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26th Year of Publication

Pakistan to continue standing
shoulder-to-shoulder with Kashmiris

"For more than a year now, Kashmiris have been prisoners in their own homes, aliens in
their own land, and unable to walk freely on their own streets. Over 900,000 Indian
“India extra-judicially
occupation murdered
forces, holding 8 million hundreds
Kashmiris,of Kashmiris
have turned the in occupied
fake encounters, and
territory into
the to even
world’s hand
largest over
open their India’s
prison. bodies.inhuman
India’s actions
militaryare an attempt
siege, to obliterate
continued blockade,
the distincttorture andidentity
Kashmiri brutal repression and attempts
and it is against to change
the Geneva the demographic
Charter, UN Security
structure of the occupied
Council resolutions, andterritory, have shown
international law. the
Thereal face ofof
people theKashmir
will never
RSS-BJP regime and its extremist designs. The international media
submit to Indian occupation. The Pakistan government is steadfast in helping and human rights
organisations continue to document the tragedy of Kashmir as it goes on unfolding.”
Kashmiri brothers and sisters in their legitimate struggle for self-determination.”
(President Dr Arif Alvi in his message on Kashmir Black Day ,October 27 2020)
(Prime Minister Imran Khan in his virtual address to the 75th session of the United Nations
General Assembly on August 25, 2020)

“The Kashmir Black Day represents a dark chapter in the human history when, 73 years
ago, Indian forces landed in Srinagar to forcibly occupy the territory and subjugate
people of Jammu and Kashmir. The illegal occupation of parts of Jammu and Kashmir by
India represents an international dispute, the solution of which is firmly anchored in the
relevant United Nations Security Council (UNSC) resolutions in accordance with the UN
charter. For its part, Pakistan will continue to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with the
Kashmiri people and extend all possible support to them until they realise their
legitimate right to self-determination.

(Prime Minister Imran Khan in his message on Kashmir Black Day ,October 27 2020)
Kashmir Insight
Vol: 26, No.10, October 2020 Printed & Published by All Parties Hurriyat Conference AJK
Ph: +92-51-4861457, Fax: +92-51-4861458
Editor: Muhammad Raza Malik Printers: Web Brothers,Al-Rehman Plaza, 44-H,
Art Editor: Muhammad Haroon Haider Road, Rawalpindi
Sub Editor: Benazir Khan Ph:051-5566348, Fax: 051-5516142

CONTENTS Human rights situation

HR violations in IIOJK during September 2020


Jammu and Kashmir centre staged . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 02 Raies Ahmed Mir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

Cover Story Perspective

Lawfare: Pakistan’s options for Kashmir
Kashmir Black Day observed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 03
Humayun Aziz Sandeela . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Plight of half widows in IIOJK highlighted . . . . . . . . . . . . . 07 India grilled at UN Human Rights Council in Geneva . . . 23
Reports Chronology

Narendra Modi’s ridiculous demand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 09 A chronological account of developments on Kashmir

(170) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
West emboldened India’s anti-Muslim agenda: HRW . . . . 11
Beauty thy name is
Beautiful spots of Jammu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
October 27 – Why Black Day is observed! Literature
Muhammad Raza Malik. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 A lazy landlord . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

Pictorial Feedback

Images speak louder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Letters to Editor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

FROM THE EDITOR’S DESK dispute has been discussed since 1948.
Ironically, the Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modi,
Narendra Modi-led fascist Indian government is in his pre-recorded address to the UN General
making futile efforts to mislead the world community Assembly session on September 26 calling for India’s
about the Kashmir dispute and to divert the world’s inclusion as a permanent member of the UNSC asked
attention from the grave human rights situation in how long will his country be “kept out of the decision-
Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir caused making structures” of the global body. Modi’s request
by the unrelenting military siege imposed by it since was ridiculous as New Delhi had been ignoring the
August 05, 2019. India is desperately trying to persuade resolutions of the same body for the past over seven
the global community particularly the United Nations decades that called for holding of plebiscite in Jammu
to recognise that the issue of IIOJK is its ‘internal matter’ and Kashmir to allow the Kashmiris determine their
but has miserably failed in its nefarious designs. future by themselves.
Ahead of the annual session of the United Nations Despite denial of access to the occupied territory, the
General Assembly in September 2020, India’s international media has regularly been reporting
permanent representative to the UN requested the about the humanitarian crisis and the killing spree
World Body to remove the issue of Kashmir from its unleashed by Indian forces in IIOJK. The UNSC has
agenda to prevent Pakistan from raising it at the august three times discussed the Kashmir dispute and the
forum. However, the UN rejected the request. Indian prevailing grim human rights situation in IIOJK after it
representatives were either deluding themselves or was brought to it by Pakistan with the support of
their public by claiming that they would get Kashmir China in the backdrop of illegal actions taken by Modi
removed from the Security Council’s agenda. regime on and after 5th August 2019 in the occupied
According to the UNSC procedures and rules, an item territory.
once put on the UNSC’s agenda cannot be removed Keeping in view this scenario, Narendra Modi-led
until the issue is settled or there is a consensus among Indian government instead of continuing with its
the members of the Security Council to do so. Pakistan unrealistic approach must take steps to resolve the
annually requests retention of the agenda item called Kashmir dispute in accordance with the Kashmiris’
‘the India-Pakistan Question’ under which the Kashmir aspirations.
government’s unilateral
illegal actions of repealing
the special status of Indian
illegally occupied Jammu
and Kashmir and placing it
under military siege on 5th
August, 2019. It is now
echoing in all international
forums and the same was
witnessed during the 75th
session of the UN General
Assembly held in New York
in September 2020.
Turkish President, Recep
Tayyip Erdogan, in a speech
he made via video-link to

akistan Prime Minister, Imran Khan, in his the UNGA on September 23 said the Kashmir conflict,
virtual address to the UN General Assembly on which is also key to the stability and peace of South Asia,
September 25, 2020 effectively highlighted the is still a burning issue. He said steps taken by Modi
sufferings of the besieged people of Indian illegally regime on and after 5th August 2019 further complicated
occupied Jammu and Kashmir and the importance of the problem.
the resolution of the Kashmir dispute for ensuring It is a historical fact that the Kashmir dispute is on the
durable peace in the region. He urged the UN Security agenda of the UN Security Council for the past over
Council to protect the Kashmiris from an impending seven decades. However, the World Body has failed to
genocide by India. implement its own resolutions on the matter, giving a
The Prime Minister demanded that India must lift sense of complete impunity to New Delhi for its brutal
actions in IIOJK. Indian troops enjoying unbridled
powers under draconian laws have intensified their
atrocities on the unarmed people of the territory to force
them into submission.
It is high time for the international community to take
cognizance of on the grave human rights situation in
IIOJK and the sufferings of the Kashmiri people. It must
curfew in IIOJK, release all Kashmiri prisoners and give
come forward in a big way and impress upon India to
the Kashmiris their right to self-determination for
stop its brutalities on the Kashmiris and fulfill its
ensuring durable peace and stability in South Asia. He
promises of giving them their inalienable right to self-
called upon the global community to investigate the
determination to mitigate their sufferings.
grave human rights violations being perpetrated with
Fascist Narendra Modi also needs to realise the fact that
complete impunity in IIOJK by the Indian occupational
the illegal unilateral steps taken by his government on
forces. Imran Khan pointed out that being a long-time
the behest of RSS, which is the follower of Nazi ideology,
member of the extremist Hindu organisation Rashtriya
have put the peace of the entire world at stake. He must
Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), Indian Prime Minister,
accept the reality that the worst kind of Indian state
Narendra Modi, was furthering its Hindutva ideology
terrorism for the past over seven decades has failed to
in IIOJK and his recent actions on Kashmir are part of
subdue the freedom sentiment of the Kashmiri people
this dogma.
and they are determined to take their liberation struggle
The Kashmir dispute has become a centre of global
to its logical conclusion at all costs.
attention since Narendra Modi-led Indian communal

October 2020 02

ashmiris on both sides of the Line of Humayun Aziz Sandeela
Control and the world over observed
Indian subcontinent.
October 27, 2020 as Black Day to The day was marked by
convey the message to the world that complete shutdown across
they reject India’s illegal occupation of IIOJK. Call for the
their homeland and are determined to continue their observance of the Black Day
struggle till they achieve their inalienable right to was given by the All Parties
self-determination. Hurriyat Conference and
Hurriyat forum led by
Pakistanis at home and abroad expressed their Mirwaiz Umar Farooq and
solidarity with the oppressed people of Indian was supported by other pro-
illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) freedom leaders and
and reaffirmed their resolve to continue their organisations.
moral, political and diplomatic support to the All government and private
Kashmiris' just struggle for securing freedom offices, shops and business
from Indian illegal occupation. establishments remained
It was on October 27 in 1947 when India landed closed while traffic was thin
its troops in Srinagar and illegally occupied in the illegally occupied
Jammu and Kashmir against the aspirations of territory.
the Kashmiri people and the Partition Plan of
October 2020 03
Posters with Pakistani map
showing Jammu and
Kashmir as its part,
Pakistani flag, pro-freedom
slogans and pictures of
Pakistani leaders including
father of the nation Quaid-
e-Azam Muhammad Ali
Jinnah, President Dr Arif
Alvi, and Prime Minister
Imran Khan were hoisted in
Srinagar and other areas.
The occupation authorities
had deployed Indian forces'
personnel in strength to
prevent protest
demonstrations, marches
and rallies against the 27th
October 1947 Indian
invasion as well as
revocation of the special
status of IIOJK by Modi-led
fascist regime on August
05, last year.
The All Parties Hurriyat
Conference and other
Hurriyat leaders and
organisations termed etched in the history as a Zamruda Habib, Abdul
October 27, 1947 as the Black Day as it marked the Samad Inqalabi, Ghulam
darkest day in the history of arrival of Indian troops in Nabi Waseem, Devinder
Jammu and Kashmir. Jammu and Kashmir. Singh Behl, Ghulam Nabi
The APHC spokesman in a Other Hurriyat leaders and War, Jahangeer Ghani Butt,
statement issued in organisations including Maulana Sibte Shabbir
Srinagar said that the Ghulam Muhammad Khan Qummi, Jammu and Kashmir
people of Jammu and Sopori, Engineer Hilal Democratic Freedom Party,
Kashmir would never Ahmed War, Shabbir Ahmed Muslim League and
surrender their legitimate Dar, Bilal Siddiqui, Tehreek-e-Wahdat-e-
struggle for freedom from Muhammad Yousuf Naqash, Islami in their separate
Indian illegal occupation. Khawaja Firdous, Farida statements termed the 27th
He said that October 27 Bahenji, Yasmeen Raja, October 1947 as the most
would always remain unfortunate day of human
history. They said since
that day through its military
might, New Delhi has
murdered tens of thousands
of innocent people,
disgraced women and
tortured, injured, maimed
and disappeared thousands
of youth in the illegally
occupied territory.
Meanwhile, Pakistanis at
home and abroad observed
October 27 as Black Day to
condemn India뭩 illegal and
prolonged occupation of
Jammu and Kashmir and to
express solidarity with the

