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One bad
The best thing about
this movie is you don’t
have to see it every day.
>> pg.6

low low
-18 -18
high high
Eating our feelings since 1906 -10 -11


The secrecy imperative Sometimes Blog the Vote

Frats and sororities find a balance between secrecy and stigma dreams do
come true
Zwellin’ it
like it is

Arden Zwelling

Arden Zwelling is blogging daily from

the campaign trail. Follow his musings
every morning at
Just a day after I griped about the
lack of actual debate at the Universi-
ty Students’ Council debates, along
comes the best news this campaign
has yet to see.
All right, that’s a bit much. But my
man Adam Fearnall — president of
Genevieve Moreau GAZETTE the Huron University Students’
CLOSED DOOR POLICY. Fraternity and sorority houses are scattered around Western’s campus, representing a large segment of the student population. A recent case Council — did inform me that Huron
in Alberta reignited concerns over secrecy and hazing despite international oversight. will be hosting a debate this Thurs-
day night, moderated by none other
than former USC vice-president uni-
Kaleigh Rogers they don’t fall under what consti- versity affairs Dan Moulton.
NEWS EDITOR tutes hazing.”
>>Who’s Who in Greek Life I won’t even make a bad joke
Some of the hazing at U of A here. This is really, really awesome.
The days of the fraternity paddle are allegedly included forcing new mem- While we always back the
Interfraternity Council:
dead and gone, according to mem- People speculate, and bers to eat their own vomit and lock-
A group comprised of the seven
Gazette’s own Mike Hayes, who did
bers of the Greek scene at Western. ing them in wooden boxes. Chorna- a fine job moderating Saturday’s
But other schools evidently haven’t
sometimes it will lead by explained while this is an extreme fraternities at Western that moder- debate, Moulton is also an excellent
received the memo. people to believe the form of hazing, international bodies ates and enforces the rules of the choice of moderator. Moulton
North American Interfraternity
In October, University of Alber- worst, even if that isn’t overseeing fraternities and sororities knows the inner-workings of the
Conference. The president of this
ta’s student newspaper reported on a are just as strict with lighter forms. USC having served on the executive,
video they received that included the case. “You’d be shocked and surprised
council holds a seat on the Univer-
he knows campaigns having run
sity Students’ Council.
footage of alleged hazing at the Delta Mike Siebert as to what our international head- Emily Rowe’s successful presidential
Phi chapter of Delta Kappa Epsilon. President of the quarters and the two governing bod- Western’s bid and he knows how to moderate a
Interfraternity Council at U of A
After months of thorough investiga- ies treat as hazing. Things like doing Panhellenic Council: good debate having served as the
tion, the issue came to a head last a scavenger hunt are constituted as A group comprised of the five soror- speaker of Huron’s council.
week when Frank Robinson, U of A’s hazing unless certain protocols are ities at Western that moderates and But the biggest win here is the
dean of students, announced the followed, because we can’t make enforces the rules of the National fact that the candidates will get to
group was being suspended from know especially with us, they will anyone do anything against their Panhellenic Conference. The presi- actually, you know, talk to each other
the university for five years. immediately seek criminal persecu- will, so to speak,” he explained. dent of this council holds a seat on and challenge one another on issues.
The suspension means the fra- tion, whereas in Alberta they didn’t.” Instances like the one at U of A, the University Students’ Council. It’s a novel idea, I know. But I think it
ternity will not be allowed to register At Western, there are two govern- combined with the long history of could just work. Here’s the format:
as a student group at the university, ing groups for the five sororities and secrecy in Greek life, have created a • Two open questions from the
use the university’s name or proper- seven fraternities on campus: the number of negative stigmas. Mike moderator
ty, or associate themselves with the Panhellenic Council and the Inter- Siebert, president of the Interfrater- hazing and retention and that sort of • Pointed questions from the mod-
university in any way. fraternity Council. These two groups nity Council at U of A, admitted this thing, so we’re pretty transparent in erator
“Their international [representa- answer to national and international level of secrecy doesn’t help the regards to what transpires. There are • Open discussion amongst candi-
tives] didn’t really punish them to levels and are required to act under groups avoid negative stereotypes secret initiations, but outside of that, dates
the full extent, they didn’t have the their specific regulations and rules, like hazing. nothing is really secret.” • Audience questions
treatment that they were expecting,” especially when it comes to hazing. “It’s true that the secrecy does not Still, Siebert expressed a certain • A debate winner will be declared
Matt Chornaby, judiciary chair for “The National Panhellenic Council help, because it will lead a lot of peo- level of secrecy is an integral part of Personally, I don’t really need
Western’s Interfraternity Council, has an approximately 200-page ple to speculate, as is the case with the Greek life. someone to be declared the winner
explained. manual, and within that there is a anything that is secret. People spec- “It’s become part of the tradition of the debate. I’m pretty sure the
“On our campus, we would prob- very, very strict — probably page-long ulate, and sometimes it will lead to keep that level of secrecy, but it audience members can make their
ably get hit a lot harder because we — definition on what constitutes haz- people to believe the worst, even if also helps build some of the aspects own judgments and this shouldn’t be
are a more involved Greek commu- ing,” Emily Mordhorst, president of that isn’t the case,” Siebert explained. of having a tighter bond with the about winning or losing. No one’s
nity; there are larger chapters and Western’s Panhellenic Council, noted. Chornaby noted the groups try to other members of the chapter and opinions or views on issues are right
where there are larger chapters, “We have to be very careful with remain transparent where they can. the other members of the group or wrong — it’s politics. Declaring a
there’s more risk involved. Our head- all the activities that we participate “If hazing were to occur, all of our because you all share this same
quarters would come down hard. I in and organize to make sure that websites have the statements about secret knowledge.” >> see DAY pg.3
2• thegazette • Wednesday, February 9, 2011

