Chapter V: Curriculum Evaluation: Lesson 1 What, Why and How To Evaluate A Curriculum

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November 16 to December 4, 2020


Module 1- The Teacher and Curriculum Evaluation
Lesson 1 What, Why and How to Evaluate a Curriculum
(Write a brief description of the following topics)
A. Purposes of Evaluation
B Curriculum evaluation in the Classroom
C. Curriculum evaluation at the school or school system Level
D. Models of Curriculum Evaluation
1. Provus’ discrepancy Evaluation Model
2. Tyler Model of curriculum evaluation
3. Stufflebeam’s CIPP Model
4. Stakes Congruency- Contingency Evaluation Model
5. Eisner’s Educational Connoisseurship Model
Activity 1: How can we involve the following stake holders in curriculum evaluation?
Community official
Professional Organization
Deadline: November 20, 2020

Lesson 2 Curriculum Evaluation through Learning Assessment

(Write a brief description of the topics below)
A. Purpose of assessment
B. Intended Curriculum
C. Implemented curriculum
C. Achieved Curriculum

Activity 1 Below are statements that refer to be intended, implemented or the achieved curricula.
Identify each.
1. Children are going to a field trip in a botanical garden.
2. Determining the level of purpose in a 50 item test.
3. To construct models that will represent molecules of sugar
4. Acting out in a role play the responsibilities of school stakeholders
5. accomplish a rubrics in judging the project made
6. To identify autonomous regions in the Philippines.
7. The scores in the test show that majority of the learners got 80% correct answers.
8. Reciting the poem to pronounce correctly the vowel sound.
9. To solve word problems that requires the four fundamental operations.
10. Collecting sample of leaves for close identification and classification.
Deadline: November 20, 2020
Lesson3-Assessmen Tools for each level of Learning Outcomes
(Give a brief discussion and give sample of each)
A. Paper and Pencil Strategy
B. Performance Based Strategy
C. The Observational Strategy
D. Personal Communication Strategy
E. Oral Strategy
F. Reflective Strategy
G. Recording Devices/ Tools
Activity 1: Reflect on the question:
“Does the result of a periodical test reflect best evaluation of a curriculum? Why?
Deadline: November 27, 2020

Activity 2. Below is an example of a lesson which involves the use of models to understand
At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
1. Investigate the similarities and differences among a variety of prisms using concrete materials and
2. Compare and sort three-dimensional figures according to two or more geometric attributes.
3. discover that a square has four lines of symmetry.
Considering the above objectives, a teacher may conduct assessment, answer the following
1. What assessment strategy is most appropriate to use?
2. What is the best way for students to demonstrate of the expectation being assessed?
3. What recording tool should be used?
4. When and how will feedback be provided to the student?
5. How frequently should assessment be done?
Deadline: November 27, 2020


(Write a brief description of the following)
Lesson 1 Recent Innovations
A. Standard-based Curriculum
B. Multicultural Curriculum
C. Indigenous Curriculum
D. Bain-based Education
E. Gifted Education
F. Differentiated curriculum
G. Technology Integration in the curriculum
H. Outcome-based Education
Activity 1 Reflection
If you are at present a classroom teacher, what innovation in the curriculum will you
introduce? Describe the innovation. Why will you introduce it?
Deadline: December 4, 2020
Lesson 2, Teacher as Curriculum Leaders
(Write a brief description on the role of teacher as curriculum leader in the following situations.)
1. Teacher as curriculum leader in the Instructional Planning process
2. Teacher as Curriculum Leader in evaluating Instruction
3. Teacher as Curriculum Leader in the K-12 Education Reform

Activity 2 – How do you picture yourself as a teacher of the future? Reflect and write your answer in
the space below. You can use sketch/draw with brief description or just an essay.
Deadline: December 4, 2020


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