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composite resin and ceramic posterior

occlusal veneers
Pascal Magne, DMD, PhD,a Luís Henrique Schlichting, DDS,
MS,b Hamilton Pires Maia, DDS, PhD,c and Luiz Narciso
Baratieri, DDS, PhDd
University of Southern California, Herman Ostrow School of
Dentistry of USC, Los Angeles, Calif; Federal University of Santa
Catarina, Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil

Statement of problem. Thin, bonded, posterior occlusal veneers constitute a conservative alternative to traditional
complete coverage crowns. Information regarding selection of the appropriate material and its influence on fatigue
resistance, which may affect the longevity of the restoration, is missing.

Purpose. The purpose of this study was to assess and compare the fatigue resistance of composite resin and ceramic
posterior occlusal veneers.

Material and methods. Thirty extracted molars received a standardized nonretentive tooth preparation (simulating
advanced occlusal erosion), including removal of occlusal enamel, exposure of dentin, and immediate dentin sealing
(Optibond FL). All teeth were restored with a 1.2-mm-thick occlusal veneer (Cerec 3 chairside CAD/CAM system).
The restorations (n=10) were milled from leucite-reinforced and lithium disilicate ceramics (IPS Empress CAD and IPS
e.max CAD, respectively) and a composite resin (Paradigm MZ100). The intaglio surfaces of the ceramic restorations
were conditioned by hydrofluoric acid etching and silane. Airborne-particle abrasion and silane were used to condi-
tion the composite resin restorations. Preparations were airborne-particle abraded and etched. All restorations were
bonded with preheated luting material and submitted to cyclic isometric loading at 5 Hz, starting with a load of 200
N (x5000 cycles), followed by stepwise loading of 400, 600, 800, 1000, 1200, and 1400 N at a maximum of 30,000
cycles each. The number of cycles at initial failure (first cracks) was recorded. Specimens were loaded for a maximum
of 185,000 cycles. Groups were compared using the life table survival analysis (_=.016, Bonferroni method).

Results. IPS Empress CAD failed at an average load of 900 N, with no specimen withstanding all 185,000 load cycles
(survival 0%), while IPS e.max CAD and Paradigm MZ100 demonstrated survival rates of 30% and 100%, respectively.
None of the specimens exhibited catastrophic failure, but only cracks limited to the restorative material.

Conclusions. Posterior occlusal veneers made of composite resin (Paradigm MZ100) had significantly higher fatigue
resistance (P<.002) compared to IPS Empress CAD and IPS e.max CAD. (J Prosthet Dent 2010;104:149-157)

The second author was supported by the Brazilian Federal Agency for Support and Evaluation of Graduate Education (CAPES)
(grant no. BEX 1689/08-8).

Based on a thesis submitted to the Dentistry Graduate Program, Federal University of Santa Catarina, in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the PhD degree of Luís Henrique Schlichting.

Associate Professor of Dentistry, University of Southern California, Herman Ostrow School of Dentistry of USC; The Don and Sybil
Harrington Foundation Chair of Esthetic Dentistry.
Assistant Professor, Division of Restorative Sciences, University of Southern California, Herman Ostrow School of Dentistry of
USC; PhD student, Department of Operative Dentistry, Federal University of Santa Catarina.
Associate Professor, Department of Operative Dentistry, Federal University of Santa Catarina.
Professor and Chair, Department of Operative Dentistry, Federal University of Santa Catarina.
Magne et al

CAD/CAM composite resins may provide better fracture resistance
for nonretentive occlusal veneers in posterior teeth with high load
requirements. When porcelain is required, IPS e.max CAD may per-
form better than IPS Empress CAD.

