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Reverse Pong

Class 7- Group 05

Ana Rita Antunes Ramada up201904565

Diogo Azevedo Lemos up202003484

Based on the concept of "Pong", changing the main goal and providing a different
approach to the original game. This game revolves around keeping the ball inside the
screen for as long as possible using one bar on each lateral sides of the screen. During
each session, obstacles will appear, the ball will increase speed, and even disappear,
etc. This will provide a more and more challenging experience. The Player(s) can interact
with the left bar using W and D keys and the right bar with the up and down keys. The
score will increase each time the ball hits a bar.


Role: Control the framerate

Functionality: Square wave mode with interrupts


Role: Game input for interacting with the left and right bars

Functionality: Scan code reading with interrupts

Video Card

Role: Draws menu, background, obstacles, the two bars and the ball

Functionality: //Ability to set modes (??)


Role: Navigating through menus and possible moving one of the bars

Functionality: Stream mode


Role: Timed changes, increasing the difficulty with new game modes and new obstacles


Serial Port

Role: Used for communicating between two computers, providing a multiplayer mode, where
both players must play together to keep the ball in game

Functionality: ?

Target Grade: 20

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