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THEME: Domestic Violence

UU114: English for Academic Purposes

Assignment 2 – Reporting Writing
School of Language, Arts and Media
The University of the South Pacific

Name: Rakshay Rahil Chand

Student ID: s11144086

Tutor’s Name: Mr.

Tutorial Days: Tuesday and Thursday

Tutorial Time: 10 – 12 pm

Group: 30
The following report is a research based report on domestic violence and its effect on today’s
societies; an issue which most of the community members are unaware of. The survey which
was conducted while preparing the report clearly indicates that most individuals have very
little knowledge about what is happening in their societies in relation to domestic violence.
The opinions of 10 individuals were considered through the distribution and collection of
questionnaires which were analysed for data. Most of the participants stated arguments to be
the reason for domestic violence affecting the community members, followed by conflict of
interest, lack of education and misunderstandings. Also, women were said to be the most
targeted group for domestic violence. The data scrutinized are expressed with aids such as pie
charts and bar graphs. The report will end by stating the policies which the government can
enforce on improving the problem of domestic violence in communities. It is recommended
that creating awareness is very important.”
Domestic violence is apprehensively intimidating, domestic violence is not only a domestic
issue but it is a serious offence at the national level. It is defined as an aggressive behaviour
at home and psychological mistreatment and is practices utilized by one individual in a
relationship to control the other ( Domestic violence is becoming a
major offence which is affecting almost everyone, especially the women of our society.
Children are also affected by domestic violence. Kids in homes where there is abusive
behaviour will probably be mistreated or disregarded. Most kids in these homes think about
the brutality as they have to see their family members going through utmost pain. Regardless
of the possibility that a teenager is not physically hurt, they may have passionate and conduct

Moreover, violence can be in the form of hitting, pushing, and sexual abuse and stalking.
Others may include name-calling or putdowns, keeping a partner from contacting their
family, withholding money, physical harm and intimidation. We may not be able to find out
the people who abuse their families in public as they might be all friendly to show how
generous they are to the world but they abuse behind closed doors. Such people have very
low self-esteem and they would never want to take responsibility of their unwanted actions.
Thus, it is necessary for the community to work hand in hand to fight against those who
commit abuse and practice domestic violence.

Finally, the utmost purpose of this research report is to discover out the data among people
and the entire community in relation to the amount of domestic violence happening around
the world. The report also aims to identify the mutual reasons for the domestic violence and
as to how it poses a threat to the community members. Thirdly, the report will analyse the
roles played by government or non-government organizations in promoting domestic
violence for the community members. Finally, the report will recommend policies that can be
used by the community members on taming domestic violence.

Types Of Domestic Violence

Number of views
Sexual Physical Emotional Psychological

Graph represents the statistic of the peoples view on the types of domestic violence they prefer for
themselves. As in the results shown above, the most common type of domestic violence that people
goes through is Sexual and Emotional. Second most common activity that people goes through is
Psychological. The least type of domestic violence people go through is Physical.

Causes Of Domestic Violence

6 Causes Of Domestic Violence
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Above graph shows the data of the causes of domestic violence of what actually people suffer from
these violence. From this data analyse it can be said that most common causes of domestic violence is
Argument and Conflict Of Interest. The second most common causes are Misunderstanding and Lack
of Education.
Effects Of Domestic Violence

Series 1
Mental Depression Physical Pain Children Has A Bad Influence

By this graph which represents the effect of domestic violence are mental depression, physical pain
and bad influence on children. Mental depression is rated higher than other two because when
someone is abused it sends them into deep depression and they lose their sense somethings and end up
harming themselves. It also has a very bad influence on children as they will be growing up seeing
abuse and torture and that what they will learn and do when it will be their time.

Victims Of Domestic Violence Incident

7 Victims Of Domestic Violence
6 Incident
Women Men Children
resentation of this graph shows that the most common victims of domestic violence are women and
children. Women and children are a weak figure in a household that is the main reason they become
the victim of this abuses. Whether it is a small fight or intense fight.
How Frequently Domestic Violence Occur In Society

4 How Frequently Domestic

Violence Occur In Society

Very Often
Not Often

The graph above shows that domestic violence occur in a particular society often. Every
second or third day there is a case of domestic violence. Whether it is verbal or it is physical.
This is a very serious matter in a day to day life.

