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Adverse Negative
Aloof Distant
Chronic Continual (in a medical sense)
Condescending Treating others as inferior
Extroverted Very sociable
Handicap Disadvantage
Kindred souls People who have similar traits
Merit Value
Misattributions False assumptions
Phobia Very strong fear
Reticent Unwilling to talk
Syndrome Condition
Assertive Positive: aggressive
Break the ice Something that gets people to socialize and
enjoy themselves
Draw out Encouraging
Fill the void Overcoming loneliness
Gloomy Hopeless or despairing; pessimistic
Gregarious Fond of the company of others; sociable
In the first place First of all
Inhibited To hold back; restrain
Life of the party Someone who makes everyone enjoy things
Mark (v.) Label
Petrified To benumb or paralyze with astonishment,
horror, or other strong emotion
Reserved Avoiding familiarity or intimacy with others
Self-conscious Excessively conscious of one's appearance or
Social butterfly A very sociable person who flits from one
social event to another
Standoffish Cold and unfriendly
Talk a blue streak To say a lot very fast
Virtually Almost
Whiny Complaining; fretful; cranky

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