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01. What is the best title for the passage below?

We often hear that high achievers are hard-working people who bring work home and
labor over it until bedtime. When Garfield interviewed top people in major industries,

however, he found that they knew how to relax and could leave their work at the office.
They also spent a healthy amount of time with their family and friends. Successful people are

willing to work hard, but within strict limits. For them, work is not everything. Will you work
hard all the time?

① Causes of Family Problems

② A Balanced Life and Success

③ The Importance of Homework

④ Economy and Industries

⑤ The Division of Labor

02. What is the best title for the passage below?

Most of us believe that we can trust in technology to solve our problems.

Whatever problem you name, you can also name some hoped-for technological solution.

Some of us have faith that we shall solve our dependence on fossil fuels by developing new
technologies for hydrogen engines, wind energy, or solar energy. Some of us have faith that

we shall solve our food problems with genetically modified crops newly or soon to be
developed. Those with such faith assume that the new technologies will ultimately succeed,
without harmful side effects. However, there is no basis for believing that technology will not

cause new and unanticipated problems while solving the problems that it previously

① Methods of Controlling New Technology

② Technology: Its Past, Present, and Future

③ Common Misconceptions about Technology

④ Great Contributions of Technology to Humans

⑤ Ultimate Solutions for Fuel and Food Problems

03. Which choice is the best fit in the blank?

A common mistake in talking to celebrities is to assume that they don’t know much
about anything else except their occupations. In fact, the movie business and the athletic
world are full of intelligent, educated, and informed men and women who are interested and

involved in a wide variety of activities and causes. Yet they are asked only about acting or
sports. If you happen to know about the celebrity’s ‘extracurricular’ interest, you might find

he or she will speak to you about it much more freely than about his or her ______________. For
example, ask Paul Newman, the famous actor, about his charity work with kids.

1 personal disaster ② pastime activities

2 family background ④ professional life
⑤ political opinions
04. What can best describe the author's attitude toward import relief?

Contrary to general belief, this quest for import relief has hurt more companies than it has
helped. As corporations begin to function globally, they develop an intricate web of

marketing, production, and research relationships. The complexity of these relationships

makes it unlikely that a system of import relief laws will meet the strategic needs of all the

units under the same parent company.

① Endorsement ② Ambivalence

③ skepticism ④ Indifference

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