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Part I: True/False (1pt each)

1. In a binomial experiment, the outcomes of each trial must be independent on each other.
2. If A & B are dependent events then P (B\A) must equal P (B) since the occurrence of A
should not affect P (B).
3. The less than cumulative frequency distribution shows the collection of cases lying below the
lower class boundaries of each class.
4. In a symmetrical distribution the coefficient of skewness is zero.
5. Stratified sampling is appropriate when population is homogeneous

Part II:Multiple Choices(1.5pt each)

1) The total area under the standard normal curve is…?
A. 0 C. 0.5
B. 1 D. 2
2) Sampling is inevitable in the situations
A. Blood test of a person
B. When the population is infinite
C. Testing of life of dry battery cells
D. All the above
3) The standard normal distribution is ……..
A. Skewed to the right. C. Symmetric.
B. Skewed to the left. D. Asymmetric.
4) The number of customers entering a bank per minute is a Poisson random variable with a
mean of 3.5 customers per minute. What is the probability that more than three customers
enter the bank in a minute?
A. 0.3209
B. 0.4633
C. 0.5367
D. 0.6791
5) The difference between sample estimate and population parameter is termed as
A. Human error
B. Sampling error
C. Non-sampling error
D. none of the above

6) The probability that a certain machine will produce a defective item is 0.20. If a random
sample of 6 items is taken from the output of this machine, what is the probability that there
will be 5 or more defectives in the sample?
A. 0 .0001 D. 0.2458
B. 0.0154 E. 0.0016
C. 0.0015
7) If each and every unit of population has equal chance of being included in the sample, it is
known as:
A. Restricted sampling C. Simple random sampling
B. Purposive sampling D. none of the above
8) Which of the following is a discrete variable?
A. Weights of ten students in a class. C. The heights of 15 persons.
B. Number of students in a class. D. All are discrete variables.

9) A selection procedure of a sample having no involvement of probability is known as

A. Purposive sampling
B. Judgment sampling
C. Subjective sampling
D. All the above
10) A survey found that 2 out of 5 students say that they like statistics course. If 3
students are selected at random, find the probability that exactly one student would
have liked the statistics course.
A. 0.525 C. 0.432
B. 0.455 D. 0.345
11) Five establishments are to be selected from a list of 50 establishments by systematic random
sampling. If the first number is 7, the next one is
A. 8 C. 17
B. 16 D. 21
12) In a certain statistical investigation which of the following sequence is correct?
A. Data collection, Data classification, Data presentation, Analysis, Interpretation.
B. Data Presentation, Data classification, Data collection, Analysis, Interpretation.
C. Data classification, Data presentation, Analysis, Interpretation, Data collection.
D. Data collection, Data presentation, Data classification, Analysis, Interpretation
13) If a fair coin is tossed three times; the probability of getting two heads is…?
A. 0.5 C. 0.625
B. 0.75 D. 0.375
14) If the grouped data has open-end classes, one cannot calculate.
A. Median C. Mean
B. Mode D. Quartile

15) If we have measured the weights of a sample of 50 persons and computed their
median, this will be an example of ……..statistics.
A. Descriptive
B. Inferential
C. Predictive
D. Population
16) Geometric mean of two numbers 1/16 and 4/25 is

A. 1/10 C. 10
B. 1/100 D. 100

17) In a symmetric distribution:

A. Mean = Median = Mode C. Mean > Median > Mode
B. Mean = Median = Mode D. Mean< Median < Mode
18) Which of the following is a unitless measure of dispersion?
A. Standard deviation C. Coefficient of variation
B. Mean deviation D. Range
E. M mvc
19) For a negatively skewed distribution, the correct inequality is
A. Mode < Median
B. Mean < Median
C. Mean < Mode
D. None of The Above
Part III. Fill in the blanks: (1pt each)
1. If all the units of a population are surveyed it is called ________
2. The list of all the items of a population is known as ______
3. The difference between the upper and lower limit of class is called ______.
4. The standard deviation of the five observations 5, 5,5,5,5 is_________
5. For a homogeneous population, ________ sampling is better than stratified random
Part IV: Workout
1. Represent the following data by a bar diagram.

Year Production (in tones)

1991 45
1992 40
1993 42
1994 55
1995 50

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