DC++ becomes Omid++

Salari secures advertising on popular program
Alex Carmona

In an attempt to garner more stu-

dent attention, campaign advertis-
ing for the University Students’
Council presidential election has
come to an unexplored frontier.
Omid Salari, one of the presiden-
tial candidates in the upcoming elec-
tion, has secured exclusive cam-
paign advertising rights to DC++ and
Shakespeer — the DC++ equivalent
for Macs. Both programs let users
share files quickly over a local con-
“The DC++ admins contacted me
[about securing advertising rights]
and I saw a great opportunity, which
was something I was saving my
budget for,” Salari said.
When asked for the rationale Courtesy of Alex Carmona
behind his decision to advertise on Omid Salari became the first candidate to secure advertising on DC++, the pop-
DC++, Salari cited the program’s per- ular file sharing network, which is popular at Western residences.
vasiveness among an important
voter demographic: first-year stu-
dents who live in residence. done before, at least in my memory,” the advertising to the person who
“The most active number of vot- the source said. [we think] would do the best job,” the
ers are first-years and getting [your “We’re broadcasting to all the source explained.
campaign] into residences, which is users, we have an hourly message Both the DC++ spokesman and
a huge part of campaigning, is typi- that goes out with a big block of text, Salari agreed the advertising would
cally very difficult,” Salari noted. it’s really hard to miss.” prove more effective at piquing the
“DC++, meanwhile, has immediate According to the source, before interest of students than more tradi-
outreach to thousands of students they decided to exclusively support tional forms of advertising.
living in residence, as well as a Face- Salari, the DC++ administration team “I guess we’ll see on election day,
book group and fan page.” canvassed all three USC presidential but I’m thinking it’s probably going
According to a spokesman from candidates to see if there was any to have a fairly significant impact,”
the DC++ administration team who interest in advertising on DC++. That the source speculated.
spoke on the condition of anonymi- decision came about from the DC++ Salari declined to go into detail
ty, this is the first time any DC++ administration team’s desire to when asked about other unconven-
advertising has been run on this engage first-year students. tional advertising he may have
large a scale. It’s also the first time “We were wondering if we could planned.
any USC presidential candidate has make the frosh more informed, that “I’ve got some tricks left up my
advertised on DC++. was the major thing. Then I talked to sleeve, but I guess you just have to
“What we’re doing for Omid is a Omid and felt that he was the best wait and see.”
complete deal, and it hasn’t been candidate, so I figured why not give

News Briefs

Stuck in uni? Blame

your parents
has Are you the first person in your fam-

ily to go to a post-secondary institu-
tion? A new study suggests you’re

! beating the odds.

The Higher Education Quality
Council of Ontario recently released
two new studies showing students
who come from families with no his-
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Come & check out our new digs! secondary school themselves, com-
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FREE pair of PSE and other such factors associ-
ated with parental education – and
Valentine’s Day not family income – that actually
boxer shorts. matter most,” Ross Finnie, co-author
(hint: we’re still in the UCC) of the study, explained in a press
release. Finnie noted the study proves the
influence of early background, fam-
ily history and cultural influences on The Cryptoquip is a substitution cipher in which one letter stands for another. If you think that X equals
O, it will equal O throughout the puzzle. Single letters, short words and words using an apostrophe give
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education after high school. © 2002 by Kings Features Syndicate, Inc.

Breaking news • Vast multimedia • Active discussions He explained the study can
help encourage change by “pro-
Find it all online at the NEW viding better information to stu-
dents and their families about the costs and benefits of education
from an early age.”
— Kaleigh Rogers
thegazette • Wednesday, February 9, 2011 •3
Speakers > Educaton

Premier stops by London

McGuinty calls for growth in education
Cheryl Stone

The London Convention Centre was

home to Ontario royalty on Tuesday.
The London Chamber of Com-
merce hosted a talk by Premier Dal-
ton McGuinty, who discussed eco-
nomic growth and jobs in the
McGuinty explained that during
his term, his government had creat-
ed 200,000 more spaces in post-
secondary institutions. “That’s
something that’s very important to
this community in particular.”
He explained the province was
hoping to see 70 per cent of the adult
workforce have some sort of post-
secondary credential.
McGuinty also stressed his gov-
ernment had doubled student aid. Nyssa Kuwahara GAZETTE
Meaghan Coker, president of the MCGUINTY DOING HIS BEST MATT RYAN IMPRESSION. Ontario Premier Dalton
Ontario Undergraduate Student McGuinty rolled into London yesterday and visited the London Convention Cen-
Alliance, said increased access to all tre for a spirited talk about education, investment and careers.
post-secondary education was good
for students, but was quick to note it ever want to say to a student in is that this money that is going to
should not come at a cost to the Ontario, ‘There’s no room for you,’” help Ontario families and they could
quality of education. McGuinty explained. be doing better,” Coker explained.
“That sacrifice is just unaccept-
able,” Coker said.
She noted 200,000 students were
spread across all levels of post-sec-
“We will find ways to continue to
work with our post-secondary edu-
cation sector to ensure that they
have the necessary resources,” he
“Those dollars can be doing far more
and have a far greater benefit in
other areas.”
One other area McGuinty
Gazette Video
ondary education, but she still continued. He also explained, how- touched on was job growth in
couldn’t foresee the impact of this ever, his government would have to Ontario. He noted Ontario had
on the student experience.
“The effects that we’ve seen on
keep the deficit in mind.
Another touch point of McGuin-
recovered the majority of jobs it had
the individual experience are ty’s speech was tax credits for When asked where London jobs
unknown,” she explained. “We also Ontario families. were, however, McGuinty was a bit
need to make sure to fund the sup- “Sometimes we think that the evasive.
portive services.” only way a government can help “Well, there’s more work to be
Coker had been in talks with sev- families in terms of reducing their done,” he explained. “Tens of mil-
eral provincial leaders and felt they household costs is to reduce taxes,” lions of dollars that went into this
big purple couch
had understood why quality was McGuinty said. “But that’s not true — community for infrastructure.”
important, going so far as noting there are other things that we can do He concluded there was still 21,951 views
they had made long term quality as well.” much work to be done in the
investment plans in education. He cited examples such as the province. see what you’ve been missing
“There’s still a continuing growth, children’s tax credit. “I think what Ontarians are look-
we want to encourage that. We don’t “Our problem with tax credits […] ing for is progress.”

