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©2018 Society of Economic Geologists, Inc.

Economic Geology, v. 113, pp. 7–38

Tectonics and Geology of Porphyry Cu-Au Deposits along the

Eastern Sunda Magmatic Arc, Indonesia*
Adi Maryono,1,4,† Rachel L. Harrison,2 David R. Cooke,3,4 Iryanto Rompo,1 and Terence G. Hoschke4,5
1 PT J Resources Nusantara, Equity Tower, SCBD, Jl. Jend Sudirman, Jakarta 12190, Indonesia
2 Joglo Pete, Dusun Pete, Majaksingi, Borobudur, Magelang, Central Java 56553, Indonesia
3 Transforming the Mining Value Chain, An Australian Research Council Industrial Transformation Research Hub,
University of Tasmania, Private Bag 79, Hobart, Tasmania 7001, Australia
4 Centre of Excellence in Ore Deposits (CODES), University of Tasmania, Private Bag 79, Hobart, Tasmania 7001, Australia
5 Alterrex Pty Ltd., Perth, Western Australia

The discovery of the world-class Cu-Au deposit at Tumpangpitu, East Java (1.9 Gt @ 0.45% Cu, 0.45 g/t Au),
has reinforced the eastern Sunda arc as a significant metallogenic belt that is highly promising for the discovery
of major porphyry deposits. The arc hosts three premier porphyry Cu-Au deposits at Batu Hijau, Elang, and
Tumpangpitu (>300 t Au and >5 Mt Cu). These giant porphyry deposits are confined to the eastern segment of
the eastern Sunda arc (eastern Java to Sumbawa), constructed on island-arc crust where the Roo Rise is being
subducted. By contrast, major epithermal (low-sulfidation dominant) deposits associated with poorly endowed
porphyry prospects occur along the western segment of the arc (western Java), developed on thick continental
crust on the southern margin of Sundaland associated with subduction of typically thin Indian oceanic crust.
Porphyry Cu-Au deposits of the eastern Sunda arc are spatially associated with small, nested, dioritic to
tonalitic intrusive complexes with low-K calc-alkaline to weakly alkaline signatures. Hypogene alteration and
mineralization developed during three main temporally and spatially overlapping events, termed early, tran-
sitional, and late. The hypogene Cu-Au mineralized zone of the giant deposits forms a bell-shaped body of
0.3% Cu shell greater than 1 km in both diameter and vertical extent that is centered on multiphase, elongate,
pencil-like tonalite intrusions, 200 to 1,200 m in diameter and >2 km vertical extent. Large (>20 km2) lithocaps
associated with high-sulfidation epithermal systems and postporphyry mineralization diatreme breccias charac-
terize productive porphyry districts at Batu Hijau, Elang, and Tumpangpitu. The known porphyry deposits with
metal content exceeding 300 t Au and >5 Mt Cu all formed later than 5 Ma, suggesting an important change in
the metallogeny of the arc at this time. These giant porphyry deposits formed relatively rapidly, typically over a
period of 30 to 860 k.y. during the Pliocene-Pleistocene, between 5 and 2.5 Ma.
Porphyry deposits along the eastern Sunda arc display characteristic geologic features similar to porphyry
deposits elsewhere. Significant differences include low-K systems, dominance of hydrothermal biotite over
K-feldspar, early intense actinolite alteration associated with ore, widespread shreddy chlorite after secondary
biotite, narrow quartz-sericite-pyrite alteration zones, lack of development of chalcopyrite veins, large overly-
ing lithocaps, and abundant chalcocite-bornite-covellite veinlets associated with late overprinting epithermal
systems. Hydrothermal oligoclase is also more abundant than K-feldspar in the central biotite-magnetite zones.

Introduction Tumpangpitu by a number of companies before the large

The recent discovery of the world-class porphyry Cu-Au resource of 855 t Au and 8.65 Mt Cu was discovered (Nor-
deposit at Tumpangpitu in 2008 (Norris, 2011; Harrison et ris, 2011; Intrepid Mines Ltd., 2012). A world-class porphyry
al., 2018) has stimulated exploration in the Sunda magmatic resource at Elang (789.1 t Au and 7.4 Mt Cu; Huspeni, 2012)
arc. The eastern Sunda arc has proven itself to be an emerging was delineated 15 years after the discovery of the prospect
economically important porphyry Cu-Au belt after the discov- (Maryono et al., 2005). Similarly, it took more than 20 years
eries of three giant porphyry deposits at Batu Hijau, Elang, of exploration to identify the large resource potential of por-
and Tumpangpitu (>300 t Au and >5 Mt Cu; Clark, 1993; phyry Cu-Au deposits concealed under thick barren lithocaps
Singer, 1995) and two giant epithermal deposits at Pongkor at Brambang and Hu’u (Maryono et al., 2016).
and Kerta (>100 t Au; Basuki et al., 1994; Singer, 1995; Lubis Porphyry Cu-Au deposits along the eastern Sunda arc have
et al., 2012). island-arc affinities but display some distinctive features when
An increased understanding of lithocaps is partly what has compared to other island-arc porphyry systems (cf. Sillitoe
driven recent discoveries in the Sunda arc, which has pro- and Gappe, 1984). Detailed descriptions of deposit-scale
vided an exploration tool for linked porphyry and epithermal geology, alteration, and mineralization have focused on Batu
deposits. (White, 1991; Sillitoe, 1995; Hedenquist et al., Hijau (Meldrum et al., 1994; Irianto and Clark, 1995; Maula
1998; Chang et al., 2011). It took 17 years of exploration at and Levet, 1996; Ali, 1997; Clode et al., 1999; Garwin, 2000,
2002; Priowasono and Maryono, 2002; Arif and Baker, 2004;
†Corresponding author: e-mail,
Idrus et al., 2007; Setyandhaka et al., 2008). Publications are
*A digital supplement containing electronic appendices for this paper can be limited for Elang (Maula and Levet, 1996; Maryono et al.,
found at 2005), Tumpangpitu (Norris, 2011; Harrison and Maryono,
doi: 10.5382/econgeo.2018.4542
0361-0128/18/7-32 7

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2012; Harrison, 2014; Harrison et al., 2018), Brambang (A. has a pronounced curve from Sumatra, where it dips ~30°
Maryono et al., unpub. report, 2013), and Selogiri (Imai et al., to 45° northeast, through east Sunda, where it dips ~50° to
2007; Warmada et al., 2007). 70° north, to Banda, where it forms a concave spoon-shaped
The main objectives of this paper are to discuss the key structure with an axis that plunges ~40° west (Garwin et al.,
tectonic and geologic aspects of Cu-Au mineralized systems 2005; Fig. 1). The western segment of the eastern Sunda arc
along the eastern Sunda arc and to develop an exploration (western Java) developed on thick continental crust on the
model. A comparison between giant and low-grade porphyry southern margin of Sundaland, whereas the eastern segment
systems is also discussed. New geochronological data from (eastern Java to Sumbawa) was constructed on thinner oce-
206Pb/238U dating of zircons are presented that constrain abso- anic crust bounded by Australian continental crust farther
lute ages of major porphyry occurrences. east (Sumba and Timor; Fig. 1; Hamilton, 1979; Carlile and
Mitchell, 1994; Hall, 2002; Setijadji et al., 2006).
Methodology Subduction along the eastern Sunda-Banda arc initiated
in the Paleocene-Eocene, and the arc underwent a period of
Field-based data extension related to slab rollback around 15 to 12 Ma (Hall,
This paper has been compiled from data largely gathered from 2002; Smyth et al., 2005; Fiorentini and Garwin, 2009; Spak-
the authors’ considerable time and experience during explora- man and Hall, 2010). This initiated a polarity shift to south-
tion through development of major porphyry deposits in the ward-directed subduction of oceanic crust of the marginal
eastern Sunda arc. Models are based on extensive drill core Banda Sea beneath the arc (Fiorentini and Garwin, 2009).
logging and field mapping, geochemical and geophysical sur- Complexities arose in the Miocene due to the subduction of
veys during exploration, and development of these porphyry the Roo Rise, a trapped slab of thickened oceanic crust (Fig.
deposits. The authors have collected systematic observations 1). Alignment of earthquake epicenters defines a series of
of crosscutting (paragenetic) relationships to confirm the rela- NE-trending transform faults that transect an area of the Roo
tive timing of intrusive phases and hydrothermal evolution. Rise (Garwin et al., 2005; Hall, 2009). The transform faults
The “Anaconda” mapping and logging technique (M. Ein- are interpreted to have formed due to differences in thick-
audi, unpub. notes, 1997) was adopted and modified into a ness between the normal and thick oceanic crusts (Garwin et
porphyry-lithocap mapping technique which was employed al., 2005; Setijadji et al., 2006; Hall, 2009). Important changes
systematically during exploration. Laboratory-based studies in plate motions and boundaries since 5 Ma (Audley-Charles,
complemented fieldwork-based exploration data during the 2004) are thought to have caused local reversals in ages from
development of geologic and exploration models. Analyses north to south as magmatism migrated closer toward the
included petrography, ore petrology, and laser ablation-induc- trench.
tively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) dat-
ing of zircons. Regional geology
Deposit geology and exploration models have been devel- Cenozoic volcanic-magmatic rocks dominate the regional
oped through the construction of type cross sections. The geology of the eastern Sunda arc. Subduction along the Java
methodology for type cross-section construction involved trench initiated in the Eocene in western Java, the Oligocene
selecting the most representative section that contains the to Pliocene in eastern Java to west Lombok, and in the Mio-
greatest variability and complexity of geology at each deposit. cene to Pliocene for most of Lombok and Sumbawa (Smyth
et al., 2005; Setijadji and Maryono, 2012; Fig. 2). Cenozoic
Regional Tectonics and Geology volcanos along the arc demonstrate common features of
island arc magmatism, such as a wide variation in SiO2 con-
Regional tectonics tents, high A12O3, with low TiO2, Na2O, and MgO contents
The eastern Sunda arc is part of the 3,940-km-long Sunda- (Wheller et al., 1987; Setijadji et al., 2006). Magma alkalinity
Banda arc. The E-trending eastern Sunda arc constitutes the increases in the young volcanoes and toward the back arc. The
islands of Java, Bali, Lombok, and Sumbawa, measuring a arc demonstrates several distinctive features that differ from
total length of 1,800 km (Fig. 1). The magmatic arc extends the idealized temporal and spatial schemes of subduction
from the west with a NE-dipping oblique subduction system zone magmatism (Foden and Varne, 1980; Soeria-Atmadja et
in Sumatra (the western Sunda arc) through Java, Bali, Lom- al., 1994; Setijadji et al., 2006; Fiorentini and Garwin, 2009).
bok, and Sumbawa with a N-dipping subduction system (the The eastern Sunda arc underwent migrations toward the hin-
eastern Sunda arc) to the Flores and Banda islands in the east terland during its Cenozoic history, which is different from a
(the Banda arc) with a more complex arc-trench configura- typical foreland migration of a subduction zone (Setijadji et
tion (Hamilton, 1979; Carlile and Mitchell, 1994; Setijadji al., 2006).
et al., 2006; Fig. 1). The recent tectonic regime (subduction Basement rocks of Cretaceous age (Hamilton, 1979; Wakita
vs. collision) and reversal in Quaternary arc polarity created and Munasri, 1994; Wakita, 2000) are restricted to western
major differences between the eastern Sunda and Banda arcs. Java at Karangsambung and the Jiwo Hills (Fig. 2). The base-
The eastern Sunda arc is characterized by a Quaternary vol- ment rock units are interpreted as slivers with affinities to arc
canic chain along the northern parts of the islands formed crust and to ophiolites. Recent work by Harrison et al. (2018)
as the result of subduction of the Indian oceanic crust. The has identified Cretaceous basement near the Tumpangpitu
Banda arc has a Quaternary volcanic chain in the southern district with Cretaceous zircon grains (98.5 ± 1.0 and 98.5 ±
parts of the islands due to the collision of the Australian 0.8 Ma) found within the matrix of the late Miocene Tanjung
crust. The subducting slab beneath the Sunda-Banda arc Jahe diatreme (8.52 ± 0.21 Ma).

