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Eg; tak semua terer idioms guna in

Object >7/8 months
permanence -ada sranger anxiety when ppl Aristotle kata adolescent think
starts picking them up they know everything and are
Animism Jatuh sbb bola bola jahat sbb dia quiet sure abt it
rasa benda pun ada perasaan Argumentative
Static Dia pelik sgt kenapa tcr dia ada -natural outgrowt of their
reasoning anak expended cognitiveme
Lack of Like to break cookies a lot sbb dia Vygotsky’s -can be quite active, can be
conservaxn pk patah dua cookies lg banyak accelerated
Bangun nangis, mintak coklat x bg -by that time u are more realistic
etc (adult) yg dulunya kita pessimistic,
Not a spoiled brat idealistic
Kdg2 born w that temperment
N with nurturing Game
iA Jadi ok balik Myb ada yg masih pk oh ideal
Adakah sbbnya dia tak phm yg bila world is playing game,
kita ckp elok2 dia tak dgr, tp bila Pergi kerja lambat, balik kerja
marah dia dgr. main game
Eg: kadang2 dia tak dgr on the 1st
place sbb dia nak try to push Pt dtg eh umur 40 tp kenapa tak
bounderies/ada reward puas main matang?
game, bukan sbb dia tak phm, so Ada cognitive prob ke
bila kita marah, dia baru tau ohh
ni limit dia,,, okok stop la kalua tak If u can cope w ur stuff at ur age, u
lain kali takleh main game do responsibility, know wat to do,
langsung if ure doing what ppl ur age doing,
Trust nor prob la, ko normal, atau tak
1st year of life dah start, kadang pernah org gitau
dia nangis kita pergi dia dah
develop innert sense of trust. BUKU-cognitibe development
Ada research, baby nangis, mak memana
dtg bukak lampu je dia dah stop
WOW That’s the thing abt parenting,
Ada yg dah 5 tahun Even when mcm try n error, u can read,
the parents is there, dia still parenting tak dtg dgn buku, u
anxious sbb dia rasa ohh depa ada have this idealistic idea, tp hila
tp adakaha mereka akan tolong ada anak dia jadi real dah tau
Kotak kuning bfr stage 4 tu dr practical.
takkan keluarkan kat exam
Stage 3 Concrete Operational
[7-12 y/o] ada yg kata 7-11 jgk
Stage 4 Formal Operatinal Thought
Semua kena ideal, life should be
like this, marriage whould be like
dis, u have all this idealistic
Tp bila dah aged, kita mcm ok I
need to let go of certain things

-gulp, ada yg takde abstract

thinking, sbb not everyone
reaches this stage
hshhsshsh(piagets ckp)

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