Health and Safety

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Health and Safety in Health and Social Care


Task 1..........................................................................................................................................................3
1.1 A review of system, policies and procedures for communicating information on health and safety. .4
The main health and safety legislation in UK......................................................................................4
Communicating health and safety at workplace...................................................................................5
Three methods of communication at Northfolk Nursing Home...........................................................5
1.2 Assessment of roles and responsibilities in the home........................................................................6
Whose responsibility is health and safety?..........................................................................................6
Importance of knowing and following the Health and Safety responsibilities.....................................6
Employer’s responsibilities..................................................................................................................6
Employees’ responsibilities.................................................................................................................7
Service users’ and Visitor’s responsibilities........................................................................................7
1.3 Analysis of health and safety priorities appropriate for the home in the pack and risk assessment....8
Why health and safety is a priority at Northfolk Nursing Home?........................................................8
An aspect of health and safety priority at Northfolk Nursing Home and its importance......................8
Risk assessment and its importance.....................................................................................................8
2.1 Information from risk assessments informing care planning for decision making.............................8
Care planning and information from risk assessment to create care planning......................................8
Own contribution as a senior carer for the health and safety of Patrick...............................................9
Risk assessment form of Patrick........................................................................................................10
Task 2........................................................................................................................................................13
2.2 Analysis of the Impact of one aspect of health and safety policy on the health and social care
practice on the given scenario................................................................................................................14
2.4 Legislation and policy regarding health hygiene, and effect of non-compliance with this legislation
in the care setting...................................................................................................................................14
3.1 Monitoring and reviewing health and safety policies and practices.................................................16

Task 1
Northfolk Nursing Home is a nursing home watching over grown-ups with dementia,
Osteoarthritis Alzheimer with the age between 66-90 years. The centre is for the most part
secured by the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974. This handout is for the new staffs which
incorporates the execution of enactment. The word enactment alludes to law made by a
lawmaking body or representing body. The people who are given formal energy to make laws are
called lawmakers (Richards, 2003). This present contains the clarification of enactment, the
measurement of enactment, laws of wellbeing and security in the UK, correspondence and
techniques and subtle elements of formal preparing and takes note.

1.1 A review of system, policies and procedures for communicating information on
health and safety
Each work environment has certain guidelines and controls with respect to wellbeing and
security and welfare of individuals who are working (Morath, 2004). Wellbeing and security
directions guarantee the insurance of staffs and customers in the work put.

The main health and safety legislation in UK

It is essential to know about important enactment to make a protected workplace. 'The Health
and Safety at work act (1974)' is the principle bit of Health and Safety Act in UK. There are
various authoritative measures and directions made under the Health and safety at Work Act

 Control of substances Hazardous to Health 2002 (COSHH)

 Manual Handling Regulations 1992
 Provision and use of work equipment regulations 1998
 Health and safety (First Aid) regulations 1981
 Care Standard act 2000
 Data Protection Act 1998
 Reporting of injuries, Diseases and Dangerous regulations
 Food Safety (General Food Hygiene) Regulations (1995)
 Food Safety Act 1990
Communicating health and safety at workplace
An efficient specialized technique is indispensable in the field of wellbeing and security division.
All staffs must be completely mindful of their commitments and of methods for health and
safety. Northfolk Nursing Home imparts data in regard to wellbeing and safety as per
administrative prerequisites to ensure everybody in benefit and to keep away from or limit
wounds (Morath, 2004). The strategies to impart health and safety data to staff are:

 Providing handbook
 Giving training to new staffs
 In-house and external training
 Posters/ Leaflets
 Sign-board

Three methods of communication at Northfolk Nursing Home
Three main methods to communicate with which Northfolk Nursing Home provides insight
about the Health and Safety Act to the staffs:

Supervision by registered manager: In Northfolk Nursing Home every one of the activities of
staffs are checked through perception and supervision to convey data concerning wellbeing and
security to colleagues by the registered manager in charged. For instance: He is responsible to
meet the requirements of Social Care act (2008). He also follows and directs his staffs to fulfill
the requirements of Health and Safety act (1974).

Acquaintance with laws and policies: All the staffs at the nursing home are required to be
acquainted with the laws, policies, regulations and obligations of the Health and safety Act
(1974). This is a great initiative by Northfolk to communicate the policies to the staffs.