>> What is the USC? GMAT GRE
The University Students’ Council Preparation Seminars
is a multi-million dollar student
• Complete 30-Hour Seminars
government representing under-
graduate students at Western. It • Convenient Weekend Schedule

Day 8: Dropping the gloves owns and operates several ser-

vices, including InPrint, the
Spoke and the Wave. It’s also
• Proven Test-Taking Strategies
• Experienced Course Instructors
>> continued from pg.1 the electoral process, which is minute to win it project and the elec- • Comprehensive Study Materials
involved in advocacy at the fed-
already pretty high school as it is. But tions committee advertised it to can- • Simulated Practice Exams
winner or loser is extremely subjec- not even in high school would some- didates heavily, pitching it at every eral and national level, where
• Limited Class Size
tive and not really necessary to the one do what Salari did in front of a all candidates meeting and includ- they represent student issues
and lobby for change. • Free Repeat Policy
political process. CHRW camera on Monday. Salari’s ing it on campaign literature. But the
But we’re going to get an actual striptease didn’t just border on dis- turnout Monday was less than stel- • Personal Tutoring Available
The president works with a
debate, so we’ll just ignore that part tasteful, it crossed a line for me. lar with only a handful of candidates • Thousands of Satisfied Students
and enjoy the rest of it, which should I like Salari’s willingness to try making use of the opportunity.
team of vice-presidents and
be quite good. It’ll be really fun to new things. I like that he can turn a Their loss, I suppose. I don’t real- communications officer to han-
watch the candidates actually take debate on its head with powerful ly know why the candidates would- dle a variety of portfolios OXFORD SEMINARS
each other on topics and try to refute rhetoric. I like that he’s not afraid to n’t use this medium as a way to get including finance, university 1-800-269-6719
each other’s arguments. display his affable uniqueness. But their names out there. affairs, student events and 416-924-3240
Major, major props to Huron for what exactly does taking off your Read the rest of this post online at campus issues.
making this happen. I cannot wait to shirt and touching your nipples
see how this plays out. accomplish other than shock value?

Something I could do without

Some of Salari’s ideas are innov-
ative and great. But it seems like
CHRW’s Minute to Win It went down every so often he slips in one that Applied Math, Computer Science, Mathematics
in the UCC Atrium Monday after- just doesn’t make any sense. Maybe and Statistical & Actuarial Sciences
noon. All three presidential candi- if he had a campaign team, someone
Solution to puzzle on page 8 OPEN HOUSE
dates showed up and did their thing. could edit his more bizarre ideas.
Notable performances include For- The CHRW performance was Thursday, February 10, 2011
gione busting out a freestyle rap and completely adverse to Salari’s cam- Western Science Centre - Rm 248
Salari taking his shirt off and touch- paign promise to “not ____ around.” 3pm-5pm
ing his nipples. No I’m not kidding. Simply put — it was silly, pointless
Listen, stepping out of your com- and uncalled for. Our degrees open doors to: business, finance,
research, gaming, health care, software
fort zone and showing a little bit of engineering & more. Intent to Register is
personality with a rap is one thing. And another thing around the corner, plan your future now.
It’s silly but it doesn’t exactly devalue I know CHRW was excited about the PIZZA SERVED
4• thegazette • Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Opinions Tell me what you eat, and I will tell you what you are.
— Anthleme Brillat-Savarin


