
(mm/hr)  (mm)  (mm)  S =103.7 Loss model
Ia= 20.7 hyetograph 
0  0 0 0    
1  118 1.97 1.97    
2  121 2.02 3.98    
3  125 2.08 5.95    
4  128 2.13 7.97    
5  133 2.22 10.05    
6  138 2.30 12.18    
7  143 2.38 14.40    
8  150 2.50 16.70    
9  157 2.62 19.08
10  166 2.77 21.58 0.01 0.01
11  177 2.95 24.20 0.11 0.10
12  191 3.18 26.97 0.35 0.24
13  208 3.47 29.92 0.75 0.39
14  232 3.87 33.10 1.32 0.57
15  267 4.45 36.57 2.10 0.78
16  325 5.42 40.43 3.14 1.05
17  399 6.65 44.88 4.56 1.42
18  325 5.42 50.30 6.56 2.00
19  267 4.45 56.95 9.37 2.81
20  232 3.87 62.37 11.92 2.55
21  208 3.47 66.82 14.17 2.25
22  191 3.18 70.68 16.23 2.06
23  177 2.95 74.15 18.16 1.92
24  166 2.77 77.33 19.98 1.82
25  157 2.62 80.28 21.72 1.74
26  150 2.50 83.05 23.39 1.67
27  143 2.38 85.67 25.00 1.61
28  138 2.30 88.17 26.57 1.57
29  133 2.22 90.55 28.09 1.52
30  128 2.13 92.85 29.58 1.49
31  125 2.08 95.07 31.03 1.46
32  121 2.02 97.20 32.45 1.42
33  118 1.97 99.28 33.85 1.40

Table III.17: Calculation of 200 Year Nett Rainfall for Run-off at Area B2
(37,858 m2 without paved surfaces)

Repeating the run-off calculations using the reduced area of 37.858m2 with a weighted CN value of
71 and 200 year return event results in post-development peak run-off equal to 1.22 m3/s. This is a
significant reduction from the peak run-off for the full area of development area in B2 (44,482 m2)
of 1.61 m3/s (Table III.12) based on a CN value of 75 and is comparable with (but less than) the
existing scenario of 1.24 m3/s.

This may be simply explained by demonstrating that the run-off volume from the structures
calculated as the gross rainfall (87.3mm for the 50 year event and 99.3mm for 200 year event)
falling on a rooftop and paved area of 6,624 m2 with a (Rational method) run-off coefficient of 0.9
will be 520 m3 and 592 m3 respectively.
Table III.18: Calculation of Run-off Hydrograph for B2 Catchment with development and
roof top run-off to grit separators (200 year return period)
3.4.5 Summary of Run-off Volume Calculations

The calculations presented in Section 3.4.4 can be summarised in Table III.19 where the Extra
Over Volume created by the non-vehicular development zone is recalculated but this time
omitting the flow volume passing through the grit separators. This shows that for a range of
storm return events the maximum requirement for a storage/holding facility to prevent
additional flow into the Sha Lo Tung Stream system is around 30 m3. This can be
accommodated beneath the proposed car park.

Peak Run-off Total Run-off Volume

EO Run-off
(m3/s) (m3)
Return Period Volume
Post- Post-
Existing Development Existing Development

2 Years 0.21 0.32 237 268 31

10 Years 0.54 0.73 671 697 26

50 Years 0.83 1.11 1088 1096 8

200 Years 1.27 1.49 1597 1577 -20

Table III.19: Summary of Calculated Extra over Run-off Volumes Post-Development in

Non-Vehicular Zone Omitting Flow Discharging into Grit Separators
(Storm Event 2 Years to 200 Years)

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