Sign posts: In Northfolk, diverse sign posts are introduced with respect to wellbeing and security
to convey data to staffs. Illustration: fire sign to demonstrate escape course in the event of flame
to leave the premises which falls under the fire safety measures controls. Some safety signs
really educate the working environment to make certain defensive move, for example, smoking
inside a territory where burnable types of gear are safeguarded or in usage. Any signs utilized
nearby should be effortlessly observed and caught on.

Figure 1: Sign Posts at Northfolk

1.2 Assessment of roles and responsibilities in the home

Whose responsibility is health and safety?

The primary responsibility is imposed on the employer for maintaining the requirements of
Health and Safety Act. All employees and users are qualified for work in conditions where
dangers to their health and safety are legitimately controlled (Sprenger, 2004). Under health and
safety law, the essential duty regarding this is down to bosses. Bosses have an obligation to
counsel with their workers, or their agents, on wellbeing and safety matters. Apart from that,
employees and clients/users are also required to help the employer to maintain such safe

Importance of knowing and following the Health and Safety responsibilities

This is very obvious that requirements of health and Safety act are designed in such a way that
provides a safe and healthy environment to both employees and clients. Knowing the act prompts
both employers and employees to be aware of the responsibilities they have to bear regarding the
health and safety in the workplace (Watterson, 2003). On the other hand, when they are aware of
they are responsibilities, they ought to follow them and thus it brings a safe and healthy work
zone for everyone.

Employer’s responsibilities
In this private care home, the home supervisor and appointee director have the key part to run
and set up things:

 Monitoring staff execution and actualizing arrangements and methodology to ensure staff
know about them.
 Ensuring consistence with significant enactment.
 Providing data on health and safety, and to prepare staff to do their work securely.
 Ensuring the gear is checked frequently and is accessible if necessary and in great

Employees’ responsibilities
All the employees of Northfolk Nursing home have the following responsibilities

 Reading and following arrangements and strategies, including risk assessment.

 Maintaining a sheltered situation, e.g. keeping windows and entryways bolted, following
hand wash arrangement, safe transfers of waste, fire drills are done on week by week
premise, floors safe to stroll on.
 Ensuring condition is sheltered and free of perils.
 Reporting of any worries, e.g. broken hardware and furniture, staff not following
systems. Demonstrate their sense of duty regarding Health and Safety by their conduct
and collaborate by recording mischances and episodes equitably.
 Comply with all the wellbeing directions and methods and not to embrace any
assignment that they are not approved or prepared for.

Service users’ and Visitor’s responsibilities

For the users’ and visitors, they should have the following responsibilities

 Service clients must follow the obligation of Health and Safety of the centre.
 For the security of administration clients, guests and outer specialist co-ops must not
approach the home without earlier appointment with administration.
 Visitors should constantly sign in when they arrive and sign-out on their flight. This is for
security and departure if there should be an occurrence of flame

1.3 Analysis of health and safety priorities appropriate for the home in the pack and
risk assessment

Why health and safety is a priority at Northfolk Nursing Home?

Northfolk nursing Home is a nursing home for the old people from the age between 66-90 years.
They also treat people with dementia. In this certain case, these people need regular care. Also,
the nursing home put priorities on health and safety because, these people are very vulnerable
and they can easily hurt themselves by accident. As a result, following the health and Safety act
is a high priority for the nursing home.

An aspect of health and safety priority at Northfolk Nursing Home and its importance
For providing safety to the old people at Northfolk Nursing Home, they built a passenger lift
access to all the floors. By that facility, everyone can move very easily and freely to all the
floors. That is a very important aspect of the Northfolk Nursing home. With the help of that
facility, they prioritized the safety measure as the old people may feel very uncomfortable and
even get tired of using the staircase in order to travel from floor to floor.

Risk assessment and its importance

Risk assessment is the examination of conceivable perils in working environment or exercises to
weigh up whether enough precautionary measures have been taken or ought to accomplish more
to forestall hurt (Watterson, 2003). Risk assessment is essential to guarantee that nobody will got
harmed in the work put. Risk is likewise a piece of everybody's everyday living. Risk can be
figured, anticipated, unexpected, insignificant or major. Risk assessments are critical as they
shape a vital piece of a decent word related wellbeing and security administration design.

