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La Union Colleges of Science and Technology

Central West, Bauang, La Union


SY: 2018-2019

Name: ________________________________________ Date: ________

Grade/Section: _______________________________ Score: _______

I. IDENTIFICATION: Identify what is described by the following statements and write the
answer on the space provided before each number. (15pts)

____________1. It is an integration of functional plans such as marketing, finance,

manufacturing, sales and human resources.
____________2. The practice of starting new organizations, particularly new businesses response
to identified opportunities.
____________3. Any person or any age can starts and operates a business.
____________4. It is a process than never ends for a business.
____________5. Three to four pages summarizing the complete business plan.
____________6. This refers to the ability of the entrepreneur to sense without using the five
senses this is also known Intuition.
____________7. It refers to the “big or macro forces” that affect the area, the industry and the
market which the enterprise belongs to.
____________8. It allows the entrepreneur to see things in a very positive and optimistic light in
the midst of crisis or difficult situations.
____________9. It refers to the tastes of particular groups of people.
____________10. This refer to the monetary transactions that the business is expected to engage
____________11. This represents all the investments in the enterprise including the initial
investment that you considered in the pre-feasibility.
____________12. This is an incredibly simple, get powerful tool to help you develop your
business strategy whether you’re building a start-up or guiding an
existing company.
____________13. It refers to things that irritate customers.
____________14. It refers to the specific target market segment of a particular enterprise.
____________15. It focuses on the volume produced or converted at each link of the chain.

II.MULTIPLE CHOICES: Choose and write the letter of the correct answer on the space
provided before the number. (18pts)

________1. What is an entrepreneur?

A. A person that entertains B. A person who makes a plan takes risk C. A wise advisor
________2. What is an advantage of owning a business?
A. Long Work hours B. Handwork C. Being the boss
________3. Which of the following is not part of the Market Plan involved in the business plan?
A. Pricing & Distribution B. Product & Services C. Controls & Product Forecasts
________4. Who Reads The Plans?
A. Manager B. Venture Capitalists C. Housewife
________5. It follows the product chain but concentrates on the “value” added from one stage of
the product to the other.
A. Value Added chain B. Consumer preference C. Product chain
________6. It is a financial statement that measures an enterprises performance in terms of
revenue and expenses over a certain period.
A. Balance Sheet B. Payback Period C. Income Statement
________7. It refer to the monetary transactions that the business is expected to engage in.
A. Financial Forecasts B. Pre-operating Costs C. Return on Sales
________8. It involves the development of new ideas from various sources.
A. Opportunity Screening B. Opportunity Seeking C. Opportunity Seizing
________9. It is the "pushing through" with the chosen opportunity.
A. Opportunity Seizing B. Opportunity Seeking C. Opportunity Screening
________10. This is the process of cautiously selecting the best opportunity.
A. Opportunity Seeking B. Opportunity Screening C. Opportunity Seizing
________11. This is an idealized abstraction of the product or service to be offered to the
preferred market of the entrepreneur.
A. Concept B. Innovation C. Technological
________12. This is the number of units of inventory sold during an accounting period.
A. Value-added B. Sales Volume C. Product Chain
________13. How could a business use marketing research data it has gathered about the
average age, income, educational levels and spending patterns of area consumers?
A. To develop a profile of the typical customer B. To create a mailing list for the business
C. To identify problems within the business
________14. Where the respondents are randomly selected from a population such as in the
lottery method?
A. Sampling Technique B. Probability Sampling C. Sample Size
_________15. It refers to grouping customers and products according to certain market
A. Market Aggregation B. Market Mapping C. Market Segmentation
_________16. When identifying a target market, businesses often create a record of information
such as age, income level, ethnic background, occupation and attitudes which is known as a
A. Demographic Breakdown B. Customer Profile C. Preference List
_________17. This is the systematic design, collection, analysis and reporting of data and
findings relevant to a specific marketing situation when facing the company.
A. Market Research B. Market Share C. Market Size
_________18. It is a circular graph divided into sections that represent the relative frequencies
or magnitudes of the grouped values.
A. Pie Chart B. Frequency polygon C. Histogram Graph

III. DEFINITION OF TERMS: Define the following: (2pts each)

1. Entrepreneurship

2. Business Plan

3. Entrepreneurial Heart Flame

4. Entrepreneurial Mind Frame

5. Product Chain

IV. MODIFIED TRUE OR FALSE: Write True if the statement is correct and if it is False
underline the word/s or phrase that cause the statement wrong, then write the correct word to
make the statement correct. Write your answer on the space provided before the numbers.
_______________1. Entrepreneurship is a person who organizes and manages a business
undertaking, assuming the risk for the sake of profit.
_______________2. The Qualities of an Entrepreneur are making their own rules and self-
_______________3. The business plan should be prepared by the businessman.
_______________4. Micro market it refers to the specific target market segment of a particular
_______________5. Entrepreneurial businesses include retailing, such as clothing and furniture
stores, but do not include service business.
_______________6. Pie Chart is consists of a series of rectangles or bars.
_______________7. Entrepreneurs try to meet the needs of the marketplace by supplying a
product or service.
_______________8. Anyone who starts a business but later has to close it because it is losing
money should be ashamed.
_______________9. Having adequate capital and a product or service that meets the needs of its
customers relates to business success or failure.
_______________10. Frequency polygon is constructed by marking the frequencies on the
frequency axis with a dot corresponding to the values on the
horizontal axis.
_______________11. Focus Group Discussion is one of the most common qualitative research
_______________12. Observation Technique is probably one of the best ways of gathering data
about customers in their natural setting without having to interact
or talk to them.
_______________13. Survey Research is the most preferred instruments for in-depth qualitative

V. ESSAY: Read each question carefully. Answer it briefly but substantially. (24pts)
1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of an entrepreneur? (7pts)

2. What are the major opportunities and threats in the industry that you expect to participate
in? If you are already pursuing a business, give the opportunities and threats in this business.

3. How do you classify yourself according to your sophistication level in technological gadgets?
In sports? (4pts)

Prepared By:

Shendy M. Acosta
Subject Teacher

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