MDchat Healthcare Twitter Transcript For February 8, 2011

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Healthcare Hashtag Twitter Transcript

From: Tue Feb 08 18:07:00 PST 2011
To: Tue Feb 08 19:05:00 PST 2011

Learn more about #MDchat at The Healthcare Hashtag Project

MD_chat T1 1st Dx radiology app for mobile devices approved by FDA. See What
other uses for mobile would u like 2c? #MDchat
Tue Feb 8 18:07:17 PST 2011

mdstudent31 @hospitalPatient Depends on the med school and who is providing social media info to
students #MDchat
Tue Feb 8 18:07:26 PST 2011

yayayarndiva Hi Mimi Poinsett- pediatrician from Sonoma County CA #mdchat

Tue Feb 8 18:07:28 PST 2011

scrubdin hello, thuc here, sounds like tuck. 3rd yr FM resident. excited to graduate in 135 days. #MDchat
Tue Feb 8 18:07:37 PST 2011

Reach4MoJOYRN Hi....Toni King RN from KY-Training Strategist #MDchat

Tue Feb 8 18:08:21 PST 2011

HospitalPatient Much like Mobile Banking, Patients would like to get Lab Results, Wellness suggestions,
Reminders, etc. #mdchat
Tue Feb 8 18:08:33 PST 2011

mdstudent31 @scrubdin Hey! Congrats! 101 days til med school grad. Pumped to start family med residency!
Tue Feb 8 18:08:56 PST 2011

RichmondDoc T1 More consistent access to EMR/pt records would be helpful. Safer care after hours or on
call. Similar benefit for lab results. #MDChat
Tue Feb 8 18:09:00 PST 2011

HospitalPatient @mdstudent31 @hospitalPatient THX. #mdchat

Tue Feb 8 18:09:01 PST 2011

westr Information & communication; yes , its encouraged. RT @HospitalPatient: What do Med
students hope to get out of Social Media... #mdchat
Tue Feb 8 18:09:28 PST 2011
HospitalPatient I use the Memory in my Mobile Phone to carry around with me my Scanned-In Medical Records
in case I am traveling and hospitalized. #mdchat
Tue Feb 8 18:10:17 PST 2011

scrubdin @mdstudent31 hey! congrats to you too! excited for you :) #MDchat
Tue Feb 8 18:10:18 PST 2011

mdstudent31 T1: Secure 2-way communication for #pcmh/medical practice to patients - reminders about labs,
scripts/refills, appointments, etc #MDchat
Tue Feb 8 18:10:28 PST 2011

RichmondDoc T1 *Secure* mobile access to med records would allow better provider continuity of care and
promotes pt-centered care. #MDChat
Tue Feb 8 18:11:13 PST 2011

HospitalPatient It would serve BOTH Medical Professionals & Patients if Breakthrough Studies/Discoveries
were distributed on Mobile Phones. #mdchat
Tue Feb 8 18:11:39 PST 2011

EllenRichter Great use of social media! "Mothers-to-Be Are Getting the Message" - - #MDchat #RNchat #hcsm
Tue Feb 8 18:11:39 PST 2011

RichmondDoc @mdstudent31 T1 agree: secure 2-way comm would enhance care options and pt-centered
care. #PCMH #MDChat
Tue Feb 8 18:11:59 PST 2011

MarketConnect How about MD-MD communication, like bt primry care and hospitalists.#MDChat
Tue Feb 8 18:12:12 PST 2011

mdstudent31 @RichmondDoc Agreed! Practices with these capabilities may be in better position to thrive vs
those who do not #MDchat
Tue Feb 8 18:12:32 PST 2011

apjonas Autonomic NS analysis such as emWave PC to assess pt balance, coherence, HRV and MD
similar parameters, e.g. items #mdchat
Tue Feb 8 18:12:44 PST 2011

HospitalPatient We R not 2 far away from going into a Public Place & if U OPT IN - thru BlueTooth U can locate
other patients w/ ur illness #mdchat
Tue Feb 8 18:13:08 PST 2011

scrubdin T1: more mobile access for EMRs and EMR communication w/mobile medical apps that track
patient info: bp, hr, sugars etc #MDchat
Tue Feb 8 18:13:19 PST 2011

EinsteinMed T1 - Def no shortage of new apps on horizon. Monetiizing/training a concern - but apps to triple
by 2012. #MDChat
Tue Feb 8 18:13:44 PST 2011
EllenRichter T1Constant connectedness from mobile devices to hospital & office data would be very helpful
to #doctors managing patient care #MDchat
Tue Feb 8 18:13:46 PST 2011

