Nota Viral Structure and Classification

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Viral structure and classification

Intro Inert(cant do much outside wo a host

binary fission(used by microbe to
replicate)(genetic material replicate,
chromosome separate, replicatre)
Morpholo *spike-glycoprotein
gy *genome
DNA or RNA naked helical- no human’s virus
DNA: will incl complex- poxvirus, vaccinia virus
structural(capsid/envelope/membrane Membarna/envelope
)) n non-structural protein(enzyme) On top of capsid= aid in virus entry
into virus Lipid: viral genome cant code for
RNA: has less protein lipid(so they get it form host cell)
: can str8 away translated into Harsh env: ether/organic
protein (utk positive sense tu) solvents/detergents(sbbtu corona
: the larger the genome, the virus can break the comp of lipid that
larger the info can be carried present in the envelope)
Enzyme Env virus: harsh env(dry/acid)
Fr cytoplasm Droplets=
NA binding protein= for replication Glycoprotein
=for protexn fr nuclease Xray diffraction techniques, …
Capsid microscopy (utk tgk)
As it surrounds genome, fx=protect Ectend away from envelope
genome Process to form:glycoxilation???
Harsh env=dry/acidic(stomach) Get from host cell (so type of
Poxvirus: xde symmetry shape mcm glycoprotein can determine the host
helical n isohedral they attached to)
Helical symmetry Ada attachment n fusion region(help
Nucleocapsid=combinaxn of capsid attach virion and the host cell-
and RNA and capsomere hemmaglutinin yg tlg)
Icosehedral symmetry Neuroaminadisa-help to prevent
Gambar: protein subunit assembled agglutination
into pentamer jd capsomere  CD4 on t cell is the receptor thatll
procapsid  procapsid (later filled in determine the tissue tropism n make
w genome)(sbb ada capsid dulu, so gp120 can bind (time initial/chronoic
kita ada size constraint on nucleic acid infexn)
that can be packaged) Gp41 will bind to just tcell
Basic Claasifica 1) Morphology
Type Xn system 2) Genome properties
Of 3) Replication strategies
Morpho +dsDNa Based on semua tu keluarlah benda
logy =double utk classify virus into diff family:
stranded Universal system of virus taxonomy
DNA Family=…viridae
+kbp(kilo Subfamily=…virinae
base pair) Virus=…virus
=size …=herpes simplex virus
nucleic DNA viruses
acid nya ssDNA (ada dua je)
unit -parvoviridae
dsDNA (ada satu je)
Hepadnaevirida n Herpesviridae (yg
kita akan cover sbb nio je yg penting)
RNA viruses stand harsh env
dsRNA (ada 2 je) Tp sbb capsid outer layer tahan la
-reoviridae jugak at least even capsid nampak
-birnaviridae cikai
-retroviridae (Eg: HIV) Complex virus
Not isolated to icosahedral/helical
Coronaviridae structure
Kbp dia quite big

avirus) [alpha beta je yg human]
Gp: beta ada ABCD
Env small memb protiwn tu org pggl E
protein gak

Common cold

NL63 tu baru discovered lepasSARS

MERS (camel)
-infexn still occurring zoonotic jump
SARS-CoV-2 (they enter
-covid 19(katanya human
tenggiling tru interm host)
Prions(particle yg infectious)
ada protein tp takde nucleic acid
Slo replicatelong incubaxn
period(appear later in life)
Ddx: Kuru (sbb ppl mkn otak org)

ssDNA and dsRNA apabeza(izzul)

-dna ada bases atcg
-rna ada uracil to replace thymine
-dsrna virus ada, kita nya cell xde sgt

After envelope of enveloped virus

destroyed even ada capsid
-cant survive

Sbb envelope outer layer cannot la

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