October 2020 04
Kashmir Black Day to draw
the world's attention to the
continued sufferings of the
The National Institute of
Folk and Traditional
Heritage (Lok Virsa) and
Pakistan National Council
of the Arts organised day-
long cultural activities in
connection with the
Kashmir Black Day. Video
documentaries were
screened and photographs
were displayed by eminent
artists, reflecting the Indian
state terrorism in IIOJK.
Tableaus and speeches
were performed by the
students of various
people of IIOJK who have Information and educational institutions to
been facing the worst Indian Broadcasting, Senator pay tributes to the Kashmiri
brutalities for the past over Shibli Faraz, said that freedom fighters and
seven decades. Pakistan would continue to martyrs.
The day dawned with extend moral, political and Besides, many events were
special prayers at Fajr in diplomatic support to the held online due to the rising
mosques for the success of Kashmiris till they got their number of COVID-19 cases
Kashmiris struggling to right to self-determination. in the country.
get their legitimate right to Azad Jammu and Kashmir Banners, hoardings and
self-determination in President, Sardar Masood streamers depicting Indian
accordance with the United Khan, and Prime Minister, brutalities in IIOJK were
Nations Security Council Raja Farooq Haider Khan, displayed at prominent
(UNSC) resolutions. urged the international roads and places in major
President, Dr Arif Alvi, in community to intervene and cities.
his message, while stop India from committing The APHC-AJK chapter
reaffirming Pakistan뭩 genocide of Kashmiris and staged a protest
unflinching support to the evicting them from their demonstration outside the
people of IIOJK in their just land and homes in IIOJK. UN office in Islamabad on
struggle, said that this The Senate of Pakistan the completion of 73 years
support and solidarity passed a resolution terming of India's illegal occupation
would continue till the October 27 as a Black Day over Jammu and Kashmir.
Kashmiris achieved their in the history of Jammu and The Hurriyat-AJK leaders
legitimate right to self- Kashmir and expressing on the occasion said that
determination. complete solidarity with the India had been carrying on
Prime Minister, Imran Khan, popular indigenous uprising the worst kind of state
in his special video of the people of IIOJK. terrorism in IIOJK for the
message, reiterated his Meanwhile, the Indian past several decades but
commitment to the Charge' d' Affaires was the UN failed to discharge
Kashmiris that he will summoned to the Ministry its obligations regarding
continue to fight for them of Foreign Affairs on the resolution of the Kashmir
until they are given the right occasion of Kashmir Black dispute.
to self-determination in Day to condemn India's Anti-India protest
accordance with the UN illegal occupation of IIOJK demonstrations were held
resolutions. and the continued atrocities by Tehreek-e-Istiqlal,
Foreign Minister, Shah being perpetrated by Indian Pasban-e-Hurriyat Jammu
Mahmood Qureshi, Kashmir troops on the innocent and Kashmir and Jammu and
Committee Chairman, Kashmiris. Kashmir Young Mens
Shaharyar Afridi, Minister A five-minute symbolic League in Muzaffarabad and
for Kashmir Affairs and blackout was observed in other areas of Azad Jammu
Gilgit-Baltistan, Ali Amin the evening on the and Kashmir.
Gandapur, and Minister for Constitution Avenue on
October 2020 05
resolve the decades-old
Kashmir dispute.
Tehreek-e-Kashmir UK
held anti-India protests in
various cities of Britain on
the occasion of Kashmir
Black Day. It also launched
'Kashmir Digital Campaign'
outside the Indian
Consulate in Birmingham
and Indian High
Commission in London to
highlight the plight of the
people of IIOJK due to
continued Indian illegal
The protesters carrying
placards raised slogans
against the Narendra Modi-
led government and
condemned the atrocities
being committed by Indian
Anti-India rallies were troops in the illegally
on Kashmir to give the occupied territory.
taken out in all cities and Kashmiris their right to
towns of Pakistan and Azad An anti-India protest
self-determination. demonstration was
Jammu and Kashmir Pakistan High Commission
including Islamabad, organised by Kashmir
in London organised a day- Council Europe in front of
Rawalpindi, Lahore, long photo exhibition to
Faisalabad, Sialkot, the Indian Embassy in
mark the Kashmir Black Brussels, the capital of
Sheikhupora, Multan, Day. The photos of the
Peshawar, Landi Kotal, Belgium, to mark October
Kashmiri victims of Indian 27 as Kashmir Black Day.
Mardan, DI Khan, Miran atrocities were displayed in
Shah, Quetta, Sibi, Loralai, The people of Jammu and
the premises of the Mission. Kashmir have been
Gwadar, Karachi, On this occasion, High
Hyderabad, Larkana, resisting the Indian illegal
Commissioner, Moazzam occupation for the last 73
Muzaffarabad, Mirpur, Ahmed Khan, paid homage
Kotli, Bagh, Bhimber, years. Despite facing the
to the people of IIOJK and worst kind of Indian state
Palandri, Rawalakot, Gilgit lauded their unbreakable
and Skardu to draw terrorism, they are engaged
resolve for self- in a heroic freedom
attention of the world determination.
community towards India's struggle. Every year, the
Pakistani missions in K a s h m i r i s h o l d
illegal occupation of Jammu Tehran, Dushanbe, Ankara,
and Kashmir and the demonstrations and rallies
Riyadh, Abu Dhabi, Tokyo, on 27th October to draw
sufferings of the people of Sydney, Brussels, Paris,
IIOJK. The participants of attention of the world
Berlin, Washington, Brasilia community and the UN
these events holding black (Brazil), Khartoum (Sudan),
flags and wearing black towards their plight and
Romania, and other world remind them of their
armbands raised anti-India capitals organised events
slogans. obligations regarding the
and engaged Pakistani resolution of the Kashmir
An event was organised by d i a s p o r a , l o c a l
Pakistani Mission to the dispute.
parliamentarians, think- It is the responsibility of the
United Nations to mark 27th tanks and other relevant
October as Kashmir Black UN and global community to
people to highlight the come forward and ensure
Day. Pakistan's Permanent significance of the Kashmir
Representative to the UN, the settlement of the
Black Day and remind the lingering dispute as per the
Munir Akram, delivering his international community of
keynote address via video aspirations of the Kashmiri
its obligation to use its people to save them from
link urged the World Body influence over India to
to implement its resolutions the Indian brutalities.

October 2020 06
peakers at a webinar strongly condemned the (KI Report) In his opening remarks the KIIR
Modi-led fascist Indian regime for the Chairman, Altaf Hussain Wani,
unabated and systematic human rights gave a detailed account of the
violations in Indian illegally occupied Jammu problems faced by the families of
and Kashmir (IIOJK). victims of enforced disappear-
The webinar “Half Widows; a unique phenomenon in ances in IIOJK, especially the half
Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir” was widows, whose number has
organised by Kashmir Institute of International Relations swelled to over 5,000.
(KIIR) in Islamabad on September 18, 2020. Moderated by Referring to the causes of human
the KIIR Chairman, Altaf Hussain Wani, the webinar was rights violations particularly the
participated by British and European parliamentarians, forced disappearances in the
human rights defenders, former diplomats and experts. territory, he said that denial of
right to self-determination to the
Distinguished panelists including Barrister Margaret
people of Jammu and Kashmir by
Owen, Julie Ward, Raja Afzal Khan, Dr Shahid Amin
India was the main reason behind
Malik, Ambassador Nadeem Malik, Ms Sehar Shah
the heinous crimes being perpe-
(daughter of senior APHC leader Shabbir Ahmed Shah),
trated by the Indian forces in
Duke Salman Ilyas Khan, Prof Shagufta Ashraf and Ms
Shani Hamid on the occasion highlighted the plight and
Citing different reports released
unending miseries of the half widows who despite the
by the international and local
passage of several years were still wandering from pillar
human rights watchdogs, he said,
to post to trace the whereabouts of their missing
“These reports vindicate our
stance besides reflecting the fast-
The speakers called upon the international community growing realisation at global level
particularly the United Nations to hold India accountable about the dire human rights
for the heinous crimes being committed by its armed situation in IIOJK.”
forces in IIOJK.
The panelists, while expressing

October 2020 07
serious concern over the and fascist regime, which has Referring to the cheap tactics
simmering situation in the broken all records of brutalities being used by the Indian govern-
occupied territory, condemned in the occupied territory. ment, she said, “To harass and
the Indian government for the intimidate our family, the Indian
The panelists demanded early
gross and systematic human government has been trying hard
release of all Kashmiri political
rights violations committed by to implicate my mother in
prisoners, activists, academics
its forces in the occupied terri- fabricated cases”. She said, “My
and journalists and also
tory and urged the international mother is being served notices in
denounced India’s 5th August
community, particularly the false cases, I fear she might be
2019 actions, continued military
United Nations, to take cogni- arrested.”
siege and internet blackout that
sance of the matter. have affected each and every The speakers observed that the
Referring to the plight of victims sphere of life in the territory. Kashmiri Diaspora around the
of enforced disappearances and world could create a meaningful
Speaking on the occasion, Ms
half widows, the speakers said, impact through International
Seher Shah apprised the partici-
to bring the matter to interna- mass mobilisation. In the era of
pants of the pathetic plight of the
tional limelight, there is a dire digital warfare, they said,
Kashmiri detainees languishing
need to build an international “Effective use of social media can
in jails of India and the occupied
alliance and use all available be instrumental in sensitising the
territory. She said, “My father
mechanisms to highlight the world, which has turned a blind
has spent 33 years in Indian
issue vociferously both at eye towards the systematic
prisons just for championing the
regional and international levels. genocide of Kashmiris for the last
legitimate cause of Kashmir and
over seven decades.”
The speakers felt the need for Kashmiris’ inalienable right to
sharing knowledge about the self-determination. Despite Regarding the half widows of
issue with international organi- various serious ailments, he is Kashmir, Barrister Margaret
sations, parliamentarians and still kept in New Delhi’s Tihar Owen highlighted her work
other stakeholders to sensitise Jail for last three years.” She said done in this area and expressed
the global community. They also that as the Kashmiri prisoners solidarity with the women who
condemned the ongoing spree of were held away from their have suffered all forms of
custodial killing in IIOJK and homes their families continued brutalities at the hands of Indian
termed the Modi-led govern- to face many hardships in forces.
ment in India as an authoritarian meeting them. About the empowerment of
women, the panelists said that
the role and visibility of women
in key decision-making positions
could also play a major role in
different international organisa-
tions to save the interest of
women who were the victims
and disproportionately affected
by the armed conflicts.
The speakers stressed the need to
establish an international
network, comprising politicians
and civil society to ask their
governments to mount pressure
on India to immediately stop the
human rights violations in IIOJK
and resolve the Kashmir dispute
in line with the UN resolutions.