RichmondDoc T1 mobile apps that enhance doc/doc and doc/pt communicaiton overall. Also: pt/pt
communication as part of pt communities. #MDChat
Tue Feb 8 18:14:27 PST 2011

apjonas #mdchat T1 ThroatView, Earview, Nose view, Heart Tones, Skin Sweat, etc. a chip to view
parts or xmit to EMR/doc
Tue Feb 8 18:14:47 PST 2011

VNSNY_News Great idea! @EllenRichter Great use of social media! "Mothers-to-Be Are Getting the Message" #MDchat #RNchat #hcsm
Tue Feb 8 18:15:13 PST 2011

EllenRichter T1 I love the robot #doctor that makes virtual rounds via the web with staff at remote facilities--
that could eventually go cellular #MDchat
Tue Feb 8 18:16:01 PST 2011

Reach4MoJOYRN T1-Mobile apps are good & needed-must balance to avoid the I-Patient Phenomenon -looking
at data & not the patient. #MDchat
Tue Feb 8 18:16:01 PST 2011

HospitalPatient An APP that would serve as a "Scanner" analyzing Caloric intake for Diet, Nutrition and Food
Diary Purposes. Good idea? #mdchat
Tue Feb 8 18:16:27 PST 2011

HospitalPatient @EllenRichter That "Robot" unfortunately already exists at too many Hospitals :) #mdchat
Tue Feb 8 18:16:59 PST 2011

RichmondDoc @HospitalPatient Either a scanner to analyze the calories, a very quick real-time database that
provides similar info; also: carbs. #MDChat
Tue Feb 8 18:17:12 PST 2011

mdstudent31 @HospitalPatient - Already apps that address diet, nutrition, etc. Maybe one that physician and
patient can work with together #MDchat
Tue Feb 8 18:17:19 PST 2011

EllenRichter @HospitalPatient Yes I meant having it go to mobile application. Its not at this point #MDchat
Tue Feb 8 18:17:43 PST 2011

HospitalPatient @quality1 @Reach4MoJOYRN GREAT POINT. Technology is pulling Professionals & People
away from normal Perception experiences. #mdchat
Tue Feb 8 18:17:53 PST 2011

VNSNY_News But how safe is the info? @EllenRichter T1Constant connectedness from mobile devices helpful
to #doctors managing patient care #MDchat
Tue Feb 8 18:18:01 PST 2011
westr Most breakthroughs are bogus. RT @HospitalPatient: It would serve both Docs & Patients if
Breakthrough Studies were on Mobile Phones #mdchat
Tue Feb 8 18:18:13 PST 2011

apjonas #mdchat T1 SikCam, PsychCam, BabyCam, GrannyCam to monitor pts at distance in various
pgms from doc office, kiosk at mall, wherever,
Tue Feb 8 18:19:07 PST 2011

HospitalPatient I have had Docs in a LARGE Hospital setting literally look down at Diagnostic Test Results THE
ENTIRE TIME they consulted with me. #mdchat
Tue Feb 8 18:19:08 PST 2011

quality1 @HospitalPatient @Reach4MoJOYRN A concern many of us share. Technology should

support, not replace, human interaction. #MDChat
Tue Feb 8 18:19:22 PST 2011

EinsteinMed T1:security a concern. Despite "secure" servers and "encrypted" data, breaches will occur.
More $ 4 security needed 2 build trust #MDChat
Tue Feb 8 18:19:46 PST 2011

VNSNY_News Great idea esp. if lead to better patient care! @MarketConnect How about MD-MD
communication, like bt primry care and hospitalists.#MDChat
Tue Feb 8 18:20:10 PST 2011

mdstudent31 T1: An app that patients enter diet/exercise log; sent to physician for analysis, link labs, make
recs, update to patient instantly #MDchat
Tue Feb 8 18:20:37 PST 2011

EllenRichter @EinsteinMed T1 How secure are paper records? I think we may overemphasize security at
times, too, when it comes to digital data #MDchat
Tue Feb 8 18:21:11 PST 2011

HospitalPatient I say "tragic" because as pointed out below - the right combination of People & Tech is the goal.
I like Ketchup but 2 much & ... #mdchat
Tue Feb 8 18:21:51 PST 2011

quality1 @EllenRichter @EinsteinMed Think the difference is paper records wld need to be violated 1 at
a time; electronic large scale 1 shot #MDChat
Tue Feb 8 18:22:25 PST 2011

apjonas #mdchat HumanCam w/sensor of humanity rating. Once pt and online doc both human, med
encounter can start. If roles shift to lo human -buzzer
Tue Feb 8 18:23:00 PST 2011

