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Project : Sewage Treatment Plant for


MLD Cu.m/Hr. Cu.m/Sec.
Design Average Flow MLD 0.100 4.167 0.001
Peak Flow Factor (As per CPHEEO Manual) 3.00
Peak Flow MLD 0.300 12.500 0.003

Raw & Treated Effluent + Sewage characteristics

Parameters Unit Inlet Outlet
pH 5.5 - 9.0 5.5 - 9.0 As Per Guide Lines
BOD mg/l 250.00 ≤ 10 As Per CPHEEO Manual
TSS mg/l 375.00 ≤ 20 As Per CPHEEO Manual
COD mg/l 450.00 50 As Per CPHEEO Manual
Total Nitrogen mg/l 50.00 ≤ 10 As Per CPHEEO Manual
Ammonical Nitrogen (NH3-N ) mg/l 32.50 As Per CPHEEO Manual
Nitrate Nitrogen (NO3-N) mg/l 5.00 As Per CPHEEO Manual
Total Phosphorus mg/l 7.10 ≤1 As Per CPHEEO Manual
Oil & Grease mg/l 45.00 Nil As Per CPHEEO Manual
Total Coliform Organism MPN/100ml ≤ 10 As Per CPHEEO Manual
Fecal Coliform Organism MPN/100ml <100 /100 ml As Per CPHEEO Manual


No of Units 1.00 No.
Design Flow 0.300 MLD
Design Flow/Unit 0.300 MLD
12.500 Cu.m/Hr.
0.003 Cu.m/Sec
Clear Opening of Screen 12.00 mm
Width of Screen Flat 6.00 mm
Design Velocity through Screen 0.90 m/sec.
Area Required for Flow 0.004 Sq.m
Effective Area required 0.0058 Sq.m
Width 0.600 m
Depth Required 0.010 m
Depth Provided 0.500 m
Approach Velocity 0.01 m/sec.
Velocity of flow through screen 0.02 m/sec.
Head loss through clean screen 0.000 m
Drop in Screen Chamber Floor 0.000 m
Applying Bernoulis Equation between U/S & D/s of Screen
Z1 + d1 + V1 2 / 2g = Z2 + d2 + V2 2/2g + Hl
Solving by Trial & Error
d2 = 0.181 m
v2 = 0.032 m/sec

When Screen is 50% Clogged

Applying Bernoulis Equation between U/S & D/s of Screen
Z1 + d1 + V1 2 / 2g = Z2 + d2 + V2 2/2g + Hl
Solving by Trial & Error
d1 = 0.141 m
v1 = 0.041 m/sec
Velocity through 50% Clogged Screen 0.123
Approach Velocity at 50% Clogged Condition 0.041
Head Loss through 50% clogged screen = 0.0729*(V1^2-V2^2) 0.001 m
Head Loss in the System at 50% Clogging -0.040 m
Say 0.100 m
Head Buildup on U/S Side at 50% Clogging -0.359 m
Say 0.120 m
Depth Required 0.141 m
Depth Provided 0.200 m
Angle of Inclination of Screen 60.0 Deg
Length Required 1.00 m
Length Provided 2.00 m
FGL of Coarse Screen Chamber area m
Top Level of Coarse Screen Chamber m
Invert Level of Incoming Sewer m
Free fall in receiving chamber 0.15 m
MWL of Screen Channel m
Free Board 0.00 m
Total Depth 0.20 m
Size of Barscreen 2.00 x 0.90 x0.20


No of Units 1.00 No.
Design Flow 0.30 MLD
Design Flow/Unit 0.30 MLD
Retention Time 5.00 Min
Volume Required 1.04 Cu.m
Depth Provided 0.50 m
Area Required 2.08 Sq.m
Length to Width Ratio 2.00
Width of O & G Trap 1.02 m
Say 0.90 m
Length of O & G Trap 2.31 m
Say 3.23 m
Free Board 0.30 m
Total Depth 0.80 m
Provide Oil & Grease Trap Size 4.30x2.20x1.00 m

No of Units 1.0 No.
Total Flow 0.10 MLD
Design Flow/Unit 0.10 MLD
Retention Time 6.00 Hrs. (MAXIMUM 8 HOURS )
Volume Required 25.88 Cu.m
Depth Provided 2.50 m
Area 10.35
Length of Chamber 5.00 m
Width required 2.07 m
Width Provided 3.00 m
Free Board 0.50 m
Total Depth 3.00 m

Air Requirment Calculation for Mixing (Based on Volume of Tank)

Volume of Equ Tank 37.5 Cu.m
Air Requirment for Mixing 12.50 Cu.m/1000 Cu.m/min ( As Per Blowers Vender )
Capacity of Blower Required for Mixing 28.1 Cu.m/Hr.
Say 30.00 Cu.m/Hr.