October 2020 08
(KI Report)
people have been facing illegal
occupation, state terrorism and
political injustice at the hands of
India for the past seven decades.
Molvi Bashir Ahmed Irfani said that
India had been holding the peace of
the region hostage for the last several
decades by ignoring the facts and
adopting a stubborn approach on the
fundamental rights of the Kashmiri
people. He urged the UN to play its

n Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir, the All Parties Hurriyat role in the settlement of the Kashmir
Conference and other pro-freedom leaders and organisations ridiculed dispute as it is a matter of life and
the Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modi’s demand for inclusion of death for the people of Jammu and
India as a permanent member of the UN Security Council (UNSC). Kashmir.
Narendra Modi in his pre-recorded address to the 75th session of the UN APHC leader and Chairman of
General Assembly on September 26, 2020 calling for India’s inclusion as a Jammu and Kashmir Social Peace
permanent member of the UNSC asked how long will his country be “kept Forum, Devinder Singh Behl, in a
out of the decision-making structures” of the global body. statement issued in Jammu said, on
The APHC Secretary General, Molvi Bashir Ahmed Irfani, in a statement one hand, India has unleashed
issued in Srinagar said that the demand made by Narendra Modi at the UN atrocities in IIOJK while on the other,
General Assembly was ridiculous as India under his regime had become a it demands a permanent seat in the
fascist state. He asked that how New Delhi could raise such demand at the United Nations. He said India does
global forum like the UN General Assembly when it in blatant violation of not deserve to be the permanent
the resolutions of the same World Body has unleashed state terrorism on the member of the UN Security Council
people of disputed Jammu and Kashmir. as it has always victimised the
The APHC leader said that Kashmir was not a border dispute between minorities and the people of IIOJK.
Pakistan and India but a global issue and the UN's role regarding implemen- He slammed Narendra Modi's
tation of its resolutions on Kashmir had been criminal. He said the Kashmiri silence on the situation in IIOJK

October 2020 09
during his address to the UN
General Assembly terming it as his
frustration. He said that the Indian
Prime Minister unsuccessfully tried
to keep the international community
uninformed about the Kashmir
dispute as the Prime Minister of
Pakistan, Imran Khan, and Pakistani
delegates had very effectively
informed the world about the real
situation in IIOJK.
Jammu and Kashmir Muslim
Conference Chairman, Shabbir

Ahmed Dar, and International
Forum for Justice and Human Rights
chief, Muhammad Ahsan Untoo, in a
joint statement issued in Srinagar
called upon the World Body to reject
India’s demand for a permanent seat Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, “Reform is needed at the United
of the Security Council in view of its ahead of his address to the UNGA. Nations and India is waiting for that
track record over human rights The protesters, waving black flags reform to happen.” He reminded the
violations in IIOJK. and wearing black armbands, UN that it needed to adapt and
APHC-AJK leader and Vice marched on the city’s main highway change to stay relevant in current
Chairman of Jammu and Kashmir and chanted slogans like “Killer times.
Peoples Moment, Abdul Majeed Killer - Modi Killer.” The Security Council is the UN’s
Malik, and other speakers during a Tehreek-e-Istiqlal also organised a highest-decision making forum and
meeting in Mirpur said that the protest rally in Muzaffarabad the only one that can make legally-
Indian Prime Minister, Narendra against the Indian Prime Minister. binding decisions, such as the one
Modi, in his speech at the UNGA demanding a plebiscite in Jammu
The participants of the rally chanted
tried to mislead the international and Kashmir. India, however,
slogans in favour of Kashmir’s
community to justify his demand for refuses to implement this legally-
freedom from India and against the
the UN permanent seat while the binding decision.
Indian brutalities in IIOJK. They said
situation in IIOJK reflected quite
that New Delhi had usurped all basic India, which has previously served
opposite scenario where the RSS-BJP
democratic rights of the people of the seven terms as a non-permanent
nexus had started implementing its
territory and he had no right to member, was re-elected for a two-
Hindutva agenda.
address the world’s biggest forum. year term in June along with Ireland,
On the other hand, a protest Mexico and Norway.
Meanwhile, Pakistan rejected India’s
demonstration was held under the
demand for a permanent seat of the In February, the US President,
auspices of APHC-AJK chapter
UN Security Council, saying that Donald Trump, said he was
outside the Indian High
there’s no place for a fascist state in a committed to work with India to
Commission in Islamabad hours
sensitive decision-making body. strengthen and reform the UN but
before the Indian Prime Minister,
made no specific reference to New
Narendra Modi’s address to the Pakistan’s permanent representative
Delhi’s demand for a permanent
UNGA. to the UN, Ambassador Munir
Hurriyat leaders in their speeches on Akram, while responding to the
demand said, “It’s a pipe dream. The On September 25, 2020, Pakistan
the occasion said that Narendra
Prime Minister, Imran Khan, used
Modi was pursuing a policy of world does not want a fascist state as
his address to the UNGA to highlight
genocide of Kashmiris and the a permanent member of the Security
the atrocities being perpetrated by
Indian forces were involved in the Council.”
India in IIOJK. He urged the world
extrajudicial killing of innocent He said that Pakistan opposed the leaders to force New Delhi to reverse
Kashmiris in IIOJK. Indian proposal because this will its August 05, 2019 decision to
Pasban-e-Hurriyat Jammu and also create new centers of privilege illegally annex the occupied
Kashmir held a demonstration in compounding the difficulties of territory. He also drew world’s
front of Central Press Club in securing expeditious and equitable attention to the plight of Muslims
Muzaffarabad against the Indian decisions in the Security Council. and other minorities in India.

October 2020 10
from both the UK and the US for his

xecutive Director of Human Rights Watch (KI Report)
role in the 2002 anti-Muslim Gujarat
(HRW), Kenneth Roth, has said that the West’s
riots, in which more than 1,000
refusal to call out human rights abuses by Indian
people were killed in communal
Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, only emboldened
violence, most of them Muslims. At
him in pushing his anti-Muslim agenda across the
that time, Modi was the chief minister
country and in Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir
of Gujarat.
Since coming to power, the magazine
Kenneth Roth in an interview with Newsweek, a widely
noted that Modi had faced growing
circulated American magazine, on September 22, 2020, said,
criticism from opposition parties and
the desire of leading countries in the West to use India as a
human rights organisations over his
counterweight to China's power and influence as well as the
treatment of minorities, with the UN
unprincipled approach to human rights pursued by President
labelling a citizenship law that Modi’s
Trump had only emboldened the Indian leader's decision to
government passed as fundamentally
undermine the human rights of Muslim citizens.
“Modi has largely got away with his anti-Muslim agenda and
Human rights organisations have also
his oppression of protests against it, that is the relative lack of
reported that Indian armed forces are
criticism from the West has only emboldened him on this
committing serious human rights
abusive path,” Roth said.
violations in IIOJK, saying rape,
He noted that besides Muslims in India, Modi had also been torture and forced disappearances are
undermining human rights in IIOJK. a routine in the territory, the magazine
Roth said, “His (Modi’s) withdrawal of Kashmir’s special added.
status and the subsequent crackdown on dissent, shutting down When asked why Western govern-
the Internet, all are part of this broader anti-Muslim element of ments are reluctant to call out human
BJP policy, which Modi either participates in actively or rights violations in India, Roth said,
simply tolerates, including the so-called cow-vigilantes, who “It’s [Kashmir] one piece of a larger
are basically vigilantes who attack Muslims.” anti-Muslim agenda which the West
Kenneth Roth said, “The big issue with India is Prime Minister has largely ignored. India is a major
Modi’s systematic discrimination against Muslims and his power, a major country. There is
tolerance of violence against Muslims.” increasing tension with China and
He said in the Indian state of Assam, 1.9 million Muslims were some just soften the criticism of India
made stateless, as part of Modi’s anti-Muslim agenda. because they see it as an ally in
Modi, who leads the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), was banned competition with China.”

October 2020 11
Srinagar against the will of the
Kashmiri people and in total disre-
gard to the Indian Independence Act
and Partition Plan. Under the
Partition Plan, Indian British Colony
was divided into two sovereign
states, India (comprising Hindu
Kashmiris on majority areas) and Pakistan (con-
both sides of the sisting of Muslim-majority areas of
Line of Control Western provinces and east Bengal).
and across the Every year, 27th October is marked
globe observe by complete strike in Indian illegally Pakistan as both shared strong bonds in
October 27 as occupied Jammu and Kashmir respect of religion, geography and
Black Day. It is (IIOJK) and rallies, seminars and culture. But, unfortunately, the then
the darkest day demonstrations in the illegally Hindu ruler of Jammu and Kashmir,
in the history of occupied territory, Azad Kashmir Maharaja Hari Singh, destroyed the
Kashmir as on and world capitals. future of Kashmiri people by
this day in 1947 announcing its accession to India under
As per the understanding behind the
India had a controversial document, Instrument
Partition Plan, the than Princely
f o r c i b l y of Accession, thus laying the founda-
States were given the choice to accede
o c c u p i e d tion of the Kashmir dispute. Many
either to Pakistan or India on the
Jammu and observers including prominent British
basis of their geography and demog-
Kashmir by historian, Alastair Lamb, and noted
raphy. Being a Muslim-majority
landing its Kashmiri researchers, Abdul Majid
state, with 87% Muslim population,
a r m y i n Zargar and Basharat Hussain
Kashmir was a natural part of
Qazilbash, deny the existence of such a
document with the argument that had it
been there, the Indian government must
have made it public either officially or at
any international forum. Even Indian
Archives Department has now declared
that the document is lost and the
announcement has put question marks
on the very existence of the document.