Preservation of tooth structure is a

major driving force in restorative den-
tistry.1,2 From a biomimetic perspective,
the conservation of tooth structure is
paramount in maintaining the subtle
equilibrium between biologic, mechani-
cal, functional, and esthetic param-
eters.3 It is clearly beneficial to keep the
pulp alive and prevent endodontic treat-
ment and the need for posts and cores,
because these more invasive approach-
es violate the biomechanical balance
and compromise the performance of re-
stored teeth over time.3,4 As quantified
by Edelhoff,1 preparations with deep
shoulders and chamfers, as required
for complete coverage crowns in the
1970s and 1980s, have been strongly
associated with an increase in micro-
leakage and pulpal complications.5-7
When compared to bonded restora-
tions, metal ceramic complete cover-
age crowns are also associated with
more gingival inflammation and sec-
ondary caries.8 Partial coverage prepa-
rations with reduced macroretentive
geometry, such as onlays and partial
coverage ceramic crowns, have been 1 Severe erosion caused by gastroesophageal reflux
reported to remove half the amount of disease (35-year-old woman). A, Note significant loss
tooth structure compared to a com- of occlusal anatomy. B, Occlusal view with severe dentin
exposure. Such situations call for noninvasive approaches
plete coverage metal ceramic crown.1
using indirect bonded restorations.
With survival rates of 88.7% after 17
years9 and 84% after 12 years,10 por- al for posterior “occlusal veneers” hesive technology such as immediate
celain adhesive inlays and onlays have (thin onlay/overlay with nonretentive dentin sealing,21-27 more conservative
demonstrated long-term reliability. As design). Such restorations could poten- approaches should be considered.
a result, their range of indications has tially compete with gold onlays/over- Yet, there is a significant lack of data
been increased, including treatment lays. Occlusal veneers are extracoronal regarding the selection of the appro-
of advanced erosion11-14 (Fig. 1) and restorations requiring a simpler and priate material and its influence on the
stabilization of teeth with cracked- more intuitive preparation driven by fatigue resistance of such thin, nonre-
tooth syndrome.15,16 interocclusal clearance and anatomical tentive occlusal veneers.
The benefits of decreasing reten- considerations. The usual recommen- The purpose of this study was to
tive features of tooth preparations dation for porcelain restoration thick- assess and compare the fatigue resis-
could be increased by the transla- ness is 1.5 to 2.0 mm.17-20 However, tance of composite resin and ceramic
tional application of principles used given the development of stronger posterior occlusal veneers. The null
in treatment with anterior porcelain materials in combination with CAD/ hypothesis was that no significant dif-
laminate veneers, hence the propos- CAM techniques and innovative ad- ference would be found with respect to
The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry Magne et al
September 2010 151
fatigue resistance among the 3 materials clusal dentin exposure was obtained turer’s instructions: dentin etching for
used in this study for posterior occlusal through selective removal of occlusal 15 seconds with a 37.5% phosphoric
veneers. enamel with a round-ended, tapered acid (Ultra-Etch; Ultradent Products,
diamond rotary cutting instrument Inc, South Jordan, Utah), abundant
MATERIAL AND METHODS (6850-023; Brasseler USA, Savannah, rinsing, careful air drying with no des-
Ga). The buccal and palatal margins iccating for 3 to 5 seconds, applica-
Thirty freshly extracted, sound hu- were maintained at approximately 5.0 tion of the primer with a light brush-
man maxillary molars were collected mm from the CEJ and 2.3 to 2.6 mm ing motion for 15 seconds, air drying
(stored in a solution saturated with above the central groove (Fig. 2, A), for 3 to 5 seconds, and application
thymol) upon approval from both keeping the cuspal inclination as con- of adhesive resin, only on dentin, for
the Ethical Committee of the Federal stant as possible. In an effort to stan- 20 seconds (no air thinning) (Fig. 2,
University of Santa Catarina and the dardize tooth preparation and match B). The adhesive was light polymer-
University of Southern California Re- the anatomy of the Cerec database ized for 20 seconds at 1000 mW/cm2
view Board. Teeth were inserted in a (see next section), a “virtual indexing (Allegro; Den-Mat, Santa Maria, Ca-
special positioning device filled with technique” was used: a preliminary lif ), and then an air barrier (K-Y Jelly;
acrylic resin (Palapress; Heraeus Kul- optical impression (Cerec 3; Sirona Johnson & Johnson, Montreal, Cana-
zer GmbH, Hanau, Germany), embed- Dental Systems GmbH, Bensheim, da) was applied to reduce the oxygen-
ding the root up to 3 mm below the Germany) was made, the restoration inhibited layer, and additional light
cemento-enamel junction (CEJ). was designed, and the preparation exposure was applied for 10 seconds
was adjusted as needed. Immediate with the same light unit. Excess adhe-
Tooth preparation dentin sealing was then applied ac- sive resin was carefully removed from
cording to a previously published pro- the enamel margins with a round dia-
A standardized tooth prepara- tocol,21,23,25-27 using a fourth genera- mond rotary cutting instrument (801-
tion was applied to all specimens to tion etch-and-rinse dentin bonding 023; Brasseler USA) at 1500 rpm.
simulate advanced erosion of the oc- agent (OptiBond FL; Kerr Corp, Or- Finally, each specimen was stored in
clusal surfaces. First, complete oc- ange, Calif ), following the manufac- distilled water for 24 hours before the