Government Are Doing Enough To Combat


According to the chart majority people believe that government is doing enough to fight
against domestic violence. On the other hand, there are still some people believe that
government is not doing enough to against domestic violence. Hence, it can be interpreted
that the minority believes that government can do more than what they are currently doing
against domestic violence.
Programs About Domestic Violence


The people that were assessed through questionnaires gave their views on programs ran by
the government on domestic violence holds on 50 – 50. Fifty per cent of the people believe
that the program running to educate against domestic violence is sufficient enough to fight
against the up rise of domestic violence. However, the other fifty per cent believes that the
programs created by governments are not sufficient to cater a war against domestic violence.
Domestic violence is one of the major concerns in the country. This can be seen by the rise in
the cases of domestic violence. Domestic violence is simply an argument between people
where they don’t meet there expectations and also there are clashes of ideas. Due to dis-
respect and inequality in a particular home it leads to argument and brawl. Another way we
can explain domestic violence is hitting or practising violence against the weak ones in the
family for example women and children.

According to the people have surveyed, not only physical but also sexual, emotional and
psychological violence’s are involved in domestic. They also believe that domestic violence
mostly occur with heated argument between husband and wife or family members. Also it
occurs with misunderstanding between views and thoughts of family. Another factor that
causes the violence is the lack of education amongst the members in the family. This happens
when one member is more educated but has less authority in the family who tries to put their
views in a discussion in domestic matters to a less educated person with more authority.
Thus, a person who is less educated will always try to put his/her views on the top which later
results breaks into argument and ends up in violence. As per the research shows the major
factor which results in violence is conflict of interest. This is where one person does not agree
with any other person’s views and thoughts.

According to the data collected by Fiji’s Women Crisis Centre in 2014, rate of violence
against women and girls in Fiji are amongst the high rated countries in the world. Estimation
of around 64% of women has experienced physical or sexual violence by husband or intimate
partner in their lifetime. This 61% were physically attacked and 34% who has been sexually
abused. Emotional abuse rates are also high with the percentage of 58. Fiji Government is
fighting against this domestic violence and is trying their very best to overcome this problem.
As The Prime Minister of Fiji Mr. Voreqe Bainimarama in his speech once said while
addressing in one of his campaign was “Let me repeat what I have told Fijian men over and
over - real men don't beat women, they respect and protect them. Real men don't rape women.
They respect a woman's right to say no. And real men certainly don't abuse children, a
heinous crime that warrants the strongest punishment."(Fiji Times, March 8, 2017). Apart
from the rallies and education on domestic violence that Government and Non- Governments
are holding, The Prime Minister also launched a helpline for domestic violence victims. This
is a very big step taken by the government in order to protect the victims. They can seek
government helps when they are assaulted or abused. Some of the Non- Government
Organisation that helps fights against domestic violence is UN Women Fiji Multi-Country,
Fiji Women’s Rights Movement and Lifeline Fiji. These organizations conduct workshops,
awareness programmes and rallies to educate the society on the importance of respect and
equality amongst the members in a community.

Moreover, it can be said that the amount of things done and planned to fight against the
domestic violence is not sufficient enough. This is shown by the amount of reported cases in
a period of time. One advantage of the government helpline is that the victims now can report
the matter of being abused compared to the past where there was very less help provided and
the victims used to bare and adjust to the abuse for their betterment. It has been seen that
more hidden abuse cases are being reported with the help of the NGOs and the government.
However, this fight is not over yet. There are more places and more household that needs to
be educated and enrich them with the factor called equality in order to overcome this fight.
Judicial punishment is one way to serve the culprit but it is not a very good way. This can
cause further brawl and end up breaking a family apart leaving permanent damage. Education
is the best way to deal with this rising problem.
In a nutshell, this report is answered faithfully that how domestic violence affects people and
also children. The report could have been more enriched if more time would have been taken
to conduct the research. It can also be stated that the statistics provided is accurate as all the
questionnaires distributed were distributed and collected on time to aid in the composition of
this report. Further research can be conducted to inform individuals specifically about
domestic violence and various approaches which can be adopted by community to improve
the issue of domestic violence and their ability to fight against domestic violence. Moreover,
people should work hand-in-hand to combat the issue of domestic violence as well as the
government should create awareness to strengthen people, especially women and children so
that they as to what they can do and how they can react when they’re being victims of
domestic violence.
The following are the recommendations which would prevent or combat people in terms of
domestic violence:

 People should be more alert.

 People should be apprehensive enough to complain domestic violence.
 People should stop violence so that the small children are not affected.
 Government and NGO’s should create awareness program.

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