Light and Heat

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Cordillera School

Elementary School Dept.


Light & Heat

Name: ____________________________________________ Class: 1°__

I. Color with yellow three things that give out light. (3 points)

II. Write three elements that give out light. (3 points)

1. ___________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________

III. Write three elements that don’t give out light. (3 points)
1. ___________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________
IV. Choose the correct option. (6 points)
1. Light helps us…
a) to see things.
b) to smell things.
c) to hear things.
2. The main source of light in the universe is…
a) the stars.
b) the moon.
c) the sun.
3. Heat can keep us…
a) cold.
b) warm.
c) cool.

V. Draw and color a situation when heat can help us. (4 points. 2 for drawing. 2 for
VI. Identify which type of energy is being used in the next images
(heat energy or light energy). (6 points)

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