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Assignment Employee Reactions to Security Changes and


Assignment: Employee Reactions to Security Changes

Employees are often the greatest security threat to an organization. It may be a disgruntled
employee who felt he or she was poorly t

Assignment: Employee Reactions to Security Changes

Employees are often the greatest security threat to an organization. It may be a disgruntled
employee who felt he or she was poorly treated or a model employee who simply didn’t follow
company policy for keeping his or her computer secure.

The case study about coordination between the IT and HR Departments from your textbook in
this unit’s Learning Resources covers this type of security threat. This case involves a mid-size
company with a sophisticated information infrastructure. The director of IT is new, and the head
of human resources has been with the organization for some time. As the new IT director begins
implementing additional security measures, a security breach occurs.

For this Assignment, you will analyze the above case study from this unit’s reading and
consider employee behavior, preparation for and prevention of security breaches, and
appropriate communication with employees after attacks.

By Day 7

Submit a 2- to 3-page analysis in APA format of the case study. In your analysis, answer the

What about employee awareness and/or mindset may have led to the breach?
What steps might management have taken to prepare for or prevent this breach?
Based on your understanding about the attacker and the work environment, how might
the company ward off future attacks?
What information might the company communicate to its employees about the attack?


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