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Fig. 1. Distribution of the major porphyry and epithermal deposits, prospects, and tectonic elements of Indonesia. Abbreviations: IFZ = Investigator Fracture zone,
WOSR = Wharton oceanic spreading ridge.

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Fig. 2. Regional geology and Au-Cu occurrences of the eastern Sunda arc (Hamilton, 1979; Carlile and Mitchell, 1994; Suratno, 1995; Metcalfe, 1996; Hall, 2002; Seti-
jadji et al., 2006). Five magmatic belts of the eastern Sunda arc show consistent northward migration from early Tertiary to Quaternary. The late Miocene-Pliocene arc
reversed southward locally from East Java to Sumbawa.

Paleocene-Eocene volcanic centers are poorly defined and five, the latter three magmatic belts have the greatest spatial
restricted to the western segment of the arc. Oligocene to distribution. Two distinctive features of the distribution of vol-
early Miocene magmatic rocks are continuously distributed canic belts can be observed in the land surface geomorphology
along the whole eastern Sunda arc. Volcaniclastic rocks of derived from the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM;
late Miocene to Pliocene age are more abundant than the Figs. 2, 4, 5). The Paleocene-Eocene to late Miocene-Plio-
older volcanic rocks and are well exposed on the southern cene and Quaternary belts overlap in the western segment,
margins of the islands. Low-K calc-alkaline to weakly alka- but a clear separation of the older belts from the Quaternary
line andesitic volcanic and interbedded volcaniclastic rocks, arc is evident in the eastern segment. The late Miocene to
associated low-K intermediate intrusions, and minor shallow Pliocene volcano-sedimentary rocks dominate throughout
water marine sedimentary rocks and limestone extend from the Southern Mountain Range (Garwin, 2000; Setijadji et al.,
Java to Bali, Lombok, and Sumbawa (Meldrum et al., 1994; 2006; Setijadji and Maryono, 2012; Harrison et al., 2018).
Suratno, 1995; Maula and Levet, 1996; Sjoekri, 1998; Gar- The earliest documented volcanism in the eastern Sunda
win, 2002; Setijadji et al., 2006). The western and eastern arc is poorly understood and appears to have been restricted
segments are characterized by distinctive lithochemical arc to western Java (Figs. 2, 4). It is thought to have developed
sectors (Wheller et al., 1987; Setijadji et al., 2006). Setijadji during the initiation of the Java trench in the Paleocene-
and Maryono (2012) interpreted these differences as products Eocene (Smyth et al., 2005). The early Tertiary volcanic arcs
of different crustal types and source components for magma occupied the southern coast of Java and perhaps also offshore
generation, which appear to have affected mineralization to the south, as indicated by a positive gravity anomaly (Seti-
styles. Neogene-Quaternary high-K to shoshonitic volcanism jadji et al., 2006). In the late Miocene, significant northward
dominates the continental crustal setting of West Java. Domi- migration of volcanic centers occurred in eastern Java. The
nant mid-Tertiary to Pliocene, low- to moderate-K magmas northward shift of volcanism toward the back arc ended after
with high Sr/Y affinity occupy eastern Java to Sumbawa, sug- the Pliocene. In western Java the trenchward volcanic migra-
gesting immature arc magmas with minimum crustal contam- tion started in the Quaternary. This foreland shift is demon-
ination (Setijadji et al., 2006). strated by the partial coverage of late Tertiary volcanic centers
by Quaternary volcanoes in western Java. Geochronological
Geochronology Results data from the Quaternary cross-arc volcanic chain of Merapi-
Merbabu-Telomoyo-Ungaran also suggest that Quaternary
U-Pb age data volcanism gradually moved trenchward (Kohno et al., 2005).
The Centre of Excellence in Ore Deposits (CODES), Univer- The opposite direction of Quaternary volcanic migration
sity of Tasmania, performed zircon U-Pb geochronology using occurred in eastern Java to Sumbawa, where Quaternary vol-
the laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrom- canic activity migrated northward (Setijadji et al., 2006).
etry (LA-ICP-MS) method. Appendix 3, Table A1 summa-
rizes analytic results for each laser spot analysis for 17 of 19 Intrusive rocks
samples. The remaining two samples did not have enough zir- Intrusive rock units exhibit temporal and spatial distribution
cons. Calculation of concordia intercept ages used the lower patterns similar to volcanic rock units, younging eastward
intercept of the zircon analyses on the Tera-Wasserburg plots (Figs. 4, 5). Eocene to Pliocene intrusive rocks scattered along
anchoring to a common Pb composition of 0.836 ± 0.01 for the Southern Mountains from western Java to Sumbawa have
the 207Pb/206Pb ratio. Plotting and calculating sample ages and been dated from 50.9 to 2.7 Ma (Fig. 4). A gabbro in Ciletuh,
2σ errors of each of the zircon fractions was completed using West Java (50.9–50.1 Ma; Setijadji et al., 2006), a dioritic dike
the Isoplot software (Ludwig, 2001). in Karangsambung (37.6 Ma; Soeria-Atmadja et al., 1994), a
diorite dike in Nanggulan, Central Java (42 Ma; Smyth et al.,
Age of the porphyries and host rocks along the 2005), and an andesitic dike in Pacitan, East Java (38.7 Ma;
Sunda-Banda arc Japan International Cooperation Agency and Japan Oil, Gas
Figure 3 summarizes the U-Pb zircon ages compiled and and Metals National Corporation, 2004) are all associated
determined during this study and places them in the con- with the oldest magmatic belts. Younger intrusions have been
text of relative age for the intrusions and host rocks as deter- dated farther east at Trenggalek (18.7–11.8 Ma) and Tulun-
mined by field relationships for the porphyry districts along gagung (23.40 Ma; Arc Exploration Ltd., 2013). Miocene
the Sunda-Banda arc. Appendix 1 describes the methods and felsic intrusions include a quartz diorite at Ciletuh-Ciemas
results of U-Pb analyses for the porphyries and host rocks (13.7 Ma) and rhyolite at Cirotan (9.6 Ma). Eocene-Miocene
along the Sunda-Banda arc. Appendix 2, Figure A1 presents intrusive rocks are mostly confined to western Java. Late Mio-
the error-weighted age spectra and concordia plots. cene to Pliocene intrusions were emplaced further to the east
in eastern Java, Lombok, and Sumbawa. Harrison et al. (2018)
Regional Magmatic Evolution reported late Miocene to early Pliocene magmatic activity at
Tumpangpitu associated with the emplacement of a large
Magmatic-volcanic rocks equigranular, premineralization diorite batholith from 5.81 ±
The eastern Sunda arc consists of five magmatic belts of dif- 0.2 to 5.18 ± 0.27 Ma, the Tumpangpitu tonalite complex,
ferent ages: pre-Tertiary, Paleocene-Eocene, Oligocene-early from 4.89 ± 0.40 (phase 4 tonalite) to 4.03 ± 0.65 Ma (phase
Miocene, late Miocene-Pliocene, and Quaternary (Hamilton, 6 tonalite). Garwin (2000) dated late-stage quartz diorite and
1979; Carlile and Mitchell, 1994; Garwin, 2000; Hall, 2002; tonalite intrusions at 5.88 ± 0.14 to 2.7 ± 0.14 Ma from Batu
Setijadji et al., 2006; Harrison et al., 2018; Figs. 2, 3). Of these Hijau and Elang, Sumbawa.

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Dacite porphyry, Elang This study

Diorite, Elang This study
Elang District, Sumbawa
Echo tonalite, Elang This study
Delta tonalite, Elang This study
Delta tonalite, Elang Giant Porphyry
r Garwin (2000)
Charlie tonalite, Elang This study
Lithic breccia, Tongoloka Garwin (2000)
Lithic breccia, Tongoloka Garwin (2000)
Dacitic breccia, Teluk Puna Garwin (2000)
Tonalite, Katala, Batu Hijau Garwin (2000)
Tonalite, Katala, Batu Hijau Garwin (2000)
Tonalite, Katala, Batu Hijau Garwin (2000)
Granodiorite, Katala, Batu Hijau Garwin (2000)
Quartz diorite, Katala, Batu Hijau Batu Hijau District, Sumbawa Garwin (2000)
Tonalite, Arung Ara Garwin (2000)
Dacite, Batu Hijau Garwin (2000)
Quartz diorite, Batu Hijau Garwin (2000)
Andesite, Batu Hijau Garwin (2000)
QSP vein, Batu Hijau Garwin (2000)
Young tonalite, Batu Hijau This study
Young tonalite, Batu Hijau Garwin (2000)
Intermediate tonalite, Batu Hijau This study
Intermediate tonalite, Batu Hijau Garwin (2000)
Intermediate tonalite, Batu Hijau Giant Porphyry
r Garwin (2000)
Old tonalite, Batu Hijau This study
Old tonalite, Batu Hijau Garwin (2000)
Tonalite, Sekongkang Garwin (2000)
Granodiorite, Sekongkang Garwin (2000)
Granodiorite, Sekongkang Garwin (2000)
Phase 3 coarse-grained quartz diorite, Selodong This study
Phase 2 fine-grained quartz diorite, Selodong This study
Phase 2 coarse-grained quartz diorite, Selodong Selodong District, SW Lombok This study
Phase 1 fine-grained quartz diorite, Selodong This study
Equigranular hornblende quartz diorite, Selodong This study
Intermediate tonalite, Brambang Brambangg District,, SW Lombok This study
Diatreme, Tumpangpitu Tump
panggpitu District, East Java Harrison et al., 2018
Tonalite, Pulau Merah Harrison et al., 2018
Phase 6 tonalite, Tumpangpitu Giant Porphyry
r Harrison et al., 2018
Tonalite, Katak Harrison et al., 2018
Quartz diorite, Tulungagung Tulungagung
Tulunggaggungg District,, East Java Arc Exploration (2013)
Tonalite, Singgahan, Trenggalek Harrison et al., 2018
Diorite, Singgahan, Trenggalek Harrison et al., 2018
Tonalite, Singgahan, Trenggalek Harrison et al., 2018
Diorite, Bogoran, Trenggalek Arc Exploration (2013)
Diorite, Jerambah, Trenggalek Arc Exploration (2013)
Tonalite, Jerambah, Trenggalek Arc Exploration (2013)
Quartz diorite, Jerambah, Trenggalek Trenggalek District Arc Exploration (2013)
Andesite, Jerambah, Trenggalek East Java Arc Exploration (2013)
Au-Ag LSE vein Dalangturu, Trenggalek Takahashi et al. (2011)
Sandstone, Jati, Trenggalek Takahashi et al. (2011)
Microdiorite, Selogiri Selogiri District This study
Microdiorite, Selogiri This study
Microdiorite, Selogiri
Central Java This study
Au-Ag LSE vein Gunung Pongkor Marcoux and Milesi (1994)
Au-Ag LSE vein, Cikidang Marcoux and Milesi (1994)
Au-Ag LSE vein, Ciawitali Significant LS Epithermal Marcoux and Milesi (1994)
Au-Ag LSE vein, Cirotan West Java Rosana and Matsueda (2002)
Au-Ag LSE vein, Cipangleser Marcoux and Milesi (1994)
Au-Ag LSE vein, Cibaliung Harijiko et al. (2004)

40 39 40 39 40 39
Ar- Ar Adularia Ar- Ar Sericite Ar- Ar Biotite
40 39
Ar- Ar Hornblende U-Pb Zircon
Fig. 3. Compilation of U-Pb age determinations from mineralized porphyry and epithermal districts along the eastern Sunda
arc (Marcoux and Milési, 1994; Garwin, 2000; Rosana and Matsueda, 2002; Harijoko, 2004; Arc Exploration Ltd., 2013; Taka-
hashi et al., 2011; Harrison et al., 2018). Abbreviations: LSE = low-sulfidation epithermal, QSP = quartz-sericite porphyry.