2 A, Tooth preparation (standard cuspal inclination) and corresponding measurements and dimensions (in mm).
B, Immediate dentin sealing. C, Thin occlusal-type restoration with desired clearances (in mm).
Magne et al
optical impression, designing, and posite Polishing Brushes; Ultradent the final 20-second polymerization cy-
adhesive placement of the CAD/CAM Products, Inc). cle. The margins were finished and pol-
restorations. ished with diamond ceramic polishers
Adhesive placement (CeramiPro Dialite W16DG, W16DM,
Design of restorations and manufac- W16D; Brasseler USA) (all groups) and
turing Milled ceramic restorations were silicon bristle brushes (Jiffy Composite
etched with 9% hydrofluoric acid Polishing Brush; Ultradent Products,
Standardized overlays from the (Porcelain Etch; Ultradent Products, Inc) (MZ100 group only), then each
Cerec database (third maxillary molar, Inc) for 60 seconds (ECAD) or 20 sec- specimen was stored in distilled water
Lee Culp Youth database; Sirona Dental onds (EMAX). After rinsing for 20 sec- at ambient temperature for 24 hours
Systems GmbH) were generated with onds, the specimens were subjected before testing.
the Cerec 3 CAD/CAM system (Sirona to postetching cleaning using phos-
Dental Systems GmbH). The occlusal phoric acid (Ultra-Etch; Ultradent Fatigue testing
surface was created using the software’s Products, Inc) with a brushing mo-
design tools (Cerec v. 3.03; Sirona Den- tion for 1 minute, followed by rinsing Masticatory forces were simulated
tal Systems GmbH) set in Master Mode, for 20 seconds, and then immersion using closed-loop servohydraulics (Mini
with an average thickness of 1.2 mm at in distilled water in an ultrasonic bath Bionix II; MTS Systems Corp, Eden
the central groove, a maximum of 1.8 for 3 minutes. After thorough air dry- Prairie, Minn) with a 7-mm-diameter
mm at the cusp tip, and 1.6 mm at the ing, intaglio surfaces were silanated composite resin sphere (Z100; 3M
internal cusp slope (measured with a (Silane; Ultradent Products, Inc) and ESPE) postpolymerized at 100oC for 5
caliper after milling and polishing) (Fig. heat dried at 100oC for 5 minutes (DI- minutes (Fig. 3, D). Due to the stan-
2, C). To standardize form and anato- 500 oven; Coltène/Whaledent AG, dardized occlusal anatomy, each speci-
my, the design of the restoration was Alstätten, Switzerland). Specimens in men was placed in the load chamber
obtained by the sole use of the “posi- group MZ100 received the same inta- in the same reproducible position
tion” tools (translation and rotation), glio surface conditioning, except the with the load sphere contacting the
with no editing of the original shape hydrofluoric etching step, which was mesiobuccal, distobuccal, and lingual
produced by the software. replaced by airborne-particle abrasion cusps equally (tripod contact). The
Twenty restorations were milled with 27-μm aluminum oxide at 30 psi load chamber was filled with distilled
with reinforced glass ceramics, 10 (RONDOflex plus 360; KaVo Dental, water to submerge the specimen dur-
from leucite-reinforced ceramic blocks Charlotte, NC). ing testing. Cyclic load (isometric mas-
(IPS Empress CAD; Ivoclar Vivadent Tooth preparations were all treat- tication using load control) was ap-
AG, Schaan, Liechtenstein) (group ed with airborne-particle abrasion plied at a frequency of 5 Hz, starting
ECAD), and another group of 10 from (RONDOflex plus 360; KaVo Dental), with a load of 200 N for 5000 cycles
lithium disilicate blocks (IPS e.max etched for 30 seconds with 37.5% (preconditioning phase to guarantee
CAD; Ivoclar Vivadent AG) (group phosphoric acid (Ultra-Etch; Ultra- predictable positioning of the sphere
EMAX). Finally, 10 restorations were dent Products, Inc), rinsed, and dried. with the specimen),29 followed by
milled with composite resin (Paradigm Both fitting surfaces, restoration and stages of 400, 600, 800, 1000, 1200,
MZ100 blocks; 3M ESPE, St. Paul, tooth, were coated with adhesive resin and 1400 N at a maximum of 30,000
Minn) (group MZ100). (Optibond FL, Bottle no. 2; Kerr Corp) cycles each. If the material did not fail,
All restorations were milled in Endo and left unpolymerized until the luting the experiment continued with the
Mode with the sprue at the lingual material (Z100; 3M ESPE), preheated same load level until 30,000 cycles was
surface and inspected to detect pos- to 68oC (Calset; AdDent, Inc, Dan- reached. The number of cycles at initial
sible milling cracks. The restorations bury, Conn), was applied to the tooth failure was recorded (explained below
milled with lithium disilicate blocks (Fig. 3, A) and the restoration was in crack detection and tracking). The
were crystallized in a ceramic furnace definitively inserted (Fig. 3, B). After specimens were loaded until cata-
(Austromat D4; DEKEMA Dental- careful insertion, the restorations were strophic failure (lost restoration frag-
Keramiköfen GmbH, Freilassing, Ger- subjected to a standardized load of 6 ments) or to a maximum of 185,000
many) following the manufacturer’s N (Fig. 3, C), followed by elimination cycles.
instructions (Ivoclar Vivadent AG). of excess composite resin and initial
The surface polishing of the ECAD and light polymerization.28 Each surface Crack detection and tracking
EMAX restorations was performed was exposed at 1000 mW/cm2 (Alle-
mechanically using diamond ceramic gro; Den-Mat) for 60 seconds (20 s/ Specimens were evaluated at base-
polishers (CeramiPro Dialite; Brasse- surface, repeated 3 times). All margins line and at the end of each load step
ler USA), while the MZ100 specimens were covered with an air-blocking bar- using transillumination (Microlux;
were finished with brushes (Jiffy Com- rier (KY Jelly; Johnson & Johnson) for AdDent, Inc) and optical microscopy
The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry Magne et al
September 2010 