Flow per Diffuser (Coarse Bubble Tubular Diffuser) 7.00 m3/Hr. (As per venders chart )
No. of Diffusers required per Tank 4.29 Nos.
Say 13.00 Nos.

Type of Pump Ver Submersible

No. of Working Pumps 3.00 Nos.
No. of Standby Pumps 1.00 Nos.
Total number of pumps 4.00 Nos.
Capacity of Each Raw Sewage Pump 1.44 Cu.m/Hr.
Say 13.00 Cu.m/Hr.
H1(Depth of Tank ) 5.70
H2 ( Horizontal Distance) 0.00
H3 ( Anoxiec tank ) 4.60
H4 ( Residual head ) 2.00
H5 (Frictional losses) 1.23
Head (H) 13.53 m


No of Units 1.00 No.
Design Flow 0.104 MLD
Design Flow/Unit 0.104 MLD

(The First Tank 2/3 of the

Design BOD Removal 160.00 mg/l BOD)
MLSS 4000.00
F/M 0.16
Aeration Tank Volume Required 25.88 Cu.m
Depth of Tank 2.50 m
Area Required (For One Tank) 10.35 Sq.m
Length of Each Tank 3.00 m
(Width 6.00 m We have
Width of Each Tank 3.45 m Provided )
Width Provided 4.00 m
Surface Area Provided (For Each Tank) 12.00 Sq.m
Free Board 0.40 m
Total Depth 2.90 m
Media Volume For Tank -1 5.520 m3


Volume of Tank Including Media Filling 35.52 Cu.m
Retention Time 8.24 Hrs.
Tank Size (9.50 x 6.0x4.50)+49.680
Hence Retention of Time 306.18
71.00 Hrs.
Second Tank (The Second Tank 1/3 of
Design BOD Removal 80.00 mg/l the BOD)
MLSS 4000.00
F/M 0.16
Aeration Tank Volume Required 12.94 Cu.m
Depth of Tank 2.50 m
Area Required (For One Tank) 5.18 Sq.m
Length of Each Tank 2.50 m
(Width 6.00 m We have
Width of Each Tank 2.07 m Provided )
Width Provided 4.00 m
Surface Area Provided (For Each Tank) 10.00 Sq.m
Free Board 0.50 m
Total Depth 3.00 m

Volume of Tank Including Media 27.76 Cu.m

Retention Time 6.44 Hrs.
Volume of Tank Including Media requiered (Actual ) 15.70 Cu.m
Hence we have Provided 27.76 Cu.m

BOD Removed in Each Aeration Tank-1 16.56 Kg/Day

BOD Removed in Each Aeration Tank-2 8.28 Kg/Day

BOD Loading Rate Tank-1 0.466 Kg BOD/m3.d

BOD Loading Rate Tank-2 0.298 Kg BOD/m3.d

Total BOD Loading rates 0.764

Recommended BOD Loading Rate for MBBR (As per Metcalf &
Eddy Page No. 955, CPHEEO Manual Page No.5 -208) 1.0 to 1.4 Kg BOD/m3.d

Organic Loading Rate for MBBR Media 0.75 Kgs of BOD/100 m2 of media /day (From Venders Chart)
Surface area of media required for tank-1 2208 Sq.m
Surface area of media required for tank-2 1104 Sq.m
Unit Surface area of media 400.00 Sq.m/Cu.m of Media
Volume of Media Required tank-1 5.520 m3
Volume of Media Required tank-2 2.760 m3
% of media Volume 26.581 %

Sludge Production from BOD Removal 0.30 Kg/ Kg of BOD As per CPHEEO
Quantity of Sludge per Day for BOD Removal on Dry Weight Basis 4.968 Kg/Day
Quantity of Sludge per Day for BOD Removal on Dry Weight Basis 2.484 Kg/Day