HospitalPatient @EllenRichter @EinsteinMed If Banks have mastered it - what is the next frontier? Yes, 1
mistake has exponentially BAD potential #mdchat
Tue Feb 8 18:23:45 PST 2011
EllenRichter @quality1 What about a fire in a hospital medical records department that is all paper? Same
thing. Thousands of pages of lost data. #MDchat
Tue Feb 8 18:24:01 PST 2011

westr BIG! RT @apjonas: #mdchat T1 SikCam, PsychCam, BabyCam, GrannyCam to monitor pts at
distance in various pgms from doc office, kiosk at mall
Tue Feb 8 18:24:26 PST 2011

RichmondDoc T1 Part of med school teaching will end be teaching students how to work with EMRs, #mHealth
apps, etc--while keeping pt contact #MDChat
Tue Feb 8 18:24:33 PST 2011

Reach4MoJOYRN @EllenRichter @quality1 -agree-We learned from Hurricane Katrina. #MDchat

Tue Feb 8 18:24:52 PST 2011

EllenRichter T1 Our move towards 100% mobile health data is happening. We will survive the transition &
deal with the problem areas too. :) #MDchat
Tue Feb 8 18:25:31 PST 2011

miller7 @unxpctdblessing Problem is how we define "mental illness" - we really need to reevaluate
health; make it more inclusive of "mental" #mdchat
Tue Feb 8 18:25:38 PST 2011

mdstudent31 @RichmondDoc Re: Med School Teaching EMR: Need more years in med school? :) #MDchat
Tue Feb 8 18:25:54 PST 2011

EllenRichter #MDchat
Tue Feb 8 18:26:11 PST 2011

HospitalPatient People worry about Privacy while Google searches leaves EVERYONE vulnerable to Google
having such personal information. #mdchat
Tue Feb 8 18:26:35 PST 2011

mdstudent31 @RichmondDoc True but there are still non-trad students, many that go into primary care, that
are not as native #MDchat
Tue Feb 8 18:27:32 PST 2011

miller7 @RichmondDoc @mdstudent31 Tech Natives speak the native language - EMR will be second
nature to many graduating med students #mdchat
Tue Feb 8 18:27:37 PST 2011

EinsteinMed @quality1 You read by mind! re: one shot electronic blow if data compromised. Still - agree we
need 2 safely move ahead digitally. #MDChat
Tue Feb 8 18:27:37 PST 2011

quality1 My concern more patient, less hcp survival :-) RT @EllenRichter: ..transition 2 mobile ...We will
survive & deal w problem areas #MDChat
Tue Feb 8 18:28:08 PST 2011
quality1 @EinsteinMed I agree we do need to move ahead w digital, w safety of data & patient always
uppermost #MDChat
Tue Feb 8 18:28:57 PST 2011

MarketConnect Hard for doc to keep eye contact w pt while entering EMR data#MDChat
Tue Feb 8 18:29:12 PST 2011

apjonas #mdchat CableTV connect to mobile of pt and doc. Run all PHR and EMR thru (Gov /Ins
co/Doc/Hosp Owned?) TV net. Mobilize svc via gd humor
Tue Feb 8 18:29:15 PST 2011

HospitalPatient So, a Privacy "violation" is not really as serious as we Adults once thought it would B - at least 4
the current/next generation. #mdchat
Tue Feb 8 18:29:20 PST 2011

EllenRichter @EinsteinMed @quality1T1 Data backup will be essential. That will prevent complete loss from
electronic blowout #MDchat
Tue Feb 8 18:29:34 PST 2011

westr Part of our #pm101 electiveRT @mdstudent31: @RichmondDoc Re: Med School Teaching
EMR: Need more years in med school? :) #MDchat
Tue Feb 8 18:29:38 PST 2011

mdstudent31 @miller7 @RichmondDoc Also need those supervising to speak the language. Disconnect w/
teaching and documenting properly #MDchat
Tue Feb 8 18:29:43 PST 2011

scrubdin it surprised me that my class is anti-EMR @miller7: @RichmondDoc @mdstudent31 re: EMR
will be 2nd nature to many grad med students #MDchat
Tue Feb 8 18:29:58 PST 2011