Kashmir in the United Nations

The people of Jammu and Kashmir
strongly resisted India’s illegal occupa-
tion of their soil and they launched a
movement to liberate it from the Indian
yoke. Their resilience forced India to
seek the help of the world community to

October 2020 12
settle the Kashmir dispute.
Sensing a humiliating defeat to its
armed forces, India approached
the United Nations Security
Council (UNSC) on January 01,
1948. The World Body in its
successive resolutions nullified
the Indian invasion and called for
holding of an impartial plebiscite
under its supervision to allow the
Kashmiri people decide their fate
by themselves. Unfortunately,
these UN resolutions and the
pledges made by Indian leaders
remain unfulfilled even after the
passage of several decades,
resulting in the continued
suffering of the Kashmiri people.

Kashmiris’ revolt and

mass uprisings dimension to their freedom suffered pellet injuries and over
Disappointed over the failure of movement in 2008. They hit the 395 of them have lost their
all the efforts aimed at resolving streets in thousands during mass eyesight in one or both eyes.
the Kashmir dispute through uprisings in 2008, 2009, 2010 and
peaceful means for decades, the 2016. However, most of the time,
people of IIOJK intensified their Indian troops and police Indian state terrorism
freedom struggle in 1989 to secure personnel used brute force against India is using every brutal tactic to
their right to self-determination. these peaceful demonstrators, continue its illegal hold on Jammu
This movement gave sleepless killing hundreds of them. Since and Kashmir for the past over
nights to the Indian rulers. They the mass uprising triggered by the seven decades. Since 1989 till 30th
responded this popular move- extrajudicial killing of popular September 2020 alone, Indian
ment with the brute military youth leader, Burhan Wani, on 8th troops had martyred 95,686
might. July in 2016, besides killing over Kashmiris, widowed 22,920
1,300, the troops have caused women, orphaned 107,802
The people of IIOJK added a new children and molested or gang-
injuries to
more than raped 11,219 Kashmiri women.
While the whereabouts of thou-
2 9 , 2 2 0
sands of innocent youth subjected
people by
to disappearance in custody
f i r i n g
remain untraced, the discovery of
thousands of mass graves across
bullets and
the territory has raised concerns
about their safety. However,
shells on despite exhausting all its resources
protesters. and resorting to the worst kind of
During this state terrorism during the past
period, over seven decades, New Delhi
more than has miserably failed to intimidate
1 0 , 2 8 0 the people of IIOJK into submis-
people have sion.

October 2020 13
Modi’s 5th August
Narendra Modi-led fascist Indian
government has put the peace of
the entire world in perils by
abrogating Article 370 of the
Indian Constitution that granted
special status to Jammu and
Kashmir and annexing it with
India on August 05, 2019. It also
divided IIOJK into two federally
administered union territories -
Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh.
After repealing the Article 370,
New Delhi put the illegally
occupied territory under strict
military siege, confining millions
of Kashmiris to their homes and
arresting thousands. Continued
curfew, restrictions and communi-
cations blackout led to humani-
tarian crisis in IIOJK. At the same delimitation of Lok Sabha and to convert IIOJK’s Muslim
time, Indian troops intensified assembly constituencies in IIOJK majority into a minority by settling
violent cordon and search with an aim to give more seats to Indian Hindus in large numbers. It
operations across the territory. Hindu-dominated areas of Jammu is also aimed at damaging the
The Modi government imposed division. At the same time, it has essence of the UN resolutions on
several federal laws and intro- flouted a new political front of its the Kashmir dispute and affect the
duced new domicile rules in collaborators led by Altaf Bukhari results in India’s favour if New
IIOJK. In gross violation of the UN in the name of Jammu Kashmir Delhi is compelled to hold a
resolutions and the international Apni Party. plebiscite in Jammu and Kashmir
law, it has granted domicile status The basic objective behind all at any point of time in the future.
to thousands of non-Kashmiri these unilateral illegal measures is
Hindus including some IAS
Pakistan’s support to
officers. The local people fear that
more than 800,000 Indian soldiers Kashmir cause
and over 600,000 migrant The Pakistani leadership has
labourers present in the territory always represented the Kashmiris’
might also be granted the domicile aspirations and never betrayed the
status in the coming days. faith reposed on it by the Kashmiri
The BJP regime, as part of its anti- people. It was his commitment to
Muslim policies, is also replacing the interests of the people of
the Muslim names of important Kashmir that drove father of the
places and departments with nation, Quaid-e-Azam
Hindu names in IIOJK. The birth Muhammad Ali Jinnah, to visit
anniversary of former Chief Jammu and Kashmir three times
Minister, Sheikh Abdullah, and before 1947. He had rightly termed
Kashmir Martyrs' Day on July 13 Kashmir as the “Jugular Vein” of
have been dropped from the list of Pakistan. Prime Minister, Imran
public holidays. The Modi govt Khan, in his address to the UN
has initiated the process of General Assembly, drew world’s

October 2020 14
atte terri sen
ntion to the worsening humani- t o r y ding
tarian crisis in IIOJK after Modi convinced a loud
government’s 5th August illegal the UNSC to a n d
move. He repeatedly warned the hold its session c l e a r
world that Modi government’s on Kashmir thrice
mess age to
Hindutva policies and aggressive first time after the
the world community to take
posture posed serious threat to the period of over 50 years. The UN
stock of the miseries of the
peace in the region and the entire Secretary General Antonio
Kashmiri people and come
world. Pakistan’s Foreign Guterres and the US President
Donald Trump have repeatedly forward in a big way to ensure a
Ministry is consistently updating
offered mediation to resolve the solution of the lingering Kashmir
the world leaders on the Indian
Kashmir dispute in the wake of dispute in accordance with their
brutalities in IIOJK. The Pakistan
heightened tension between wishes. It is also intended to send
Parliament has passed several
resolutions since August 05, last Pakistan and India. The UN High a strong message to New Delhi
year, expressing solidarity with Commissioner for Human Rights, that the Kashmiris reject its illegal
the oppressed people of IIOJK and Michelle Bachelet, several occupation of their homeland and
condemning India’s illegal actions members of UK parliament and that they would continue their
in the territory. The Army Chief, US lawmakers as well as world struggle till they achieved their
General Qamar Javed Bajwa, has bodies including the OIC, the inalienable right to self-
repeatedly expressed Pak Army’s Amnesty International and determination promised to them
support to the Kashmir cause. He Human Rights Watch have by India and the world through
has declared that Pakistan is ready expressed serious concern over several UN resolutions.
to fight till last bullet and last the grim human rights situation in Following India’s action to
soldier for Kashmir. IIOJK. Even the International change the disputed status and
watchdog, the Genocide Watch in
demographic composition of
a statement expressed fears of
Positive developments IIOJK, the solution of the Kashmir
genocide against the Muslims
dispute has become more
The Kashmir dispute has become living in IIOJK and the Indian state
imperative for ensuring perma-
the focus of attention at the global of Assam.
nent peace in the region and the
level after the illegal actions taken
world at large.
by the Modi regime on and post
August 05, 2019 in IIOJK.
Pakistan’s arduous efforts and the This is the context of the obser- (The writer is a Senior News
grave human rights situation vance of October 27 as Black Day Editor at Kashmir Media Service and
caused by the continued military by the Kashmiris all across the c a n b e r e a c h e d a t
siege in the illegally occupied globe. The observance is aimed at

October 2020 15
10.09.20 Srinagar
Human Rights abuses
by Indian troops in IIOJK
during SEPTEMBER 2020
Raies Ahmed Mir

In Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir, the

unrelenting military siege and crippling lockdown
imposed by the fascist Modi government on August 05,
last year, has made the life of the residents a hell. Indian
troops are perpetrating crimes against humanity in the
occupied territory to suppress the Kashmiris’ struggle
for securing freedom from India’s illegal occupation of
their homeland.
At the same time, the Modi regime is indulging in a
witch-hunt of human rights organisations. It is leaving
no stone unturned to convert India into a Hindu
Rashtara and suppressing every voice that criticises its
cruel policies. Reprisals from the Modi-led fascist Indian September 01: Indian police arrested two youth,
government over findings on arbitrary detentions and Fayaz Ahmed Kumar and Aaqib Shafi Butt, in
the use of excessive force and torture by Indian troops in Baramulla.
IIOJK and questions over investigations in incidents like September 02: The police arrested four youth,
Delhi riots has forced the Amnesty International to halt
Shakil Ahmed Wani, Showkat Ahmed, Aaqib
its operations in India.
Maqbool Khan and Aijaz Ahmed Dar, from
The United Nations High Commissioner for Human
Pethkoot in Beerwah area of Budgam district.
Rights, Michelle Bachelet, in her inaugural statement at
September 03: The police arrested over a dozen
the 45th session of the UN Human Rights Council in
youth including Javaid Hassan Ittoo, Abid
Geneva on September 14, 2020 expressed serious
Parvaiz Hajam, Jan Nisar and Khaliq Ganai, in
concern over the grave human rights violations being
Pattan area of Baramulla district.
perpetrated by Indian troops in IIOJK. She said, in
Indian authorities foiled a meeting called by pro-
IIOJK, incidents of military and police violence against
civilians continue including use of pellet guns. She said
India Peoples Democratic Party at its
that the Indian Government’s August 5 moves followed headquarters in Srinagar and put under house
by domicile laws were generating deep anxiety among detention party leaders including Abdul
the people across Jammu and Kashmir. Rehman Veeri, Naeem Akhtar, Khursheed
Following are the details of human rights violations Aalam, Muhammad Yousuf Butt, Aijaz Mir,
perpetrated by Indian troops in IIOJK during the month Zahoor Ahmed Mir, Waheed-ur-Rehman Parra,
of September 2020. Farooq Andrabi, Sartaj Madni and Peer Mansoor