Work OK
and play
good too
Students are stressed by nature. Between midterms,
essays, extracurriculars, finances and a social life,
we have to find ways of coping with the pressure.
While some students try to alleviate stress with
organization techniques and small rewards, others
inevitably let their emotions takeover and shut
Letters to the editor
down. Many students turn to food during stressful
times, but think little of the negative health effects
of consuming so much junk food. Military bashing Western for about three and a half years sands will be something that our genera-
and in the military for about four—and I tions, and our children’s generation will
One reason students eat poorly when stressed is unnecessary daresay that the people I’ve had the plea- have to be bare the brunt of. Future gen-
simply the convenience factor – it’s easier to grab a Re: “Desperate times call for desperate mea- sure of serving with across Canada erations will be stuck paying for the mess
slice of pizza than it is to make a healthy meal from sures” (Feb. 2, 2011) demonstrate far more integrity than the that we are making now, and that is not
average student here. something they should be burdened with.
scratch, especially when you’re cramming for an
To the Editor: I’m graduating this year, and I must Oil producing companies, and the Cana-
exam the next day. I was angered and disappointed to see the admit this has been a fairly minor blip in dian Association of Petroleum Producers
It’s also difficult to eat healthy on a student bud- editorial comic accompanying the edito- our relationship. Your coverage during should be held accountable for the envi-
get, as the healthiest foods are often the most rial in the Gazette. Remembrance Day is usually excellent ronmental and health effects that the
expensive. Other people eat for the sake of pro- Gazette, we’ve gotten along great for a and respectful, and I’ve found you to be a production of oil is causing.
crastinating because eating is a justified excuse for long time, going over three and a half fairly moderate and honest publication, There should also be funding invested
years without pissing each other off— so I’m willing to let this go. But you owe by the government into the development
not doing work — we all have to eat so why not
more than I can say for most of my an apology to the dozens of men and of environmentally friendly energy
spend some extra time putting a meal together? friends. However, the comic poking fun women in the military who will come sources. Realistically we will see the end
Eating when stressed is indicative of a greater at Western accepting the Goldman Sachs back for another academic year, and to of oil and be unprepared to deal with the
mentality about the student lifestyle. We justify an scholarship, as well as parts of the article the ones who will be entering their first consequences. Investing legitimate
unhealthy lifestyle with a “work hard, play hard” were ignorant. year here. efforts into alternate solutions is crucial
I don’t have a strong opinion either Military members posted to Western for the very air in which we breathe. If we
attitude. Working hard academically justifies play-
way about Goldman Sachs, my issue should feel just as accepted as I’ve been wait until the absolute depletion of oil
ing hard, meaning indulging in drinking and party- instead lies with the depiction of the made to feel here, and they deserve your before investing these efforts, then we
ing is a reward. “Canadian Army Scholarship” under the consideration. Sow the seeds of the will be dealing with issues that are even
There’s also a common attitude towards working editorial cartoon’s headline, “Desperate accepting culture to which you pay lip larger than they are today.
out, whereby people don’t necessarily go to the gym Times Call for Desperate Measures.” service, and next time, think before you We could sit around all day and
with the full intentions of being healthy, but rather I attend Western under subsidization draw. debate about the effects of the oil sands
from the Canadian Forces, nominally a —Michael Bennett or we could turn our efforts into finding
to make up for the junk food or excessive amounts
“Canadian Army Scholarship.” It was a Commercial Aviation IV alternative energy sources and lessening
of alcohol they have consumed, or plan on con- competitive process for which I worked the burden for future generations.
suming in the future. hard and of which I am proud, hardly a Editor’s Note: This letter brought to light a —Jordan Bayne
Students also have a tendency to equate being desperate measure undertaken during meaning the Gazette didn’t intend with the Science IV
healthy with looking good — physical results don’t desperate times. editorial cartoon, but is plainly there. We apol-
The Canadian Forces pays tuition ogize for any disrespect paid to the Canadian
necessarily coincide with one’s overall well-being.
expenses to the university for dozens of Forces and its scholarships through the car-
Maintaining a healthy lifestyle isn’t a top prior- Dear Life
soldiers, sailors, and air-men and women toon. However, the Gazette stands by argu-
ity for many university students, but this is rea- who are posted here as students, which ments within the editorial itself.
Your anonymous letters to life
sonable. This just isn’t a time in our life to focus on the university gladly accepts and for
our health — we have the rest of our lives to worry which the military requires no advertis- Dear Life,
about it. ing, branding on campus, or any other Issues with oil go If you are going to make me come to
If an unhealthy lifestyle makes you feel guilty,
supplementary benefits. beyond sands school, please make sure the crosswalks
Grouping the Canadian Forces with are plowed enough so it is safe to walk
though, there are small changes you can make, corporations that the Gazette freely Re: “Suzuki talks oil sands” (Jan. 27, 2011) on them. Getting hit by a car would
whether it’s substituting a regular beer for a light attacks as “tarred,” “sinister” and “disrep- make me seriously late for class.
one, making the effort to go to the gym once a week utable” hurts and is just plain wrong. Say To the Editor:
Dear Life,
or upping your vegetable intake. what you will about any of the Canadian This article and the documentary Tipping Sometimes I hear voices. They’re really
Forces current missions or policies—I’ve Point: The Age of the Oil Sands brings to disruptive. I’m trying to listen to what
With the student lifestyle, it’s all about taking the
heard it all—but to paint the whole orga- light an important, and often forgotten the prof is saying during lecture so I can
small steps to improve your overall health. nization in the same light as the popular issue of life after oil. learn and do well. People really need to
— Gazette Editorial Board economic whipping-boy is lazy journal- The environmental and health effects stop talking in class.
ism. of the oil sands will continue to be dis-
Dear life,
You even go so far as to say that cussed until the last drop. What we
I’m addicted to pizza. And my friends hate
accepting scholarships from organiza- should be focusing on is what will hap- me. I’m not sure if the two are causal.
tions like the Canadian Forces “makes us pen once all the oil is gone.
sacrifice…our integrity.” Well I’ve been at The environmental effects of the oil

Editorials are decided by a majority of the editorial board and Gazette Composing & Gazette Advertising
thegazette are written by a member of the editorial board but are not nec- Ian Greaves, Manager Mark Ritchie
Gloria Dickie
Jesse Tahirali
Volume 104, Issue 71 essarily the expressed opinion of each editorial board member. Maja Anjoli-Bilić Karen Savino Monica Blaylock
All other opinions are strictly those of the author and do not nec- Photography
Cheryl Forster Diana Watson Cheryl Stone
essarily reflect the opinions of the USC, The Gazette, its editors Kaleigh Rogers Corey Stanford
Contact: Nyssa Kuwahara
or staff.
Stuart A. Thompson Gazette Staff 2010-2011 Arts & Life
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Meagan Kashty All articles, letters, photographs, graphics, illustrations and car- Anna Paliy
The University of Western Ontario Mark Filipowich, Jennifer Gautier, Jessica Gibbens, Amber Garratt
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The Gazette is owned and published by the Cameron Smith, Cali Travis, Scott Wheatley, Shawn Associate Richard Goodine
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thegazette • Wednesday, February 9, 2011 •5

Arts&Life saywhat
Mark Zuckerberg, creator of Facebook, is having problems with a
creeper of his own. The entrepreneur recently filed a restraining
order against a 31-year-old Facebook user who has been stalking
Mark through his own website.

