B.Tech. DEGREE Examination Electronics & Communication Engineering

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B.Tech. DEGREE Examination
Electronics & Communication Engineering
(Effective from the admitted batch 2015–16 onwards)
Time: 3 Hours Max.Marks: 60
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Instructions: Each module carries 12 marks.
Answer all modules choosing one question from each module
All parts of the module must be answered in one place only.
Figures in the right hand margin indicate marks allotted.
1. a) Define the following terms and their physical significance
i) Attenuation constant ii) Characteristic impedance
iii) VSWR 6
b) Define and differentiate phase & group velocity as applied to a
uniform transmission line 6
2. a) Give the concept and significance of Reflection Coefficient.
How and why is it useful in a transmission line? 6
b) The propagation constant of a line at 1000 Hz is 0.1855[78.450]
then calculate the values of ,, 6
3. a) How is impedance at a given point on transmission line is
measured using Smith chart? 6
b) Write short notes on:
i) Quarter Wave Transformer ii) Double Stub matching 6
4. An UHF transmission line of Z0=75[00] is terminated in an unknown
load. The VSWR measured in the line is 3 and position of current
maxima nearest to load is one-fifth wave-length away (from the
load). Calculate value of load impedance using smith chart 12
5. a) Discuss the factors that determine the amount of attenuation
in a waveguide. What are the steps taken to minimize the
amount of attenuation? 6
b) Write short notes on:
i) Directional coupler ii) Impedance matching
iii) Cavity resonator 6
6. a) Explain the concept of Rotatory Attenuators 6
b) Write short notes on Rectangular Cavity Resonator 6
7. a) Explain the concept of Micro strip line and discuss about
fringing fields and their avoidance 6
b) Discuss about losses in a Micro strip line 6
8. a) Write short notes on:
i) Factor of step line ii) Slot line 6
b) What are the primary characteristics of modern transmission
lines? How will you determine the characteristic impedance
Z0 for Micro strip line? 6
9. a) Explain the principle of operation of Directional coupler and
derive its S matrix 6
b) What is Magic Tee? How and where is it used? 6
10. a) Explain the concept of Faraday Rotation. In which components
is it employed 6
b) Explain how a circulator can be used as an isolator 6

[4/V S/118]

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