October 2020 18
while PDP President, Mehbooba Mufti, had been
under house detention since 5th August 2019.
Indian police booked 10 youth under the black
law Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act
(UAPA), for taking part in a cricket tournament
held in the memory of a martyred youth, Syed
Ruban, in Shopian district. Those booked
included Syed Tajamul Imran, the brother of
Syed Ruban.
September 04: Indian troops killed three youth,
Imtiyaz Ahmed Mir, Shafqat Ali Khan and
Hanan Bilal Sofi, and destroyed two residential Ishfaq Ahmed Pandit, Abdul Majeed Dar,
houses during a cordon and search operation at Mubashir Ahmed Dar, Yasin Butt and Wasif
Yadipora in Pattan area of Baramulla district. Ashraf Sofi, in Sopore and Pattan areas.
September 05: Bodies of two youth, Sameer September 12: Indian police arrested six youth
Ahmed Butt and Nisar Ahmed Rathar, who had including Nadeem Ahmed Dar, Irshad Ahmed
Sofi, Shakir Ahmed Dar and Aadil Ahmed
Hajam in Pulwama and Poonch areas.
September 14: Indian troops harassed and
terrorised people during a cordon and search
operation at Parigam in Pulwama.
September 15: The troops killed a youth, Kamran
Chak, during a cordon and search operation at
Duhoolanja in Uri area of Baramulla district.
Indian police arrested six youth, Shahid Hassan
Dar, Arshad Ahmed Khan, Majid Rasool Rathar,
Muhammad Aasif Najar, Rayees-ul-Hassan and
Mushtaq Ahmed Mir, from Kupwara, Ganderbal
and Pulwama areas.
been missing since August 2019, were found near Indian troops beat up three journalists, Kamran
the Line of Control in Gurez area of Bandipora Yousuf, Faisal Bashir and Irshad Reshi, in
district. Kakapora area of Pulwama district while they
September 08: Indian police arrested three youth, were performing their professional duty.
Mujeeb Shamas, Tanveer Ahmed Mir and September 16: Indian police killed a 23-year-old
Imtiyaz Ahmed Sheikh, from Mir Mohalla in shopkeeper, Irfan Ahmed Dar, in custody in
Hajin area of Bandipora district. Sopore area of Baramulla district.
September 09: Indian police arrested six youth The police arrested two youth, Aijaz Ahmed
including Bilal Ahmed Kuttey, Shahnawaz Khan and Huzaifa Firdous, during a cordon and
Ahmed Mir and Altaf Ahmed Butt in Kulgam,
Ramaban and Kupwara areas.
September 10: Indian troops killed a youth,
Aaqib Ahmed Lone, during a cordon and search
operation in Kawoosa Khalisa area of Budgam
The police arrested two youth, Mearaj-ud-Din
Wani and Waseem Irshad Gabroo, in
Drugmullah area of Kupwara district.
September 11: The police arrested five youth,

October 2020 19
Pulwama district.
September 21: Indian troops
arrested two youth from Bomai
in Sopore area of Baramulla
September 22: The troops killed
a youth, Aasif Ahmed Shah, and
a cleric, Muzaffar Ahmed Shah,
during a cordon and search
search operation in Pattan area Mudasir Ahmed Magray, were
operation in Charar-e-Sharif
of Baramulla district. injured in a blast caused by the
area of Budgam district. The
September 17: Indian troops explosive material planted by
troops also destroyed two
killed three youth, Zakir Ahmed the troops in the house.
residential houses in the area.
Paul, Ubair Mushtaq Butt and September 26: Indian police
September 24: The troops killed
Aadil Hussain Butt, and a 45- arrested two youth, Akeel
a youth, Irfan Ahmed Dar,
year-old woman, Kousar Riyaz, Ahmed Parray and Talib
during a cordon and search Ahmed Butt, from Kupwara and
operation in Batamaloo area of Kulgam districts.
Srinagar. September 27: Indian troops
Indian police arrested 13 killed two youth, Aijaz Ahmed
panchayat members including Reshi and Sajjad Ahmed Sofi,
President of All Jammu and and destroyed two residential
Kashmir Panchayat Conference, houses during a cordon and
Anil Sharma, after they tried to search operation in Sanboora
take out a protest march in area of Pulwama. Eight persons
Jammu. during a cordon and search were injured when Indian police
September 18: Indian forces’ operation in Machoma fired pellets on peaceful
personnel used brute force and Bhagandar area of Pulwama protesters in the same area.
harassed people during a district. September 28: A 34-year-old
cordon and search operation in The troops arrested two civilian, Yasin Ahmed Rathar,
Gohiwa Pattan area of civilians, Shakeel Ahmed and who was among four persons
Baramulla district. Muhammad Altaf Chopan, in injured in an explosion in
September 19: Indian police Tral area of the same district. Sirhama area of Islamabad
arrested five youth including Indian police arrested two district on September 25,
Rahil Bashir, Amir Jaan and youth, Samiullah and Nisar succumbed to his injuries at a
Hafiz Yunus Wani in Rajouri Ahmed Lone, and snatched a hospital in Srinagar.
and Pulwama areas. huge amount of cash from them September 29: Indian police
September 20: The police in Qazigund area of Kulgam during house raids arrested
arrested a youth, Shazada district. three youth from Srinagar and
Suvaid Shah, at Devar Tral in September 25: Indian troops Shopian areas.
killed two youth, Aadil Ahmed
Butt and Rehan, and destroyed a
house during a cordon and
search operation in Sirhama area
of Islamabad district. Four
persons, Irfan Ahmed,
Muhammad Yasin Rathar,
Shahid Yousuf Sheikh and

October 2020 20
he legal points raised by Prime Minister Imran Humayun Aziz Sandeela
Khan during his second speech at the United
Nations General Assembly (UNGA) in “We have to submit dossiers of crimes
committed by India in Pakistan
September 2020 have opened a new opportunity
to take up war crimes committed by Indian through proxies e.g. Kulbhushan
occupational forces at the International Criminal Court Jadhav. FATF is India’s lawfare
(ICC), International Court of Justice (ICJ) and other legal against Pakistan. It is time for us to
forums and get them punished. wage our own counter lawfare against
Hassan Aslam Shad, Director Legal, CMS McKenna, one of India. India is becoming a hub of
the top 10 global international law firms, in a recent media terrorism (a major terrorist hub
interaction stated that the PM has paved way for Pakistan’s nabbed in Kerala) due to Modi’s
‘lawfare’ against India. nefarious policies. It is time to up the
ante and take India to task,” Hassan
“Lawfare is the use of law as a weapon of war. Lawfare is
achieving the same or better results as warfare but without
firing a bullet. PM Khan’s speech was as brilliant reiteration New Delhi’s unilateral annexation of
of his UNGA address on 26 September 2019 where he Kashmir is being celebrated in India as
opposed warfare and made a call for global peace. “It gave a a major constitutional and political
proper road map for Pakistan and prosperity of the Muslim coup. In fact, many Indian analysts are
Ummah. We now need to garner support of world commu- selling the abrogation of Article 370 as
nity to refer an appropriately framed ‘Kashmir Question’ to a fait accompli, while failing to
International Court of Justice (ICJ) for advisory opinion. recognise that India’s undemocratic
Islamabad needs to frame the question in a way that the right and illegal action will have serious
of self-determination stands out as the remedy sought by repercussions for regional stability
Pakistan. It is also time Pakistan needs to accede fully or and directly compromise its demo-
partially to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal cratic credentials. Moreover, the gross
Court (ICC) and make fascist Modi & co liable for their human rights violations in Kashmir
International crimes against the Kashmiris and the crime of and the BJP government’s plans to
aggression like Balakot attack committed in February 2019 change the Muslim majority character
against Pakistan. “It is time for us to move and move fast.” of the region are being seen as ethnic

October 2020 21
cleansing in India’s occupied
Muslim territory of Jammu and
Pakistan should also approach the
UNSC under Chapter VII Article 39
that deals with “Threats to
International Peace and Security”.
The three conditions triggering
UNSC Article 39 are - the existence
of any threat to peace, breach of
peace, or act of aggression.
Pakistan can make a case in the first
two instances. In recent times,
UNSC Article 39 has been triggered
in terrorism and humanitarian
crises. Pakistan has a strong case
since Indian actions are a contra-
vention of UNSC Resolution 38
that calls on governments to inform giving it a permanent legal position better rewards than kinetic
the Council of any change and conditioned to a plebiscite. The warfare. Mediation is a trap,
consult the Council in this regard; recent illegal action by India of bilateralism is useless, and the
UNSC Resolution 47 states that the revoking the said article has not divided Muslim Ummah will
dispute of J&K be settled by a free only stolen the identity of further complicate the situation. So
and fair plebiscite, as the continua- Kashmiris but has also nullified the in order to consider these options
tion of the dispute endangers Instrument of Accession, leading Pakistan has to break the shackles
international peace and security; Kashmir to its pre-1947 status. of bilateralism imposed by the
and the Simla Agreement which With this action, India has not only Shimla Agreement of 1972. India’s
fatf states that Indo-Pak relations will lost the moral ground but also its recent actions are the instances of
be governed by the UN Charter. legal case on Kashmir. After the material breach. As per Article 60
nullification of the Instrument of of the 1969 Vienna Convention on
The annexation of Kashmir is
Accession, now every Indian action the Law of Treaties, “If a country
illegal under international law.
in Kashmir lies under forceful commits material breach of a
India has “occupied” J&K
occupation in the international law bilateral treaty, the other country is
according to Article 42 of the
terminology. The Fourth Geneva entitled to terminate the treaty.”
Hague Regulations 1907, which
Convention (GC-IV) strongly This legal route offers Pakistan a
state that “territory is considered
prohibits the occupation of a golden opportunity to say goodbye
occupied when it is placed under
territory by threat or use of force. It to bilateralism and to invite
the authority of the hostile army”.
also prohibits forced or voluntary multilateralism, which is the only
This applies to contested territory
transfer of population from its way forward on Kashmir. There is
like Kashmir. The bottom line for
territory to the occupied territory a strong realisation in the public
Pakistan is that its diplomatic and
as per Article 49 of GC-IV. In spheres that even friendly criticism
legal options are closely inter-
addition, there is a complete is not healthy in crucial times like
linked. Pakistan’s legal options
framework under the Law of these but only a sound way
require Security Council’s support
Occupation that binds the occu- forward, other than kinetic warfare
to be meaningful.
pied force to apply restraints. In that can be opted to counter India’s
Before assessing all options, case of violation, the occupying action in the IIOJK. Such a way
Pakistani policy makers have to force and its actions can be tried forward lies in the ‘lawfare’ as a
realise that in essence, the revoca- under international criminal domain of non-kinetic warfare that
tion of Article 370 means the tribunals and international courts not only demands a change in the
nullification of the Instrument of of justice. While focusing on all terminologies of the popular
Accession. Article 370 was added these options, Pakistan needs to narratives but also the shifting of
to the Indian constitution in 1950 to realise that lawfare as a domain of approach while looking at the
signify the importance of the non-kinetic warfare with the Kashmir issue, hence strength-
Instrument of Accession, hence support of other domains offers ening Pakistan’s case on Kashmir.

