Intelligent Protection in A Distress Situation Using Smart Way

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International Research Journal of Computer Science (IRJCS) ISSN: 2393-9842

Issue 06, Volume 6 (June 2019)

SPECIAL ISSUE - 5th International Conference - “ACCE – 2019”


Mrs. A.Rosline Mary
Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering,
Vemana Institute of Technology, kormangla, Bangalore, Karnataka, India.
Rachana 1, SanjanaR 2, VinayaM 3, emanthN4
1,2,3,4 8th semester BE, Department of Computer Science and Engineering,
Vemana Institute of Technology, kormangla, Bangalore,Karnataka,India.
Manuscript History
Number: IRJCS/RS/Vol.06/Issue06/JNCS10101
Received: 29, May 2019
Final Correction: 30, May 2019
Final Accepted: 02, June 2019
Published: June 2019
Editor: Dr.A.Arul L.S, Chief Editor, IRJCS, AM Publications, India
Copyright:©2019 This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution
License, Which Permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author
and source are credited

Abstract – Human safety in India is a big concern which has been a most important topic regarding people safety.
In the current scenario, every person are worried about when they will drive fastly even at odd hours without
thinking about their safety. In India, most of the accidents deaths are due to lack of immediate medical assistance
on the roads like highways. Now a day accidents has been increased by negligence of driver’s and riders. Hence
hospital assistance system for safety has become the most important preference among many organizations.
Hence the proposed project is designed to provide security for all people by sending message to nearby ambulance
service, blood banks and to the police. The application sends location of the end user and also alerts to the
emergency contacts. The application also helps in providing women safety by sending alert message and GPS
location to nearby police station.

In the current scenario, every person is worried about when they will drive fast even at odd hours without
thinking about their security. Providing security to people in the current world scenario is critical issue but very
needed to every individual. Now a day’s accident have been increased in public transport by drivers and riders
Saving human lives in India is a big concern and has been a most important topic regarding human lives.
Especially for women and senior citizen, we have to provide emergency services will help to reach the police when
they face eve teasing, harassment, remote places and crime like chain snatching. Also, we need emergency services
used to prevent burglaries in locked houses in the city. Once met with an accident it is important to save the life of
person by sending alert message to nearby hospital, blood banks for assisting the injury. The term “Android”
refers to an Operating System created by Google which is used on mobile devices like Smartphone’s and tablets.
Android is an open source and free to use platform. It provides greater flexibility for the apps by letting Firefox,
Opera and chrome to run. Android provides Software Development Kit(SDK) free of cost for the developers to
minimize the development and licensing cost. Android phones come with variety of built in applications and also
supports third-party programs. Android programs are coded using Java language and are executed with the use of
Google’s “Davlik” virtual machine, which was developed for all mobile devices. End Users can download Android
applications with the help of online Android Market. The System built using android operating system will compile
source code, resources used by the app and wrap the min APKs so that the developer can test, release the
application and distribute. Hence the proposed project is designed to provide security and safety for all people, by
sending messages to nearby ambulance service, police station, blood bank. The application also sends location of
end user and also alerts to the emergency contacts
IRJCS: Mendeley (Elsevier Indexed) CiteFactor Journal Citations Impact Factor 1.81 –SJIF: Innospace,
Morocco (2016): 4.281 Indexcopernicus: (ICV 2016): 88.80
© 2014-19, IRJCS- All Rights Reserved Page-158
International Research Journal of Computer Science (IRJCS) ISSN: 2393-9842
Issue 06, Volume 6 (June 2019)
SPECIAL ISSUE - 5th International Conference - “ACCE – 2019”
Methods: The system is divided into different module; in our project we make use of four modules that is blood
bank, health monitoring request, panic button, geotracking system through SMS.
BLOOD BANK: Once met with an accident it is important to save the life of a person for sending alert message to
nearby hospital blood bank for assisting the injury. Here we will register all the blood bank with GPS coordinates;
hence we can edit and view the details of the blood bank.
PANIC BUTTON: It is one such button where once pressed, the nearby police station will be alerted in case of a
threat for the women in remote places and the required actions will be taken in order to provide safety.
HOME MONITORING REQUEST: Once the button is pressed, we need to input the details such as GEO location of
the house and the following dates of our absence in order to monitor the house from miscellaneous actions such as
theft and robbery.

GEOTRACKING SYSTEM THROUGH SMS: In this module a person can know our location if his/her contact is
authorized in our device by sending a keyword called “GEO” followed by a common text message.
Design: Process of design involves “conceiving and planning out in mind and making of pattern, drawing or
sketch”. The system design transforms the logical representation of what a given system is required to do into
physical reality during development. Important design factors such as reliability, response time, throughput of the
system, maintainability etc., should be taken into account. Design constraints like cost, hardware limitations, and
standard compliance should also be dealt with it. The task of system design is to take the description and associate
with the specific set of facilities-men, machines, accommodation to provide complete specification of workable

Figure1: Dataflow Diagram for user and android interaction

In Figure1, admin logs into the web application. Admin can only add or editor deletes the hospitals, police
stations, blood banks into the database. On the other hand, end-user and emergency services and contacts
interact with the android applications.