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105° E 110° E 115° E Deposit Type
g !
Ç Giant/significant porphyry
( Porphyry
. Low-sulfidation epithermal
* High-sulfidation epithermal

X Sediment-hosted
" Skam

-5° S
-5° S

Qu # Indonesia
r # nar
! #
Kerta !
H Pongkor
H ###
H # # #
! #
Ciemas!!! !
# ## # H #
(# !!!H ## ! #
# ! # #
Pa ! H!!! ! ! #

H# ! # #
# !
ne- Eo
c !! ! *
!!! !!
H !
! #
!!! H ! # H
( !
ene !
Ciletuh: !!! ! # #

! #
Cihurip !
# Brambang
50.9-50.1 Ma Ciemas: !

# !
H ( Wonogiri #
# # #
6.65 Ma !
13.7 Ma #
* !

# # # # # !
Cineam: Kr. Sambung: Late H H # !! ! # !
* !!! ! # !
H ! !
!!! ! # !
13.8 Ma 37.6 Ma !
( #
( ! !
! !
! !

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# !
- Pli #
* !
# ##
# ! ! !
Nanggulan: ocen # Oligoc #
* #
# H* #
e ene- M
42 Ma Trenggalek Blitar !
( #
Malang Jember *
Selogiri: #
14.0-12.6 Ma #!
(( #
* !
# 13.21-13.0 Ma Tumpangpitu
! !
Ç !
Active Volcanoes !
Pacitan: 5.77 - 3.87 Ma Hu'u
+ *
# Active Subduction Zone 38.7 Ma Tulungagung Batu Hijau Elang
7.28-7.0 Ma 5.88-3.52 Ma 2.51-2.1 Ma
23.40 Ma

Roo Rise
+ Indian Ocean

-10° S
-10° S

!!! !!!
Oligocene- Miocene
+ + + +
Sources for magmatic arcs: Carlile and Mitchell,1994; Garwin et al, 2005;
Maryono et al., 2012; Hall and Sevastjanova, 2012;
+ + + + + + + 0
µ 150 300
Setiadji and Maryono, 2012
= +
Late Miocene - Pliocene
Roo Rise
Sources for age dating data: Marcoux and Milesi (1994);
= +
! !
Quaternary Milesi et al. (1999); Garwin (2000); Rosana (2002);
+ + + + + + + + + +

Harijoko et al. (2004); Smyth et al. (2005); Arc Exploration (2013); Active Subduction Zone
Intrusive Complex Takahashi et al. (2014); Harrison et al., this volume. =
105° E 110° E = 115° E

Fig. 4. Remnant volcanic centers of Paleocene-Eocene age (West Java) and Oligocene to Pliocene age (Java to Sumbawa) along the Southern Mountains, with intrusive
centers of Eocene to Pliocene age. Age determinations from Soeria-Atmadja et al. (1994), Marcoux and Milési (1994), Milési et al. (1999), Garwin (2000), Rosana and
Matsueda (2002), Pertamina-ITB (internal report, 2002), Harijoko et al. (2004), Japan International Cooperation Agency and Japan Oil, Gas, and Metals National Cor-
poration (2004), Smyth et al. (2005), Takahashi et al. (2011), Arc Exploration Ltd. (2013), Harrison et al. (2018), and this study.

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Fig. 5. Epithermal Au and porphyry Cu-Au occurrences associated with remnants of volcanic centers of Paleocene-Eocene (West Java) and Oligocene to Miocene and
late Miocene to Pliocene (Java to Sumbawa) along the Southern Mountains, delineated from SRTM data (Hamilton, 1979; Carlile and Mitchell, 1994; Hall, 2002; Setijadji
et al., 2006). Abbreviations: HS = high-sulfidation, IS = intermediate-sulfidation, LS = low-sulfidation).

There has been a remarkable evolution of intrusive rocks and Pliocene-Pleistocene (5.0–1.5 Ma; Figs. 3, 4). The earli-
in the major mineralized porphyry districts in terms of their est documented porphyry mineralizing event is restricted to
composition, size, and textures during the Pliocene (Garwin, Java, associated with late Oligocene to early Miocene volca-
2000; J. Proffett, unpub. report, 2004; Maryono et al., 2005; nism, which produced low-grade porphyry systems at Tulun-
Harrison et al., 2018). The compositions of the late Mio- gagung and Pacitan in East Java and at Ciemas and Cihurip in
cene to early Pliocene suite of intrusive rocks become more West Java. The second metallogenic event extended to Cen-
quartz rich with time from large volume, equigranular dioritic tral Java, Lombok, and Sumbawa during the middle to late
phases to small volume, more porphyritic tonalitic phases. Miocene and resulted in low-grade mineralized porphyries
Coarser-grained porphyries indicate relatively slow cooling at at Selogiri in Central Java, at Trenggalek and Katak in East
depth, whereas fine-grained porphyries imply shallower lev- Java, at Selodong and Brambang on Lombok and Katala, and
els of emplacement (Lang and Titley, 1998; Seedorff et al., at Arung Ara, Sepekat, and Teluk Panas on Sumbawa. The
2005). The preore intrusions at Batu Hijau and Tumpang- metallogenic event responsible for the majority of known por-
pitu are large, equigranular batholiths (mapped exposures of phyry and epithermal endowment occurred during the early
~3–>10  km2) that are more mafic than the younger phases, Pliocene-Pleistocene, generating giant porphyry deposits at
with rare quartz phenocrysts. The syn- to late-mineralization Tumpangpitu, Batu Hijau, Elang, and possibly Hu’u. This
intrusions comprise smaller tonalite dikes (~1 km2), with dis- mineralizing event also produced major epithermal Au depos-
tinctive porphyritic textures consisting of moderately to highly its in western Java.
crowded phenocrysts (30–60 vol %; >15% quartz content, as
1–5 mm quartz phenocrysts). District Geology
Au-Cu metallogeny Volcano-sedimentary rock succession
There are two distinctive patterns of distribution of Au and Several of the mineralized districts along the eastern segment
Cu metallogeny across the eastern Sunda arc (Fig. 2). A of the eastern Sunda arc share many similarities in geology,
population of low- to intermediate-sulfidation epithermal Au especially Batu Hijau (Garwin, 2000), Elang (Maryono et al.,
occurrences defines the western segment. In contrast, the 2005), Selodong and Brambang (Rompo et al., 2012), Tump-
eastern segment is endowed with higher grade porphyry and angpitu (Harrison and Maryono, 2012; Harrison et al., 2018),
high-sulfidation epithermal deposits. These distinctive fea- and Trenggalek (Arc Exploration Ltd., 2013; Figs. 5, 6). The
tures to some extent reflect two tectonic-geologic basements districts are predominantly hosted by andesitic volcano-sedi-
and tectonic regimes (Figs. 1, 2; Hamilton, 1979; Carlile and mentary rock units grouped into lower and upper sequences.
Mitchell, 1994; Hall, 2002; Setijadji et al., 2006; Setijadji and Volcano-sedimentary units at Batu Hijau and Elang are rela-
Maryono, 2012). tively well preserved and exceed 1,000 to 1,500 m in thick-
A number of low- to intermediate-sulfidation epithermal ness. Both districts display two main coarsening-upward
Au-Ag deposits have been discovered in the western segment stratigraphic sequences. The lower sequences consist of fine-
of the eastern Sunda arc (Fig. 2). The paucity of significant grained volcanic sandstones and minor mudstone; the upper
porphyry occurrences contrasts with the eastern segment. Of sequences comprise coarse crystal-rich volcanic lithic breccia,
all the mineral deposits discovered in the western segment, sandstone, and conglomerate. Moderately bedded to mas-
only Pongkor and Kerta have defined resources that exceed sive interbeds of limestone (packstone and wackestone) and
>100 t of Au (Basuki et al., 1994; Lubis et al., 2012). Most of calcareous siltstones (1–25 m thick) are observed within the
the low-sulfidation epithermal Au deposits, including active lower sequences. The limestone interbeds were deposited at
mines at Pongkor, Cikotok, and Cibaliung, are clustered paleodepths of 40 to 60 m below sea level (b.s.l.) from 21 to
within the Bayah dome (Van Bemmelen, 1949; Sudana and 15 Ma on the basis of benthonic foraminiferal assemblages
Santosa, 1992; Sujatmiko and Santosa, 1992; Milési et al., (Clode et al., 1999; Garwin, 2000; Maryono et al., 2005). At
1999). They formed between 5.7 and 1.5 Ma (Marcoux and Tumpangpitu, the 500-m-thick sequence of volcanic sandstone
Milési, 1994; Milési et al., 1994; Rosana and Matsueda, 2002; and siltstone interbedded with mudstone and minor limestone
Yuningsih et al., 2011). occurs as continuous beds. This volcano-sedimentary package
Major porphyry deposits are spaced approximately every can be traced in a concentric fashion, dipping toward the intru-
80 km along the E-trending eastern segment of the arc from sive center (R. Harrison, unpub. report, 2009; Rohrlach, 2011;
Hu’u in the east, through Elang and Batu Hijau in Sumbawa, Harrison and Maryono, 2012). The premineralization strati-
Selodong/Brambang in Lombok, and Tumpangpitu in East graphic package at Tumpangpitu is composed of a sequence of
Java to the west. A long gap (~300 km) extends farther west well-bedded turbidites and shallow marine sedimentary rocks
to Selogiri in Central Java (Figs. 2, 4). High-sulfidation epi- of early to middle Miocene age (20.67 ± 0.47–16.68 ± 0.35 Ma;
thermal deposits and prospects in the eastern segment occur Harrison et al., 2018). The sedimentary and andesitic volca-
at Empang, Sane/Rinti, Pangulir, Ladam/Elang, Sabalong on nic sequence is preserved around the fringes of the composite
Sumbawa, Pelangan and Mencanggah on Lombok, and zones Tumpangpitu porphyry stock (Fig. 6).
A, B, and C (Tumpangpitu) in East Java (Figs. 2, 4). The low-
sulfidation epithermal vein systems in the eastern segment are Multiphase intrusive complexes
minor and insignificant in size. Multiphase mineralized porphyries have been distinguished on
Radiometric age determinations suggest three mineral- the basis of crosscutting relationships, textures, grain sizes, and
izing porphyry events in the eastern Sunda arc: Oligocene- compositions, in particular the abundance and size of quartz
Miocene (>15.0 Ma), middle to late Miocene (15.0–>5.0 Ma) phenocrysts (J. Proffett, unpub. report, 1998; Maryono et al.,

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Fig. 6. District geology of major porphyry systems at Batu Hijau, Elang, and Tumpangpitu in comparison with low-grade
porphyry systems at Trenggalek. (A) Batu Hijau district geology (Garwin, 2000). (B) Elang district geology (Maryono et al.,
2005). (C) Tumpangpitu district geology (Harrison et al., 2018). (D) Trenggalek district geology (Arc Exploration Ltd., 2013).