October 2020 22
he United Nations Human Rights Council Group on Jammu and Kashmir
(UNHRC) was informed on September 14, held a meeting with the UN High
2020 that in Indian illegally occupied Commissioner for Human
Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK), incidents of Rights, Michelle Bachelet, and
military and police violence against civilians apprised her of the grave human
continue, including use of pellet guns. (KI Report) rights situation in IIOJK.
On the opening of 45th session of the UNHRC that Pakistan’s mission to the UN in
continued till 7th October 2020 in Geneva, Geneva said on Twitter that the
Switzerland, the United Nations High Commissioner for envoys met virtually with the UN
Human Rights, Michelle Bachelet, presented an overall Human Rights chief to communi-
update on human rights situations around the world. cate their concerns on the
Michelle Bachelet said in IIOJK, incidents of military human rights situation in the
and police violence against civilians continue, illegally occupied territory. The
including use of pellet guns. She pointed out that in the group comprised envoys from
occupied territory, major changes including amend- Azerbaijan, Niger, Saudi Arabia,
ments in the Constitution and domicile rules are Turkey, Pakistan and the OIC
generating deep anxiety and the space for political Geneva Mission.
debate and public participation continues to be “The group urged High
severely restricted. Commissioner Bachelet to
She maintained that her Office is committed to contin- continue monitoring and
uing its engagement with India and Pakistan to uphold reporting on IIOJK based on
the rights of the Kashmiri people which is the best way grave human rights situation
to prevent further tensions and conflict in the territory. there and briefed her on ministe-
The High Commissioner's remarks reinforced the rial meetings of Contact Group
serious concerns that have been repeatedly expressed and resolutions on Jammu and
by Pakistan, international media and global human Kashmir adopted at the OIC
rights organisations about the grim human rights summits and foreign minister-
situation in IIOJK. level meets,” the Pakistani
Earlier on September 09, the Ambassadors of the Mission said.
Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Contact “The Office of the High

October 2020 23
Commissioner for Human
Rights documented that human
rights violations in IIOJK have
worsened in the last year,
characterised by excessive use
of force including pellet guns,
home demolitions, civilians’
imprisonment, torture, demo-
graphic engineering etc.,” it
Turkey also reiterated its call to
the Indian government to ease
the current restrictions in the
occupied territory. A statement
issued by Turkey at the 45th
UNHRC session on September
15, 2020 said, “We sincerely
desire that Kashmir issue is
resolved through peaceful
Commissioner for Human that Indian propaganda, lies
means between India and
Rights Michelle Bachelet, the and fake news regarding
Pakistan on the basis of the
Convener of AJK chapter of normalcy in the occupied
relevant UN resolutions.”
Mirwaiz-led Hurriyat forum, territory stand exposed before
During the general debate on Syed Faiz Naqshbandi, and Vice the world.
High Commissioner’s oral Chairman of Jammu and The Organisation of Kashmir
update, Turkey also lambasted Kashmir National Front, Altaf Coalition (OKC) also welcomed
India’s ally Israel for violating Hussain Wani, in their state- the statement of the UN High
human rights of the ments issued in Islamabad on Commissioner for Human
Palestinians. September 15 said that the UN Rights, Michelle Bachelet, in
“Israel continues to act with Rights chief’s remarks high- which she expressed serious
absolute impunity in the lighted the gravity of human concern over the grave human
occupied Palestinian territo- rights situation in IIOJK. The rights violations being perpe-
ries,” the statement said. “The President of Jammu and trated by Indian troops in
inhumane blockade sustained Kashmir Salvation Movement, IIOJK.
by Israel stands as the heaviest Altaf Ahmed Butt, in a state- The Foreign Office of Pakistan
hurdle for the individuals in ment in Islamabad on while welcoming the remarks of
Gaza in the enjoyment of their September 15 also lauded the Michelle Bachelet said that her
most basic human rights,” it UN High Commissioner’s assertions reinfor ced the
added. remarks regarding the human serious concerns that have
Meanwhile, welcoming the rights violations by Indian been repeatedly expressed by
remarks by the UN High troops in IIOJK. He maintained Pakistan, international media
and global human rights
India came under severe
criticism at the UNHRC where
reputed international rights
groups during a daylong debate
took a dig at the BJP govern-
ment for human rights viola-
tions in IIOJK and India.
Taking part in the debate held
under agenda item 3 on
September 27, the representa-
tives of International Muslim
Women Union (IMWU), World
Muslim Congress (WMC),

October 2020 24
Community Human Rights and
Advocacy Center (CHR&AC) and
Amnesty International voiced
their serious concerns over the
dire political and human rights
situation in the occupied
territory. They urged the
UNHRC to force the Indian
government to hold account-
able the members of its armed
forces involved in heinous
crimes such as torture, arbi-
trary detentions, killings and
forced disappearances in IIOJK.
Speaking on the occasion, the
CHR&AC representative,
Eemaan Gilani, while referring
to the genesis of the Kashmir
dispute said, “Jammu and WMC representative, Raja Regarding the arrests and
Kashmir is a disputed territory. Saeeduz Zaman, said, “What torture on peaceful protesters
United Nations has passed a defines today’s Kashmir is by the Indian police, he said,
number of resolutions calling extra-judicial killings, fake “People who were protesting
for a free and impartial plebi- encounters, forced disappear- against Citizenship Act were
scite under the UN auspicious ances, detention of Kashmiri subjected to excessive force.”
to allow the people of Jammu youth and torture.” Tehreek-e-Kashmir Europe and
and Kashmir to determine their Speaking on the occasion, the Kashmir Institute of
political future in an atmo- Amnesty International repre- International Relations (KIIR)
sphere free of coercion.” sentative expressed grave held a protest demonstration
Terming denial of right to self- concern over the rising tide of outside the UNHRC
determination as a violation of fascism, intolerance, and Headquarters on September 30
human rights, the IMWU racism in India. He said, “We are to draw attention of the world
representative, Warda Najum, alarmed by the deteriorating towards the continued blood-
maintained that the Kashmiris situation in India where shed and human rights viola-
are being subjected to the worst draconian laws are being used tions by Indian troops in IIOJK.
kind of violence and subjuga- to detain and arrest the human Exposing Indian brutalities in
tion for demanding this inalien- rights defenders and peaceful the occupied territory, the
able right. protesters.” speakers sought the interna-
tional community’s urgent
attention towards the
Former President of the impending humanitarian crisis
in IIOJK, which has been
United Nations General reeling under heightened state
Assembly (UNGA), violence, repression and
undeclared military siege for
Morgan Lykketoft more than a year now.
The speakers at a press confer-
ence in Geneva on October 01
urged the world community to
take cognisance of the grave
human rights situation in
The speakers of the press
conference pointed out that
over a year-long undeclared
military siege in IIOJK is a
challenge to the world

October 2020 25
The press conference, held on
the sidelines of the UNHRC
session, was addressed by
President of Tehreek-e-
Kashmir, UK, Fahim Kiyani.
Former President of the United
Nations General Assembly
(UNGA), Morgan Lykketoft, and
Chairman of Kashmir Institute
of International Relations
(KIIR), Altaf Hussain Wani,
attended and addressed the
event through video link. They
said, “Besides leaving
undeletable and devastating
impacts on the Kashmiris’
psyche, the unrelenting siege,
on one hand, left the economy of
the territory in doldrums, while
on the other, it has enormously
affected the education and
health sectors at a time when it
was hit by the novel
Amidst a deepening crisis, they
said, “After 5th August 2019 a
population of over 8 million
people was held virtually
incommunicado by the Indian
authorities by enforcing a
crippling communication
blockade in the territory. All
forms of communication
including the internet, mobile
and landline phones and social
media sites were disbanded.
The entire Kashmir was turned
into an information black-hole systematic genocide of such as arbitrary arrests,
for rest of the world.” Kashmiri youth by Indian imprisonments and detention of
Referring to the Office of the UN forces’ personnel. youth in concentration camps
High Commissioner for Human Voicing their serious concern were used by India to stifle the
Rights report, which focuses on over the persecution and voice of Kashmiris, who had
the worst human rights viola- victimisation of political and been struggling for their
tions committed by Indian human rights activists at the legitimate right to self-
troops in IIOJK, the speakers hands of the occupation determination guaranteed to
said that there was a dire need authorities in IIOJK, they said them by the world community.
that the Indian government, that pro-freedom political Calling for an early and
which had an appalling human leaders, human rights activists amicable settlement of the
track record of muzzling the and members of the civil society Kashmir dispute, the speakers
voices of dissent, should be were being harassed, humili- said that peace in the region
pressurised to allow a UN fact- ated and arrested under would remain a distant dream
finding mission to visit IIOJK to draconian laws. unless the long-pending
carry out an independent Kashmir dispute was addressed
Demanding release of all
investigation into the incidents in accordance with the univer-
illegally detained Hurriyat
of human rights violations, sally accepted principle of right
leaders and activists, the
enforced disappearances and to self-determination.
speakers said that colonial tools

October 2020 26
June 11:
The All Parties Hurriyat Conference leader, Hakeem Abdul
Rasheed, visits the residence of martyred student, Tufail
Compiled by: Showkat Ali Ahmed Mattoo, to pay glowing tributes to him on his 4th
martyrdom anniversary. Tufail Mattoo died on the spot after
a teargas shell fired by Indian police hit him near Ghani
Memorial College in Srinagar on June 11, 2010. His killing led
to the mass uprising in the occupied territory in that year.
Hakeem Abdul Rasheed also participates in a special prayer
A CHRONOLOGICAL session, which is held at Eidgah in Srinagar to offer Fateha for
all Kashmiri martyrs including Tufail Ahmed Mattoo.
June 12:
ACCOUNT OF The veteran Hurriyat leader, Syed Ali Gilani, addressing a
public gathering at Hyderpora Chowk in Srinagar says that
DEVELOPMENTS ON India is hatching a plan to convert Muslim majority into a
minority in IIOJK by pushing non-state subjects into Jammu
region and issuing them Permanent Resident Certificates. He
KASHMIR strongly opposes the plan to create a separate settlement for
Kashmiri Pandit community in the Kashmir Valley. He says
(170) that communal elements are trying to sabotage the freedom
movement by creating divisions on ethnic and religious
Pro-India National Conference President and former puppet
Chief Minister of IIOJK, Farooq Abdullah, speaking at a
function in Srinagar acknowledges that attempts are being
made to change the demographic character of the illegally
occupied territory.
The All Parties Hurriyat Conference at its Executive Council

