UBM599 Chapter 5 Exercise

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Name: Yolanda Felycia anak Daily

Student ID: 2019326037

Group: BA 242 4B

Chapter 5
Explain how the digital transformation changes the nature of work.
Firstly, knowledge workers. For example, information gathering, information
analysis, information dissemination, structured learning, knowledge management and
team building.
Secondly, Digital worker. For example, Real-time data availability, scenarios and
progress, decision making, self-development, virtual collaboration and virtual team

Explain the concept of digital workers/freelancers in the future

In the future, freelancers may be able to define their own career paths, drawing on
data about the paths they follow or insight into their own strengths, preferences and
unique abilities.

Define Career Management

Career management is the combination of structured planning and the active
management choice of one’s own professional career. It is a continuous process that
occurs throughout one’s career and not just a discrete times. In other words, it is a
lifelong, self-monitored process or career planning that involves choosing and setting
personal goals, and formulating strategies for achieving them.

What are the characteristics of a competent freelancer?

Based on the competency model, the characteristics of a competent freelancer is
self-management. For example, learning agility development, have the initiative and
risk taking and drive for results. The second characteristic is the freelancer must have
leadership. For example, strategic thinking, business acumen, inspiring others and
leading courageously. Thirdly, relationship such as communication and influencing,
interpersonal skills, teamwork and team building, customer focus and cross-culture
agility. The next characteristic is analytical. For example, problem analytic, critical
thinking, decision making, innovations and professional expertise. The last
characteristics is Management. For example, delegation and performance
management, project or process management, managing execution, coaching and
developing talent and managing conflict.

What are the two chances to get a job?

There are two chances to get a job. Firstly, the bidding process. For example,
apply for the job available from the crowdsourcing platform. Secondly, the client will
proceed to appoint freelancer. For example, the client can find freelancers who are
registered in the crowdsouring platforms or has been appointed by the client before.

List some helpful tips on bidding.

 Propose a realistic timeline

 Prepare a standard proposal for each specific skill
 Read the job description properly
 Do not copy and paste irrelevant information in the submission
 Bid early in the morning
 Include the crucial project information in the job proposal to show that you
understand the job description

Identify the TEN negotiation techniques

There are ten negotiation techniques such as prepare, pay attention to timing,
leave behind your ego, ramp up your listening skills, if you don’t ask you don’t get,
anticipate compromise, offer and expect commitment, don’t absorb their problems,
stick to your principles and lastly close with confirmation.

Define risk management

Risk management involves understanding, analysing, and addressing the risk to
make sure the objectives are achieved. Examples of risk are spam task, get exploited
by client, privacy violation and lack of laws protection.
What do the freelancers need to do in order to protect themselves in executing
their task.

Firstly, don’t start work until the client sends you an offer and you accept.
Secondly, if client asks to pay outside of Upwork, report it to the customer support
team. Next, avoid client who requests free work. Other than that, never pay to get a
job. Lastly, if the job looks suspicious, report it to the customer support team.

List some of the email management tips

1. Check emails twice. Once in the morning and once in the afternoon
2. In each session try to process all the emails
3. If you can, respond to an email right away
4. If you cannot, turn it into a task with a due date and priority via Todoist for Gmail
5. Have all notification from your email client disabled on all of your devices so you
wont be disturbed and distracted as you focus on other things

Define scope creep

A scope creep is the actual scope of a project from start to finish significantly
exceeds the expectations for the project before work starts.

What are the tips to minimize scope creep?

To minimize scope creep, firstly, get a clear written agreement then stick to the
stipulated terms. Besides, offer constructive outs and be bold. Lastly, its a partnership.
List the tips when communicating with client

1. Ask client in what material you need to deliver the project

2. Tell your client what is your working hour availability per week
3. State when is your free time
4. Ask for contract/award project
5. Be professional when communicating and do not be emotional
6. Always be prepared for video calls
7. Always update client
8. Track your working time
9. Be proactive, honest, polite and professional
10. Gain the client’s trust
11. Payment transaction will have a pending period

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