RichmondDoc @mdstudent31 Agree--not *all* students will be tech natives. But increasing #s will be & can
learn as currently learn note writing. #MDChat
Tue Feb 8 18:30:09 PST 2011

westr Encrypted message? RT @EllenRichter: #MDchat

Tue Feb 8 18:30:14 PST 2011

DoctorNatasha Joining late - suburban pediatrician, SM admin for 12-practitioner group, blogger. Hi, all.
Tue Feb 8 18:30:28 PST 2011

miller7 @mdstudent31 @RichmondDoc There you go - often the preceptors are the ones needing
mentoring! #mdchat
Tue Feb 8 18:30:41 PST 2011

RichmondDoc @scrubdin @miller7 @mdstudent31 The difference may be between using EMR, and being the
group that has to pilot it. #MDChat
Tue Feb 8 18:30:55 PST 2011
unxpctdblessing @miller7 I absolutely agree that we need to re-evaluate health & make it more inclusive of
"mental" #mdchat #mhsm
Tue Feb 8 18:30:58 PST 2011

miller7 @scrubdin Say more about "anti" emr! #mdchat

Tue Feb 8 18:31:02 PST 2011

mdstudent31 @RichmondDoc We also are having huge issues Re: med student access/documentation w/
EMR. No standardization b/w schools/sites #MDchat
Tue Feb 8 18:31:13 PST 2011

quality1 @EllenRichter @EinsteinMed Guess I was thinking more theft of pt data rather than loss as so
many electronic back up systems exist #MDChat
Tue Feb 8 18:31:23 PST 2011

EllenRichter LOL slip of the hand ;) RT @westr: Encrypted message? RT @EllenRichter: #MDchat
Tue Feb 8 18:31:32 PST 2011

MD_chat The chat is flowing along very nicely. Great convo flowing on first topic. Second topic coming up
in a couple minutes. #MDchat
Tue Feb 8 18:31:34 PST 2011

miller7 @RichmondDoc TRUE! I have been at two different medical school rolling out new EMRs
#mdchat #serenitynow
Tue Feb 8 18:31:37 PST 2011

HospitalPatient There is a Stigma to "Mental Illness" that is OUTDATED and INCORRECT. IT needs a "PR
Makeover." #mdchat
Tue Feb 8 18:32:13 PST 2011

EinsteinMed Same here. RT @quality1: @EllenRichter Guess I was thinking more pt data theft vs. loss since
due to electronic back up systems #MDChat
Tue Feb 8 18:33:16 PST 2011

scrubdin @RichmondDoc @miller7 @mdstudent31 yea i suppose, they better deal w/it becuz its coming!
athena 4 our program. epic 4 me at new job #MDchat
Tue Feb 8 18:33:19 PST 2011

EllenRichter @quality1 T1 We all want the same things: patient safety, compassionate & individualized care,
improved & effective communication #MDchat
Tue Feb 8 18:33:37 PST 2011

mdstudent31 @RichmondDoc And should have LCME standardization in experience - writing notes in EMR
Tue Feb 8 18:33:51 PST 2011

MD_chat Shoulder tap: T2 tweeting out in 2secs! #MDchat

Tue Feb 8 18:34:22 PST 2011
RichmondDoc @mdstudent31 So: we teach note-writing on paper; we will need to start teaching students
EMR note writing. Do-able. #MDChat
Tue Feb 8 18:34:35 PST 2011

MD_chat T2 IOM Report on Expanding Nursing Role: Should nurses become doctors to save primary
care? See #MDchat
Tue Feb 8 18:34:38 PST 2011

quality1 YES RT @EllenRichter We all want the same things: pt safety, compassionate & individualized
care, improved & effective communication #MDChat
Tue Feb 8 18:34:50 PST 2011

peds_id_doc @scrubdin @richmonddoc @miller7 @mdstudent31 my new place is going to epic too. Old
place changing soon... #mdchat
Tue Feb 8 18:35:02 PST 2011

mdstudent31 @RichmondDoc Do-able, yet certain networks/systems not allowing med student access, esp
those already invested $$ in a system. #MDchat
Tue Feb 8 18:36:05 PST 2011

peds_id_doc @scrubdin #mdchat i have my iPad app all ready to go for it!
Tue Feb 8 18:36:53 PST 2011

mdstudent31 @RichmondDoc The big problem facing some of our networks is changing programming to
allow med student notes = more $$$ #MDchat
Tue Feb 8 18:37:03 PST 2011

scrubdin @RichmondDoc @mdstudent31 one frustrating thing about emr notes is copy & paste. saw a
res doing that; hadnt changed date in a week #MDchat
Tue Feb 8 18:37:26 PST 2011

scrubdin @peds_id_doc ooooh, i didnt know ipad can do epic !! exciting ! #MDchat
Tue Feb 8 18:37:49 PST 2011

