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Power of Ethics in Modern World

Santhu Chandra

Sohith Vinay

Akhil Vinay 1
Power of Ethics in Modern World

• Ethics define us in the modern society.

• The consideration of morals as values in our
activities define the ethical means of
• So, one gets respected if he's ethical despite
the odds they stand as noble persons.
• In modern world one may be considered
ethical if he is disciplined in the manner of
conduct (personal or professional).

Power of Ethics in Modern World

• Respect:
▪ A traceback of the days during the timeline of
early industrial revolution talent is much more
▪ With the ease of access of the technical data , this
praise of talent has been uncommon.
▪ Without a better recognition of work no one is
being respected.
▪ This state is not just because of the technological
advancements ,but also the negligence of the

Power of Ethics in Modern World

• Respect:
▪ The free economy in India made us free to do
▪ Once respect was instilled in the generation
yet to come , we could see a better future with
responsible people.
▪ This just not only copes us with gaining
respect but also helps to maintain self esteem.

Power of Ethics in Modern World

• Responsibility
▪ As discussed earlier , the respected are
always responsible .
▪ Take consideration of any job either it may be
student or teacher or any kind of work.
▪ If one choses to be responsible for the work ,
then there would be lot of respect following

Power of Ethics in Modern World

• Responsibility
▪ Despite the results of work , if we chose to be
responsible it may just stop leading us to
aftermath disasters.
▪ It helps us as a barrier and portrays our
honesty and this would preferably help in
some way.
▪ If an engineer being assigned with a project ,
must be responsible for the work assigned.

Power of Ethics in Modern World

• Responsibility
▪ If not so , the negligence may result in death
of many as we have seen in the Colombia
disaster .
▪ Where the from the disaster the respect of
NASA is lost with the failures in responsibility.

Power of Ethics in Modern World

• Reliable
▪ With the person adhering to respect and
responsibility , it doesn't imply that the person
is reliable.
▪ There may be cases where we need to check
for integrity of people.
▪ Many of the qualities shown during
examination may be lies/ or they just pretend
to be good.

Power of Ethics in Modern World

• Reliable
▪ If the qualities examined maintain the
same frequency even in a sense/secret
surveillance, we can be reliable on the
▪ This reliability is of at most concern in
modern world .

Power of Ethics in Modern World

• Due to prevailing market competition , the

sustainability of a company is not assured
unless the job holders work ethically i.e.
show reliable value to their mangers.

Power of Ethics in Modern World

• Real Case of modern ethics:

– We come across many crimes daily.
– The NCRB report showed a steep rise in the
graph since the past 2 years.
– Even in the state of rapid awareness and
continuous public opinion over the issues ,
the public refuse to show concern.

Power of Ethics in Modern World

• Real Case of modern ethics:

– If one feels himself/herself responsible and
try to respect the laws / culture (in respect of
fundamental rights) , one can witness a
change .
– But to maintain the tempo to be carried
further, it is mandate to make these values to
be instilled properly so that we can rely on
people and could gain a confidence motion for

Power of Ethics in Modern World

• Ethics in Modern World Engineering

– The recent accident caused in the Vizag
steel plant .
– It was simply to say became a replica of
the Bhopal Gas Tragedy , fortunately
there’s few life loss.
– The LG Polymer company didn’t take the
necessary steps to restart the firm.
– The gas tank consisting the Styrene(Ethyl

Power of Ethics in Modern World

• Ethics in Modern World Engineering

– As we know that everything was shut during
the lockdown phase .
– With the unlock phases released by the
government of India , the companies mostly
concentrated on the economical factor .
– They just neglected the safety concerns as
they were not prepared to such a situation of
storage without the usage.
– If the concern of the company is shifted
from economy to life , this would have been
a responsible move . 14
Power of Ethics in Modern World

• Ethics in Modern World Engineering

– So , respect for the society and moral virtue in the
analysis wing would have better dealt with the
– It’s better to opt for better reliable engineers in
such a situation as the air services are granted for
official purpose.
– This proves that how important an engineer with
ethical issues is important for the society.



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