Total Quantity of Sludge on Dry Weight Basis 7.452 Kg/Day

Sludge Age 83.33 Days

Volume of Sewage treated 100.00 m3/day
Theoretical Kg O2 required per Kg BOD as per Sewage Manual 1.20 Kg/Kg BOD
Inlet BOD5 250 mg/l
Outlet BOD5 10.00 mg/l
BOD5 removed 240 mg/l
Kg of BOD removed in a day 24.00 Kg/day
Kg O2 reqd. for BOD load 28.8 Kg/day
Inlet Total Kjeldhal Nitrogen 32.5 mg/l
Outlet Ammoniacal Nitrogen 0.00 mg/l
Nitrogen assimilated in during BOD removal (@ 5% of Inlet BOD) 12 mg/l
Outlet Nitrate Nitrogen 5.00 mg/l
NH3-N removed in a day 20.5 mg/l
Kg O2 required per Kg of NH3-N 4.60 Kg/ Kg of NH3-N
Kg of NH3-N removed in a day 2.05 Kg/day
Kg O2 reqd. for NH3-N removal 9.43 Kg/day
Kg O2 released per Kg of Nitrate-Nitrogen during denitrification 2.86 -
Kg of Nitrate-Nitrogen generated 1.54 Kg/day
Assuming 75% of Nitrification
Kg of Nitrate Nitrogen in the treated sewage 0.50 Kg/day
Quantity of Nitrate Nitrogen that is denitrified 1.04 Kg/day
Kg O2 released during denitrification 2.97 Kg/day
Total Kg O2 required/day 35.26 Kg/day


Total actual Kg O2 required per day (AOR) 35.26 Kg/day


T = Field Temperature 40 °C 18
H = Altitude of site 536.00 m

Properties of Air
g 9.81 m/ s2
M = Mole of Air 28.97 kg / kg-Mole
R =Universal Gas Constant 8314.00 kg.m2/
Pa = Atmospheric Pressure 101.325 KN/m2
Oxygen by Weight in air 23.180 %
Ot = % Oxygen Concentration leaving tank 19.00 18 to 20
C = Oxygen Concentration in Tank 2.00

α = Oxygen Transfer Correction Factor 0.65 -

As per Metcalf & Eddy - Page No. 711 - Example 8.2
β = Salinity Surface Tension Correction Factor 0.95 -
F = Fouling Factor 0.9 -

Aeration Depth 2.60 m

Relative Pressure (Pb/Pa)

exp (- g M (Zb - Za) / RT) 0.9432 0.9390
For 20 Deg C

DO Concentration (As per Table D 1 of App D, Metcalf & Eddy) 6.410 9.450 9.080
Specific Weight (As per Table C 1 of App C, Metcalf & Eddy) 9.730 9.793 9.789

Oxygen Concentration at specified temp & altitude (C STH) 6.046 8.874

Atmospheric Pressure at Specified Elevation & Temp in m 9.822 9.716

C' S T H
(C STH) (1/2) (((Patm,h + Pw, eff depth)/Patm,h) +(Ot / 21)) 6.5580 9.6384

Oxygen required under Standard Conditions (SOTR)

= AOTR ÷ [((βC'STH – C) ÷ CS20) x 1.024(T – 20) x α x F] 80.52 Kg/day 80.20

Hence, SOR 80.52 Kg/day 80.20

No. of Basins 1 Nos. 1
Standard O2 required at Field Conditions per Basin 80.52 Kg/day/Basin 80.20

Top Water Level (TWL) in Basin 2.50 m 2.50

Bottom Water Level (BWL) in Basins 0.00 m 0.00
Liquid level in Basin 2.50 m 2.50
Height at which Diffusers are kept 0.30 m 0.30
Effective Aeration Depth 2.20 m 2.20

OTE for Diffusers per m depth of submergence 6.00 %

SOTE for the above Effective Aeration Depth 13.200 % 13.20
Fraction of O2 in Air 23.18 % 23.18
Specific Gravity of Air at field Condition
ra = (PM/RT)*(Pb/Pa) 1.063 1.139

Air required at Field Conditions per Basin 2474.65 Nm3/day/ Basin 2301.72
Hours of Aeration per Basin per day 24.00 hr/day/Basin 24
Air required per hour per Basin = M / N 103.11 Nm3/hr/ Basin 95.90
No. of Operating Air Blowers per Basin 1.00 Nos. 1
Capacity of Air Blowers required = O / P 103.11 Nm3/hr 95.90
Safety Factor in Blower Capacity 5.00 % 5
Capacity of Air Blowers with Safety Factor = Q x (1 + R) 108.27 Nm3/hr 100.70
Capacity of Air Blowers provided 110.00 Nm3/hr 110.00

Air Requirment Calculation for Mixing (Based on Surface Area of Tank)

Area of One Reactor Tank 10.4 Sq.m
Air Requirment for Mixing 2.25 Cu.m/Hr./Sq.m
Capacity of Blower Required for Mixing (For One Tank) (On Area Ba 23.3 Cu.m/Hr.