EinsteinMed T2 Nurses should be given every opportunity to advance careers - but some docs see MD
degree as only ticket to admission. #MDChat
Tue Feb 8 18:37:50 PST 2011

MD_chat Topic 2, in case you missed it, is up: #MDchat

Tue Feb 8 18:38:19 PST 2011

EllenRichter T1 Nurses need to be nurses, not docs. As nurses we can still help improve healthcare via
higher education, increased responsibility #MDchat
Tue Feb 8 18:38:20 PST 2011

HospitalPatient Filmmakers and Attorneys all adjusted to Computers - I find it fascinating that Medicine is still
Pen and Paper. #mdchat
Tue Feb 8 18:38:48 PST 2011
EllenRichter Ooops, my last T1 is really T2! Shoot ;) #MDchat
Tue Feb 8 18:39:00 PST 2011

mdstudent31 @scrubdin @RichmondDoc Seen it too... big problem. Also attendings/res logging in system,
having student doc w/o student signature #MDchat
Tue Feb 8 18:39:00 PST 2011

MarketConnect Rapid rise of Minute this the new primary care #MDChat
Tue Feb 8 18:39:18 PST 2011

scrubdin @peds_id_doc thanks! ill look for it! #MDchat

Tue Feb 8 18:39:20 PST 2011

EllenRichter T2 I dont think the IOM even alludes to the fact that nurses should become doctors as the "fix".
Its more of an upheaval of nursing #MDchat
Tue Feb 8 18:39:54 PST 2011

HospitalPatient @EinsteinMed Nurses have such intensely genuine interaction w/ Patients that their
Perspective - at ANY level - is INVALUABLE. #mdchat
Tue Feb 8 18:40:04 PST 2011

RichmondDoc T2 biggest discrepancy: a newly-trained MD completing internship has about 10x more time
training than APNs. #MDChat
Tue Feb 8 18:40:17 PST 2011

EllenRichter @HospitalPatient Thanks :) #MDchat

Tue Feb 8 18:40:31 PST 2011

RichmondDoc T2 Also: we have a nursing shortage already. If nurses become doctors, who becomes nurses?
Tue Feb 8 18:40:51 PST 2011

scrubdin T2: tough topic. i respect nurses. they r my lifeline during residency. i cant function w/o them. i
think the reversal is also true #MDchat
Tue Feb 8 18:40:51 PST 2011

DoctorNatasha This concerns me. i have seen really poor care. RT @marketconnect: Rapid rise of Minute this the new primary care #MDChat
Tue Feb 8 18:41:06 PST 2011

mdstudent31 T2: More collaboration and team care allows primary physicians to practice to the extent of our
license as well #MDchat
Tue Feb 8 18:41:17 PST 2011

HospitalPatient @EllenRichter @HospitalPatient Docs "give" orders - but Nurses "execute" them and Nurses
are around to witness Patient reactions. #mdchat
Tue Feb 8 18:41:35 PST 2011
EllenRichter T2 The nursing profession has been torn, violated & depreciated for a long time. We just
desperately need to raise the bar forever. #MDchat
Tue Feb 8 18:41:45 PST 2011

EinsteinMed T2: Another issue: shortage of nursing professors. PhD requirements without requisite comp
dissuades some nurses from teaching. #MDChat
Tue Feb 8 18:42:06 PST 2011

scrubdin :) RT @jodyms: RT @RichmondDoc: T2 Also: we have a nursing shortage already. If nurses

become doctors, who becomes nurses? #MDchat
Tue Feb 8 18:42:18 PST 2011

HospitalPatient @jodyms @RichmondDoc What about the TV Rental Collection workers? :) :) #mdchat
Tue Feb 8 18:42:25 PST 2011

mdstudent31 @RichmondDoc Blogged about that as well... also cross-posted on KevinMD #MDchat
Tue Feb 8 18:42:26 PST 2011

mdstudent31 @RichmondDoc Blogged about that as well... also cross-posted on KevinMD #MDchat
Tue Feb 8 18:42:26 PST 2011

