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WANTED: ACCOUNTANT, with proficient and functional knowledge in laws related to taxes, banking and
finance. Fresh graduates are welcome to apply.

I looked at the poster in the community board of the coffee shop and it reminds me of the time when I
too was a fresh graduate, and an eager job hunter, ready to face the real world with skills and
ideologies. I sip my coffee and take of bite of tuna sandwich.

How long has it been? 3 years? 4?

In a world where omega are traditionally seen as home makers, there are only a handful of career
opportunity for an unmated omega like me. Omegas usually dominates careers along the lines social
work, education, hospitality and management as well as in healthcare. In the recent years, computer-
based and pencil-pushing jobs have opened up to omega as well.

I landed my first job a month after graduation. The qualifications were almost exactly the same as the
poster that I saw in the community board. I thought I was the luckiest person in the world to be chosen
by a large corporation, considering that I’m a fresh grad. I immediately moved to a single room
apartment in the city and started my whole new life.

Unfortunately, I was wrong about the world and the career that I’ve chosen. The world of accounting
and finance is not as simple as I thought it was. I learned how cruel, selfish and greedy people can be. I’d
seen how money and wealth can change a person and how ugly the change can get. There are times
that even I have lost myself, my principles and even values to make sure to get the job done. I have
done things that I wouldn’t be able to share in my family barbeque or in a friendly hangout. I have
manage to find and abuse all the loopholes of the law, just to make sure that the client is happy and I
get that pat-on-the-back from the big boss. Bit by bit, I thought I started to lose my humanity and I have
just became one of them.

Four months into the job and I got my first promotion. I was happy, my family in the suburbs was proud
of me and my diminishing circle of friends cheered from me. That also marked the appearance of a void
inside of me. An empty feeling that is always behind all the achievement, all the congratulations and
smiles. It’s always there. Six months in, I got promoted again. The job gets harder, clients and bosses
became harsher, office hours get longer and the void gets bigger. The weekly family visits became bi-
monthly, chilling out with friends became rare occasion and getting home to my apartment feels like a
vacation. I realized that I’m starting to lose myself in my job, just to meet deadlines, make reports and
grab all available wealth under the nose of the law just to make my employers happy. And they were
really happy.

A year after, I would be lucky to find strength and will to visit my family once a month, I have lost
connections with friends and most of the time, I find myself alone in this coffee shop, drinking
overpriced coffee and eating bland sandwiches. The void, the empty feeling is always there. It’s like a
shadow, but it has weight. It doesn’t allow to me go out and explore the city, call my friends and
sometime even visit my family. The void only disappears when I’m at work, computing, compiling and
poring over transactions to make the maximum profit. It’s only when my mind is busy that I don’t feel it.
Sometimes I even hate to go home in that empty, dark apartment.
I should find a better apartment. Maybe somewhere with floor-to-ceiling windows or a veranda for a
mini-garden, perhaps?

I have lost count of all the dirty things that I did to make sure that employers will either keep or gain
more money and assets. I have earned commissions for finding loopholes in the laws and having a
helping hand in navigating through iron-clad transactions, and ensuring that no one will ask
why/how/where the money came from. My employers are happy and I was rewarded with another
promotion for being the most obedient and most quiet accountant/financial expert.

Maybe if I was an Alpha or Beta, I could have asserted myself more. After a year, I finally understand
why they prefer an Omega accountant. Omegas are quick to submit without question or complaint.

I tried to resign from my position. After thirteen months, I handed in my resignation letter, and my
employers weren’t happy. They didn’t want to let me go, not because I’ll run my mouth about their
business (Omegas are easy to intimidate.) but they want my skill and abilities. They liked how I get the
job done and they like that my lips are always sealed. However, by that time, I’m just tired and… empty.
I tried to negotiate with them, asking for a part-time arrangement or at least, to work with one account
or person, I couldn’t work for almost all the department of the company.

“So you want to work for one person only?” I remembered my boss asking me. I nodded. “I know a
person, a stockholder of our company, maybe I can put in a word for you. He is currently in need of an

“But I’m not an assistant, I’m an accountant. I don’t do schedules, I do - you know what I do. The things
we do.” Bordering-on-illegal things we do, I thought but did not verbalize. My employer gave me a
knowing smile and told me that he’ll update me.

Two weeks later, a call came in. I was reassigned as a personal accountant of a Mr. Hernandez. I knew
his name, but I never really who or what he is. I went to his office in the business center of the city, on
the upper floor of one of high-rise buildings in the city. His secretary, a beta named Celine, ushered me
in to a classic office with wood interiors and leather seats. The smell of a musky alpha assaulted my
nose, it was not appalling, but it wasn’t my type. The secretary left, closed the door and the man behind
the large wooden desk with intricate design stood up and drew close to me.

“Hello, little omega.” he said in a husky voice, “I’m Mr. Hernandez, and from what I’ve heard you are an
amazing accountant.” His voice is husky and intimidating.

“I’m here upon recommendations of – “

“That’s the past now. Starting today, you will only work for me and for me alone.” He said with a smile
that could rival Satan. During that time, I thought I have sold my soul to the devil.

“So Mr. Hernandez-“

“Please, call me Thomas.” He motioned for me to sit on the leather couch with wooden frame. I
immediately followed. I studied his face and body. He looks like in his late 30s but his body is still fit,
well, he’s an alpha after all. His hair is cut short, combed and slick, the hair on his temple is graying
while the rest is black, but it gives him this man of culture look. His skin is fair brown, and his light
brown eyes are deep set in his angular face. His moustache and beard are nothing but stubble. He wore
a three piece suit and a very nice leather brogue. This is a man of culture and fine-taste.

“My associate have told me that you were tired of corporate finance, and would like to work as a
personal accountant with flexible schedule arrangement.” He said, his tone confident and assertive, like
he already knows everything about me. “I have already background checked you, and found you are an
average, unmated omega, living in a single-room apartment. Average family, no police record, and no
history of conflict with the law or affiliation to anything illegal.”

“I am average yes, but I’m best in what I do.” I answered, feeling a bit underestimated by my future
employer. I puff my chest a bit and put more conviction in my words. “As you said, I have no history of
conflict with the law or affiliation to anything illegal. That, I guess, is enough to prove my capabilities in
this line of work.”

I didn’t mean to brag that time, but I can’t say that that isn’t true either. I admit that not all the job I’ve
done are clean. You just have to know how to hide the dirty ones.

I shouldn’t have said that.

Thomas chuckled and shifted his position to sit cross-legged and his leaned back on the leather chair.

“Based on my associates and my first impression, you are headstrong as an alpha and as detail-oriented
as a beta and being an omega makes you cautious. Everything that I want for my personal accountant.”

“Thank you for the kind words, Thomas. I’m more interested in the job that I’ll be working on. Let’s
start with the nature of your finances, what do you want me to take care of?” Thomas smiled and shook
his head.

“I like you already. You go straight to the point, no chit-chat, just business. I like it.” The older alpha
stared straight to my face, and flash a smile that turned my blood cold. “You will definitely fit in my
organization, omega.” A shiver run down my spine and an urge to run away, to ditch this job interview,
boiled on top of my emotions. I felt antsy and nervous. I balled my hands into fists on my knees to calm
myself. He must have smelled my anxiety.

“No need to be scared, little omega. I’ll take care of you as long as you take care of me and my

That’s how I ended up to be the personal accountant of Thomas, also known as the Lion.

The head of an underground organization that owns and control all of illegal and legal gambling joints
in the city.

And the head of the organization of gangs in the city.

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