Air Requirment Calculation for Mixing (Based on Volume of Tank)

Volume of One Reactor Tank 35.5 Cu.m
Air Requirment for Mixing 12.50 Cu.m/1000 Cu.m/min
Capacity of Blower Required for Mixing (For One Tank) (On Volume 26.6 Cu.m

Capacity of Blower Required For Each Tank 110 Nm3/Hr.

No of Working Blowers for two Tanks 1.00 Nos.
Capacity of each Blower Required 110 Nm3/Hr.
Say 110.00 Cum/Hr
Head for Blower 3.50 MWC
Number of Working Blowers 1.00 Nos.
Number of Standby Blowers 1.00 Nos.
Total number of Blowers 2.00 Nos.
Type of Blower Twin Lobe

Flow per Diffuser (Fine Bubble Tubular Diffuser) 9.00 m3/Hr.


No. of Diffusers required per Tank 12.22 Nos.
Say 13.00 Nos.


No of Units 1.00 No.
Design Flow 0.104 MLD
Design Flow/Unit 0.104 MLD
Surface Loading Rate 18 Cu.m/Day/Sq.m
Surface Area required 5.75 Sq.m

Retention Time 2.50 Hrs.

Volume Required 10.78 Cu.m
Depth Required 0.30 m
Depth Provided 2.50 m
Free Board 0.60 m
Total Depth 3.10 m
Velocity of flow in launder 0.60 m/sec.
Area of Launder Required 0.001 Sq.m
Width of Launder 0.30 m
Liquid Depth in Launder 0.00 m
Wall Tk of launder 0.10 m
Volume Provided 154.80 Cu.m


Recirculation 25 %
Volume of Recirculation per Day 25 Cu.m/Day
Capacity of Pump Required 1.04 Cu.m/Hr.
No. of Working Pumps 1.00 Nos.
No of Pumps provided (1W+1S) 2.00 Nos.
Type of Pump Submersible
Capacity of Each Pump Required 1.04 Cu.m/Hr.

Sludge Recirculation 25 %
Volume of Recirculation per Day 25 Cu.m/Day
Volume of Sludge per Day 0.94 Cu.m/Day
Capacity of Pump Required 1.08 Cu.m/Hr.
No. of Working Pumps 1.00 Nos.
No of Pumps provided (1W+1S) 2.00 Nos.
Type of Pump Centrifugal
Capacity of Each Pump Required 1.08 Cu.m/Hr.
H-1(Tube settler ) 4.90 m
H-2 (Horizontal distance) 0.00 m ( Top of Flatform )
H-3 ( Frictional loss ) 2.00 m
Total Head 6.90 m


No of Units 1.00 No.
Design Inlet 0.10 MLD
Retention Time 3.00 Hr.
Volume Required 12.75 Cu.m
Depth Provided 2.50 m
Length of Chamber 1.50 m
Width required 3.40 m
Width Provided 4.00 m
Free Board 0.50 m
Total Depth 3.00 m

Filter Feed Pump

From Tube settlrer to Filter Feed 0.10 MLD
Filter Feed Tank Retention Time 3.00 Hours
Volume of tank 12.75
Capacity of Pump Required 4.25 Cu.m/Hr.
No. of Working Pumps 2.00 Nos.
No of Pumps provided (2W+1S) 3.00 Nos.
Type of Pump Centrifugal
Capacity of Each Pump Required 2.13 Cu.m/Hr.
20.00 Cu.m/Hr.
H1(Filter Feed tank ) 4.90 m
H2 ( Horizontal Distance ) 0.00 m (Top of Platform )
H3 ( Sand Filter requiered Pressure ) 10.00 m
H4 ( Friction Losses ) 5.00 m
H (Total Head ) 19.90 m


No of Units 1.00 No.
Total Flow 0.10 MLD
Design Flow/Unit 0.102 MLD
Hours of Operation 23.00 Hrs
Flow Rate 4.43 Cu.m/Hr.
Filtration Rate 15.00 Cu.m/Hr./Sq.m
Area of Filter Required 0.30 Sq.m
No of Units 1.00 Nos.
Area of Each Filter Required 0.30 Sq.m
Dia of Filter Required 0.61 m
Say 0.60 m


No of Units 1.00 No.
Total Flow 0.10 MLD
Design Flow/Unit 0.10 MLD
Hours of Operation 23.00 Hrs
Flow Rate 4.43 Cu.m/Hr.
Filtration Rate 15.00 Cu.m/Hr./Sq.m
Area of Filter Required 0.30 Sq.m
No of Units 1.00 Nos.
Area of Each Filter Required 0.30 Sq.m
Dia of Filter Required 0.61 m
Say 0.60 m