EinsteinMed Agree. RT @HospitalPatient: @EinsteinMed Nurses have intensely genuine interaction w/ Pts
that their perspective is INVALUABLE. #mdchat
Tue Feb 8 18:43:12 PST 2011

apjonas #mdchat T2 Both need warriors for pt care, pt safety, teamwork. both can do a lot in PC, both
can be bought out of it by $$$ in HC.
Tue Feb 8 18:43:15 PST 2011

quality1 Better choice RT @mdstudent31: T2: More collaboration/team care-> primary physicians to
practice 2 the extent of our license as well #MDChat
Tue Feb 8 18:43:25 PST 2011

EllenRichter T2 I think its wonderful that the IOM agrees baccalaureate degree should be a minimum
educational level for all RNs in practice #MDchat
Tue Feb 8 18:43:29 PST 2011

RichmondDoc @HospitalPatient @jodyms Likely CNAs will end up carrying more duties for nurses. But is that
in the interest of pt safety. #MDChat
Tue Feb 8 18:43:43 PST 2011

mdstudent31 @DoctorNatasha Agreed. Many nurses and other HCPs could have made GREAT docs. Still
can! Join me in med school :) #MDchat
Tue Feb 8 18:43:53 PST 2011

peds_id_doc #mdchat t2 any "midlevel", NP, PA, whatever, is at best a stopgap not a replacement for full
primary care IMHO.
Tue Feb 8 18:44:29 PST 2011
mdstudent31 T2: Collaboration bw Primary care team under one roof is vital, esp w/ #PCMH. Not the time for
fragmentation. #MDchat
Tue Feb 8 18:45:13 PST 2011

scrubdin what is with the spam tweets in tweetchat? #MDchat

Tue Feb 8 18:45:57 PST 2011

quality1 @RichmondDoc @HospitalPatient @jodyms Surprising 2 see hosp in Fla eliminating CNA role
& back to prim care nursing w nurse shortage #MDChat
Tue Feb 8 18:46:03 PST 2011

HospitalPatient Medicine has changed so that Docs only interpret tests & recommend course of action. Nurses
can do that & offer "TLC" #mdchat
Tue Feb 8 18:46:03 PST 2011

peds_id_doc T2 #mdchat I have worked with some great NPs...but also seen where they lack compared to
many (but far from all) physicians
Tue Feb 8 18:46:09 PST 2011

RichmondDoc Have long wondered: how many nurses want to become doctors, and how many NPs want
independent practice. Is that widespread? #RNChat #MDChat
Tue Feb 8 18:46:40 PST 2011

DoctorNatasha Agreed. Trained to treat vs. trained to think? RT @peds_id_doc: #mdchat t2 any "midlevel", NP,
PA, whatever, is at best a stopgap
Tue Feb 8 18:46:54 PST 2011

EllenRichter T2 Both doctors & nurses play a vital role in health care. The IOM suggests way RNs can use
their abilities to extend care to more #MDchat
Tue Feb 8 18:47:02 PST 2011

EinsteinMed T2 Collaboration with difficult conditions like Type 2 diabetes -crucial. Role of RNs, CDEs and
Doc/Nurse team approach is key. #MDChat
Tue Feb 8 18:47:03 PST 2011

mdstudent31 @peds_id_doc As w/ physicians, those going straight through undergrad-certification vs prior

clinical experience - much different #MDchat
Tue Feb 8 18:47:22 PST 2011

Kind4Kids And we should strive to fully implement a medical home model
Tue Feb 8 18:47:22 PST 2011

peds_id_doc @HospitalPatient #mdchat t2 for much of medicine that is true, but not always, and you never
know when the extra mile is needed
Tue Feb 8 18:47:35 PST 2011

mdstudent31 @Kind4Kids Patient Centered Primary Care Collaborative #MDchat

Tue Feb 8 18:48:11 PST 2011
EllenRichter (Theres no spam on TweetGrid!) LOL~ #MDchat
Tue Feb 8 18:48:33 PST 2011

peds_id_doc @DoctorNatasha #mdchat t2 where any med provider falls flat is when they fail to think - in that
case a midlevel may be better than the doc!
Tue Feb 8 18:49:30 PST 2011

apjonas #mdchat outline of show w/FNP about present/future FNP
Tue Feb 8 18:49:42 PST 2011

mdstudent31 @RichmondDoc Have been shown data at conferences: physicians, PAs and nurses tend to
specialize and practice in similar areas #MDchat
Tue Feb 8 18:50:10 PST 2011

