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Project Area: Market Research

Project Background:
At Dream Futures, we aspire to improve the financial health of our clients in India and abroad. We
are building innovative products leveraging modern technologies such as data analytics to offer
a suite of digital services to our clients to transform the way they plan, acquire, grow and protect
their wealth.
In each of the above steps, individuals come across various financial products such as stocks,
mutual funds, deposits, loans of various kinds, insurance of various kinds and so on. All the
financial products are purchased from the financial markets – on the exchange, through an agent,
or through other offline and online channels.
The goal of this project is to study and document the competitive landscape in the FinTech
Market and map the product placement for each and identify the gaps in the market.
Expected outcomes for the Project:
1. List down various domains in the Fintech space
2. Identify the major players in the Fintech market, the products they offer, their pricing,
customer retention plans (if any) and their market share
3. Map the USP of each of Fintech players identified above
4. For each of the players identified, analyze their digital applications available in the
market, compare their features and document key metrics for successes
5. Based on you study, recommend a market entry and product placement strategy for
Dream Futures
Note that you need to consider both the domestic market and international market (NRIs
and students) while working on this project
Project Milestones:
Total duration: 8 weeks

Milestone 1 Milestone 2 Milestone 3 Milestone 4

Kick Off 16th May 6th June 20th June 3rd July
6th May Outcome 1 Outcome 2 Outcome 3 Outcomes 4 and 5

Mentor Details:
Ajinkya Shinkar
Contact No. +91 90961 60486

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