Stress eating takes toll on mental health

Study tries to find link between trans fats and depression

Photo Illustration Corey Stanford GAZETTE Graphics Maddie Leznoff GAZETTE

Jesica Hurst Derek Mitchell, assistant profes-

GAZETTE STAFF sor of psychiatry and anatomy and
cell biology at Western, adds eating
Next time you reach for that choco- excessively may be a way for people
late bar, you may want to think again. People who are to cope with specific emotions.
A recent study by researchers in “People who are depressed tend
Spain found college graduate stu-
depressed tend to to either lose their appetite com-
dents who consumed an abundance either lose their pletely, or eat a lot more,” he says.
of trans fats had a 42 per cent appetite completely, or “For those who eat more, one possi-
increased risk of developing depres- bility is that it could be a form of
sion compared to those who had eat a lot more. For self-medication — they are feel-
barely any trans fats in their diet. those who eat more, ing deeply unhappy and food brings
Anne Zok, nutrition manager for some temporary and minor relief.”
one possibility is that it
Western’s Hospitality Services, says Most people have likely experi-
we should completely avoid con- could be a form of self- enced this temporary happiness.
suming foods containing trans fats. medication – they are However, we cannot put all of the
“Trans fats are created when blame on what we eat, according to
manufacturers use a process called
feeling deeply unhap- Fisman.
partial hydrogenation — turning liq- py and food brings “I don’t think that what you are
uid oil into a semi-solid form such some temporary and eating will cause depression, except
as shortening or margarine,” she if you have gotten into the habit of
explains. “Although there is specu-
minor relief. overeating to deal with emotion,” she
lation that a diet high in trans fat can — Dr. Derek Mitchell says. “Gaining weight can make you
relate to depression, it is important feel bad about yourself, and low self-
to note that in general, people who esteem can certainly affect your
consume more trans fat found in by our genetic makeup — by our mood. It is more of an indirect effect.”
junk food might also be more likely early experiences, or how food may When dealing with emotions or
to smoke, drink alcohol and engage have been used while we stress, Zok suggests there are sever-
in other behaviour that may increase were developing,” she says. al healthy food choices that may
their risk of depression.” Fisman says there are theories actually make students happier.
According to Zok, evidence sug- that suggest if a mother feeds “Some preliminary research sug-
gests processed foods are impacting her infant every time they cry, as the gests that omega-3 fats, found in fish,
mental and cardiovascular health in infant grows up they may deal with omega-3 eggs, walnuts, and flax seed, WESTERN WEDNESDAY’S Receive 1/2
ways researchers do not fully under- emotions by eating, because that is have been successfully used to treat - Every Wednesday only at price wings &
stand yet. how they were programmed to deal some of the symptoms of depression
Oxford & Wonderland location
So why do so many students with things. and mental health issues in general,” appetizers with

reach for fattening foods “A dysfunctional way of coping Zok says. “Unsaturated fats are also student id
when they’re stressed or upset? San- would certainly be eating a carbohy- better for us.”
dra Fisman, chair of Western’s drate load of a massive amount of “Being fitter and healthier is prob-

department of psychiatry with the dense, fatty foods,” Fisman says. ably going to be a productive factor
Schulich School of Medicine and
Dentisry, explains it can relate back
“Using food to deal with stress if not
a good strategy — it is much better
for sure,” Mitchell adds. “Without
question, obesity is bad for your mind Kelsey’s
to our childhood experiences. to learn other strategies like exercis- and body, so it is a good idea to limit 530 Oxford St. W.
“What we do is often determined ing or listening to music.” the foods to lead to obesity.” (corner of Wonderland & Oxford)
6• thegazette • Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Editor’s Picks > Essentials for your week

On TV On Disc On DVD In Theatres On the Charts

53rd Annual Grammy Young Galaxy — Life As We Know It Just Go With It Dr. Dre and Eminem ft.
Awards Shapeshifting Skylar Grey — “I Need a
This comedy starring Katherine Adam Sandler and Jennifer Anis-
Sunday evening marks the Canadian indie band Young Heigl and Josh Duhamel was ton pair up for this romantic
biggest night for musicians with Galaxy, whose sound is often released on DVD yesterday. It did- comedy that hits theatres this Dr. Dre is back with the single “I
the 53rd Annual Grammy classified as dream-pop, released n’t receive great reviews, but if Friday. Sandler’s character asks Need a Doctor.” With a catchy
Awards. The night promises to their fourth full-length album you’re looking to watch a mind- his assistant (Aniston) to pretend hook by Skylar Grey, and accom-
be unforgettable with perfor- last week. The record was pro- less romantic comedy this week- to be his wife while he tries to panying angry verses by
mances by Arcade Fire, Justin duced by Swedish experimental end, we recommend this film. pursue a young schoolteacher Eminem, this track is sure to get
Bieber, Eminem, Lady Antebel- artist Dan Lissvik and many of stuck in a few people’s heads.
lum, and Katy Perry. the songs are known to have an
electronic, ethereal sound.

