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Provisional Title

Environmental evidence of colonial India

Although colonial rule throughout the world was accompanied and supported by
exploitation of forests and environmental destruction, independence has not put a
stop anywhere to these processes. Rather, the disruption of the relationship between
local societies and their natural resource bases has continued in the worldwide
movement towards modernisation. Instead of contrasting this situation with a
mythical golden age of equilibrium between society and nature, what is needed is a
radical critique of capitalist expansionism, of which the colonisation of nature has
been one of the major objectives.

In this research paper, The student researcher will look into the historical aspects of
environmental evidence of colonial india. Researcher will also try to provide a deep
study regarding environment sources of that time with the help of books and articles
by different authors and experts

Name – Shivansh Pamnani

Section – B

Roll No – 19LLB121

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