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2005; Fig. 7). Figure 3 presents a compilation of geochrono- 0.18 Ma), and postmineralization-dacite dike (2.1 ± 0.11 Ma).
logical data for intrusive phases, which are generally consistent The Delta tonalite is slightly younger than the 206Pb/238U age
with relative ages determined by crosscutting relationships. of 2.71 ± 0.14 Ma dated by Garwin (2000). Our zircon age dat-
Premineralization intrusions: Premineralization intrusive ing for Selodong and Brambang in Lombok and Selogiri, Cen-
phases are typically composed of microdiorite, diorite, and tral Java, yielded late to middle Miocene ages (Fig. 3; App.
quartz diorite, with low K2O contents (less than 0.8%; Mel- 3, Table A1), older than those from giant porphyry systems.
drum et al., 1994; Clode et al., 1999; Maryono et al., 2005; One sample of a mineralized tonalite intrusion from Bram-
Harrison et al., 2018). They form large stocks and batholiths bang yielded a late Miocene age (6.65 ± 0.31 Ma). Mineral-
exceeding 10 km2, which commonly occupy the northern parts ized tonalite intrusions at Selodong were emplaced between
of the mineralized intrusive complexes (Figs. 6, 8–10; Table 7.28 ± 0.23 and 7.04 ± 0.25 Ma over 720 k.y. Results for four
1). Rock textures vary from subporphyritic to equigranular. samples from Selodong match well with crosscutting relation-
Premineralization intrusions intrude the volcano-sedimentary ships observed during logging; old diorite (7.28 ± 0.31 Ma),
rock successions and define the cores of evolved volcanic- quartz diorite 1 (7.28  ± 0.23 Ma), quartz diorite 2 (7.22 ±
plutonic centers. Most of the premineralization intrusions are 0.23  Ma), and late quartz diorite (7.04 ± 0.25 Ma). Three
Miocene in age (5.9 Ma at Batu Hijau; 8.46–5.18 Ma at Tum- samples of synmineralization microdiorite intrusions from
pangpitu; Garwin, 2000; Harrison et al., 2018; Fig. 6). drill core and surface exposures at Selogiri yielded multiple
Large, equigranular quartz diorite and diorite stocks and Miocene ages (13.18 ± 0.34–13.21 ± 0.22 Ma; Fig. 3; Table 1).
batholiths (with surface exposures varying from 2 to more Postmineralization intrusions and breccias: Postmineral-
than 10 km2) occupy the northern part of Elang (Maryono et ization phreatomagmatic activity resulted in the formation of
al., 2005; Fig. 6). There are at least three premineralization diatreme breccia bodies that crosscut porphyry mineralization
intrusions mapped and logged at Tumpangpitu: hornblende (Figs. 6, 11; Table 1). Diatreme breccias have been mapped at
quartz diorite, quartz diorite, and equigranular diorite (the Elang (Maryono et al., 2005), Rinti (A. Maryono and D. Sety-
latter locally termed “old diorite”). These formed a large dio- andhaka, unpub. report, 2001), Batu Hijau (Priowasono and
ritic batholith during the late Miocene to early Pliocene (Har- Maryono, 2000), Selodong and Brambang (A. Maryono et al.,
rison et al., 2018; Fig. 6). The old diorite is characterized by unpub. report, 2013), Tumpangpitu (Harrison and Maryono,
an equigranular texture (2–4 mm grain size), consisting domi- 2012; Harrison et al., 2018), Binglis (I. Rompo, unpub. data,
nantly of plagioclase (60–70%) and lesser hornblende. Quartz 2014), Trenggalek (Arc Exploration Ltd., 2013), and Selogiri.
is less than 5% by volume and rarely observable as quartz eye Postmineralization intrusive activity at Elang is also marked
phenocrysts, making it distinguishable from later quartz dio- by dacite intrusion (2.1 ± 0.11 Ma).
rite and tonalite intrusions. The diatreme breccia complexes in the eastern Sunda
Intramineralization intrusions: The mineralizing intrusive arc generally form circular bodies with varying sizes, from
complexes typically consist of two to five intrusive phases. A 0.15  km2 at Brambang to 6.8 km2 at Tumpangpitu (Figs. 6,
series of mineralizing intrusions (early, intermediate, and late) 11). The diatremes have downward tapering, inverted cone
have been well documented at Batu Hijau (Clode et al., 1999), shapes, and their subsurface conduits are subvertical. Small-
Elang (Maryono et al., 2005), Tumpangpitu (Harrison and scale pebble dikes that are a few meters wide crosscut the
Maryono, 2012; Harrison et al., 2018), Selodong (Rompo et al., surrounding wall rocks. The diatreme breccia at Tumpangpitu
2012), and Brambang (A. Maryono et al., unpub. report, 2013; has been dated at 2.7 ± 1.0 Ma (Harrison et al., 2018).
Figs. 3, 7–10; Table 1). The causative intrusions are dominated
by plagioclase (>50%) and quartz (~10–20%) and are mostly Ages of Cu-Au and Au mineralization
quartz diorite to tonalite. The intramineralization intrusions are An arbitrary upper age limit of 5 Ma (Fig. 3) represents an
elongate, with pencil-like geometries from 200 to 1,200 m in approximate cutoff between significant and low-grade min-
diameter and with >2-km vertical extent that form the cores eralized systems for both epithermal and porphyry Cu-Au
of Cu-Au ore zones (Figs. 8–10). The interpreted depths of mineralization styles along the eastern Sunda arc. This 5 Ma
emplacement for the porphyry intrusions range from 1 to 5 km threshold is a consistent value that separates the oldest main
below the paleosurface (Garwin, 2000; Idrus et al., 2007). mineralized intrusions of the significant porphyry deposit at
Batu Hijau has three intramineralization tonalite phases, Tumpangpitu (4.89 ± 0.40 Ma; Harrison et al., 2018) and the
locally termed the old tonalite, intermediate tonalite, and youngest mineralized intrusion of the low-grade porphyry at
young tonalite (Clode et al., 1999; Table 1; Figs. 3, 8). Gar- Katala (4.49 ± 0.12 Ma; Garwin, 2000). Significant epithermal
win (2000) suggested the mineralizing intrusive event at Batu deposits that formed after 5 Ma include Pongkor, Ciawitali,
Hijau involved three pulses of intrusions (3.76 ± 0.12–3.67 ± Cirotan, Cipangleseran, Cikidang in West Java, and Tum-
0.10 Ma; Figs. 3, 8). New age determinations during the cur- pangpitu in East Java. The giant porphyry Cu deposits all
rent study have shown that the series of tonalite porphyries at formed within and/or after 5 Ma: Tumpangpitu, 4.89 ± 0.40
Batu Hijau were emplaced between 3.55 ± 0.13 and 3.52 ± to 4.03 ± 0.65 Ma (Harrison et al., 2018); Batu Hijau, 3.76 ±
0.14 Ma (Fig. 3; App. 3, Table A1), slightly younger than 0.10 to 3.67 ± 0.12 Ma (Garwin, 2000) or 3.55 ± 0.13 to 3.52 ±
dates presented by Garwin (2000). Our new 206Pb/238U age 0.14 Ma (this study); and Elang, 2.51 ± 0.13 to 2.38 ± 0.18 Ma
dating at Elang suggests that three mineralizing intrusions (this study; Fig. 3; App. 3, Table A1). A short life span of min-
were emplaced from 2.51 ± 0.13 to 2.38 ± 0.18 Ma (Fig. 3; eralizing tonalite intrusions has been documented at Batu
App. 3, Table A1). These absolute age data are consistent with Hijau (Garwin, 2000; this study), Tumpangpitu (Harrison et
crosscutting relationships: Charlie tonalite (2.49 ± 0.078 Ma), al., 2018), and Elang (this study). Garwin (2000) suggested
Delta tonalite (2.47 ± 0.17 Ma), Echo tonalite (2.38 ± that three mineralizing tonalite intrusions at Batu Hijau (the

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A. Batu Hijau 2 cm 2 cm
B. Elang

Delta tonalite Echotonalite Echo tonalite



truncated vein

Charlie tonalite
truncated vein

Delta tonalite
Old tonalite Intermediate tonalite Young tonalite
SBD014; 471 m SBD014; 503.5 m SDB01; 330 m Grade > 0.60 % Cu Grade 0.30- 0.60 % Grade < 0.20% Cu
Grade > 0.90 % Cu Grade > 0.63 % Cu Grade > 0.21 % Cu
0.8 – 2.0 g/t Au Cu, 0.3 – 0.7 g/t Au Typically < 0.3 g/t Au
2.85 g/t Au 2.17 g/t Au 0.36 g/t Au
2 cm 2 cm
C. Tumpangpitu D. Brambang

Early tonalite

Clast of

Phase 5: fine-grained Phase 6: coarse-grained Phase 7: quartz diorite Late tonalite

tonalite tonalite GTD-08-35; GTD-08-35; Early tonalite Late tonalite
GTD-08-35; 728 m 828 m 444 m BDH-007; 490.30 m BDH-007; 347.30 m
Grade: 0.30 % Cu Grade: 0.10 % Cu Grade: 0.074 % Cu
G Grade: 0.73 % Cu Grade: 0.06 % Cu
0.23 g/t Au 0
0.07 g/t Au BDH-007, 574.00 m
0.72 g/t Au 0.35 g/t Au 0.04 g/t Au

2 cm 2 cm 2 cm 2 cm
E. Intrusion contact relationship

Volcanic Intermediate tonalite Delta tonalite Diatreme breccia Late tonalite

truncated vein
truncated vein contact

truncated vein

Young tonalite Young tonalite

Charlie tonalite Phase 7 quartz diorite

SBD216; 290.5 m SBD209; 142 m DLD-43; 266.5 m GTD-08-56; 177.2 m BDH-007; 392.8 m
Batu Hijau Batu Hijau Elang Tumpangpitu Brambang

Fig. 7. Multiphase tonalite intrusions from major porphyry deposits and prospects. (A) Batu Hijau. (B) Elang. (C) Tumpang-
pitu. (D) Brambang. (E) Crosscutting relationships of early, intermediate, and late intrusion phases, observed during core

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Fig. 8. (A) Geology and alteration of the Batu Hijau porphyry Cu-Au deposit. (B) Geology and alteration on section. (C)
Sulfide mineralogy. (D) Porphyry vein density in correlation with Cu shell at 0.3% Cu limit (Setyandhaka et al., 2006). Insets
show the islands of Lombok and Sumbawa.

old, intermediate, and young tonalites) were emplaced within the mineralized porphyry at Jerambah (13.8 ± 1.0–12.6 ± 0.8
90 ± 160 k.y. New age determinations of the current study Ma; Figs. 3, 6), Singgahan (14.04 ± 0.45–14 ± 0.44 Ma; Arc
confirm a very short life span of causative tonalite intrusions Exploration, 2013), and low-sulfidation epithermal mineral-
at Batu Hijau (~30 k.y.) as initially proposed by Garwin, 2000. ization at Dalangturu (16.29 ± 0.56 Ma; Takahashi et al., 2011)
Harrison et al. (2018) propose a life span of tonalite intru- indicate that multiple middle Miocene porphyry and epith-
sions at Tumpangpitu of ~ 0.86 m.y., interpreted from zircon ermal events occurred in the Trenggalek district. Low-grade
age determinations, tonalite phase 4 (4.89 ± 0.40 Ma), and porphyry Cu-Au mineralization at Selogiri (13.18 ± 0.34 Ma),
phase 6 (4.03 ± 0.65; Fig. 3; App. 3, Table A1). New zircon Katak (5.26 ± 0.47 Ma), Selodong (7.28 ± 0.31 to 7.04–
dating from Elang shows that mineralization developed in a 0.25 Ma), Brambang (6.65 ± 0.31), and Sekongkang (5.88 ±
nested sequence of early Pliocene tonalite intrusions with a 0.14 Ma) formed before 5 Ma, excluding Katala (4.49 ± 0.12
life span of 110 k.y. (Fig. 3; App. 3, Table A1). Low-grade epi- Ma; Garwin, 2000; Fig. 3; App. 3, Table A1).
thermal and porphyry prospects formed prior to 5 Ma. U-Pb
zircon and 40Ar/39Ar hornblende dates from porphyries and Alteration Assemblages
host rocks at Trenggalek, East Java, along with a 40Ar/39Ar
age of low-sulfidation epithermal mineralization from adu- Spatial and temporal relationships
laria (Fig. 3; App. 3, Table A1), point to an early to middle Hydrothermal alteration assemblages that characterize por-
Miocene age of mineralization. The wide range of ages from phyry deposits of the eastern Sunda arc can be generalized

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Fig. 9. (A) Geology and alteration of the Elang porphyry Cu-Au deposit along with surface projection 0.3% Cu limit. (B) Distribution of Fe oxides as the result of surface
geologic mapping along with surface projection 0.3% Cu limit. (C) Distribution of vein density and magnetic susceptibility along with surface projection 0.3% Cu limit.
(D) Geology and alteration of the Elang porphyry Cu-Au deposit in section view. Inset maps show the islands of Lombok and Sumbawa.