3 A, Application of preheated composite resin material (Z100 at 68°C). B, Placement of restoration. C, Device for
application of standardized load during luting procedures. D, Positioning of specimen for fatigue testing (7-mm-
diameter resin sphere).

(Leica MZ 125; Leica Microsystems interval (defined by each load step), demonstrated failure at an average
GmbH, Wetzlar, Germany) at x10 the number of specimens beginning load of 900 N (110,918 cycles), and
magnification, in a 2-examiner agree- the interval intact and the number all specimens exhibited ceramic cracks
ment. Each specimen was also pho- of specimens cracking during the in- by the completion of the 185,000 cy-
tographed under standardized con- terval were counted. This allowed the cles (survival=0%). For groups EMAX
ditions at x1.5 magnification (Nikon calculation of survival probability (%) and MZ100, the survival rates (no
D70 and Medical-Nikkor 120-mm at each load step. The influence of cracking) were 30% and 100%, re-
lens and close-up lens; Nikon, Tokyo, the restorative material on the crack- spectively. Life table survival analysis
Japan). Cracks smaller than 2 mm in ing propensity was analyzed using the (Fig. 4) revealed significant differ-
length or subsurface cracks are diffi- log-rank test at a significance level of ences among groups (P<.001). Post
cult to diagnose under normal clinical .05. Differences were localized using hoc tests showed higher fatigue resis-
conditions. Therefore, to meet the cri- pairwise post hoc comparisons with tance of MZ100 compared to ECAD
teria for “failure,” a specimen had to the same test at a significance level and EMAX (P<.001 and P=.002, re-
exhibit 1 or more surface cracks great- of .016 (Bonferroni correction for 3 spectively), and higher fatigue resis-
er than or equal to 2 mm in length. comparisons). The data were ana- tance of EMAX compared to ECAD
This crack tracking procedure was lyzed with statistical software (Med- (P=.001).
performed until catastrophic failure Calc, v. 11.0.1; MedCalc Software, Among the 30 specimens, none
(fragment loss) or until completion of Mariakerke, Belgium). demonstrated catastrophic failure
the 185,000 cycles. with loss of a restoration fragment.
The fatigue resistance of the 3 RESULTS None of the specimens experienced
groups was compared using the life loss of or significant damage to intact
table survival analysis. At each time For group ECAD, restorations tooth structure (Fig. 5).
Magne et al


Survival %

20 MZ100

200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400
Load (N)
4 Life table survival distributions by materials at each load step (n=10).


5 A-C, Specimen from group ECAD. A, Before testing. B, Initial failure (1000 N). C, After 185,000 cycles. D-F, Speci-
men from group EMAX. D, Before testing. E, At initial failure (1000 N). F, After 185.000 cycles. G, H, Specimen from
group MZ100. G, Before testing. H, After 185,000 cycles.