Meester shines in new film A&L Shorts

Asymina Kantorowicz Glengarry Glen

GAZETTE STAFF Ross hits the stage
A controversial and edgy play is
being brought to Western by Huron
University College’s GetLit society
The Roommate and London’s own Richmond &
Directed by: Christian E. Christiansen Tower Productions.
Starring: Minka Kelly, Leighton The controversial play, Glengarry
Meester and Cam Gigandet Glen Ross, originally written by David
Mamet, follows four salesmen as
Most thrillers are meant to keep you they struggle to win a cutthroat com-
questioning the finale until the very petition during the 1982 recession.
end — sadly The Roommate is highly The play was put together by a team
predictable from the start. of Huron and Western students who
The movie stars Minka Kelly as are very passionate about its release.
the beautiful and sweet Sara “I have wanted to do this play for
Matthews. Matthews is heading off three years, we’re passionate about
to college, excited to start a new theatre and we want to step it up at
chapter in her life. While at a frat this school,” Andrew Pel, the produc-
party, she catches the attention of tion’s director explains. “This school Charity fashion
heartthrob and drummer, Stephen does not represent theatre, and where show supports
(Cam Gigandet) while her gorgeous business is king and theatre has no cancer patients
ex-boyfriend, Jason (Matt Lanter) place, this play will have a message.” Fashion show season is upon us
continues to call her. Along with the The main message of the pro- again.
boy fans, Sara is easily befriended by duction, “always be closing,” is deliv- Kicking things off is Infusion
her dormmates and is liked by every- ered in an aggressive setting. With Canada’s Burlesque Charity Lingerie
one she meets — especially her room- offensive material and troubled Show. The show will be held tonight
mate, Rebecca (Leighton Meester). characters, the script can be consid- at The London Tap House. It will fea-
What first seems like a blossom- ered hard for reproduction for ture various lingerie outfits as well
ing friendship soon turns into a sick young and mature audiences. as choreographed dance numbers
obsession. Rebecca is set on having “You can’t go back and change by Elan Dance Arts Studio.
Sara all to herself and decides the best While all of what Rebecca just superficial star of Gossip Girl the language or values that are Infusion Canada is a charity that
way to go about it is to hurt everyone accomplishes may seem relatively with this daring new role. Leighton embedded in a historical context in launched in 2003 supporting young
dearest to her new friend. As the sick and twisted, it produces more manages to save the film by gener- an attempt to be politically correct,” cancer survivors. Cancer patients
movie develops the audience realizes laughs than shivers. Had the pro- ating a few disturbing moments with Pel says. aged 13 to 35 are usually found to
Rebecca doesn’t just want to be Sara’s ducers wanted a better reaction her creepy glares and actions, the But nonetheless, Pel welcomes have unusual kinds of cancers,
friend but wants to become her — from the audience, they probably worst of them being when she anyone from Western to attend. according to Infusion’s research.
something that becomes apparent shouldn’t have hired the stars from inflicts unnecessary animal cruelty “It is the best play written about They are left with the financial bur-
when Rebecca pierces her own ears hit teen television shows like Gossip on an adorable and innocent kitten. business and contemporary mas- den of paying for treatment of this
to wear Sara’s jewelry. Girl, Vampire Diaries and Friday Night The Roommate lacks the twists culinity,” Pel says. cancer. In turn, that affects their abil-
Expectations for the movie are Lights. It’s difficult to take them all and turns that make a thriller an Glengarry Glen Ross runs Wednes- ity to afford tuition.
trampled when it becomes obvious seriously and the combination entertaining hit. Although the movie’s day to Sunday at 7:30 p.m., with one Infusion raises money to grant
that the plotline revolves solely proves to be a failure. principal feature may be its cast of matinee performance Saturday at 2 three to five $2,000 bursaries to
around Sara’s slow realization that The only real star in the film is familiar faces, Leighton Meester is p.m. Ticket are available at InfoSource young cancer survivors each year –
her roommate is more psychotic Leighton Meester. She demonstrates the only one worth watching. for $10. and they’re the only ones who do so.
than she ever thought possible. she’s capable of playing more than — Jessica Hodgson There are chapters of the charity in
London, Hamilton and Toronto.
Over the past seven years, the three
branches have raised over
4 99
Now Playing $200,000.
FEB 4 - regular
Their official vision is to foster
FEB 10 innovation, leadership and growth

$ 50 in young Canadians supporting can-
cer survival.
Tuesdays Tickets for the show are $10 and can
be bought at the door at The London
7:00 NIGHTLY Rated PG 155 mins Tap House. Appetizers are to be served


at 10 p.m. and the show will begin at
10:30 p.m.
— Lauren Chan


University of Western Ontario, UCC, 2nd floor (McKellar Room) 519-661-3616
thegazette • Wednesday, February 9, 2011 •7


Over the weekend the Mustangs women’s basketball team held
their fifth-annual Shoot for the Cure event with all proceeds
donated to breast cancer research. To learn more about the event
and the charity OneRun, read associate editor Arden Zwelling’s
story only online.

rundown >> Third-year Mustang Scott Leitch remains undefeated this season by winning the gold medal in the 500m event with a time of 1:03.59 at the Meyo Invita-
tional at Notre Dame University | The Mustangs rowing team competed at the annual Canadian Indoor Rowing Championships this past weekend > The Mustangs came
home with one gold, one silver and three bronze medals > Sarah Black won the Senior B women’s race, setting a new record in the process.