2.1 Information from risk assessments informing care planning for decision making
Care planning and information from risk assessment to create care planning
Care planning is bolster design and a critical piece of medicinal services. It is a guide for carers
to set out how the care and bolster needs will be met. A care planning is a report which is
effective and incorporates critical private data to get a thought of somebody's needs and support.
The association utilizes mind intend to record the care needs and wanted results of administration

Risk assessment and care planning are identified with each other, mind arranging may change as
indicated by chance evaluation results. Care home arrangements and basic decision making relies
upon risk assessment, to be sure and to oversee wellbeing and security matters effectively, to
enhance customer's prosperity it is vital to distinguish safety and dangers in associations and
discover arrangements of the issues by doing legitimate care planning.

Own contribution as a senior carer for the health and safety of Patrick
As a senior carer, it is my sole duty to watch over all the senior citizens and take necessary steps
in order to maintain the environment as safe and healthy as possible. As Mr. Patrick is suffering
from dementia, sight and hearing impairment, osteoarthritis he should be taken special care. My
contribution in this regard would be that Mr. Patrick receive all the facilities he needs to maintain
a balanced life. I need to ensure that he is checking up with his doctor regularly and getting a
regular exercise. Moreover, I’ll also follow the requirements of Health and Safety Act (1974) as
well as Social Care Act (2008) and supervise all the junior carers to follow them too.

Risk assessment form of Patrick

Client: Patrick

Patrick is 74-year-old male who is in the early stage of dementia. He is also suffering from the
impairment of hearing and sight. He has also severe osteoarthritis in both of his knees. Recently he
suffered from a falling while moving around the home.

Risk Factor How can it affect How to manage this risk?

Dementia Dementia can influence his  Regular check up with the

memory, thinking capacity, and doctor.
focus.  Keeping him socially active
with other people in the
 Influencing him to
exercising regularly.

Impairment of hearing May harm him to keeping him  Regular check up with
and sight balanced while walking or doctor regarding hearing
moving. Thus, might cause and sight.
critical accident.  Wearing proper glasses.
 Using hearing loop to
overcome his hearing

Osteoarthritis May cause severe pain, swelling  Ensuring that Mr. Patrick
and problem moving around. moves frequently and
maintain regular exercises.
 Providing a healthy diet
with protein and fiber.

10 | P a g e
Safety is the state of being shielded from threat, hazard, or damage. For having low standard of
workplace, consistently around 400 individuals kick the bucket in work put. To give a sheltered
situation it is vital to make a point not to work in perilous conditions without safety supplies or
legitimate attire. Care planning has been given which features the work prioritization at
Northfolk. The significance of risk assessment has been made which demonstrates the
suggestions and impacts of resistance of different laws.

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 Boys, D., and Langridge, E. (2007) BTEC National Health and Social Care Book 1.
Nelson Thrones
 Morath, J. M., and Turnbull. J. E. (2004) to do no harm: Ensuring patients’ safety in
Health and Social care organizations. Jossy Bass Wile
 Richards, J. (2003) Complete A-Z Health and Social Care Handbook.
 Sprenger, R. (2003) Health and Safety Management.
 Watterson, A. (2003)  Public Health in Practice.

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Task 2
Nowadays guaranteeing health and safety at the work environment is a noteworthy concern. It
has turned into an essential piece of any administration. As far as anyone knows health and
safety is a vital issue in the wellbeing and social care benefit. Both the administration and
specialists of a health care are responsible for guaranteeing health and safety.

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2.2 Analysis of the Impact of one aspect of health and safety policy on the health and
social care practice on the given scenario
The strategy that are taken out by Graceland not just force premium standards where the
wellbeing is accomplished yet additionally guarantee quality point of view and execution for the
association in a powerful way. Deciding the key outcome and application it is important to
advance and use the refinement in an administrative way and these are being connected for the
general measures and suggestion for the cleanliness arrangement for the operations. With a
specific end goal to decide and permit a focused execution and suggestion for the operation it is
important to have the down to earth comprehension and suggestion for the distinctive
recommendation and bring a quality reaction for the operations (Cuthbert, 2015). With a specific
end goal to convey and decide a key rehearse it is important to bring up the key relationship and
suggestion for the association.