DISCUSSION also revealed the in vitro feasibility of generate a large variety of stresses
a less invasive approach using CAD/ (compressive, tensile, shear), as well as
The null hypothesis, namely, that CAM ceramics and composite resins water sorption and aging in wet con-
there would be no difference in terms to fabricate thin occlusal veneers. ditions.27 In the present study, a fully
of fatigue resistance among the 3 ma- Restorative materials are often functional restored natural tooth could
terials evaluated in this study for pos- tested by subjecting standardized be simulated, which constitutes the
terior occlusal veneers, was rejected. beams to a 3- or 4-point flexural cy- uniqueness of this protocol. Simulation
Composite resin MZ100 had a sig- clic load. Only 2 modes of fatigue can of the periodontal ligament was omit-
nificantly increased fatigue resistance be simulated by this process: contact ted because elastomers or silicone films
with thin posterior occlusal veneers as and flexure.30 However, loading a re- usually used for this purpose show ac-
compared to the ceramics IPS Empress stored tooth through a submerged celerated degradation; this would allow
CAD and IPS e.max CAD. The study cusp in a 3-point/facet contact can for excessive displacement of the tooth
The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry Magne et al
September 2010 155
behavior of the restoration and un-
derlying tissue, simulating to some
degree the enamel cracks stopped at
the dento-enamel junction (DEJ).32
From the present data, it appears
that higher flexural strength does not
necessarily result in a restoration with
a higher load tolerance.33 The uniaxial
flexural strength of ceramic blocks
(256 and 127 MPa for EMAX and
ECAD, respectively) compared to that
of the composite resin blocks (150
MPa for MZ100) did not correlate
with their respective survival rates. In
6 Specimen after testing in group ECAD. Note “mo- fact, structural integrity of complex
saiclike” cracks. structures made from multilayered
materials, such as restored teeth, can-
and would destabilize the servohydrau- ed the contact pressure from decreas- not be predicted using strength data
lic control system. ing as fast as the increasing load. This alone.33 The intrinsic strength, as well
The experimental design did not al- is an essential aspect of this test, as as the thickness of the material, has
low testing of multiple specimens, and mentioned by Kelly,31 who suggested limited influence on the failure trig-
each specimen was loaded over the using large radii spheres or indenting gered by the development of tensile
course of 1 day. This testing method the specimen to reduce the increase stresses, which is much more sensi-
is relatively time consuming. However, in contact pressure. It was also im- tive to the ratios of elastic moduli be-
confounding variables were minimized portant to ensure that the composite tween the restorative material and the
by the combined use of the Cerec tech- resin used for the fabrication of the luting material and dentin.31 As dem-
nology (Sirona Dental Systems GmbH) load sphere would be strong enough onstrated by the behavior of the resin
and complete occlusal restoration, gen- to undergo the entire fatigue test and groups, the relative similarity of elas-
erating standardized restoration size, maintain contact regardless of the ticity moduli of the composite tested
shape, and cuspal inclines. load step. Therefore, the load cusps (16-20 MPa) and dentin (18.5 GPa)34
The decision to use a resin sphere were carefully inspected at each load may have a key role in the tooth-resto-
rather than stainless steel is also step. However, none of the spheres ration performance.
