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Speech Delivery

“Good Delivery…coveys, the speaker’s ideas clearly, interestingly, and without distracting the
audience… with the best attributes of good conversation-directness, animation, vocal and facial
expressiveness, and a lively sense of communication”
-Stephen Lucas

Types of Speech According to Purpose

 Entertainment Speech- Amuses the audience. The humorous speeches of comedians and
performers are the best examples of this type
 Informative Speech- Provides the audience with a clear understanding of a concept or
idea. The lectures of your teachers are the best examples of this type.
 Persuasive Speech- seeks to provide the audience with favorable or acceptable ideas that
can influence their own ideas and decisions. The campaign speeches of the running
candidates for government posts are the best examples of this type.
Types of Speech According to Delivery

Extemporaneous speech

- Speech with a very limited time fore preparation and practice

- Example: Reporting a topic in front of class

Impromptu Speech

- Giving a talk in the spur of the moment without any preparations

1. know your point
2. know your purpose
3. Work in a couple of good examples
4. try for a memorable conclusion
5. Relate your conclusion back to your opening

Manuscript Speech

- A read speech

Memorized Speech

- A speech that is delivered word-for-word from memory

Speech Delivery on Different Situations
Be ready to deal with the most common challenges in different
speaking environment.
1. Audience Size
2. Talks in an open-air/outside the building
3. Talks in different venues
4. Talks with microphone
5. Talks with a lectern or a podium
Tools for Effective Speech Delivery
o Know your speech style (Formal or conversational)
o Connect with the audience
o Present and project
o Tune your voice up

Speech Delivery
- Posture - Space
- Eye contact - Voice Dynamics
- Confidence - Pronunciation
- Gestures - Intonation
- Facial Expression - Liaison

Remember: “It’s not what you said but how you said it.”

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