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THE EINC or Essential Intrapartum Newborn Care Protocol is a package of evidence – based

practices recommended by the Department of Health as the standard of care in all births for health
workers and medical practitioners under AO 2009-0025 dated by December 1, 2009. It aims to ensure
that health workers have the skills and knowledge to provide appropriate care at the most vulnerable
period in a baby’s life. Through the EINC protocol, there is potential to decrease newborn death by at
least half.

-Good morning Mrs. Care. I am Angelika your student nurse for today. I am here to help and guide you
before the delivery of your baby. How are you feeling right now? Ma’am please do not eat or drink any
kind of food before the delivery, okay?

*Take note that before the delivery of the baby, it is not advisable for the mother to drink or eat because
she will just excrete it during the delivery.

-Ma’am so your cervix is not yet fully dilated. It is only 8 cm. Okay, so let’s wait for a while for your cervix
to be fully dilated. While waiting, just relax and calm down.


A. Check for the temperature of the delivery room (25-28C), free of air drafts
 To check for the room temperature, I’m going to use a piece of paper. If the paper directly fell
into the ground, it means that the room has free of air drafts. But if the paper fell in the other
way, it means that we need to check and close all the windows and door
B. Check if the mother is comfortable with her position. Semi – upright and lithotomy position are the
default positions in the delivery room.
C. Remove all the jewelries.
D. Check for resuscitation equipment and arrange the needed supplies
 Gloves
 Dry clean linen
 Oxytocin injection
 Bonnet
 Cord clamps
 Equipment clamp
 Scissor
 Kidney basin
 Vitamin K, Hepatitis B and BCG vaccinations
E. Perform sterile technique in handwashing
F. Double glove just before the delivery.


A. Encourage the mother to push.

- Okay ma’am, just calm down and relax. Inhale exhale and push.
B. Grab a dry clean linen across the mother’s abdomen and arm in preparation for the drying of the
C. Apply perineal support and control in the delivery of the baby’s head.
D. Call out the time of birth
- Baby boy out! 11:15 AM.
E. For the 30 seconds, thoroughly dry the baby. Wipe the eyes, face, head, trunk, arms and legs of
the baby.
F. Remove the wet cloth then place the baby in skin-to-skin contact on the mother’s abdomen and
G. Cover the baby with a dry clean linen and bonnet

The purpose of skin-to-skin contact are:

 to promote mother and child bond

 breastfeeding success
 lymphoid tissue system stimulation
 exposure to maternal flora
 protection from hypoglycemia
 thermoregulation
H. Exclude the 2nd baby by palpating the abdomen in preparation for giving of oxytocin injection IM
within 1 minute of the baby’s birth.
– the purpose of giving oxytocin injection is to prevent hemorrhage or excessive bleeding
after the vaginal birth.


A. Remove the 1st set of gloves

B. Palpate the umbilical cord. After the umbilical pulsation have stopped, clamp the cord using a
sterile plastic clamp at 2 cm form the umbilical base
C. Milk the cord away from the baby or Squeezing blood along the umbilical cord can boost the
baby's blood volume, and this may improve the baby's health.
D. Clamp again at 5 cm from the base
E. Cut the cord just near the 1st cord clamp
F. Wrap the umbilical cord in the scissor then set it aside


A. Perform the remaining steps of the active management for the next stage of labor. Wait for the
strong uterine contraction then apply controlled cord traction and counter traction in the uterus
continuing until the delivery of the placenta.
B. Massage the uterus until it is firm.
C. Inspect the lower vagina and perineum for any lacerations and prepare for the laceration
D. Examine the placenta for the abnormalities and completeness.
- The placenta is complete and has no abnormalities and it is Schultz.
E. Clean the mother by flushing the perineum and apply perineal pad, napkin or cloth.
F. Checked the baby’s color and breathing
- The baby’s color and breathing are normal
G. Check if the mother is comfortable and for uterine contraction
H. Dispose the placenta in a leak-proof container or plastic bag.
I. Decontaminate (soaked in 0.5% chlorine solution) instruments before cleaning;
J. Decontaminate 2nd pair of gloves before disposal, stating that decontamination lasts for at least
10 minutes.


A. Advised mother to maintain skin-to-skin contact. Baby should be prone on mother’s chest / in
between the breast with head turned to one side.
B. Advise mother to observe for feeding cues and cited examples of feeding cues.

 bringing hands to mouth.

 rooting (moving head as if looking for your nipple)
 mouth opening, lip licking and sucking.
 clenching fingers and fists over chest and tummy.
 bending arms and legs.
 fussiness.
C. Support the mother, instruct her on positioning and attachment.
D. Wait for FULL BREASTFEED to be completed.
E. After a complete breastfeed:
a. administer eye ointment (first) to protect the baby from an unknown gonorrhea infection in
the mother’s body.
b. thorough physical examination
c. Vitamin. K (0.5 ml IM) - to prevent low levels of vitamin K and vitamin K deficiency
bleeding because baby is not yet able to produce vitamin K
d. Hepatitis B vaccine (0.5 ml IM) - so they will be protected as early as possible from any
exposure to the hepatitis B virus.
e. BCG injection (0.5 ml ID) - to protect them from serious forms of Tuberculosis (TB) such
as TB Meningitis (an infection of the brain) and Miliary TB (wide spread infection)
F. Advise OPTIONAL/DELAYED bathing of baby.
- Delayed bathing of the baby provides more initial skin-to-skin time between mother
and baby. Because early washing hinders crawling reflex, it can lead to hypothermia which
means that the body temperature drops below normal, infection, defect, and brain hemorrhage.
G. Advised breastfeeding per demand.
- Ma’am, whenever your baby wants to breastfeed, please breastfeed him
H. In the first hour, checked baby’s breathing and color and checked mother’s vital sign and
massages uterus every 15 minutes.
I. In the second hour: checked mother-baby dyad every 30 minutes to 1 hour.
J. Completed all the records.

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