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Fig. 10. (A) Geology and alteration of the Brambang porphyry Cu-Au deposit. (B) Supergene Fe-oxide distribution at Brambang, divided into hematite, goethite, and
jarosite. (C) Porphyry vein density at Brambang. (D) Cross-section geology and Cu shell at 0.20% Cu. Inset maps show the islands of Lombok and Sumbawa.

Table 1. Summary of Intrusive Phases for Major Porphyries along the Eastern Sunda Arc

Deposits / Causative Size Textures and Premineral Postmineral

prospects intrusions (km2) Composition % phenocrysts intrusions breccias References

Batu Hijau 3 Phases: Old, 0.16 Tonalite Porphyritic, 45– Equigranular Santong Clode et. al. (1999);
  Intermediate, and   60% phenocrysts   diorite, quartz   diatreme Garwin (2002)
  Young tonalite   diorite, andesite
Elang 3 Phases: Charlie, 0.24 Tonalite Porphyritic, 35– Equigranular Ike diatreme, J. Proffett, unpub.
  Delta, and Echo   55% phenocrysts,   diorite,   dacite dike   report (2004);
  tonalite   0.5–3mm   microdiorite Maryono et al. (2005)
Brambang 3 Phases: Early, 0.36 Tonalite / Porphyritic, 25– Fine-grained Bendung A. Coote, unpub.
 Intermediate, and  quartz diorite  45% phenocrysts  diorite  diatreme  report (2012);
  Late tonalite Maryono et al. (2013)
Selodong 2 Phases: quartz 0.20 Diorite Porphyritic, 40– Diorite Polymictic Maryono (2007);
  diorite 1 and   60% phenocrysts   breccia Southern Arc
  quartz diorite 2   Minerals Inc. (2013)
Sori Onto 3 Phases: Early, 0.05 Diorite Porphyritic, 40– Equigranular Diatreme R. Pratiwindra, pers.
 (Hu’u)  Intermediate, Late  50% phenocrysts,  diorite  breccia  commun. (2015)
 diorite porphyries  2–3mm
Tumpangpitu 3 Phases: Fine-, 0.64 Tonalite Porphyritic, 50– Hornblende Diatreme A. Coote, unpub.
  medium-, and   70% phenocrysts,   quartz diorite,   breccia   report (2009, 2010);
  coarse-grained   2–3mm   old diorite Harrison and
 tonalite  Maryono (2012)
Selogiri 3 Phases: 0.40 Diorite Porphyritic, 60% Microdiorite, Diatreme Warmada et al. (2007);
  Hornblende andesite,   equigranular   breccia Imai et al. (2007)
  diorite porphyry, and   diorite

into three temporally and spatially overlapping stages on the Hijau, Elang, and Tumpangpitu) and to a maximum of 500 m
basis of alteration mineralogy and its association: early (bio- for the small porphyry systems (e.g., Brambang, Selodong,
tite-magnetite), transitional (chlorite-sericite-hematite), and and Selogiri; Figs. 8–10).
late (sericite-illite) (Figs. 8–10; Table 2).
Each tonalite porphyry intrusion typically produced the Transitional alteration
same sequence of alteration but with diminished intensity Transitional-stage porphyry alteration produced widespread
with time. Early alteration stages and Cu-Au mineralization zones of chlorite-sericite-clay ± hematite assemblages at shal-
were associated with the early tonalite porphyry intrusions low levels and peripheral to the intrusive complex (Table 2).
and represent the prograde hydrothermal stage. This retrograde hydrothermal event caused alteration of early
hydrothermal minerals. Secondary shreddy biotite has been
Early alteration replaced by shreddy chlorite and vermiculite. Oligoclase was
The early alteration stage produced a biotite-magnetite ± altered to albite and sericite ± calcite. Magnetite has been
actinolite-oligoclase-orthoclase alteration assemblage that altered to hematite in the central to proximal zones and to
is associated with intense quartz vein stockworks and sulfide pyrite in distal zones. Mafic minerals are altered to chlorite,
introduction (Figs. 8–10; Table 2). Replacing primary plagio- epidote, and leucoxene with fine-grained magnetite and anhy-
clase, oligoclase (and to a lesser extent K-feldspar) formed as drite. Chlorite that replaced secondary biotite preserves the
part of the early alteration assemblage, especially near veinlets. distinctive shreddy texture and locally has been altered to ser-
Minor albite and epidote are present. Actinolite is a significant icite. Plagioclase and secondary oligoclase have been altered
component of the early alteration stage and is more abundant to sericite, minor calcite, and minor clay. Tourmaline is asso-
than hydrothermal biotite at Elang (Fig. 9). Secondary biotite ciated with the transitional alteration stage and occurs with
has replaced primary mafic minerals and is intergrown with sericite after plagioclase. At Batu Hijau, the transitional alter-
actinolite in veinlets at the microscopic scale. Both actinolite ation mineral assemblage is termed “pale-green mica” (Clode
and biotite have altered primary hornblende and biotite and et al., 1999; Fig. 8). Typical characteristics of this transitional
occur as replacements, veinlets, and fine disseminations in an alteration assemblage at all three giant porphyry deposits
altered matrix along with magnetite. The paucity of K-feld- include the presence of abundant shreddy chlorite, green ser-
spars and the presence of actinolite in the early alteration stage icite, and specular hematite.
is a distinctive alteration feature of porphyry systems along the The transitional alteration assemblage tends to form altera-
eastern Sunda Arc that differs from the potassic alteration tion shells and represents transitional alteration process from
assemblage of Lowell and Guilbert (1970). early biotite-magnetite ± oligoclase-orthoclase alteration
Pervasive early hydrothermal stages altered the tonalite mineral assemblages to late alteration. Transitional alteration
porphyries and adjacent wall rocks up to over 1,000 m from assemblages at major porphyry deposits extend laterally for at
the intrusion center for large porphyry systems (e.g., Batu least 1 to 2 km with a vertical thickness of 50 to 300 m below

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Mineralized intrusion

Late intrusion

Post ore diatreme breccia

Pre ore diatreme breccia

Copper shell


Fig. 11. Lithocap surface alteration footprints at (A) Batu Hijau, (B) Elang, (C) Selodong, (D) Tumpangpitu, and (E) Bram-
bang that show different erosion levels, from deeply eroded at Batu Hijau, partially eroded at Elang and Tumpangpitu, and
fully preserved at Brambang.

the near-surface argillic zone. Substantial Cu-Au mineraliza- NW-trending structural corridor at Batu Hijau and Tumpang-
tion is associated with transitional alteration, particularly at pitu and a NNE-trending alteration corridor at Elang (Figs.
Elang with dominant chalcopyrite. 8, 9).
Late alteration Lithocaps
The late alteration stage produced broad zones of argillic Lithocaps are associated with a number of porphyry Cu-Au
(sericite-illite ± kaolinite) and advanced argillic (quartz-alu- deposits and epithermal Au-Ag deposits along the eastern
nite-pyrophyllite-dickite-kaolinite) alteration assemblages at Sunda arc (Fig. 11). Lithocaps are large horizontal to subver-
the three major porphyry deposits (Table 2). Earlier preexist- tical blankets of residual quartz, advanced argillic, and argillic
ing hydrothermal alteration mineral assemblages have been assemblages of hypogene origin. These occur superjacent to
partly replaced by sericite and clay minerals, and original intrusions and are considered to reflect paragenetically late-
textures have been destroyed, particularly along structures. stage alteration events (White, 1991; Sillitoe, 1995; Heden-
Argillic alteration zones are distributed toward the top of the quist et al., 1998; Chang et al., 2011). The preserved areal
sericite-chlorite-clay zone. Argillic alteration is also commonly distribution of lithocaps of major porphyry deposits along
developed along fault zones for up to 1 to 30 m laterally, over- the eastern Sunda arc can exceed 20 km2. Age determina-
printing early biotite-actinolite-magnetite and transitional tions demonstrate that lithocaps are temporally and geneti-
alteration assemblages in the deeper parts of the porphyry cally related to mineralized porphyries. They follow structural
deposits. Pyrite is the dominant sulfide, locally up to 15% but trends and have overprinted early alteration assemblages.
generally between 3 and 5%. Chalcopyrite is partly preserved The lateral extent of lithocaps varies from 0.3 km2 at Batu
but has been mostly altered to pyrite. Hijau (mapped as feldspar-destructive alteration; Clode et
Broad argillic and advanced argillic alteration zones with al., 1999), 30 km2 for Tumpangpitu (Harrison and Maryono,
central silicic zones extend for more than 6 km along a 2012), 24 km2 at Elang (Maryono et al., 2005) and Brambang

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Table 2. Summary of Spatial and Temporal Relationship of Early-, Transitional-, and Late-Alteration Stages of Major Porphyry Mineralized Systems
along the Eastern Sunda Arc

Deposits /prospects Early stage Transitional stage Late stage References

Batu Hijau Biotite-magnetite ± oligoclase- Chlorite-sericite ± clay-albite- Sericite-paragonite-quartz- Clode et al. (1999);
 orthoclase-actinolite-anhydrite  hematite-anhydrite  kaolinite-pyrophyllite- Garwin (2000)
Elang Actinolite-biotite-magnetite ± Chlorite-sericite-clay ± albite- Sericite-paragonite-quartz- J. Proffett, unpub.
 oligoclase-anhydrite-pyrrhotite  hematite-anhydrite-epidote  kaolinite-pyrophyllite-smectite-  report (2004);
 covellite-chalcocite Maryono et al. (2005)
Tumpangpitu Biotite-magnetite ± K-feldspar- Chlorite-sericite-hematite ± clay Paragonite-quartz-kaolinite- Harrison and
 oligoclase-anhydrite ± actinolite   dickite-pyrophyllite-alunite±   Maryono (2012)
Brambang Biotite-actinolite-magnetite ± Sericite-illite-chlorite-epidote- Illite-sericite-pyrophyllite- A. Coote, unpub.
 K-feldspar-anhydrite  hematite-carbonate-rutile  alunite-diaspore-kaolinite  report (2012);
Maryono et al. (2013)
Selodong Biotite-actinolite-oligoclase- Chlorite-sericite ± clay-hematite Sericite-illite-kaolinite-smectite A. Maryono, unpub.
 magnetite  report (2007);
Southern Arc Minerals
  Inc. (2013)
Selogiri Actinolite-biotite-magnetite ± Chlorite-tremolite-actinolite- Smectite-illite-kaolinite Warmada et al. (2007);
 chlorite-K-feldspar  albite-sericite Imai et al. (2007)
Sori Onto (Hu’u) Biotite-K-feldspar-actinolite- Sericite-illite-chlorite-epidote- Sericite-pyrophyllite-alunite- R. Pratiwindra, pers.
 magnetite ± anhydrite  hematite-carbonate-rutile  diaspore-kaolinite  commun. (2015)

