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CIVE 401 University of Balamand

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N Fares Spring 2010 - Solution test 2

1. (50 points for a and b) Referring to the structure below answer parts a and b.
Note: Use approximate analysis but the shears and moments in the columns must have errors less than 25% for a full grade.
EI=2 EI=3 EI=3 EI=4

3 EI=1 EI=1 EI=1 EI=1 EI=1

4 4 5 6

1a) (20 points) Sketch on the figure directly below on the test sheet the deformed shape and indicate the location of all
inflection points. For columns only, you must indicate a numeric estimate for the location of the inflection point.

1b) (30 points) Indicate on the figure directly below on the test sheet the moments at the ends of each column and beam and
the shear in each column. Note, you must show all calculations and preferably in tabular form.
Mb =1.624
Mb =0.000 Mb =-1.447 Mb =4.247 Mb =-4.153 Mb =0.000 Mb =2.326 Mb =0.000
Mc =0.000
Mc =5.693 Mc =5.777 Mc =2.326 Mc =0.000
H5.709L H5.774L H2.690L H0.000L
V=4.010 V=4.051 V=0.775 V=0.000
H3.975L H4.008L H0.897L H0.000L
Mc =-3.490 Mc =-6.336 Mc =-6.378 Mc =0.000 Mc =0.000
H-3.362L H-6.217L H-6.249L H0.000L H0.000L

Approximate analysis of a side loaded building

Preliminary calculations
Floor = 1
column 1 2 3 4 5
stiffness factor at top 0 5.625 6.075 3.000 0
stiffness factor at bottom ¶ ¶ ¶ 0 0

Iteration number = 1
Floor = 1
column number 1 2 3 4 5
shear stiffness 0.111 0.394 0.397 0.089 0 0.991
relative shear stiffness 0.112 0.398 0.401 0.090 0 1
shear 1.121 3.975 4.008 0.897 0 10
Internal moment at top 0 5.709 5.774 2.690 0
Internal moment at bottom -3.362 -6.217 -6.249 0 0
CIVE 401 University of Balamand
Page 2
N Fares Spring 2010 - Solution test 2

2. (50 points for a and b) Referring to the structure below answer parts a and b.
Note: Use approximate analysis but the shears and moments in the columns must have errors less than 30% for a full grade.


3 EI=1.5 EI=1.5

EI=2 EI=2

3 EI=1.5 EI=1.5 EI=1.5

4 4

1a) (20 points) Sketch on the figure directly below on the test sheet the deformed shape and indicate the location of all
inflection points. For columns only, you must indicate a numeric estimate for the location of the inflection point.
CIVE 401 University of Balamand
Page 3
N Fares Spring 2010 - Solution test 2

1b) (30 points) Indicate on the figure directly below on the test sheet the moments at the ends of each column and the shear
in each column.
Use ONLY the first iteration. Note, you must show all calculations and preferably in tabular form.
Results for beams are NOT needed.

Mb =7.664 Mb =-8.269
Mc =7.664 Mc =8.269
H6.964L H7.500L
Mc =-8.547
Mc =-5.520 H-8.571L
H-6.964L Mb =11.673 Mb =-9.857 Mb =8.477 Mb =-8.913
Mc =6.153 Mc =9.786 Mc =8.913
H8.136L H10.169L H8.136L

V=5.601 V=7.418 V=6.981

H6.328L H7.345L H6.328L

Mc =-10.650 Mc =-12.467 Mc =-12.030

H-10.847L H-11.864L H-10.847L

Iteration number = 1
Floor = 1
column number 1 2 3
Approximate analysis of a side loaded building
shear stiffness 0.467 0.542 0.467 1.475
Preliminary calculations
relative shear stiffness 0.316 0.367 0.316 1
Floor = 1
shear 6.328 7.345 6.328 20
column 1 2 3
Internal moment at top 8.136 10.169 8.136
stiffness factor at top 1.500 3.000 1.500
Internal moment at bottom -10.847 -11.864 -10.847
stiffness factor at bottom ¶ ¶ ¶
Floor = 2
Floor = 2
column number 1 2 3
column 1 2 3
shear stiffness 0.333 0.385 0 0.718
stiffness factor at top 1.500 1.500 0
relative shear stiffness 0.464 0.536 0 1
stiffness factor at bottom 1.500 3.000 0
shear 4.643 5.357 0 10
Internal moment at top 6.964 7.500 0
Internal moment at bottom -6.964 -8.571 0

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