The hand hygiene policy has the following impacts on the Graceland day care centre-

 It sets up standards to employees with respect to safety and sterile at the work
environment of Graceland Day Care Centre
 They empower them to influence utilization of good practices at work with the goal that
germ-free environment can be made.
 Staffs end up noticeably educated and proficient in regard to the conceivable changes
which make positive effect on the life of patients and care suppliers.
 The strategies set benchmark for the compliances and their significance in health and
social care division.

2.4 Legislation and policy regarding health hygiene, and effect of non-compliance
with this legislation in the care setting
The hand hygiene arrangement goes under Health and Safety Work Act 1974; it is frequently
alluded to as HASAW or HSW. It is the fundamental bit of UK wellbeing and security
enactment. The Act puts an obligation on all businesses to guarantee the wellbeing, security and
welfare at work of every one of their representatives and customers. The Act additionally

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 Providing safety for all the employees.
 Providing essential training regarding the health and safety.
 Maintenance of safe work environment.
 Usage and handling of dangerous substances must be done in such ways that are safe for

Failure by a business to consent to health and safety law is an offense and may prompt
arraignment by the HSE Under this Act (, 2016), and anyone rupturing the
obligations under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 might be subject to pay a fine on

The hand hygiene policy and methodology is expected to limit chance and amplify best practice
in hand decontamination. The impact of awful routine with regards to rebelliousness with the
enactment and arrangement at Graceland will bring about the unfriendly result of the spread of
destructive microbes. Administration clients who are venerated of falling sick and in danger may
endure genuine contamination or even mortality could happen (Maclean, 2012). The business
must give high temp water, hand washing cleanser and dispensable clean towel constantly. To
maintain a strategic distance from cross tainting and contamination, staff must take after the
inside's method while arranging waste. The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) do assessment at
wherever of work without notice. They can arraign an individual or even the organization in the
event that they discover health and safety laws are broken by anyone.

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3.1 Monitoring and reviewing health and safety policies and practices
Monitoring is watching and keeping an eye on how the association is running, and how the
arrangements and techniques are actualized. An accumulation of concurred plans to convey a
decent administration is called approach, and techniques are the method for getting things done
to execute strategies (Chadder, 2014). Inspecting is evaluating something with the aim of
initiating change if fundamental. Checking includes taking a gander at the procedure and at the
results of the work done. Graceland has an unmistakable approach and technique with respect to
hand cleanliness, the administration should frequently screen and survey their usage in real life
(Sussex, 2008). This can be helped out through:

 Supervising and watching little activities frequently.

 The crucial policies should be reminded to staffs by showing signs and blurbs at fitting
and key areas.
 Regular replenishing and providing of hand washing cleanser, hand drying office,
expendable towels and gloves.
 Giving preparing to staffs and urging them to watch the Health and Safety approach for
their own wellbeing and for the individuals who utilize the inside.
 Regularly watch that toilets are cleaned after utilizing and floors are dry
 Record any occurrence and mishap
 Placing pedal receptacles to gather squander.

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The administration empowers staffs, benefit clients and their families, and guests to follow hand
wash arrangement at Graceland. Administration must cultivate and sustain the climate of co-
operation with staff to actualize and enhance sense of duty regarding hand cleanliness strategy.
Through collaboration, wanted objectives can without much of a stretch be accomplished.

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 CHADDER, P., DUNCAN, M., HEIGHWAY, P., (2014). Health and Safety at Work
Essentials 8th Ed. Lawpack London
 Cuthbert, S. and Quallington, J. (2008). Values for care practice.
 Health and Safety Executive. HSE: Health and safety at Work etc Act 1974 available
from: %20Health%20and
%20Safety%20Policy%20Template.pdf [Accessed 01 October, 2017].
 Maclean, S. and Connors, P. (2012) Leadership for Health & Social
Care, Kirwin Maclean Associates Ltd
 Sussex, F., Scourfield, P. and Herne, D. (2008). Advanced health and social care for
NVQ level 4 and foundation degree. Oxford: Heinemann.

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