October 2020 27
meeting in Srinagar demands
impartial probe into the killings
of youth during 2008, 2009 and
2010 mass uprisings. The
meeting is presided over by
APHC Chairman, Mirwaiz
Umar Farooq.
Indian police arrest Hurriyat
leaders, Shabbir Ahmed Shah,
Farooq Ahmed Dar and Shabbir
Ahmed Dar, at Pantha Chhoke in
Srinagar to prevent them from
visiting family of a martyr at
Kakapora in Pulwama. Hurriyat
leaders, Muhammad Yousuf
Naqash, Bilal Ahmed Siddiqui
and others, who succeed to reach June 13: pay glowing tributes to a local
the area, lead a protest demon- The Chairman of All Parties youth, Mudassir Ahmed,
stration. On the occasion, they Hurriyat Conference, Mirwaiz recently martyred by Indian
reiterate the Kashmiri’s resolve Umar Farooq, addressing a troops.
to continue the martyrs’ mission, gathering at Jamia Masjid in Hurriyat leaders including
against all odds. Srinagar says that the people of Yasmeen Raja, Zamruda Habib,
Kashmiri representatives, Altaf Kashmir are determined to Shabbir Ahmed Dar, Abdul
Hussain Wani and Syed Faiz continue their struggle till they Ahad Parra, Muhammad Yousuf
Naqshbandi, addressing the 26th achieve their right to self- Naqash, Muhammad Yousuf
session of UN Human Rights determination. Mir, Molvi Bashir Ahmed and
Council in Geneva say that India Senior leader of All Parties Ghulam Qadir Ganai visit
has enacted a series of draconian Hurriyat Conference, Shabbir Lehlahar Kakapora in Pulwama
laws to facilitate perpetrators of Ahmed Shah, addressing a big and express solidarity with the
human rights violations in Indian gathering at Nasrullah Pora in family of a martyred youth, Bilal
illegally occupied Jammu and Budgam expresses serious Ahmed Butt. Addressing a
Kashmir. concern over Indian govern- gathering on the occasion, they
Altaf Hussain Wani and Sardar ment’s plan to change the say that the sacrifices of Kashmiri
Amjad Yousuf in an interview demography IIOJK by perma- martyrs will not go waste and
with the Iranian national televi- nently settling the non-Kashmiris their mission will be accom-
sion channel express concern in the occupied territory. He says plished at all costs.
over arrests and killings of youth that every such move will be Indian police arrest APHC
by Indian troops and police in the resisted tooth and nail. He also leaders, Mukhtar Ahmed Waza
illegally occupied territory. opposes the plan to create and Nayeem Ahmed Khan, from
A delegation of Kashmiri separate colonies for the Ashmaqam and Trehgam after
representatives comprising Mrs Kashmiri Pandit community in they address public gatherings in
Shamim Shawl, Sardar Amjad the Kashmir Valley terming it a these areas.
Yousaf Khan, Shagufta Ashraf conspiracy to divide the The occupation authorities
and Ahmed Quraishi meets Kashmiris on communal lines. continue to place the veteran
diplomats from Finland, APHC leaders, Zafar Akbar Butt, Hurriyat leader, Syed Ali Gilani,
Luxembourg, UK, and the UN Javaid Ahmed Mir and Syed under house arrest. He is not
Special Rapporteur on freedom Bashir Andrabi, lead a protest even allowed to offer Juma
of assembly. They apprise them rally amid high-pitched anti- prayers.
about the worsening human India and pro-freedom slogans in
rights situation in IIOJK. Lurwa area of Pulwama. They To be continued...

October 2020 28
Human Rights Situation
mistaken if it thinks that it can
June 14: seminar through Skype from
Srinagar. suppress the Kashmiris’ passion
The Chairman of All Parties for freedom by subjecting them to
Hurriyat Conference, Mirwaiz Indian police re-arrest Hurriyat
different tactics of oppression and
Umar Farooq, in an interview in leader, Masarrat Aalam Butt, soon
suppression. He reiterates the
Srinagar calls upon the after he reaches home following
Kashmiris’ pledge to continue the
Organisation of Islamic his release on court orders in
liberation struggle till it reaches its
Cooperation to play an effective Srinagar.
logical conclusion.
role in resolving the Kashmir Hurriyat leader and the Chairman
The Jammu and Kashmir
dispute. He welcomes the concern of Islamic Political Party Jammu
Liberation Front Chairman,
shown by the OIC recently over and Kashmir, Muhammad Yousuf
Muhammad Yasin Malik,
the plight of the Kashmiris. He Naqash, during his interaction
addressing a function at Maisuma
maintains that the OIC has a role in with people in Ganderbal says that
in Srinagar says that the JKLF’s
the Kashmir resolution and it must India is continuing its illogical and
Quit Kashmir Movement will be
use its good offices so that the unrealistic policy over the
commenced by holding a march
towards Lal Chowk on 23rd June.
The JKLF Chairman calls for a
united front against the Indian
occupation and New Delhi’s plan
to change the demography of the
Hurriyat leaders, Muhammad
Yousuf Naqash, Firdous Ahmed
Shah and Advocate Muhammad
Shafi Reshi, addressing meetings
in Srinagar and Ganderbal
demand withdrawal of Indian
troops from IIOJK to pave way for
settlement of the Kashmir dispute.

long-pending dispute can be Kashmir dispute and has the

settled in accordance with the malicious intentions of strength-
Kashmiris’ aspirations. ening its forced and illegal
Muhammad Yasin Malik is re- occupation on Kashmir which is
elected as the Chairman of Jammu unacceptable to the Kashmiri
and Kashmir Liberation Front in people.
its elections held in Srinagar. After
the elections, Muhammad Yasin June 15: The Chairman of All
Malik announces to launch Quit Parties Hurriyat Conference,
Kashmir Campaign from 23rd Mirwaiz Umar Farooq, addressing
June. a function organised by Maulana
The Chairman of Jammu and Anwar Shah Kashmiri Memorial
Kashmir National Front, Nayeem Trust at Lolab in Kupwara says
Ahmed Khan, addressing a that Jammu and Kashmir has
seminar in Geneva via Skype from always been a Muslim majority
Srinagar appeals to the interna- area and any plan to change its
tional community to impress upon demography will be opposed
India to change its attitude tooth and nail. He says that the
towards the Kashmir dispute and people of Kashmir are offering
withdraw its troops from IIOJK. great sacrifices for freedom from
Kashmiri intellectual, Abdul Indian bondage. The APHC
Majeed Zargar, also addresses the Chairman says that India is

October 2020 15
facilities are available in the spot.
Every year around Baisakhi, a food
and crafts festival is organised here.
Salal Dam & Lake
95 kms from Jammu to the west of
the Shrine of Vashnodeviji is the
Salal Dam and Lake. With an
installed capacity of 400 mw of
electricity, this is the largest
Hydroelectric Project commissioned
in IIOJK so far. The lake formed
behind the dam is 33 kms long. The
Dam site can be visited with the
permission of the project authorities.
Dera Baba Banda - It is a major
Hindu-Sikh pilgrimage centre
Patnitop a cup-shaped meadow surrounded situated 75 kms from Jammu. Baba
It is the most popular tourist spot of by gigantic conifers. A place for a Banda Bairaagi was Guru Gobind
Jammu region. Located 112 kms quiet holiday, the meadow has now Singh's favourite 'Saint-Soldier', who
from Jammu this famous hill resort is been developed as a golf course. had the Gurudwara constructed on
perched on a beautiful plateau, at an There are several walks in the the banks of river Chenab, where he
altitude of 2024 metres across which surrounding hills. The resort itself is spent his last days.
the Jammu-Srinagar Highway ideal for paragliding. May to June Sudh Mahadev
passes. It has lush green meadow and September to October are
This spot near Patnitop is situated at
and pine trees, which resemble with suitable months for paragliding in
an altitude of 1225 mtrs, about 120
Gulmarg. Patnitop offers beautiful Sanasar. Tourists with own vehicle
kms from Jammu. The Devak stream
picnic spots, peaceful walks and can go on to Sanasar from Patnitop
originates at Sudh Mahadev and
breathtaking views of the and return by the evening.
disappears among the rocks a few
mountains cape of the Chenab basin. Kud kilometres down stream.
In winter, it is covered with a white
Located 103 kms from Jammu, this Krimchi
carpet of snow and its slopes have
popular resort is situated on the
been successfully experimented for On the way to Sudhmahadev-
Jammu-Srinagar Highway, at an
skiing. Skiing courses are conducted Mantalai, a short detour takes one to
altitude of 1738 metres.
at Patnitop in the months of January Krimchi, site of three of the oldest
and February. During winter Ranbir Canal temples of Jammu. The architecture
months there are introductory A small garden along the Ranbir of the temples shows distinct Greek
courses for tourists / beginners at Canal, which runs through the city (Hellenic) influences. Pancheri, a hill
gentle gradient slopes of Patnitop. At resort is a short distance away from
outskirts, provides a cool picnic spot
Madhatop (5/6 kms from Patnitop here.
during the summer. The canal
on Sanasar Road) excellent branches off from the river Chenab at Akhnoor
possibilities for all kind of skiing Akhnoor, 32 kms away. Its water 32 kms to the west of Jammu
exist. Skiing equipments and remains icy-cold throughout the situated on the banks of the mighty
wooden sledges are available on hire year and its banks serve as good Chenab river is the historic town of
at Patnitop and Sanasar. viewpoints and walkways. Akhnoor. This town is associated
Sanasar with the legend of Soni-Mahiwal.
Mansar Lake
Ruins of the Indus-Valley
129 kms from Jammu and only 19 Mansar Lake located 62 kms from civilisation are to be seen along the
kms from patnitop is Sanasar (2079 Jammu is a beautiful lake fringed by riverbank commanding a panoramic
m), a satellite resort of Patnitop, with forest-covered hills. Boating view all around.

