Transient Simulation of Silicon Devices and Circuits

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Transient Simulation of Silicon Devices and Circuits



Abstract-In this paper, we present an overview of the physical prin­ structures and p arasitic bipolar devices in CMOS technol­
ciples and numerical methods used to solve the coupled system of non­ ogy.
linear partial differential equations that model the transient behavior
The influence of parasitics becomes important if one is
of silicon VLSI device structures. We also describe how the same tech­
niques are applicable to circuit simulation. A composite linear multistep to analyze the switching behavior of densely packed in­
formula is introduced as the time-integration scheme. Newton-iterative tegrated circuits . Any realistic c alculation of the t ransient
methods are exploited to solve the nonlinear equations that arise at each behavior of a MOS FET has to include the c apacitive ef­
time step. We also present a simple data structure for nonsymmetric fects associated with junctions areas and conduction wires
matrices with symmetric nonzero structures that facilitates iterative or
direct methods with substantial efficiency gains over other storage
schemes. Several computational examples, including a CMOS latchup This p aper summarizes our approach to the numerical
problem, are presented and discussed. simul ation of complex two-dimensional silicon device
structures under transient operating conditions . We also
describe how the s ame techniques are applic able to circuit

H E continuing advances in the microelectronics area In Section II, we briefly outline the physical principles
are closely l inked to the ability to put an ever increas­ and basic equations that govern the behavior of electrons
ing number of devices on a silicon chip. This increase in and holes in the presence of time-varying fields . We re­
packing density c an only be achieved by a reduction of the strict our discussion to silicon devices . We also include
feature sizes of the individual building blocks, such as the some observations on the validity of the basic equations
transistors, wires, contacts, etc . Recent very l arge scale for the t ransient modeling problem . Finally, we mention
integrated (VLSI) projects such as the I-Mbit dRAM and the form of the equations th at occur in circuit simulation .
32-bit microprocessors use design rules with minimum The numerical techniques used in our work are de­
feature sizes smaller than 1 Jlm. By the end of the decade, scribed in Section III. We introduce a composite linear
circuits with O.5-Jlm design rules will be fabricated. In the multistep method for time integration, which has several
l aboratory, MOS devices with gate lengths as small as 0.25 useful properties . We discuss the use of a Newton-Rich­
Jlm h ave already been fabricated [1]. ardson iteration to solve the nonlinear equations that arise
The development of future devices with submicron fea­ at e ach time step efficiently. Finally, we describe a novel
ture sizes relies heavily on the use of numerical simul ation data structure that t akes advantage of nonsymmetric m a­
program s . These programs, if applied properly, c an have trices with symmetric nonzero structure s , which occur
a significant impact by drastically reducing the amount of naturally in device and circuit simulation.
time necessary to optimize the device design and the tech­ Section IV contains several representative examples of
nology. actual simulation s , including the switching of a submicron
The state-of-the-art of numerical device simulation has MOSFET under realistic loading conditions and l atchup
advanced significantly in the l ast few years . In the past, triggering in CMOS device structures .
most simulations h ave concentrated on the behavior of the Section V offers some conclusion s .
active device regions of an integrated circuit (IC), such as
a MOSFET or a bipolar t ransistor, The continuing reduc­ II. BASIC EQUATIONS
tion in size of the active device regions, however, makes
it more and more difficult to ignore the surrounding par­ 2.1. Physics of Transport in Time- Varying Fields
asitic components . Examples are the sourceldrain regions for Semiconductors
of a MOSFET with the p arasitic resistance and capac i ­ The applicability of numerical simulators to optimize the
tance components o f the contact and junction areas . A s a behavior of device structures with active dimensions of 0.5
result, device simulators are now routinely applied to ana­
Jlm or less (for example, MOS channel lengths) depends
lyze complex device structures such as complete inverter
critically on the physical assumptions "built" into the pro­
Manuscript received June 11, 1985. In the following, we give a summary of the physical
R. E . Bank is with the Mathematics Department, University of Califor­
foundation that constitutes the basis for most simulation
nia. San Diego, La 101la, CA 92093.
W. M. Coughran, Jr., W. Fichtner. E. H . Grosse, and R. K . Smith are programs in use today. We restrict our discussion to de­
with AT&T Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, NJ 07974. vices built on silicon substrates. For relevant results con-

0278-0070/85/1000-043 6$01.00 © 1985 IEEE

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