Men’s Hockey > Western 4, Windsor 3

Shorthanded ‘Stangs
snag the victory
Lamb scores game winner
Brian Fung After Windsor tied the game in
CONTRIBUTOR the second period, the Lancers com-
mitted a costly neutral zone
The Mustangs men’s hockey team turnover leading to an odd man rush
entered the weekend missing six for the Mustangs. Kyle Lamb capi-
players who were away at the Winter talized on a dazzling passing play to
Universiade. But in a spirited contest seal the victory for Western.
against the Windsor Lancers, the After the game, Hamlin
Mustangs still managed a 4-3 victo- expressed frustration over Wind-
ry in what could be described as a sor’s inability to generate quality
character win. chances. He praised Western’s
“We’re shorthanded as it is,” Mus- strong defence that has propelled
tangs assistant coach Pat Powers the Mustangs to the top of the
said. “The guys battled hard and Ontario University Athletics west
persevered through a lot of the division standings.
adversity that they faced tonight.” “The bottom line is we couldn’t Piotr Angiel GAZETTE
Timely goals propelled the Mus- get after their goalie,” Hamlin said. NNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Mustangs forward Chris Rocca looks on as teammate Josh McQuade puts
tangs to victory. After the Lancers “There’s no question that the weak- one by Windsor goalie Frank Dayus. The Mustangs would go on to win it on a third period goal by captain Kyle Lamb.
scored the opening goal in the first est part of their team is their net
period, Josh McQuade responded minder, but it’s tough to get to him
for Western less than three minutes and that’s a credit to their defence.
later. For them to play that well in front of
Jason Furlong followed up for him with the guys that they have out
the Mustangs with a great individual of the lineup, it speaks well to their
effort putting in his own rebound to depth.”
give the Mustangs the lead halfway With the strong season they are
through the first. having, players are setting their
The Lancers evened it up with sights on winning nationals. Howev-
five minutes left in the period, but er, Powers insists that it’s too early to
Steve Reese responded for Western be thinking that far ahead.
less than a minute later after a “We’re not really preparing for
Lancer turnover, giving the Mus- nationals right now,” Powers said.
tangs the 3-2 lead after the first “We have a lot of tough teams in our
frame. division that we have to worry about
“We made some errors in the first. We have three tough rounds to
neutral zone that we can’t make,” get through before we can think
Lancers coach Kevin Hamlin said. about the nationals. Once we get our
“Good players capitalize and that’s team back together, we’ll see what
exactly what they did.” happens.”
Anders Kravis GAZETTE

Men’s hockey > Western 0, UOIT 3

Ridgebacks ride to victory

Disallowed goals prove costly for Mustangs
Ryan Stern empty net. we just have to kind of live with it
GAZETTE STAFF “Well you could tell that Guy was and move forward,” Mustangs assis-
playing such a good game that one tant coach Pat Powers said.
After winning their game the night goal might have been the difference Despite out-shooting UOIT for
before, the Mustangs were looking tonight,” UOIT head coach Marlin the first two periods, the Mustangs
to continue their win streak when Muylaert said. “Unice was spectac- came away frustrated with the loss.
they welcomed the University of ular as well, so I thought both goalies But with playoffs fast approaching,
Ontario Institute of Technology were magnificent, but ours might the team remains optimistic about
Ridgebacks to Thompson Arena. have been a little more magnificent their future.
Unfortunately, the shorthanded tonight.” “We have our full team moving
Mustangs squad could not solve goal- Luck was certainly on the Ridge- forward starting on Tuesday and
tender Jason Guy as he backstopped backs’ side as the Mustangs looked hopefully we’ll have good things
the Ridgebacks to a 3-0 victory. to have struck first halfway through from there,” Powers added.
“Our expectations were no dif- the second period when Chris Rocca The Mustangs sit in first place in
ferent simply because we are miss- found the back of the net. But the the Ontario University Athletics west
ing guys,” Mustangs captain Kyle referees quickly converged to wave division with only two games
Lamb said. the goal off. remaining before playoffs.
Both teams skated to a hard- Once again the Mustangs “Our team is still playing well. It
fought yet scoreless draw after two answered back with a quick goal, was a tough loss, we were pretty
periods until Kyle Wetering of the only to be disappointed as the refs tired, but we have to give them cred-
Ridgebacks squeezed one through waived that one off too. it because they played a great game
the legs of Mustangs goalie Josh “There’s always a little bit of dis- tonight and we just have to get back
Unice. It was a goaltending clinic for belief that you can have two goals to it next week and get ready for
most of the night as the final two waved off in the same game, but the playoffs,” Lamb said.
Ridgeback goals were put into an ref’s decision is the ref’s decision and
Piotr Angiel GAZETTE
8• thegazette • Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Women’s Hockey > Western 2, Laurier 3