October 2020 29
Folklore story from Kashmiri literature
A certain prince had been with his soldiers and took the Go away, or I shall have to resort
married. The day after the city, and put the king and his to force.”
wedding the king, his father, sent army to flight. The royal house- Seeing that it was useless to press
to him, saying, “Tell your wife hold was scattered. his claim, the unfortunate king
that the king sends his regards.” The king and queen and the turned away. “Alas! Alas!” he
The prince did so, and the wife prince fled to one country, while exclaimed, “how can I go back to
simply replied, “Well!” In the the three princesses went to their the queen and prince and
evening the king came to inquire own homes. Before leaving, the princess with this reply? They
what answer the princess had “wise and good wife” made will not believe me. Better for me
given; and when he heard it he seven loaves, and putting a ruby to fly from the palace and dwell
said, “Sorrow! I have lost the in each, she took them with her. alone, than to meet their suspi-
money spent on my son's
In the course of their wanderings cions and reproofs.”
the king, queen, and prince Hence, the king went to a certain
In a little while the prince was reached the country where the jungle and there lamented his
married again and in the same wise and good princess lived. cruel fate.
manner, the king sent a regards Accordingly, they went to her
When several hours had passed,
to his wife. “Well, well,” the home, and related all that had
and the king had not returned,
princess answered, “thank the befallen them since they had left
the princess called her husband,
king for his kindness, and give their country. The princess had
and giving him another loaf,
him my regards.” pity on them, and gave the king asked him to go to the bazaar and
When the king heard this reply one of the loaves that she had dispose of the ruby that was in
he exclaimed, “Alas! Alas! My made, saying, “This bread is very the middle of it. The prince took
lot; I have lost the money spent stale, but in the middle of it you the bread, and went to the same
on my son's wedding.” will find a ruby. Take and sell the merchant that his father had
A short time after this, the king ruby in the bazaar, and buy for visited. He also was deceived by
married his son for the third time, yourself some necessaties.” the wicked man, and like his
and tested his third wife in the The king thanked the princess, father, thinking it better to live a
same manner. and went at once to one of the life of solitude than to dwell with
Now this third wife was meek great merchants of the place and those who would always suspect
and modest and good. When she asked him to buy the ruby. The him of having appropriated the
heard the king's notice of her, she merchant hesitated about the money, he too went to the jungle.
begged her husband to say to His price; so the king said, “Very There he met his father, and
Majesty, “The princess says who well, give me a rupee in advance, recounted to him his sad tale, and
am I that the king should deign to and I will come again tomorrow heard that the same trial had
notice me?” She did this, because for the rest.” happened to him. Some weeks
she did not think it right either to On the next day, when the king elapsed, and then the princess,
treat His Majesty's regards with went, the merchant said to him, thinking that the king and prince
disrespect, or to receive it as if it “Go away, and do not waste my had deserted them, gave her
were her due, like the other two time with idle talk. There are lots mother-in-law some bread with a
princesses had done. of people like you going about ruby in it, and asked her to go
pretending to have done this and try to sell it. Most unfortu-
On hearing her answer, the king
thing and that thing, thinking to nately the queen also went to the
was glad, and said to his son,
deceive us busy people. But some wicked merchant, and was
“This is a wise and good wife. I
of us have a better memory than treated in just the same way; and
have not wasted any money over
others. When did you sell me a she too, not caring to go back to
this wedding.”
ruby? How could a poor man like the princess without the ruby or
A few years after this third its equivalent money, fled to the
you honestly obtain a ruby? I do
marriage a powerful king came jungle, and there found her
not know anything about you.

October 2020 30
husband and son. a separate
The princess waited several house provided
days. At last, she disguised for her, and
herself as a man, and mounting another house
one of her father's horse, rode for his own
everywhere inquiring from the daughter. The
people whether they had seen house set apart
any beggars wandering about in for the princess
their neighbourhood. Nobody (the king's
could give her any information of supposed son-
the missing ones. So, she rode on in-law) was
and on till she came to another situated in a
country. Here the king, as he was place where
walking one day in the verandah two roads met.
of his palace, noticed her, and Sometimes,
calling her to him, asked if she when she had
would like to take service in the not anything
palace. She readily consented, better to do, the
and at once was appointed to princess used to
some special work. Her skill and sit by one of the
wisdom and goodness soon lattice windows
obtained for her great favour and watch the
with His Majesty, who often sent people as they
for her to talk with him or advise passed by. One
him on private as well as public day she was
matters. startled by the
While she was living in the sight of her
palace a large python appeared husband and
in the country and destroyed his father and king, queen, and prince. They
many lives. The whole country mother. She beckoned to them travelled as quickly as they could
was in a terrible state of fear. and inquired who they were? to the place where the merchant
Nobody dared venture far from where they were going? and dwelt, and threatened him so
his threshold. From the king what they were doing?. Seeing severely, that the man, fearing
down to the lowest subject there that she was good and sympa- the king would hear of the matter
was daily expectation of death. thising, they told her everything. and order his execution, sold all
In the hour of his distress the “Come into my house,” she said. his property and gave them the
king sent for the princess and And then, when they had money.
begged her to say what ought to entered, she told them who she Then the princess sent word to
be done. was. “See,” she continued, “I am the king who had befriended her,
“I will go and slay the beast,” she your princess. I knew not what and explained everything to him,
replied. “Go,” said the king, “If had befallen you all, and there- and begged His Majesty to
you succeed I will give you my fore I disguised myself and went forgive her, and allow the
daughter in marriage.” in search of you. Praise be to God, princess, his daughter, to marry
who has thus brought us the prince, her husband. The king
The princess went and slew the agreed. He also sent a large force
together again! Wait here till
python and as soon as she of soldiers to help the princess's
evening, when I will go with you.
returned with the good news, the father-in-law to regain his
We will see this wicked
king married her to his daughter. kingdom. Another battle was
merchant. He must be punished,
At the princess's (his servant) then fought, and the country was
and our property must be
earnest request, who said that regained; and henceforth peace
she had been moved to do so by and prosperity reigned in all its
That evening the princess left the
the advice of her pir, the king had borders.
house in the company of the

October 2020 31
investigation into the incidents of
human rights violations, enforced
disappearances and systematic
genocide of Kashmiri youth by
Indian forces. The world
community must also initiate
measures to resolve the long-
pending Kashmir dispute in
accordance with the universally
accepted principle of right to self-
determination for peace and
prosperity in the south Asian
Jamil Janjua
Speak for Kashmir
India continues with its brutal
Unwarranted Restraints Shameful blow to human rights actions in Indian illegally
The innocent people of Indian Leading international daily occupied Jammu and Kashmir
illegally occupied Jammu and Washington Post recently termed without impunity. It is
Kashmir are under continued the closure of Amnesty unfortunate that so far the UN
military siege since August last year International in India as a hasn't paid serious attention to
amid COVID-19 pandemic, which the grave human rights
shameful blow to human rights
has exacerbated their hardships violations being perpetrated by
and free speech in the country.
manifold. Indian troops in the occupied
The targeting of the global rights
The Human Rights Watch recently territory. Illegal actions taken by
watchdog is part of sustained
stated that Indian government’s Modi-led Bharatiya Janata Party
efforts to transform India into a
unwarranted restraints on the right government in Indian illegally
to free speech and access to
fascist state by suppressing
occupied Jammu and Kashmir
information, healthcare and dissent. By attacking Amnesty
on and post August 05, 2019,
education had been intensified in International, the Modi-led BJP
have again testified that India is a
the wake of COVID-19, in violation government has actually tried to
fascist state and it is hell bent
of Geneva Convention which distract the attention of people
upon converting IIOJK’s Muslim
maintains that the occupying power from its failures. In IIOJK,
majority into a minority. Modi’s
must ensure sufficient hygiene and unrelenting military siege
fascist ideology is the biggest
public health standards as well as imposed by Modi-led fascist
Indian government on August 05
threat to peace and stability in
the provision of food and medical
last year, continues to take a heavy
South Asia. No one is concerned
care to the population under
toll on daily life of the Kashmiris. about Indian atrocities on
occupation. Despite this, India has
been continuously keeping the Since August 2019, Indian troops unarmed Kashmiris. Even the
Kashmiri people away from basic have martyred over least 230 UN has failed to implement its
health facilities. India is also Kashmiris including six women. resolutions on Kashmir despite
violating the United Nations Most of the victims were killed by the passage of several decades.
Security Council Resolution 2532 the troops in fake encounters in The entire world, including some
(2020) regarding cessation of the garb of so-called cordon and powerful Muslim countries, is
hostilities during Covid-19, which search operations. Youth were quiet. Pakistan has been fighting
calls for immediate cessation of picked up from their homes and this war on its own for the past 73
hostilities and global ceasefire then eliminated after falsely years. The world must wake up
during the fight against the labeled as mujahideen or over- to these ground realities and
pandemic. The UN resolution called ground workers of mujahid openly support the Kashmiris in
upon all parties to armed conflicts in organisations. their struggle. Pakistan should
the world to engage immediately in immediately form a delegation
a durable humanitarian pause for at It is need of the hour that the
of members from all major
least 90 days. India, however, Indian government, which has an
political parties and send it to
continues to use force against appalling human track record of
other countries to win their
civilians not only in IIOJK but also muzzling the voices of dissent,
support on the Kashmir dispute.
across the Line of Control. should be pressurized to allow a
UN fact-finding mission to visit Mukhtar Ahmed
Kamran Anwar
IIOJK to carry out an independent Karachi

October 2020 32
Atrocities by Indian troops
(January 1989 to October 31, 2020)

Total killings 95,709

Custodial killings 7,150

Civilians arrested 161,131

Structures destroyed/damaged 110,374

Women widowed 22,922

Children orphaned 107,805

Women gangraped/molested 11,224

Including custodial killings

Source: Kashmir Media Service (

“The question of accession is to be decided finally in
a free plebiscite, on this there is no dispute. There
will be no victimisation of any native of the State,
whatever his political view may be, and no
Kashmiri will be deprived of the right to vote.”

(White Paper on Kashmir issued by Government of India, 1948)

All Parties Hurriyat Conference Azad Jammu And Kashmir

P. O. Box No. 2617, GPO Islamabad.
Ph: 0092-51-4861457, Fax: 0092-51-4861458 (Islamabad)
0092-5822-432344 (Muzaffarabad)

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