Name: MOM Monny ID: E20160402 Class: I5E: Summary Writing

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Name : MOM Monny

ID : e20160402
Class : I5E


Summary writing

Because of poverty numerous children living on Phnom Penh's streets. Many came here from
the provinces in search of food and many rural families are so poor their children are forced to leave
home to earn money instead of going to school, they are easy in cheated by the bad person for selling
them to prostitute, child labor, trafficking, sex worker.

The lack of education were all difficulties suffered by Cambodian children, they were helped by some
Organization Non-Government (NGO), such as Committee on the Right of Child (NGOCRC),
Cambodian Center for the Protection of Children's Rights (CCPCR) to give them to school for food,
living, dresses, education like the others children.

NGOCRC organized the event to mark International Children's Day. It was the first time children
have addressed the assembly. Among their 13 recommendations by 45 children from across Cambodia
were the creation of a children's ombudsman, elimination of government corruption, enforcement of
birth registrations, creation of a juvenile justice system, and the implementation of adoption laws.
Push for law enforcement in order to eliminate violence to children and domestic violence.

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