RichmondDoc T2 I am uncomfortable with the new DNP (doctorate of nursing practice)--training programs not
well-standardized; do pts understand? #MDChat
Tue Feb 8 18:50:31 PST 2011

peds_id_doc @HospitalPatient #mdchat my goal is to train med students so that they change their practice
despite the system...
Tue Feb 8 18:50:42 PST 2011

mdstudent31 @HospitalPatient By keeping the patient in the center, we can change the system. Once we
lose that, we become part of it #MDchat
Tue Feb 8 18:50:56 PST 2011

DoctorNatasha Had my nurse call in sick last week. I was helpless without her TLC with my pts. We are a
partnership, my pts and I know it. #MDchat
Tue Feb 8 18:51:18 PST 2011

HospitalPatient @peds_id_doc @HospitalPatient THANK YOU for that. #mdchat

Tue Feb 8 18:51:20 PST 2011

mdstudent31 @RichmondDoc Uncomfortable w/ online programs in addition to lack of standardization?

Tue Feb 8 18:51:58 PST 2011

quality1 Truly the only way to chg & improve RT @mdstudent31: @HospitalPatient By keeping patient in
the center, we can change the system. #MDChat
Tue Feb 8 18:52:13 PST 2011

HospitalPatient "Listening" to a Patient is a Practice that is getting lost on Docs due 2 the pressures they R
under. Nurses still Listen. #mdchat
Tue Feb 8 18:52:31 PST 2011

givey #MDChat discussing IOM #futureRN report. To learn more, visit:
Tue Feb 8 18:53:30 PST 2011
RichmondDoc @HospitalPatient Agree that pressure limits how docs spend time w/ pts. We need to focus
on changing that sytem. #MDChat
Tue Feb 8 18:53:33 PST 2011

scrubdin @EllenRichter i forgot what it was called but we did that on all my peds rotations: all MDs,
RN, pharm, theraps, & fam rounded on pt #MDchat
Tue Feb 8 18:53:55 PST 2011

mdstudent31 @RichmondDoc That and I trust the prev. ICU RN w/ 20 yrs exp vs one going from college to
NP school. Obvi same w/ MD/DOs #MDchat
Tue Feb 8 18:53:56 PST 2011

peds_id_doc @HospitalPatient #mdchat this is true - I tell residents/students to listen to the nurses in turn.
Tue Feb 8 18:54:08 PST 2011

DoctorNatasha @peds_id_doc #MDchat True, but, have seen too many midlevels fail at *critical* thinking.
Tue Feb 8 18:54:33 PST 2011

quality1 @DoctorNatasha Loved your comment. Patient care benefits from partnerships and mutual
respect #MDChat
Tue Feb 8 18:54:35 PST 2011

Reach4MoJOYRN @RichmondDoc @HospitalPatient- How would you change the system? #MDchat
Tue Feb 8 18:54:41 PST 2011

HospitalPatient Patients need to write down their questions to MOST EFFICIENTLY use the time they get
with VERY BUSY Docs. #mdchat
Tue Feb 8 18:55:09 PST 2011

RichmondDoc T2 the answer to expanding workforce: make primary care more financially viable, mentor
students from rural/underserved areas. #MDChat
Tue Feb 8 18:55:11 PST 2011

scrubdin @EllenRichter IMO that was the best training i had. where we all got together to discuss pt
care & make a plan #MDchat
Tue Feb 8 18:55:31 PST 2011

sarasteinmd I love working with nurse practitioners - the great ones know what they know and what they
dont know! #mdchat
Tue Feb 8 18:55:34 PST 2011

RichmondDoc @Reach4MoJOYRN @HospitalPatient I would find a way to truly value face-to-face care and
care coordination; de-emphasize procedures. #MDChat
Tue Feb 8 18:55:43 PST 2011

peds_id_doc #mdchat t2 where nurses are utterly invaluable is in training docs. Residents may have "8 yrs
of school" but many nurses have decades of exp
Tue Feb 8 18:56:19 PST 2011
mdstudent31 @RichmondDoc Create more Rural/Minority premed tracks to give more opportunity to those
more likely to serve their communities #MDchat
Tue Feb 8 18:56:31 PST 2011

scrubdin agree, i love my GI NP. she teaches residents more than the GI attendings! RT @sarasteinmd
I love working with nurse practitioners #MDchat
Tue Feb 8 18:56:40 PST 2011