IRJCS: Mendeley (Elsevier Indexed) CiteFactor Journal Citations Impact Factor 1.81 –SJIF: Innospace,
Morocco (2016): 4.281 Indexcopernicus: (ICV 2016): 88.80
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International Research Journal of Computer Science (IRJCS) ISSN: 2393-9842
Issue 06, Volume 6 (June 2019)
SPECIAL ISSUE - 5th International Conference - “ACCE – 2019”

Figure2: System Architecture of Intelligent Protection System

• As shown in the Figure 2, during the time of emergency, the victim's GPS location is fetched and through
GSM module the pre-stored message is sent to respective emergency services.
• End user or the victim's mobile automatically sends message to emergency contacts and services.
• Also if victim is conscious then he/she can manually send message to emergency contacts and services.
• But to view victim's location, emergency services require internet connection.
• During any medical emergency, message is sent to only ambulance services to respective contacts of the
victim and nearby police station, hospital and blood bank.
• During any fire emergency, message is sent to only fire services and respective contacts of the victim and
nearby police station.

Figure3: Use Case Diagram for Admin

IRJCS: Mendeley (Elsevier Indexed) CiteFactor Journal Citations Impact Factor 1.81 –SJIF: Innospace,
Morocco (2016): 4.281 Indexcopernicus: (ICV 2016): 88.80
© 2014-19, IRJCS- All Rights Reserved Page-160
International Research Journal of Computer Science (IRJCS) ISSN: 2393-9842
Issue 06, Volume 6 (June 2019)
SPECIAL ISSUE - 5th International Conference - “ACCE – 2019”
Existing System
In the existing system, android application is embedded with IOT kit. To track the ambulance which is carrying
the patient and send text SMS containing location and values of all sensors details to the hospital using GSM
technology. And there is no voice reorganization system. Mobile accelerometer sensor is not used.
Proposed System
In the existing system, android application is fixed with external IOT kit hence it is expensive. The most enhanced
part of the proposed system is that there is no external device is used so that is less expensive and compact. The
GPS tracks the longitude and latitude in order to extract the current location of the user and sends the pre-stored
emergency message by using GSM to the nearby police as well as to the registered mobile number. The system
also safeguards the home from theft and robbery in case of absence of the person, GPS tracks to nearby police
The proposed system basically serves purposes such as, when an accident occurs the immediate messages are sent
to the contacts saved in application. It also serves the home monitoring in the absence of owner. In case of threat to
women safety there is a help option developed where it recognizes the “help” keyword will immediately send the
messages to saved contacts and nearby police station .This application also has a blood bank option where the
messages are sent to nearby hospital.

Figure1: Admin Login Page

Figure2:Admin Page

IRJCS: Mendeley (Elsevier Indexed) CiteFactor Journal Citations Impact Factor 1.81 –SJIF: Innospace,
Morocco (2016): 4.281 Indexcopernicus: (ICV 2016): 88.80
© 2014-19, IRJCS- All Rights Reserved Page-161
International Research Journal of Computer Science (IRJCS) ISSN: 2393-9842
Issue 06, Volume 6 (June 2019)
SPECIAL ISSUE - 5th International Conference - “ACCE – 2019”

Figure3: Hospital Details

Figure4: Police Station Details

Figure5: Blood Bank Details

IRJCS: Mendeley (Elsevier Indexed) CiteFactor Journal Citations Impact Factor 1.81 –SJIF: Innospace,
Morocco (2016): 4.281 Indexcopernicus: (ICV 2016): 88.80
© 2014-19, IRJCS- All Rights Reserved Page-162
International Research Journal of Computer Science (IRJCS) ISSN: 2393-9842
Issue 06, Volume 6 (June 2019)
SPECIAL ISSUE - 5th International Conference - “ACCE – 2019”

Figure6: Accelerometer module In ON mode

Figure7: Snapshot of Help and Fire button when manually invoked.

Figure8: Snapshot of Track button

IRJCS: Mendeley (Elsevier Indexed) CiteFactor Journal Citations Impact Factor 1.81 –SJIF: Innospace,
Morocco (2016): 4.281 Indexcopernicus: (ICV 2016): 88.80
© 2014-19, IRJCS- All Rights Reserved Page-163
International Research Journal of Computer Science (IRJCS) ISSN: 2393-9842
Issue 06, Volume 6 (June 2019)
SPECIAL ISSUE - 5th International Conference - “ACCE – 2019”

Figure9: Snapshot for Home Monitoring

An idea is proposed for saving victims during various emergencies by one touch. The application provides service
only if it is in active mode. In active mode, during any emergency case the victim can press "Help" button or can
steam for help which Automatically sends message to emergency services such as hospital, blood banks. Also if
women is not feeling safe in remote areas then she can press "Not Safe" to track victim location and send message
to respective emergency contacts and services such as police station. The proposed system also deals with
women safety. It helps the police ,insurance to trace by sending alert message with Location using GSM. The pre
stored message will be sent to registered contacts. Police stations and ambulance services during the emergency
situation in one touch. Proposed system uses the inbuilt feature voice recognition to recognize voice of a person
who is in emergency situation and sends the alert message. Accelerometer sensor which automatically computes
the shake value of a mobile and alerts the respective emergency services. It helps to prevent burglaries in locked
houses of the city. Provides protection to women by sending message to nearby police station in case of
emergency in the remote places.
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IRJCS: Mendeley (Elsevier Indexed) CiteFactor Journal Citations Impact Factor 1.81 –SJIF: Innospace,
Morocco (2016): 4.281 Indexcopernicus: (ICV 2016): 88.80
© 2014-19, IRJCS- All Rights Reserved Page-164

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