(A. Maryono et al., unpub. report, 2013), to 48 km2 at Hu’u 8–10). As marked by 0.3% Cu zones in drill hole projections
(R. Pratiwindra, pers. commun., 2015). The dimensions of or level plans, the distribution of primary Cu minerals defines
these lithocaps probably relate in part to differing erosion lev- cylindrical mineralized bodies of more than 1-km diameter:
els and exposures of the related porphyry deposits. At Batu 1.2 × 1.2 km at Batu Hijau, 1.5 × 0.8 km at Elang, and 1.2 ×
Hijau, the porphyry deposit is exposed at surface, with only 1.7  km at Tumpangpitu (Fig. 12; Table 3). Small Cu zones
deep remnants of the lithocap preserved at East Ridge (Fig. (>500 m diam) have been delineated at Brambang, Selodong,
8). At Elang and Selodong, partial preservation of lithocaps and other low-grade mineralized porphyry systems. The
is apparent (Fig. 9). At Tumpangpitu, Brambang, and Hu’u, Cu-Au mineralized bodies extend for more than 1 km verti-
most of the lithocaps are preserved, and the blind porphyry cally at Batu Hijau, Elang, and Tumpangpitu and to depths of
deposits are concealed under 150 to ≥200 m of lithocap (Fig. 0.5 to 0.8 km for low-grade systems (Table 3).
10). The highest Cu and Au grades, typically in excess of 1.0%
Cu and 0.8 g/t Au, occur around the margin of the early and
Cu-Au Mineralization intermediate tonalite bodies (Figs. 8–10). Early mineralized
old and Charlie tonalites appear in the form of remnant dikes
Controls and distribution of mineralization and breccias on the margin of the intermediate and Delta
Primary hypogene porphyry Cu-Au mineralized zones devel- tonalites at Batu Hijau and Elang, respectively. High-grade
oped in and around multiple, nested, tonalite intrusion bod- zones (≥1% Cu and ≥0.8 ppm Au) at Tumpangpitu follow
ies, distributed within the intrusive complexes and adjacent the carapace of the phase 5 fine-grained tonalite body, which
wall rocks (Fig. 12; Table 3). Copper and Au shells (0.3% Cu) surrounds the phase 6 coarse-grained tonalite core (Har-
form bell-shaped bodies, zoned around the main intermin- rison and Maryono, 2012; Harrison et al., 2018). Moderate
eralization tonalite center, early to intermediate phase, with Cu grades (0.3–0.6%) characterize the intermediate tonalites
a barren or weakly mineralized core of late tonalite (Figs. and extend around their contacts with the andesitic volcanic

Table 3. Dimensions of Copper-Gold Mineralized Bodies as Outlined by 0.3% Cu Zones Centered on Nested Multiphase Intrusions

Deposits/prospects Lateral extend (0.3% Cu) Vertical extend (0.3% Cu) References

Batu Hijau 1.2 × 1.2 km 1.5 km Meldrum et al. (1994); Clode et al. (1999)
Elang 1.5 × 0.8 km 1.2 km Maryono et al. (2005)
Tumpangpitu 1.5 × 1.2 km 1.2 km Rohrlach (2011); Harrison and Maryono (2012)
Brambang (Central) 0.5 × 0.5 km 0.8 km Maryono et al. (2013)
Selodong 2 zones (0.35 × 0.4 km) 0.45 km A. Maryono, unpub. report (2007); Schmeider and Clode (2009)
Selogiri not available not available not available
Sori Onto (Hu’u) not available not available not available

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Fig. 12. Surface projections and footprints of multiphase nested tonalite intrusions and 0.3% Cu zones. (A) Batu Hijau pit December 2007. (B) Elang surface geology
and surface projection Cu zone. (C) Tumpangpitu 500-m level projection. (D) Brambang surface projection geology and Cu zones.

wall rocks, which coexist with early biotite-magnetite ± actin- of porphyry-type sulfide-quartz veins (Figs. 8–10). The 0.3%
olite-oligoclase-orthoclase alteration assemblages. At small Cu zones are spatially related to a quartz vein density of
porphyry systems such as Brambang, Selodong, Katak, and ≥3 vol %, Cu values of ≥0.5% Cu to a quartz vein density of
Selogiri, higher Cu-Au grades (≥0.5% Cu and ≥0.4 ppm ≥5 vol %, and Cu values of ≥1.0% Cu to a quartz vein density
Au) are confined within the early and intermediate tonalite of ≥15 vol % (Figs. 8–10).
porphyries. Low Cu grades (~0.2% Cu) or barren zones are The early veins, especially sugary quartz-sulfide veins, domi-
related to the late tonalite dikes that form a low-grade core to nate the central parts of the porphyry Cu-Au deposits. The
the mineralized systems (Figs. 8–10). early-stage veins contain various proportions of quartz, bio-
Average Au values associated with porphyry deposits range tite, magnetite, oligoclase, anhydrite, and Cu sulfide minerals
from 0.3 to 0.6 g/t. Gold to Cu ratios are around 1 or slightly (mainly bornite and chalcopyrite) and locally have oligoclase
higher at depth at Batu Hijau. Molybdenum values are gener- selvages. Sulfide-center line crystalline veins and chalcopyrite
ally low within main mineralized bodies (~20–40 ppm). Of veins are the products of transitional hydrothermal processes
the porphyry systems described for the eastern Sunda arc, (Clode et al., 1999; Maryono et al., 2005). Sulfide-center line
Tumpangpitu is the only porphyry deposit with significant Mo crystalline veins, chalcopyrite veins, and some sugary quartz-
values (average grades of 200–400 ppm). sulfide veins and anhydrite veins were produced during tran-
sitional stage alteration (Gustafson and Hunt, 1975; Dilles and
Porphyry-associated veining Einaudi, 1992). Sodic plagioclase selvages are locally associ-
At least nine different porphyry vein types are commonly rec- ated with late sugary quartz-sulfide veins through sulfide-
ognized in the porphyry systems of the Sunda-Banda arc (Fig. center line crystalline veins. Pyrite + quartz-chalcopyrite veins
13; Table 4). The vein types are early dark micaceous or early formed during late-stage hydrothermal activity. Anhydrite
biotite veins of Meyer (1965), Brimhall (1977), and Gustafson veins that formed during the early and transitional alteration
and Quiroga (1995); magnetite veins of Clark and Arancibia stages were hydrated to gypsum. Minor chalcopyrite veins
(1996) and Sillitoe (2000); sugary quartz-sulfide veins; anhy- were altered to pyrite + quartz-chalcopyrite veins during late
drite-gypsum veins; sulfide-center line crystalline veins of overprinting events. Pyrite + quartz-chalcopyrite veins are well
Gustafson and Hunt (1975); chalcopyrite veins of Dilles and developed within argillic alteration zones peripheral to the
Einaudi (1992); pyrite + quartz-chalcopyrite veins of Gus- mineralized centers. Late-stage quartz-enargite and tennan-
tafson and Hunt (1975); and quartz-enargite veins and ten- tite-tetrahedrite veins are associated with high- and interme-
nantite-tetrahedrite veins of Masterman et al. (2005). These diate-sulfidation style epithermal mineralization (Figs. 13, 14).
veins can be grouped into three main stages: early porphyry
veins (early dark micaceous, magnetite, sugary quartz-sulfide, Copper sulfide assemblages
and anhydrite), transitional porphyry veins (sulfide-center line Porphyry Cu sulfide mineralogy at major deposits and pros-
crystalline and chalcopyrite), and late porphyry-epithermal pects is dominantly chalcopyrite and bornite with minor
veins (pyrite + quartz-chalcopyrite, quartz-enargite, and ten- digenite, chalcocite, and covellite in the forms of dissemi-
nantite-tetrahedrite) on the basis of temporal order, observed nation and veinlets (Fig. 8). The sulfides form bell-shaped
during logging and mapping (Fig. 13; Table 4). mineralized zones around the intrusive centers. Pyrite is pres-
The Cu and Au concentrations of the eastern Sunda arc ent in trace or minor amounts (<0.5 vol %) within the main
porphyry systems vary sympathetically with the abundance mineralized zones but is widespread on the periphery of the

Table 4. Spatial and Temporal Porphyry Veining Stages, from Early to Transitional and Late-Stage Veining

Deposits/prospects Early stage Transitional stage Late stage References

Batu Hijau A, EDM/EB, magnetite, B, C, anhydrite D, E, TES, galena-sphalerite Clode et al. (1999);
  anhydrite Garwin (2002)
Elang A, EDM/EB, magnetite, B, C, anhydrite D, E, TES, quartz- J. Proffett, unpub. report (2004);
  actinolite, anhydrite   arsenopyrite, late gypsum Maryono et al. (2005)
Tumpangpitu A, EB, magnetite, anhydrite B, C, molybdenum veins D, TES, bornite-covellite- A. Coote, unpub. report
  chalcocite, E, alunite, dickite   (2009, 2010);
Harrison and Maryono (2012)
Brambang A, magnetite, biotite, B, C, molybdenum, D, chalcocite-covellite, A. Coote, unpub. report (2012);
  actinolite, anhydrite   anhydrite   late gypsum Maryono et al. (2013)
Selodong A, EB, magnetite, actinolite, B, C, molybdenum, D A. Maryono, unpub. report (2007);
  anhydrite   anhydrite Southern Arc Minerals (2013)
Selogiri Early quartz vein, magnetite unknown Late pyrite, quartz veins, Warmada et al. (2007);
  sphalerite-galena-chalcopyrite Imai et al. (2007)
Sori Onto (Hu’u) A, EDM/EB, magnetite, B, C, molybdenum, D R. Pratiwindra, pers. commun. (2015)
 actinolite, anhydrite  anhydrite

Abbreviations: A = sugary quartz-sulfide veins, B = sulfide-center line crystalline veins, C = chalcopyrite veins, D = pyrite + quartz-chalcopyrite veins, E =
quartz-enargite veins, EB = early biotite veins, EDM = early dark micaceous veins, TES = tennantite-tetrahedrite veins

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A. Early veins

A vein

truncation EDM vein

M vein M vein

Late A vein
B vein
A vein

A vein
EDM vein A vein mt
Early A vein

GTD-10-166; B vein BDH-014;

SDB202; 38 m 1082.7 m GTD-08-29; 814 m 740.15 m
2 cm Batu Hijau 2 cm Batu Hijau 2 cm 2 cm Tumpangpitu 2 cm
Tumpangpitu Brambang

B. Transitional veins

C vein B vein

A vein



A vein
py-mo-bn- cp

B vein
B vein
B vein
BDH-011; 538 m GTD-10-172; 386 m
2 cm Brambang 1 cm Batu Hijau
Batu Hijau 1 cmBatuBatu
1 cm Tumpangpitu

C. Late veins


A vein

dk-al al


Clay selvage
HSE/ TES vein HSE/ TES vein
D vein py

1 cm Batu Hijau 1 cm GTD-09-112; 227.6 m Tumpangpitu 1 cm GTD-09-112; 219 m Tumpangpitu

Fig. 13. Porphyry vein types along with late epithermal veins, summarized into three vein stages. (A) Early veins: early dark
micaceous/early biotite veins of Meyer (1965), Brimhall (1977), and Gustafson and Quiroga (1995); magnetite veins of Clark
and Arancibia (1996) and Sillitoe (2000); and anhydrite veins. (B) Transitional veins: sulfide-center line crystalline veins of
Gustafson and Hunt (1975) and chalcopyrite veins of Dilles and Einaudi (1992). (C) Late veins: pyrite + quartz-chalcopyrite
of Gustafson and Hunt (1975) and quartz-enargite and tennantite-tetrahedrite veins of Masterman et al. (2005). Abbrevia-
tions: A = sugary quartz-sulfide veins, al = alunite, B = sulfide-center line crystalline veins, bn = bornite, C = chalcopyrite
veins, cp = chalcopyrite, D = pyrite + quartz-chalcopyrite veins, dk = dickite, EDM = early dark micaceous veins, en = enar-
gite, HSE = high-sulfidation epithermal, ka = kaolinite, luz = luzonite, mo = molybdenite, py = pyrite, ten = tennantite, TES
= tennantite-tetrahedrite veins.