Reach4MoJOYRN Like!RT @RichmondDoc:@HospitalPatient I would find a way 2truly value face-2-face care &
care coordination; de-emphasize procedures. #MDchat
Tue Feb 8 18:57:04 PST 2011

peds_id_doc @DoctorNatasha #mdchat t2 this is my main concern with using them to save primary care.
Tue Feb 8 18:57:11 PST 2011

mdstudent31 @RichmondDoc @peds_id_doc Some Physicians may be former healthcare workers w/

many yrs experience too #MDchat
Tue Feb 8 18:57:57 PST 2011

DoctorNatasha @hospitalpatient Agreed. LOVE when pts bring their lists. Makes very efficient and satisfying
encounter. #MDchat
Tue Feb 8 18:58:07 PST 2011

sarasteinmd @peds_id_doc @DoctorNatasha Maybe the way to rephrase it is that we need more help
and collaboration in primary care. #mdchat
Tue Feb 8 18:58:09 PST 2011

EllenRichter @drseisenberg Yes, thanks for mentioning chemo nurses! Great point! They are very special!
Ask any cancer patient. #MDchat
Tue Feb 8 18:58:32 PST 2011

peds_id_doc @sarasteinmd @doctornatasha #mdchat t2 no arguments there!

Tue Feb 8 18:58:49 PST 2011

RichmondDoc @mdstudent31 @peds_id_doc Experience counts, regardless of final degree. #MDChat

Tue Feb 8 18:59:01 PST 2011

Reach4MoJOYRN Amen...Cpt. Sully-Case in point! RT @RichmondDoc: @mdstudent31 @peds_id_doc

Experience counts, regardless of final degree. #MDchat
Tue Feb 8 18:59:42 PST 2011

mdstudent31 #PCMH @pcpcc RT@sarasteinmd: @peds_id_doc @DoctorNatasha need more help and
collaboration in primary care #MDchat
Tue Feb 8 18:59:44 PST 2011

EinsteinMed FT (A bit off-topic) Introducing David Flores, our new social media mgr. Reach out /say hey. #MDChat Enjoy the wk Paul
Tue Feb 8 19:01:05 PST 2011
apjonas #mdchat We will fail in attempt to get enuff pc care Not enuf $$ to pay for R wishes. Money is
w/hosp who buy head, heart, hips 1st. PC LAST
Tue Feb 8 19:01:08 PST 2011

scrubdin final thoughts: excited to see more mobile apps & mobile devices in health. hoping there will be
unification among systems one day #MDchat
Tue Feb 8 19:01:36 PST 2011

EllenRichter @MD_Chat Wow, was this really an hour? It FLEW! #MDchat

Tue Feb 8 19:01:50 PST 2011

DoctorNatasha @peds_id_doc: @sarasteinmd Agreed. #MDChat

Tue Feb 8 19:02:26 PST 2011

HospitalPatient Thanks again everyone. If you want 2 get a unique & funny perspective on politics of Health Care
Reform - pls watch my Podcast. #mdchat
Tue Feb 8 19:02:33 PST 2011

scrubdin @MD_Chat thanks for moderating. had a good time. goodnight everyone #MDchat
Tue Feb 8 19:02:47 PST 2011

lisagualtieri What is the job description of a social media manager there @EinsteinMed? #mdchat
Tue Feb 8 19:03:16 PST 2011

mdstudent31 Decrease fragmentation, increase collab - Docs/Nurses/PAs/everybody - same turf, same roof,
patients first #MDchat
Tue Feb 8 19:03:21 PST 2011

_Rose_A At what point do you talk to surgery patients about discharge planning? When should that
conversation start? #MDchat #futureRN
Tue Feb 8 19:03:58 PST 2011

MD_chat @scrubdin My pleasure! #MDchat

Tue Feb 8 19:04:02 PST 2011

sarasteinmd @_Rose_A before they sign the consent #mdchat

Tue Feb 8 19:04:30 PST 2011

RichmondDoc Thanks, everyone. See ya next week! #MDChat

Tue Feb 8 19:04:45 PST 2011

givey @MD_Chat thanks for hosting a great chat and covering the IOM #future report. #MDchat
Tue Feb 8 19:04:55 PST 2011

MD_chat THANK YOU everybody! What a great time & a great chat on important topics. Transcript coming
up! #MDchat
Tue Feb 8 19:04:56 PST 2011
DoctorNatasha Thanks for a great #MDchat. Hug your nurse, collaborate with health partners, and remember
this is all for the patients! Have a great week
Tue Feb 8 19:04:56 PST 2011

EllenRichter Wonderful chat tonite, everyone! Thanks for the stimulating conversation! Everyone who
participated ROCKS! (yes thats YOU!) #MDchat
Tue Feb 8 19:04:58 PST 2011

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