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Learning Objectives:

 Assess your mastery on the topic of volcanoes and climate change by answering the test
 Show honesty in taking the quiz by not using any internet resources and others.

Climate Change Quiz

Direction. Read and analyze each statement. Write the letter before the number.
A 1) Where does the energy come from which keeps the Earth warm?
a. the Sun b. the Moon c. the sea
B 2) What effect traps the heat next to the Earth?
a. refrigeration effect b. greenhouse effect c. hothouse effect
B 3) What traps the heat next to the Earth?
a. rainforests b. greenhouse gases c. wind
C 4) What is the main man -made greenhouse gas?
a. oxygen b. hydrogen c. carbon dioxide
B 5) What is the main way that carbon dioxide is made?
a. when it rains b. when fuel is burnt c. when there's a hurricane
A 6) What is the main way that carbon dioxide is used?
a. plants use it to make food b. animals breathe it in c. fuel is burnt
A 7) What might happen if there is too much carbon dioxide in the atmosphere?
a. the temperature on Earth may go up, so there will be global warming
b. the temperature on Earth may go down, so there will be global cooling
c. the oceans may dry up, so there will be global drying
C 8) What might happen in the Philippines if we don't stop global warming?
a. the temperature may go down and the sea level may drop
b. the temperature may stay the same and there may be fewer droughts
c. the temperature may go up and there may be more droughts and floods
C 9) How can you do your bit if you want to stop global warming?
a. save energy by going to school by car b. save energy by having lots of rests
c. save energy by using less electricity and petrol
C 10) Which of the following is NOT a greenhouse gas?
a. water vapor. b. carbon dioxide c. volcanic ash.
B 11) Which of these are the best ways to stop global warming around the house?
a. open a window and turn up the thermostat
b. turn off the television when you're not watching it and turn down the thermostat
c. boil a full kettle for one cup of tea and leave the taps running
B 12) Which of these is the best way to stop global warming when you travel?
a. get a lift to school on your own
b. walk to school with a group of friends and an adult
c. encourage your parents to drive to the shops rather than taking the bus
B 13) Which of these is the best way to stop global warming around your school?
a. leave computers and lights on when you leave a room
b. recycle rubbish and use energy efficient light bulbs
c. only use one side of your paper and leave litter around the playground
C 14) Which of the following is true?
a. it's too late to stop global warming
b. only politicians can make a difference to global warming
c. everyone can do their bit to help stop global warming
A 15) Without the greenhouse effect the earth would be?
a. a better place for animals b. safer for tomatoes grown indoors. c. a frozen and lifeless
Modified TRUE or FALSE
Direction: Indicate whether the sentence or statement is true or false. Write your answer before the

1. A gently sloping, broad volcano composed of large quantities of highly fluid lava that hardens
into rock would be known as a shield volcano.
2. The composition of magma determines how explosive an eruption will be.
3. Volcanoes form where magma reaches Earth's surface.
4. A volcanic eruption happens when magma rises to the surface.
5. A liquid that reaches Earth's surface magma.      
6. Pyroclastic material is classified into: ash, lapilli, and bomb.
7. Shield volcanoes have basaltic lava.
8. A volcanologist is a person who studies the formation of volcanoes and their current and
historic eruptions.
9. Viscosity increases as temperature increases.
10. The greater the viscosity of a liquid, the slower it flows.

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