unique to this study, but was previous- were damaged or had to be replaced. With a restoration thickness rang-
ly suggested by Magne and Knezevic.27 The luting procedure constituted an- ing from 1.2 mm (at the central
According to Kelly,31 steel indenters other strong element of the protocol. It groove) to 1.8 mm (at the cusp tips),
tend to generate localized and intense included the so-called “immediate den- the present study explored the lower
point loads, which are more likely to tin sealing” (sealing the freshly cut den- limits of the usual thickness recom-
generate surface damage and powder- tin with a dentin bonding agent directly mendation for the “safe” restoration of
like debris by crushing (Hertzian cone following tooth preparation, before posterior teeth.18-20 The results of the
cracks). The lower stiffness and higher making an impression) associated with present study are in agreement with
wear of the composite resin sphere application of a preheated light-polym- similar previous experiments, which
allowed more realistic simulation of erized composite resin restorative mate- confirmed the robustness of compro-
tooth contacts through wear facets, rial as a luting agent,23-27 which might mised endodontically treated molars
distributing the load without reaching be considered the state of the art in restored with MZ100 overlays26,27
the compressive limit of the tissues or bonding indirect restorations.21,22,25 when compared to porcelain (VITA-
restorative materials. At the begin- Despite the high loads used in the BLOCS Mark II; Vident, Brea, Calif ).
ning of the test (200-N load step), the present study and the “mosaiclike” Patients with high load requirements
intact ball generated contact pressure cracking observed (Fig. 6), none of may benefit from the design of thin oc-
of approximately 200 MPa (3 con- the fractured fragments separated clusal veneers made using MZ100 or
tacts for approximately 1 mm2), while from the tooth, which demonstrated EMAX. In the latter, the first cracks
at the end of the fatigue test (1400 the fatigue resistance of the dentin appeared only at high loads. The re-
N), the worn ball produced contact bond. Cracks were restricted to the sults show that ECAD is not likely
pressures of only 350 MPa (approxi- restorations and remaining enamel to survive under high load require-
mately 4 mm2). The intrinsic wear of in all tested groups. This constitutes ments, since none of the specimens
the antagonistic load sphere prevent- a demonstration of the “biomimetic” withstood the second half of the test
Magne et al
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The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry Magne et al

September 2010 157
Corresponding author: Acknowledgments for Ultra-Etch, Porcelain Etch, and Silane; Her-
Dr Pascal Magne The authors thank Mr Herbert Mendes (Mar- aeus Kulzer, Armonk, NY, for Palapress; and Dr
University of Southern California keting Manager and Sales, Ivoclar Vivadent, Richard Kahn, Chair, Division of Restorative
Oral Health Center São Paulo, Brazil) for providing IPS e.max CAD Sciences, School of Dentistry, University of
3151 South Hoover St blocks; Ivoclar Vivadent USA, Amherst, NY, for Southern California, for his help in revising the
Los Angeles, CA 90089 IPS Empress CAD blocks; 3M ESPE, St. Paul, English draft.
Fax: 213-821-5324 Minn, for Paradigm MZ100 blocks and Z100
E-mail: composite resin; Kerr Corp, Orange, Calif, Copyright © 2010 by the Editorial Council for
for Optibond FL and experimental blocks; The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry.
Ultradent Products, Inc, South Jordan, Utah,

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