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500 ppm As

50 ppm As

20 ppm As
Fig. 14. Elevated arsenic values associated with NW-trending narrow enargite-tennantite-tetrahedrite veins that have
overprinted porphyry mineralization at Batu Hijau, associated with major NW-trending faults: the Katala, Tongoloka, and

mineralized zones (Table 5). Other sulfide minerals include Native Au grains 1 to 12 µm in size occur within quartz
molybdenite, galena, and sphalerite. Chalcocite and covellite veins and sulfide minerals or as free Au along quartz crys-
also formed as a result of supergene enrichment processes. tals or other crystal boundaries (Arif and Baker, 2004; M.
Total sulfide concentrations are typically 2 to 3% by volume McComb, unpub. data, 2005). Gold is dominantly associated
within the main mineralized centers (dominant chalcopyrite- with bornite and chalcopyrite, deposited within early sugary
bornite) and increase up to 4 to 5% near the periphery, where quartz-sulfide veins. Gold occurs as calaverite and electrum
pyrite ± chalcopyrite is predominant. The Batu Hijau deposit (Ag-rich Au) at Elang. The grain size for Au and electrum
displays sulfide mineralogy zonation patterns from central at Elang averages 2.5 × 1.9 µm. The majority of the Au par-
bornite-dominant zones outward to chalcopyrite-dominant ticles occur with bornite (Arif and Baker, 2004; M. McComb,
envelopes and peripheral pyrite-dominant shells (Fig. 8). A unpub. data, 2005). Free Au is more commonly associated
more complex sulfide mineralogy distribution is observed at with chalcopyrite-rich zones at Batu Hijau.
Tumpangpitu due to telescoping of the high-sulfidation envi-
ronment onto the early porphyry (Table 5). Epithermal mineralization
Copper sulfide minerals formed during early, transitional, Late-stage high- (Einaudi et al., 2003) to intermediate-sulfida-
and late hydrothermal events (Table 5). Bornite-chalcopyrite- tion (Hedenquist et al., 2000) epithermal overprints affected
magnetite ± digenite-chalcocite-covellite is characteristic of the centers and the peripheries of the major porphyry min-
early-stage sulfide mineral assemblages. Bornite and chalco- eralized systems in the eastern Sunda arc (Figs. 13, 14; Table
pyrite are the dominant sulfides at Batu Hijau. Chalcopyrite is 5). Weak high-sulfidation epithermal overprints at Batu Hijau
the dominant Cu sulfide mineral at Elang, Tumpangpitu, and produced narrow (few to 10 cm) quartz-enargite-tennan-
other porphyry deposits in the eastern Sunda arc. Chalcopyrite tite-tetrahedrite veins (Fig. 14). At Brambang, chalcocite-
and pyrite are the dominant sulfide minerals at the margins of bornite-tennantite-tetrahedrite veins cut the early porphyry
the mineralized zones. Pyrite is the most widely distributed veins. Intense high-sulfidation epithermal overprints devel-
sulfide mineral. It is present in all alteration stages, occurring oped at Elang and Tumpangpitu to form discrete Au depos-
in trace to minor proportions in early-stage alteration and in its at Ladam (Elang) and zones A, B, and C (Tumpangpitu).
abundance in late-stage alteration assemblages. The pyrite Gold and Ag resources comprising 65.3 t Au and 2,267.4 t
shells that occur peripheral to the porphyry centers contain Ag have been reported for zones A and C at Tumpangpitu
between 3 and 5 vol % pyrite. Minor amounts of molybdenite (Intrepid Mines Ltd., 2012). High-sulfidation epithermal
(<0.5 vol %) occur on the margins of sulfide-center line crys- mineralization at Tumpangpitu overprinted earlier-formed
talline veins and in the late quartz-sulfide veins. porphyry-style veining over a vertical interval of 1.2 km. The

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Table 5. Early-, Transitional-, and Late-Stage Porphyry Sulfide Mineralogy

Deposits/prospects Early stage Transitional stage Late stage References

Batu Hijau Bornite-digenite-chalcocite Chalcopyrite-pyrite ± Pyrite ± chalcopyrite-galena- Clode et al. (1999);

 bornite-molybdenite  sphalerite ± tennantite- Arif and Baker (2004),
 tetrahedrite-enargite McComb (2005),
Priowasono and
  Maryono (2002)
Elang Chalcopyrite ± bornite-digenite Chalcopyrite-pyrite- Pyrite-sphalerite-galena- J. Proffett, unpub.
 molybdenite  tennantite-tetrahedrite  report (2004);
Maryono et. al. (2005)
Tumpangpitu Chalcopyrite-bornite-chalcocite Chalcopyrite-pyrite- Pyrite-tennantite-tetrahedrite- Harrison and
  molybdenite  enargite-chalcocite-bornite-  Maryono (2012);
 covellite A. Coote, unpub.
  report (2009, 2010)
Brambang Chalcopyrite ± bornite Chalcopyrite-molybdenite- Pyrite-covellite-bornite- A. Coote, unpub.
 pyrite  chalcocite-tennantite-  report (2012);
 tetrahedrite-enargite-idaite Maryono et al. (2013)
Selodong Chalcopyrite ± bornite Chalcopyrite-molybdenite- Pyrite A. Maryono, unpub.
 pyrite  report (2007);
Southern Arc Minerals
  Inc. (2013)
Selogiri Chalcopyrite ± bornite Chalcopyrite Pyrite-sphalerite-galena Imai et al. (2007)
Sori Onto (Hu’u) Chalcopyrite ± bornite Chalcopyrite-pyrite- Pyrite-sphalerite-galena R. Pratiwindra,
  molybdenite   pers. commun. (2015)

high-sulfidation mineralized bodies are structurally controlled Geochemical and Geophysical Signatures
and centered on tabular ledges of vuggy residual quartz and
massive quartz-alunite assemblages. These grade laterally to Geochemical signatures
peripheral quartz-dickite-pyrophyllite ± kaolinite and distal Stream sediments: Bulk leach extractable gold (BLEG) drain-
illite-smectite assemblages. Quartz-dickite ± alunite selvages age geochemical surveys have proven to be an effective explo-
at shallow levels transition to quartz-pyrophyillite ± alunite- ration technique, leading directly to the discovery of the Batu
diaspore alteration assemblages at depth, closer to the core of Hijau and Elang deposits (Maula and Levet, 1996). At Batu
the mineralized porphyry body. Intermediate-sulfidation Au Hijau, a porphyry system that crops out, BLEG Au anoma-
and base metal veins overprinted the porphyry system at Sel- lies decrease from 196 ppb Au near the deposit to about
ogiri. Hypogene Au enrichment significantly upgraded por- 7.4  ppb Au near the southern coast, 8 km downstream of
phyry mineralization at Tumpangpitu (Harrison et al., 2018), the deposit (Fig. 15). Another deposit that crops out, Elang,
Brambang (A. Maryono et al., unpub. report, 2013), Hu’u (R. returned BLEG Au values decreasing from 6,480 ppb at out-
Pratiwindra, pers. commun., 2015), and Selogiri (Imai et al., crop through 61 ppb in the secondary drainage to 35 ppb near
2007). the coast (15 km downstream). Partly exposed systems (e.g.,
Tumpangpitu and Selodong) have lower BLEG signatures of
Weathering effects and supergene enrichment around 10 to 30 ppb Au and ~50 to hundreds of ppm Cu.
Supergene oxidation and remobilization of Cu is mainly There are weak BLEG anomalies (~10 ppb Au) associated
restricted to relatively shallow levels (<150 m) in the eastern with the fully concealed porphyry targets underneath litho-
Sunda arc and has typically formed weak supergene enrich- caps at Brambang and Hu’u.
ment zones. The vertical zonation of supergene features At Batu Hijau, Cu stream geochemistry signatures are stron-
includes leached cap, oxide, and supergene-enriched sulfide ger from <80 mesh silt samples than from the BLEG samples.
zones above the hypogene sulfide zones at Batu Hijau and From a maximum <80 mesh assay of 2.9% Cu at the mineral-
Elang (Clode et al., 1999, Maryono et al., 2005). Rapid ero- ized center of Batu Hijau, the stream sediment geochemical
sion under high-rainfall conditions (>2–3 m/yr) have likely anomalism gradually decreases over 8 km down the Sejorong
limited preservation of enriched Cu blankets and oxide Cu stream to 110 ppm Cu (Fig. 15). The anomalous stream geo-
zones. Supergene enriched zones form only weak chalcocite chemical patterns are marked by discrete Au-Cu anomalies at
blankets a few to 100 m thick. They underlie goethitic ± the center with peripheral broad Pb-Zn anomalies. At Elang,
hematitic leached caps at Batu Hijau, Elang, and Brambang. values in <80 mesh Au assays decrease steadily from around
The Cu oxide zone at Batu Hijau consists of chrysocolla, 5,500 ppb Au near the mineralized center to 330 ppb Au in
malachite, pseudomalachite, brochantite, cuprite, and goe- the secondary drainage and 110 ppb Au 15 km downstream
thite. This zone is characterized by acid-soluble Cu, which close to the coast. The <80 mesh Cu values at Elang decrease
makes up more than 80% of the total Cu. A small oxide from 1,300 ppm Cu at the mineralization source to 280 ppm
resource of 57 Mt @ 0.37% Cu has been delineated (Clode in the secondary drainage and 105 ppm near the coast. There
et al., 1999). is anomalous As (>100 ppm) closely related to the epithermal

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Fig. 15. Comparison of stream geochemical signatures at Batu Hijau with the deeply eroded lithocap and at Brambang with
a fully preserved lithocap for bulk leach extractable gold (BLEG) Au and silt Cu values. Batu Hijau detectable by BLEG
downstream as far as 8 km and Brambang detectable by low-level anomalism near mineralized sources.

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high-sulfidation system at Ladam Elang and broad Pb and (250–1,000  ppm) occur in areas where chlorite-green seric-
Zn anomalies (>1 km) around the mineralized porphyry cen- ite-magnetite-clay alteration with intense vein stockworking
ters. Weak Mo anomalies (~10 ppm) are associated with the is exposed in active drainages. By contrast, there are low Cu
porphyry Cu-Au system. Anomalous Cu and Au values from values (~50 ppm) over the advanced argillic lithocaps.
<80 mesh silt samples are only returned from distances of 2
to 3 km downstream of mineralized outcrops in the partially Geophysical signatures
exposed systems such as Elang, and no anomalous values are Magnetic response: Magnetic surveys aid interpretation of
returned from the porphyries concealed under lithocaps such lithology and structure and can also help to map alteration
as Brambang. mineral zoning. The biotite-magnetite alteration at Batu Hijau
Soil: Batu Hijau, Elang, and Tumpangpitu have a geochem- contains magnetite that produces a discrete magnetic high of
ical soil anomaly pattern typical of porphyry deposits, with a about 1,000 nT (Fig. 16) and can be modeled using a verti-
central Au and Cu anomalous zone (>1 km in diam, 250 ppm cal pipe-like body with a magnetic susceptibility of 0.006 cgs
to 0.1% Cu) and peripheral large Zn and Pb halos (3 km in (Hoschke, 2012). The Cu and Au concentrations measured
diam; Maula and Levet, 1996). Figures 16 and 17 show some of in drill core coincide with high magnetic susceptibility mea-
the soil geochemistry at Batu Hijau and Elang. Low-level Mo surements comparable to the modeled susceptibility. The
anomalies (~10 ppm) have outlined the mineralized systems magnetic high (≥700 nT) over the Elang deposit is within
at Elang and Tumpangpitu but not at Batu Hijau. Overprint- an area of low magnetic response (<100 nT) due to magne-
ing by late high-sulfidation epithermal alteration introduced tite destructive clay alteration (Fig. 17). The high magnetic
complex soil Cu-Au patterns at Elang and Tumpangpitu. response is interpreted to reflect magnetite associated with
A Cu soil anomaly pattern (250–500 ppm) with a length of the biotite-magnetite alteration zone of the mineralized tonal-
over 1 km can be seen at Elang, and the strongest anomalies ite porphyries. The magnetic high at Elang is relatively broad

Fig. 16. Geophysical and geochemical anomalism which highlights the 0.3% Cu mineralized porphyry zone at Batu Hijau.
(A) Magnetic response (reduced to pole [RTP]) shows a discrete anomaly over the deposit. (B) Gradient array chargeability
shows a high over the deposit with a peripheral halo. (C) Gradient array resistivity shows a broad low due to clay alteration
and sulfide veining. (D) Soil Cu shows a clear discrete anomaly over the deposit. (E) Soil Au is similar to Cu with an anomaly
over the deposit. (F) Soil Zn showing a broad depleted zone over the porphyry system. White boxes indicate no data recorded.