Lady luck spits on ‘Stangs

Greg Colgan ly when forward Katie Dillon fired a open net.
GAZETTE STAFF quick wrist shot past Laurier goal- The Mustangs would answer
tender Kristen Kilgallen. The goal back with a late power play goal by
If they didn’t have bad luck, they’d was Dillon’s fifth in three games. Lindsay Gidomski, but despite
have no luck at all. “We’re missing [Ellie Seedhouse], chances in the dying minutes, they
That’s been the story for the Mus- our best player and captain. Everyone were unable to tie it.
tangs women’s hockey team who, has been fired up and has realized “You always need to play tough,
despite outplaying the Laurier Gold- we’ve got to step up. I’ve been feeding but we just never get any bounces,”
en Hawks, lost 3-2 Saturday after- off them a lot of late,” Dillon said. Gidomski said.
noon at Thompson arena. The bad luck continued for the Although they’ve had tough loss-
“We’ve played extremely well the Mustangs when a scrum in front of es in several close games this sea-
last six weeks, we’re just unlucky and their net saw a Laurier player land son, Higgins said his team has never
we just never get that break. That’s on goalie Jessica Ulrich, resulting in given up.
the way it’s gone for us this year,” a knee injury shortly after Laurier “Even though we’ve had a miser-
Mustangs head coach Chris Higgins took a 2-1 lead. able season according to our record,
said of his team’s misfortunes. Rookie Olivia Ross came in to not one of the kids have quit this sea-
It was one of those bad breaks relieve Ulrich and made several key son. We had the number one team in
that saw Laurier open the scoring. saves until another funny bounce the OUA come in here and they were
The Mustangs struck back quick- gave Laurier’s Fiona Lester a wide lucky to get out with a win.”
Anders Kravis GAZETTE

$8.35 FOR

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3 BEDROOM APARTMENTS for rent. Live on Rich- 4 BEDROOM REDBRICK townhomes on Oxford. GORGEOUS 6 BEDROOM house available at prime ENHANCED ENGLISH EDITING English editing, re-
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pliances, huge rooms and closets and are networked and steps to the main gates of UWO. With newly ren- 4-6 BDRM HOUSES and town homes for rent. Units RED BRICK STUDENT rentals! We have 2-7 bed- Limited seats/reservations required. Nice
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3 BEDROOM HOUSE Downtown. This 3 bedroom ing, spacious bedrooms and common rooms and full dishwashers, parking, massive bedrooms, closets
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1,2,3,4,5,6 BDRM AVAILABLE May 1st. 2&3 bed- near Masonville. 10 minute walk to campus, right on ets. Networked for Internet and parking included. preferred. Won’t last, Call Sandra @ 226-919-6826 with kids. Apply online today! www.trailsendcam-
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hardwood floors, close to campus. Call 519-852- near all amenities. All new appliances including anytime at 519-859-5563 or email johnm@london-
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2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS, the closest 2 bed- area. 5 appliances, parking, on bus route. Currently route to campus and downtown. Great locations.
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Great student area, right on Western bus route. Great inclusive. Call Ted 519-697-5746. ances including washer/dryer and dishwasher. Call
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2 BEDROOMS available, $679 plus $50 utility pack- big common rooms and spacious bedrooms. Live in all sides of campus. All places have free parking, free
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covered parking, newer building, onsite nance and full time property management. Call Zach Units are rented on a first come first serve basis. Call
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steps from Richmond St. For more information 3,4 AND 5 Bedroom apartments and houses sec- 5 BEDROOM HOUSES with skylights, fireplace, HOW TO PLAY
please call 519.858.2525 or go to www.varsity- onds from front gates on Richmond. Directly on bus hardwood floors, laundry and parking. Available, May Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 route to campus and downtown. Most include 1 2011. Call Jim at 519-691-5891.
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vate home. Rent includes free laundry, TV, Internet, book a tour. ing. From $499 per room plus $50 dollar utility pack- Frosh, Soph, Senior, Grad Student
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and bus routes, roommate matching services avail-
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For more information please call 519.858.2525 or go
3-4 BEDROOM CONDO Spacious and clean. 10
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London’s best student community for fall 2011. kitchen, private parking, $1110/month plus utilities
Enjoy great amenities such as our cardio center, (water paid for by owner). Phone John at 519-432- 6 BDRM HOUSES on all sides of campus. Most fea-
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2,3,4 BEDROOMS available at Varsity Commons lo- open concept kitchen/ living room, free parking and
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Enjoy great amenities such as our cardio center, 24 all the best student areas around campus and down-
student areas. Act fast- these won’t last. For more
hour laundry facility and game room. On-site man- town! Dishwasher, washer/dryer included. Huge,
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agement. For more information please call spacious rooms with massive closets. Networked for
519.858.2525 or go to Internet and parking included. These ones always go
4 BDRM DOWNTOWN, $500+. Brand new. Stain- fast so call soon. Call John anytime at 519-859-5563
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Check it out at, call Bruce 519-
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rooms for 4 people! Bedrooms are spacious, bright
units are just steps from campus at the corner of Huge houses with lots of common area and spacious
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ing, maintenance and full-time property 4 BDRM. #1 student rentals. Newly built red bricks,
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These ones always go fast so call soon. Call John
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spacious rooms with massive closets. Networked for THE
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Internet and parking included. These ones always go
fast so call soon. Call John anytime at 519-859-5563
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3 BDRM. #1 student rentals. Newly built red bricks,
right across from campus! Dishwasher, washer/dryer Available May 1, 2010. Clean, spacious and carpeted 7 BEDROOM MASSIVE house on Kent Street in the • Private/ Secure rooms • 1, 2, & 3 Bedroom - Apts. • 6 + Bedroom Houses
include. Huge, spacious rooms with massive clos- with skylights, fireplaces, dishwasher, laundry & park- heart of downtown available. No basement bed-
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These ones always go fast so call soon. Call John
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4 BEDROOM HOUSES with skylights, fireplace,
rooms! All rooms are huge. High ceilings, very bright,
this house is one of a kind! Call now as it rents out in-
for complete listings & photos
anytime at 519-859-5563 or email johnm@london-
hardwood floors, laundry and parking. Available, May
1 2011. Call Jim at 519-691-5891.
credibly quickly every year. John (519) 859-5563 or
email Call anytime. 100128

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