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Working with others can be difficult and that is why we need all the help we can
get from our Heavenly Father. He will guide us and give us wisdom to do the tasks
that are set before us. He will equip us and give us strength; we are not alone.

P – Pray for guidiance that God will be you day by day and go before you in
everything that you do and say. You will be surprised at how much better your
day will go. Pray for opportunities to be a blessing to others. You will be amazed
at the results of this prayer.

A – Admit areas of weakness in your life to God. Be humble and seek the
forgiveness of others where you have been careless, and maybe caused hurt
feelings. Be willing to make necessary changes in the way you present your
opinion, or just be quiet.

S – Seek a deeper relationship with God. Ask God to help you grow in
your love for him and toward others. Seek to improve those relationships with
those around you. Be willing to listen with an open mind and heart when others
talk to you about things about yourself. Seek to let go of a defensive nature that is
typical when others give advice to you.
S – Serve others. Jesus was a servant to all. Have a humble attitude on what
office or title that you are given. Give of yourself in tome to help those who are
under your leadership in ways that they will see you really care for them not just
for your own position. Let them see Jesus in you.

I – Initiate changes slowly. Remember that others have feelings, too. You
may like the idea, but give it time considering others. If it is change for your
comfort, let it go if necessary. If it is in the best interest of the whole Body of
Christ, do it slowing in regards to others. Initiate things that will bring the body
closer together so all can work toward the same common goals.

O – Order others in your leadership carefully. Present requests…not

commands. Let others see you as a compassionate and caring leader. Let them
see you participate personally in their ministries to give support. Show up to give
encouragement when they are sick. Don’t send someone else to do your job. No
one will replace you when it comes to building bridges between you and those
whom you serve.

N – Neighborly gestures are excellent ways to build bridges with your

peers, community, and church – even family. How often have you received a
thoughtful note just for begin kind to someone? Notes are not out of style and are
sometimes just the thing that will touch a heart at the right moment in some
special or critical way. Baking something and taking to someone who is alone, or
stopping by to pay a brief visit can make someone’s day brighter. Letting someone
know you are praying for them can motivate them for another week or two. Take
time to be friendly, caring, considerate, and helpful to those around you, will not
only help them, but it will change you.

© Jeanne McIntosh 2010.

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