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A. Soil Cu B. Soil Mo C. Magnetics RTP

D. Soil Au E. Soil Zn F. Resistivity

Fig. 17. (A) Soil geochemical signatures at Elang. The yellow outline shows the extent of Cu (>0.3%) from drilling. High Cu
anomalies correspond to drainage exposures that cut the porphyry system. Weak Cu anomaly over the deposit in the west is
masked by lithocap. (B) A discrete Mo anomaly corresponds well with the mineralized porphyry body. (C) Discrete magnetic
RTP anomaly due to magnetite in the mineralized biotite-magnetite zone of the porphyry system. (D) Soil Au anomaly mim-
ics Cu anomaly over the deposit; NNE-trending Au anomalism correlates with high-sulfidation epithermal veins at Ladam.
(E) Peripheral Zn anomalies with central depletion zone. (F) 100-m resistivity depth slice from a 3-D inversion; resistivity low
due to clay alteration and sulfide veining. White boxes indicate no data recorded.

to the south as the mineralization extends under the lithocap, Chargeability response: Chargeabilities in porphyry sys-
which is up to 200 m thick. There is no obvious magnetic tems can be high over a broad area and are thought to reflect
response from the biotite-magnetite zone at Tumpangpitu, as sulfide concentration (Hoschke, 2012). Newmont Mining
magnetite has been destroyed to a depth of about 500 m by Corp. conducted gradient-array induced polarization (IP) sur-
late alteration. There is evidence for a deep underlying intru- veys over Batu Hijau in 1992. Chargeability clearly shows an
sion with a possible stock under the deposit from an inversion anomaly over the deposit greater than 60 ms that corresponds
of the 3-D magnetic modeling (Rohrlach, 2011). to the large chalcopyrite-bornite zone (Fig. 16). A chargeabil-
Radiometric response: Radiometric measurements are ity annulus around the deposit is thought to represent a pyrite
useful in helping to map rock types and alteration mineral halo. There are areas of high chargeability (>60 ms) to the
assemblages. In porphyry systems, lithocaps including low- west of the Batu Hijau deposit, possibly due to pyrite associ-
to intermediate-sulfidation epithermal veins may not have ated with argillic alteration assemblages. Elang has compre-
a radiometric response if minerals containing the radioele- hensive IP coverage and shows that the porphyry alteration is
ments are depleted by acid alteration (Hoschke, 2012). At associated with very strong chargeabilities of over 50 ms (Fig.
Elang there is a subdued radiometric response over the por- 17). The limit of disseminated pyrite is well defined (~3  ×
phyry due to the advanced argillic cap. Alteration assemblages 2 km) and a 3-D inversion of the IP data maps the complex
associated with distal epithermal veins at Elang have caused a distribution of sulfides within the system (Hoschke, 2012).
strong potassium response (Hoschke et al., 2013). A chargeability low (<15 ms) immediately to the east of the

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deposit corresponds spatially to a late dacite intrusion, and Ciawitali (Marcoux and Milési, 1994; Rosana and Matsueda,
some of the relative lows may be due to late intrusive phases 2002; Harijoko et al., 2004).
that are less mineralized.
Resistivity response: Porphyry systems are typically resis- District exploration model
tivity lows due to clay alteration and sulfide veining. If a lith- A district exploration model for the eastern Sunda arc is
ocap is preserved, it can be highly resistive (Hoschke, 2012). shown in Figure 19. It has been compiled from key geologic
Resistivity from the gradient array survey at Batu Hijau elements of the major porphyry deposits along with geo-
shows a zone of low resistivity (~50 Ω-m) that is about 2 km chemical and geophysical signatures. Copper and Au miner-
east to west and not constrained by the survey to the north alization developed on and within small, multiphase, nested
(Fig. 16). This area corresponds spatially to assemblages tonalite intrusive complexes, with a general sequence of
containing clays and sulfide veining. At Elang, resistivity early, intermediate, and late tonalites of Pliocene age (Gar-
maps the extent of the alteration system as a low within more win, 2000; Harrison et al., 2018). The 0.3% Cu shells corre-
resistive fresh volcanic rocks. The resistivity data shows the spond to chalcopyrite-dominant sulfide zones with internal
extent of the alteration system (~3 × 2 km) with the por- high-grade ≥1% Cu zones (bornite-dominant zone) and are
phyry alteration being relatively conductive at tens of Ω-m developed within early biotite-magnetite-actinolite ± ortho-
in a background of fresh volcanic rocks in the hundreds of clase-oligoclase alteration zones. Late tonalite intrusions form
Ω-m (Fig. 17). The highly resistive lithocap of thousands of barren or weakly mineralized cores. The relative paucity of
Ω-m is well defined, and the conductive zones are due to K-feldspar compared to a typical potassic alteration zone of
clay alteration and/or sulfide veining. Chalcopyrite veining Lowell and Guilbert (1970) and the presence of abundant
in the biotite-magnetite zone appears to be extensive and actinolite mark distinctive early-alteration assemblages of
could be a good conductor. porphyry systems along the eastern Sunda arc. Actinolite in
Electromagnetic response: Airborne electromagnetic the ore zone at Elang is even more abundant than secondary
response is a rapid geophysical technique that can be used biotite. Pale-green mica or sericite-chlorite-hematite ± clay
to identify conductive alteration assemblages and resistive assemblages dominate the alteration zones exposed near the
lithocaps associated with porphyry systems. A HoisTEM sur- surface. Shreddy chlorite after secondary biotite is a key min-
vey was flown over Elang, and the alteration system shows eral to map to indicate mineralized early biotite-magnetite
up as a NE-trending conductive zone in relatively resistive alteration.
volcanic rocks (Hoschke et al., 2013). There is a good correla- Hypogene Cu enrichment of the early-formed mineral-
tion between the HoisTEM results compared to the resistivity ized porphyry systems occurred during late-stage alteration at
from the pole-dipole IP survey. The lithocap at Elang is highly Tumpangpitu, Brambang, and Hu’u. At these systems, born-
resistive and is clearly identified by the HoisTEM. ite, chalcocite, and covellite associated with advanced argillic
alteration were introduced during the late-stage high-sulfida-
Discussion and Implications for Exploration tion epithermal events. Supergene oxidation and leaching
produced kaolinite and smectites, leached cap, and underly-
Geodynamics, magmatism, and Cu-Au mineralization ing chalcocite enrichment on the upper parts of the hypogene
Figure 18 summarizes important geodynamic events for min- Cu-Au mineralization. Postporphyry mineralization diatreme
eralization in the eastern Sunda arc. Initial low-grade Cu-Au breccia bodies are a common geologic feature in the produc-
mineralization events followed the Miocene-Eocene north- tive porphyry districts of the eastern Sunda arc (Fig. 19).
ward-dipping subduction of Indian oceanic crust. The authors
infer that important changes in plate motions and boundaries Implications for exploration
at 5 Ma (Audley-Charles, 2004) favored the development of Delineation of Pliocene-Pleistocene volcanic complexes with
porphyry and epithermal deposits along the eastern Sunda arc nested multiphase small intrusion centers is a key selection
(Garwin et al., 2005). The eastern Sunda arc is segmented by criterion for discovering a fertile district. Giant porphyry
a series of arc-normal sinistral strike-slip structures that trend deposits at Batu Hijau, Elang, and Tumpangpitu formed rela-
north-northeast to northeast. They correlate with inferred tively rapidly, over periods of 30 to 860 k.y. (Figs. 3, 17; App.
underlying tears or kink zones within the downgoing slab as a 3, Table A1). The productive porphyry districts are associated
result of collision of the arc trench and the Roo Rise oceanic with large lithocaps (>20 km2; Fig. 11) and postmineraliza-
plateau (Garwin et al., 2005). The authors speculate that these tion diatreme breccia bodies (Figs. 6, 11). Mapping the spa-
N- to NE-trending crustal structures may have facilitated tial locations and density of mineralized porphyry clasts in the
upwelling metal-rich magmas from the mantle as Cu and Au diatreme breccia bodies provided an excellent exploration
sources for magmatic hydrothermal process and subsquent tool for targeting mineralized porphyry at depth at Tumpang-
mineralization. pitu (Harrison et al., 2018). A combination of lithocap and
Giant porphyry systems (≥5 Mt Cu and ≥300 t Au) started porphyry mapping and logging techniques and application of
developing in the eastern segment of the eastern Sunda arc spectral data has proven very powerful in providing vectors to
from 4.89 ± 0.40 to 2.38 ± 0.18 Ma (Harrison et al., 2018). ore and for delineation of both epithermal and porphyry tar-
The Batu Hijau and Elang porphyry Cu-Au deposits lie above gets at Elang (Maryono et al., 2005) and Tumpangpitu (Har-
the northeastern extension of the subducted margin of the rison and Maryono, 2012). Delineation of the lateral surface
Roo Rise. Significant epithermal deposits formed in the west- extent of lithocaps and understanding their internal alteration
ern segment of the eastern Sunda arc from 2.4 ± 0.1 to 1.5 ± zoning is crucial, as they may be used as a proxy for the size of
0.1 Ma at Cikidang, Cirotan, Pongkor, Cipangleseran, and the underlying mineralized porphyry intrusions.

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Smyth et al. (2005); Halk (2002)

Sibuet and Hsu (1997)

Audley-Charles (2004)

Smyth et al. (2005); Hall (2002)

Hall (2002); Smyth et al. (2005)

Harrison et al. (2018)

Arc Exploration (2013);
Harrison et al. (2018); this study
Garwin (2000); Harrison et al. (2018)
Garwin (2000); Harrison et al. (2018);
this study

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Harrison et al. (2018)

Harrison et al. (2018)

Harrison et al. (2018)

Marcoux and Milesi (1994); Rosana and Matsueda
(2002); Harijoko et al. (2004); Arc Exploration (2013)
Hall (2002); Smyth et al. (2005)

Fig. 18. Timing relationship of geodynamics, magmatism, and subsequent Au-Cu mineralization that shows a discrete main mineralizing event of 5 to 1.5 Ma along the
eastern Sunda arc related to major porphyry and epithermal deposits.

A. Geology, alteration and mineralization model








0 D
# #

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E *

volcano- se dimen
E (

#* * #*
D s uc
E ces

D #
* # ( sio

* * # *
* *

* *
D #
-500 D E (

E (


D D * (

* ** *

V #
0 500 1,000

D *
D ( Meters

V *
Modified from Maryono et al (2012)

E (

D E * (

-1500 E


Zn - Pb - Au - Ag Cu - Au - Mo ± Ag - As ± Pb Zn - Pb - Au - Ag - As
As ± Cu Soil anomalism ± Cu
LEGEND Lithology: Alteration: Mineralization:
Volcanics Unit Intrusive Unit Clay-rich advanced argillic Weak argillic Chalcocite blanket
Late dacite dike/dome (Dickite-kaolinite) (Supergene enrichment)
( (
Quartz-rich advanced argillic (Smectite - illite) Quartz base-metal vein
* Diatreme breccia (Quartz-dickite/pyrophyllite - (Intermediate sulfidation epithermal)

V V Andesite/diorite dike kaolinite) Argilic alteration Quartz-enargite-tenantite-tetrahedrite

Quartz - alunite (Vuggy residual, (Sericite-illite- veins & bornite-chalcocite-covellite
* * Late tonalite porphyry pervasive, granular quartz) smectite) veins (High sulfidation epithermal)
* Pyrite ± chalcopyrite dominant
# Intrusive breccia Partial biotite alteration (Porphyry mineralization)
V V Dacite E E Intermediate tonalite Chlorite - sericite - clay ± hematite Chalcopyrite - dominant
pyroclastic unit porphyry (Porphyry mineralization)

Andesitic D D Diorite stock (Equigranular - Biotite - magnetite - actinolite Bornite - dominant

volcaniclastic unit subporphyritic)
± orthoclase - oligoclase (Porphyry mineralization)

B. Magnetic properties

C. Resistivity and chargeability

Fig. 19. Exploration model for porphyry and epithermal deposits along the eastern Sunda arc. (A) Geology, alteration, and
mineralization model. (B) Magnetic signatures. (C) Resistivity and chargeability signatures.

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