No of Units 1.00 No.
Design Flow 0.10 MLD
Design Flow/Unit 0.10 MLD
Retention Time 8.00 Hrs.
Volume Required 33.33 Cu.m
Depth Provided 2.50 m
Length of Chamber 3.50 m
Width required 3.81 m
Width Provided 7.00 m
Free Board 0.30 m
Total Depth 2.80 m


From Carbon Filter to Treated water tank 0.10 MLD
Volume of treated water tank 331.20
Capacity of Pump Required 110.40 Cu.m/Hr.
No. of Working Pumps 2.00 Nos.
No of Pumps provided (1W+1S) 1.00 Nos.
Type of Pump Centrifugal
Peak Pumping Hours 5.00 Hours
Capacity of Each Pump Required 22.08 Cu.m/Hr.
22.00 Cu.m/Hr.
H1(Treated water tank ) 2.80 m
H2 ( Horizontal Distance ) 0.00 m (Top of Platform )
H4 ( Friction Losses ) 3.00 m
H5 ( Out side ) 10.00 m
H (Total Head ) 15.80 m

Sludge Production from BOD Removal 0.30 Kg/ Kg of BOD As per CPHEEO
Quantity of Sludge per Day for BOD Removal on Dry Weight Basis 7.50 Kg/Day
Total Quantity of Sludge on Dry Weight Basis 7.50 Kg/Day
Sludge Concentration 0.80 %
Volume of Sludge per Day 0.94 Cu.m/Day

Volume of Sludge 0.25 Cu.m
Total dry sludge per day 7.5 kg/day
Dewatered sludge solids concentration 20 %
Total dewatered wet sludge per day 37.5 kg/day
Total volume of dewatered wet sludge per day 37.5 Lit/day 900
Size of Filter Plate 310 x 310
Volume of Each Chamber 10.00 Lit
No. of chambers required 3.75 Nos.
No. of chambers provided 4.00 Nos.
No. of batches per day 4.00 No.
Hours of operation per day 16.0 Hrs

Material of Construction
Feed Head MS fabricated and machined
Fixed End MS fabricated and machined
Moving Plate MS fabricated and machined


Rollers & Hand wheel PP Machined
Plate PP -virgin
Tie Bar MS Fabricated and Machined
Cocks PP cocks
Distance piece MS Fabricated and Machined

Type of delivery Open Discharge

Closing device Hydraulic Power pack
Structure MS Fabricated
Size & Capacity 410mm x 410mm (24”)
Cake / Plate Thickness 32 mm / 60 mm
Feed inlet nozzle Dia 2.5” Feed Pipe
Filtration Area 7.8 m2 approx
Design feed pressure 7 Bar
Hours per batch approx 3-4 Hrs

PE Dosing System
PE Dosing Rate 2.00 Kg/Ton of Dry Solids
PE Required per day 0.02 Kg.
Solution Strength 0.1 %
Volume of PE Prep tank 15.00 Lit
0.015 Cu.m
Providing a dosing tank for 12 Hrs.
Vol of tank required 7.50 Ltrs
Say 20.00 Ltrs
Capacity of Dosing Pump 0.94 Ltrs/Hr.
No of Dosing Pumps 1.00 Nos.
Capacity of each Dosing Pump 0.94 Ltrs/Hr.
Say 1.00 Ltrs/Hr.


Chlorine Dosage 5.00 PPM
Design flow 0.10 MLD
Chlorine Required per Day 0.50 Kgs.
0.021 Kgs./Hr.
Solution Strength as procured in % 5.00
Available strength at point of use in % 4.00
Volume of solution needed liters / Hr. 0.52 Lit/Hr.
12.50 Lit.Day
Providing a dosing tank for 24.00 Hrs.
Vol of tank required 12.50 Ltrs
Say 20.00 Ltrs
Capacity of Dosing Pump 0.52 Ltrs/Hr.
No of Dosing Pumps 1 Nos.
Capacity of each Dosing Pump 0.52
Say 1.00 Ltrs/Hr.


Phosporous to be removed 5.1 mg/l
Total phosporous to be removed per day 0.51 Kg.
FeCl Dosing Rate 2.30 kg/kg of P
FeCl Required per day 1.17 Kg.
Solution Strength 10 %
Volume of FeCl Prep tank 11.73 Lit
0.01173 Cu.m
Dosing Tank Volume required per hour 0.49 Ltrs.
Providing a dosing tank for 24 Hrs.
Vol of tank required 11.73 Ltrs
Say 20.00 Ltrs
Capacity of Dosing Pump 0.49 Ltrs/Hr.
Say 1.00 Ltrs/Hr.


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